Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Theed, Naboo
Owain Barnabus yawned as he trod down the lovely street, bags slung under each arm and held in each hand. Of course, since Songbird had chosen him as her companion for her little trip into high society, she saw it fit to use him as her own pack mule. He had taken to the job with all the enthusiasm he could muster - so none at all. Still, the blonde girl seemed thrilled to be going, so he kept quiet. There would be time enough to get his vengeance later. Whether through teasing her or flat out embarassing her. Except how could he do that...
Eh, he'd figure something out in time. They were heading towards the spaceport, with a shuttle shceduled to take them to...wherever this Baroness lived. Owain hadn't really been paying attneiton to the details, what with Felicity's mother insulting and threatening him to his face. Hah. Not touch her daughter? Bit late for that!
[member="Felicity Mason"]
Owain Barnabus yawned as he trod down the lovely street, bags slung under each arm and held in each hand. Of course, since Songbird had chosen him as her companion for her little trip into high society, she saw it fit to use him as her own pack mule. He had taken to the job with all the enthusiasm he could muster - so none at all. Still, the blonde girl seemed thrilled to be going, so he kept quiet. There would be time enough to get his vengeance later. Whether through teasing her or flat out embarassing her. Except how could he do that...
Eh, he'd figure something out in time. They were heading towards the spaceport, with a shuttle shceduled to take them to...wherever this Baroness lived. Owain hadn't really been paying attneiton to the details, what with Felicity's mother insulting and threatening him to his face. Hah. Not touch her daughter? Bit late for that!
[member="Felicity Mason"]