ooc: I was invited to help with the training.
Standing in the shadows as usual, Relic kept his aura concealed. It was the way of the shadow for many force users could be identified by their unique force signature. The best solution was to hide, even from those who were considered friends, besides the Knight was not about to let an initiate see his face, not until he knew the man could be trusted.
Relic was dressed in all black, his mask black as well. Yes he deviated from the silver cloaks of the Jedi of this order, but I was because black was the color of shadow. There was no darkness in Relic's mind or heart, only his appearance.
The shadow was rather proficient with the lightsaber, and while this one was learning well, he was training to be a shadow, and that meant he had to be the best. He had to be elite. Relic could help. The student needed to be pushed and [member="Creimire"] needed to be able to observe him in order to tell him what he was doing wrong. Simply put, Relic needed to duel the man. Stepping out of the shadows, he intended to do just that.
"Creimire, if you do not mind, I should like to size him up for myself. I should wonder how he would fair against Niman?"
Relic's prefered form, no strength, no weakness. It made the masters if this form excellent duelists. Relic pressed to be such.
[member="Connor Harrison"]