Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Black Heart

A subtle inkling in the back of Tyrin's mind told him to go open the blinders on the large window in his office. When it was opened, the glasteel portal provided a magnificent view of the upper city's skyline. He could see many things from here: the more expensive apartment complexes, the lavish office buildings of the more prosperous Coruscanti businesses, several headquarters for several other bureaucracies... It was a truly magnificent sight to behold. However, Tyrin was an Umbaran, and generally favored darker working spaces. It was also distracting on some occasions, so he usually kept the blinders closed.

Except for now, because he just felt compelled to do so.

So he hit the button in the wall, the blinders sliding off to the right unceremoniously. There was Coruscant, in all its urban beauty. Obviously, he could not see the underlevels or the more destitute parts of the upper city from this angle. Just because most of his work revolved around it did not mean he wanted to spend all day having to look at it. The picturesque skyline was exactly as he left it. Including the Galactic City Comptroller building, billowing smoke as usual.


A nasty scowl manifested on the Umbaran's face, and a low grumble in his throat. Someone was getting a strongly worded letter for this.


No. There was something wrong.

The Palace didn't feel right. The air felt disturbed, the feel of the place was odd. There was something very wrong. The force pressed pinpricks into her skin, crimson goosebumps spreading up her shoulder and down her back. Glowing yellow eyes darted around as she reached the very center of the Imperial Palace, where one of the few exits from the Imperial Dungeon lay.

She peered about, first facing the main gate of the Palace, then looking into all the hallways that surrounded her. Dozens of guards stood in place. Two Yuuzhan Vong Slayers stood at the sides of each tunnel, all holding the deadly Hydra Staff, all watching her out of the corner of their eyes.

Mierin tightened the grip on her lightsaber.

Something was wrong, she could feel it, she could sense it. Her eyes fluttered closed. She dug into the force, tried to feel what was happening. She allowed herself to sink into the Darkside, she allowed herself to focus. Her head suddenly jerked to the side, facing the entrance to the dungeon.

Lips turning down, Mierin stalked forward.
City Comptroller's Office en route to Sith Temple

What calamity. The madness spread without invitation. It needn’t one. The uptight workers snapped like rubber bands, degenerating into frothing madness hungry for the unemployment lines as if though they had been camping out for this moment for their entire lives. On later inspection, social media would confirm this by way of Leftist commenting, retweets of Fake News clippings, and Likes to politically-charged, social-oriented documentaries. They stampeded like maniacs down the halls, pursued by blue-collar security guards with rage in their eyes, shouting “I’m getting tired of this crap!,” but with more cursewords, unwilling to indulge in, or even humor the notion of, the extreme stress illnesses caused by the compounding of First World Issues and White People Problems. What began as pheromones and Guttermagick blackened like an oil spill through the tide of emotional contagion.

Nobody could be bothered to ask Benedict who he was or what he was doing here as he moved casually through the hallways, smoking indoors without so much a care in the world. After all, someone had started a much bigger fire on the top floor.

As he slipped out the front door, he heard some loony shout, “WHAT THE HELL DOES A COMPTROLLER DO ANYWAY?!,” and he laughed; the citymagus had no idea himself, but he could sense that there was magick in that somewhere.

Balancing at the edge of the platform, he flicked his still-smoldering cigarette down at the dividing partition between the Upper and Lower cities, the passing wind stripping free the still-smoldering ash and unfolding from it a pair of wings. He waited for a moment, watching as the burning grey matter lilted down like a little infernal moth into the gloomy darkness below. Then, without looking up, he lifted his hand from his pocket to hail a cab, only to find it was already waiting, the passenger window descended as the driver sought the citymagus’ recognition.

“I knew it. I suddenly had this feeling like I’d left the caffmaker on, and then I was like, ‘Wait a karking second – I don’t even own a caffmaker. That sonofabitch….’”

Ladies and Gentlemen --Demarcus Voidstrider.

“’—oughtta go see what he wants,’” the cabbie said with a grin, punctuating with an unlocking of automatic speeder doors.

“Cheeky bastard.” A slash of yellowed-white illustrated a reciprocated grin against the blackened handprint over Benedict’s mouth. He climbed into the backseat of the cab. Demarcus watched over his shoulder as the guttermage slammed the door shut and settled into the middle seat. “Sith Temple.”

“What the hell’s all over your face?,” he asked, shifting into drive. You high again?” The cabbie shook his head and pulled away from the curb, turning to face the skyways.

For those of you not cool enough to be in the know, Demarcus Voidstrider is a full-time cabbie, part-time henchman that Benedict recruited to his Urban Protection racket during the Jedi’s most recent effort to reclaim Alderaan. The two men attempted to prevent the vongforming of Aldera City, though whether or not they were actually successful still fails to be determined >_>. Regardless of Aldera’s ultimate fate, the adventure sparked a lust for life within Demarcus that he had long thought dead, so he packed up his family and moved off to Coruscant. These days, he acts as Benedict’s muscle and gunarm for more Noir-styled adventures.

“Shakes my goddamn head. Get into my cab high as kark, crap all over your mouth and hands, and you probably don’t even have money to pay me.”

Benedict lunged forward, reaching into the folds of his trenchcoat. While in the confines of his head he’d often laud his parasitism as an artform, he hated to be called out on it in the material world.

“I don’t, yeah! I got cash right –“

“Oh, no, you don’t,” the cabbie stifled a condescending chortle, looking to the Beggar in the rearview. “Don’t you dare hand me one more bag of those motherkarkin’ coins -- I’m not going to spend another night counting all that poodoo out. You just sit back there on your freeloadin' ass, shut the kark up, and try not to drool on my seats, you junkie nerf herder.”

Benedict crossed his arms and averted his eyes, his body language closing to illustrate his flash of pissed-offed-ness. In the end, however, he laughed at it off.

“You’re a good mate, Demarcus.”

“Yeah, well, one of us s’gotta be.”

Benedict’s eyebrow arched, noticing some small marker graffiti in the bottom right-hand corner of Demarcus’ glass separation window. For a “Good Time, Call,” it said, with a number attached. Wielding his red sharpie and guided by the stinging sensation in his brain, he scribbled over top the channel number.

“Best not be writing on my karking cab...”

9s for 6s, 3s for 8s, 2s for 5s…

Upon exchanging a rude-but-friendly goodbye, Demarcus abandoned Benedict on the path before the Sith Temple and drove off, disappearing into a backdrop of never-ceasing lights. There, the Guttermage stood in contemplation, the scene too familiar for him to be marveled, but still willing to take notice all the same.

Bright lights, teeming life. All around and everywhere. Coruscant, in all its urban beauty. But as he looked up, he found the sky so awash with pollution and incandescence that even the stars had forsaken them, leaving the population to die under this miserable, piss-coloured heating lamp.

“As above, so below,” he muttered, cupping his hands over his lighter to spark a new cigarette.

Benedict slipped his hands into his pockets and casually strolled toward the Sith Temple.

| [member="Darth Janus"] |
Location: Coruscant, Atmosphere
[member="Marcello Matteo"], [member="Darth Mierin"], [member="Darth Janus"], [member="Zaren Bouqi"], [member="Trenchcoat Man"], [member="Avalore Eden"], [member="Michael Sardun"]

Utilizing the tracking talismans given to them by Ember Rekali, it had been relatively easy for the team of Jedi to locate the presences of the captured padawans. The invisible, cloaked Sekairo-class shuttle slipped through Coruscant atmosphere as slyly and seamlessly as it had the One Sith's orbital defenses. Korr felt an increasing confidence in the chances of success, right up until he glimpsed the sight of the smoking comptroller far below.

The muscles in his jaw writhed as his gritted his teeth, struggling to silence frustration.

"Blast," he muttered, glancing sidelong at Marcello and the rest of the team who sat in the co-pilot and passenger seats. "They'll either be doubling security at the palace, or mobilizing assets toward the blast. Or both. Either way their threat level has been raised. Our timetable just got a lot shorter."

Brows tightening, he resumed staring out the cockpit as he guided the shuttle toward the palace proper.

"Can any of you conceal our presences in the Force?"
Marcello remained silent as the vessel slipped through One Sith defenses. The Rogue Jedi held no particular love of Coruscant, and he couldn't really say he much identified with much of its populace. That being said, he did not agree with a lot of things...yet he stood in support of one very simple truth. Choice prevailed over all else. Regardless of how false a notion it might have been in reality, Marcello believed that each and every sentient had the right to choose how they wanted their life to be.

There was an unfortunate reality that many make other sentient's choices for them. Speaking of making choices for people...Marcello knew full well that their ship would be largely undetectable, but he also knew they were basically trying to sneak onto a world literally filled with force users. More specifically, the characterization of their own presences would certainly stand out against the darkened existences of those below. Well before they'd ever even reached the atmosphere, Marcello allowed his eyelids to seal shut over his glacier-blue eyes momentarily.

For a few brief moments, he focused on the combined strands of the Force flowing around them. Initially, he started by manipulating his own presence to a microscopic size until it all but dissipated. Once that was complete, however, he expanded his efforts to manipulate the Force around his temporary companions. Satisfied that they were all well-enough hidden in the Force, Marcello allowed his eyes to open.

[member="Ryan Korr"]'s request came mere moments later. Marcello's deep voice echoed from the rear of the cockpit. "We are fine. Though this exercise will become exhausting if any of you elects to use the Force to a great degree." Their use of the Force would only force Marcello to increase his efforts, and Art of the Small was not exactly a talent that he practiced to a routine degree. That...would no doubt be changing.

[member="Zaren Bouqi"] | [member="Michael Sardun"]
Of course, as compassionate and as caring as Hal was, he sat back and observed the tender moment between two friends with a smile in his heart.

That, of course was a lie.

They didn't have time for this. He had never been a healer, never in touch with his tender side, if it even existed at all. Terrano had been a defender, he picked up the wounded and he took them to the healers but never tended to the broken himself. He just couldn't understand, he saw time being wasted where he could have just carried the wounded man out.

Leave the compassion to the healers. Let me defend you.

So as Avalore drained her reserves for her friend Hal further contemplated the means of their escape. Can't go out the way he came in. No, that was too much in plain sight, too many people to get past, how far could they have made it before questions started to get asked? Not very. However, while there was only one way in, there was more than one way out. That'd likely be there only chance, however where it would take them he was unsure. Temple schematics had hardly been his reading material.

A firm nod was granted to the woman's promise, heart thudding ever quicker within his chest as he helped Avalore to her feet. A squeeze stirring that scared little boy within him. Not now, Hal. Get your blinkers on.

“If there are guards, do not speak.”

With that said Terrano left the cell, not sparing a glance backwards to those who were hopefully following him. Not a right this time, a left. Just keep walking, stay quiet. Look mean, well, just look how you usually do. The way Hal's face sat naturally already steeped him in a certain kind of harshness. Once voted Corellia's angriest baby before the Jedi whisked him away.

Down the hallways he marched, hoping that they would encounter no patrolling guards upon their escape. Alas, not all things are so easy. Turning the corner the trio bumped straight into a guard. It's your time to shine. The man on his patrol stopped, eyes lingering over to Avalore, who had quite possibly been the most popular prisoner in existence, it was hard not to notice when she was being taken out to make more Sith cry. Poor Johnny 'Rough Him Up' Diamonds on the other hand was only granted a secondary passing glance.

“Where you taking this pai-”

“Further interrogation.”

Surprise surprise that Hal Terrano was an atrocious liar, voice monotone and stiff. Although, weren't those his usual mannerisms?

“But she's not supposed t-”

“They know each other.”

That's not technically a lie, and hey, in a galaxy so vast with populations unthinkable how likely was it that two people in a single prison upon Coruscant of all places knew each other?

“Still, I'm going to ne-”

“Darth Mierin's orders.”

There we go, name dropping his Sith Master into the pot helped the case a bit, no matter how awkwardly the words left his lips. Don't want to be causing trouble with that red schutta, after all. The guard's eyes narrowed and the gaze shifted from Eden up to Hal, who of course stared back unwaveringly, even with those bloodshot eyes. Was he close enough to smell the booze?

“Very well.”

Stiff nod and move on. It didn't really buy them much time. The patrolling guard would check with his superior, and that would be it, red alert. It likely would have been more prudent just to have knocked the man out, but that was not his style. Although, neither was lying come to think of it.

Through the doors they went, leading them through to stairs that...went...down? Generally going deeper was never a handy means to escape, but it was all they had. Alarms would be raised soon.

[member="Avalore Eden"], [member="Johnny Diamonds"], [member="Trenchcoat Man"], [member="Darth Mierin"]

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