Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Birds of a Feather [Open]


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Theed, Naboo

Owain Barnabus yawned as he trod down the lovely street, bags slung under each arm and held in each hand. Of course, since Songbird had chosen him as her companion for her little trip into high society, she saw it fit to use him as her own pack mule. He had taken to the job with all the enthusiasm he could muster - so none at all. Still, the blonde girl seemed thrilled to be going, so he kept quiet. There would be time enough to get his vengeance later. Whether through teasing her or flat out embarassing her. Except how could he do that...

Eh, he'd figure something out in time. They were heading towards the spaceport, with a shuttle shceduled to take them to...wherever this Baroness lived. Owain hadn't really been paying attneiton to the details, what with Felicity's mother insulting and threatening him to his face. Hah. Not touch her daughter? Bit late for that!

[member="Felicity Mason"]
The blonde girl had in her hand a single purse. She wasn't a servant. Of course she didn't carry her own luggage. That was what boyfriend- err, servants were for. Clasped at the front of her throat over the songbird pendant she wore at all times, was a cloak, fashionable, but not overly extravagant. She was very clearly someone with money, but her identity as Felicity Mason was being kept quiet. It was for the best this way. It never seemed to matter how many body guards she hired. They always found a way through to her. So best to go in secret with a false identity. No royal send off. Just quietly slip away.

Today and for the rest of this trip, she was Cordella White, traveling with her new husband to visit family. The story was her Mothers idea, oddly enough. It was funny. Felicity never thought for a moment that the Queen want to see her daughter even pretending to have a relationship. It was... curious, and it made her suspicious.

"Hurry up... darling. We don't want to be late."



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
He felt his eye twitch. This was such a blatant trap. The Queen was a conniving queen after all. "Oh, sorry honey," he spoke back, making sure ot catch up to the pretty blonde girl. "Maybe you should have packed a few things less, hmm?" the boy countered with a raised eyebrow, hefting the bags for emphasis. They weren't particularily heavy, jsut awkward to carry. "Which flight is ours again?" he added to distract her for a moment and give him time to think of a good way to tease her back. He could tell Felicity was enjoying this far too much.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
The girl opened up her purse, looking through it to find their tickets. The shuttle would take them up, but not all the way to their destination. The shuttle would take them to another ship already in orbit, one too large for the docks. If there was one thing Naboo did not lack, it was beautiful luxury ships that could take you where you needed to go in style. She may be in disguise, but she wasn't going to travel like a commoner. Owain would see soon enough.

"That one," she said pointing ahead with a white glove covered hand, "Come along. Only a little further."



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
Rolling his eyes behind her back, he dutifully followed. Oh yeah, he would have sweet sweet revenge on her soon enough. The shuttle was a small thing, little more than a ferry service between the sruface and orbit, where the actual transport awaited. It would be escorted by a pair of fighters, since no hyperlane was safe these days. "And we have our own cabin, right?" he added with a faint smirk as they took their place in line, Felicity already holding their tickets and a smartly dressed servant stepping up to relieve him of their bags. He nodded at the man before focusing on Felicity. "How long is the flight?"

Good to know how much time they would have to themselves...

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Private cabin. Yes. In order to not appear suspicious. That was a detail she doubted sincerely that her Mother had planned herself. It had likely been one of her secretaries that had come up with that and booked the flight. Mother would no doubt be enraged if she found out, but that was really not Felicity's problem anymore.

"We will be quite alone," she assured him, "For about.... 23 hours or so, depending."

It was impossible now to know the exact time of travel. The Galaxy felt so fragile, ready to give out at any moment. She handed their tickets over and stepped onto the shuttle then went to find a pair of empty seats.



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
He followed her up the ramp with a much more devious smirk as she looked about for a pair of seats. "23 oh my what will we ever do with ourselves?" he idly pondered, making sure to sound innocent. Maybe they would do nothing. Or maybe they would just spend time together. Or just maybe Felicity would want

[member="Felicity Mason"]
"Shh! Don't... not here," she hissed, blushing a deep crimson, "Someone might hear you..."

She forgot for the moment that she was supposed to be playing the part of his fiance and that it was perfectly normal for a young couple. Still she was sure her Mother had spies everywhere. She couldn't trust that woman, not when Owain was involved.

"Look, We'll talk about it when we get to our cabin Darling."



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
He couldn't help but grin as she blushed. So much for her cover story. Though it could work too. The blushing newlywed bride. Still, Owain just smiled and nodded as they found their seats and sat down. "As you mean my dear," he replied with a wink, leaning back in the chair. It would take them about a half hour to reach the ship and their cabin. "So what now, darling?" the boy asked, still smiling as he threw back the little nickname his Songbird had bestowed upon him for this mission.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
The Crow was going to get to her if she let him. He always did. She was going to have to put up a defense. Protect herself from his charm or else word might reach Mother and she might learn what was actually happening with them. If that happened, Felicity would never be allowed to see him. Still, she couldn't be too cold. She had a character to maintain. She reached over to lace her fingers through his.

Yes. Just acting. No. Not at all. Who was she kidding? She adored him. There was that chunk of her heart wishing she could maintain this fantasy forever. This was the closest she would ever be allowed to get to a serious relationship with him. Even if they both felt strongly, it couldn't be public. Not until Felicity was out from under her Mothers thumb, at least. No way Owain would want to put up with this until then. And even if he did, few years down the line she knew she would be expected to marry, and she knew she'd be expected to marry someone with a good family and with a good fortune. Owain had neither.

"Talk to me," she sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder, "Just talk to me."



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
He sighed as he settled into the chair, smiling honestly. It be like this. So simple, and yet so honest. They didnt have to hide. "Well my dear, what has been keeping you so busy lately? I mean...since the wedding, I've hardly seen you," he asked, using their cover story to embellish his speech. He knew how to play this game, though a part of him wondered if Felicity did. Well, it didn't matter now they were getting away from her mother. The problem now would be the baroness. Whoever she was.

Owain sighed again. Life could never be simple. But he would cherish what few simple moments he got. Like this. Just travelling with the girl he...urgh...loved. The boy suppressed a wince. He still couldn't quite accept how hard he had fallen for the naive blonde.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Wedding. The word made the girl turn an even deeper shade of pink. She wasn't good at this acting thing. Not like Mother was. She could lie her way out of getting in trouble at home, but when it came to carrying on a story and a character... she tripped. And this was especially hard, because she was just dying for it to be real. All young girls imagined themselves as a bride. They always planned the tiniest detail. The dress, the guests, the jewelry... They never really thought or cared about the groom, but for Felicity, that had always been her deepest concern. When she was pushed to marry someone, who would they be? Would she love them? Would she even like them? All of the boys that her Mother had approved of, every last one of them, blended together. She could not recognize names or faces. They all may as well be the same person. So polite...

"I-i'm sorry," she stuttered, "I hope you didn't miss me too much."

They never said it. Not yet. It scared her. Love. She loved friends, family, yes. But this was something new and different. This was so intense, so powerful she felt her entire world might implode of the 'L' left her lips too soon. Because she didn't want to lose him. She didn't want to scare him off.


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
She was so adorable when flustered. He leant over and gave her a quick peck on the lips. "Oh, I missed you far too much my dear," he said, still smiling and gently squeezing her hand. "We have a lot of...catching up to do," Owain added with a wink, settling into his role.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
His lips on hers. Right here. Out in public. It was so taboo, and yet she'd never been more comfortable with him than during this moment. It was right. This was how it was supposed to be. She should be able to express herself like this all the time. Being romantic in private was one thing, but in public, it was something new. She could show her love with pride. Or at least pretend to.

"Yes," she sighed, squeezing his hand back, "We can think of this as a... honeymoon part two?"



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
"Mmm, that sounds lovely," Owain murmured back with a glint in his eye. "I'll hold you to that," he added with a grin, leaning over to kiss her again. The trip up to their cabin was going to take far too long for his liking.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Her mother was not going to be pleased when she heard about this. Thankfully, by the time she heard anything at all, they would be halfway across the Galaxy. Together. And nobody could stop them from being together... except everybody, really. She closed her eyes, nuzzling her fake husband. No. Not hers. Mrs. Whites. It was pretend. A game.

Before she knew it, she had drifted off. She did that often. Sleeping was just something she did when she was bored. It was certainly more helpful than staring head at nothing.



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
With Felicity dozing on his shoulder like it was the most natural thing in the world, Owain just lay back and let sleep take him. He liked sleep. Growing up in the military had made sleep a luxury he fully intended to indulge in. Besides, he wouldn't be doing much sleeping later, that was for sure. Time passed in a comfortable haze before a quiet pinging alerted them to having reached the ship that would carry them to the baroness. SIghing at his now finished nap, the youth gently nudged Felicity. "Alright honey, time to get up and see this wonderful cabin you got us."

[member="Felicity Mason"]
Yes. Felicity liked sleep. But she hated waking up. That was the hardest part of every morning. She grumbled as Owain nudged her, opening one eye and closing it again.
"Five more minutes..."

Another ping and an announcement overhead. The shuttle had docked and the other passengers were already starting to dismount. The blonde opened both eyes this time.

"Owai- I mean, sweetheart. you should have woken me sooner. My hair is probably a mess..." She yawned, smoothing it out as best she could as she stood up.



Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
He shook his head at her fumbling, stnading up from his seat and reaching out to help Felicity up. "Don't bother fixing it...we'll only be messing it up again momentarily," he whispered into her ear as he helped her stand. He straightened up, smiling innocently and offering an arm to his wife.

[member="Felicity Mason"]
He was so bold. Felicity honestly wished she could just throw herself head first into this game of theirs. She wished she could fully become Mrs. White and just live the next few hours as if she really were his newly wed wife. But everyone was a potential spy. Everyone and anyone could be watching her every movement. She needed to strike a careful balance between being believable enough to get by, and being awkward enough to look like she was just acting to those that already knew better. It was very difficult. Especially when he kept making her blush like this.

"[member="Owain"] ..." she whispered, "please."

Their baggage would be taken to their room for them. Probably they were already there, waiting or the both of them. The blonde took the arm offered with one hand, holding tightly to her purse with the other.

"Do you think Hondo will arrive alright?" she whispered as they walked, "I asked for him to be sent later. I hope they send him soon."

The tauntaun was still young and already quite attached to the blonde. Probably because he knew how to get snacks from her. She was missing her pet already.

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