Jaster Awaud
Elder of Clan Awaud
A light woke Jaster up, he layed in his Commanders uniform on the cargo bay floor. Blinding from the cargo bay lights stunned Jaster as he woke up from his drunken slumber. Unclear from where he was or what he was doing, he recalled the night before as best he could from his hazzing memory. The Mandilorian had been paid for his job working for the Naboo goverment, his crew talked him into going into a local bar and were suppose to head back to his home station with the needed supplies this morning. He must have gotten badly drunk and taken the wrong shuttle to the wrong ship. He looked at his com link, he was soo late, the ship probably already left.
He rubbed his temples as he was in pain from his heavy hangover. He needed to find a crew member to pay for a room or something. Suddenly he heard a odd sound, animal like. He walked through some of the cargo to see a Tauntaun, 'What the?' Taking a closer inspection the creature growled at him. That when he realized it, he knew this creature, but where? His hangover was killing him, and then he noticed he was still holding onto a bottle of Twi'lek Rum. Apon closer inspection Jaster was happy to find it wasn't empty but half full.
"Sir, what are you doing down here?" Came a voice from behind him.
Jaster turned to see a man in some type of uniform speaking to him. "Any empty room boy?"
"Ya, one, but I can't just..."
Jaster interrupted, the kids voice was making his head ring more, tell your Captian and I'll pay 5,000 credits now and 15,000 credits when we land where ever we are going now." He had the spare credits on him, he was prone to get into these siturations.
"Sir, passage on this vessel is over 100,000 credits, but just pay me the 50,000 credits apon docking and I'll rearange the passenger list."
Jaster didn't care, selling the medical equipment made enough in this war time that he could live like a king. His Guild master made him think otherwise. He agreeed and was shown to the empty room, live with the punishment later.
He rubbed his temples as he was in pain from his heavy hangover. He needed to find a crew member to pay for a room or something. Suddenly he heard a odd sound, animal like. He walked through some of the cargo to see a Tauntaun, 'What the?' Taking a closer inspection the creature growled at him. That when he realized it, he knew this creature, but where? His hangover was killing him, and then he noticed he was still holding onto a bottle of Twi'lek Rum. Apon closer inspection Jaster was happy to find it wasn't empty but half full.
"Sir, what are you doing down here?" Came a voice from behind him.
Jaster turned to see a man in some type of uniform speaking to him. "Any empty room boy?"
"Ya, one, but I can't just..."
Jaster interrupted, the kids voice was making his head ring more, tell your Captian and I'll pay 5,000 credits now and 15,000 credits when we land where ever we are going now." He had the spare credits on him, he was prone to get into these siturations.
"Sir, passage on this vessel is over 100,000 credits, but just pay me the 50,000 credits apon docking and I'll rearange the passenger list."
Jaster didn't care, selling the medical equipment made enough in this war time that he could live like a king. His Guild master made him think otherwise. He agreeed and was shown to the empty room, live with the punishment later.