Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Black Ice


Glory to the Empire



A single Venture-Class Star Galleon slowly moved throughout the empty void of space headed towards Starlyte Station. Their presence here at Tshindral III was meant to be a pit-stop in preparation for their long journey towards their next destination, the gambling world of Umgul, having arrived from the world of Seswenna within the Sector bearing the same name. However what was more important was what they were carrying.

It was supposedly carrying a considerable amount of beskar, hidden deep within the Star Galleon’s Cargo Bays and intended to be delivered to the nefarious Sith-aligned Military Junta known as the Final Dawn. Where the beskar came from was still a mystery to even the crew of the Star Galleon, but their job was to deliver and not ask questions. In order to discourage any attempt to attack the vessel, no escort was provided for the vessel with it having taken the disguise of a typical cargo ship on a routine delivery job.

This was to ensure that hostile local organizations such as the Rimward Trade League and the Imperial Federation of Systems would not get attracted to the vessel due to the presence of Final Dawn Warships, thus allowing it to travel near their borders without gaining too much attention from those organizations. Its safe arrival at Tshindral III meant that so far this strategy had worked as they had successfully crossed the territories of the Eriadu Authority and were now at a somewhat safe distance from the Rimward Trade League enabling them to continue their delivery without any issues. Already the small twelve to twenty-four crew of the Star Galleon, dubbed the Black Ice, had begun to lower their guard, confident that they could make it to Umgul without interference considering that even if the ship had a small crew that the small army of droids that protected the interior of the ship would be enough to guarantee success should anyone dare attack them.

Thus, the Black Ice continued their approach towards Starlyte Station, with its crew ready for a long-deserved rest from the constant work and paranoia they had to deal with during the first portion of their journey.

Tags | OPEN


Location: Jiguuna, Nal Hutta

A'ti considered the two Rodians, looking down at them from the lofty steps of an empty Hutt throne in the ancient industrial town, as they spoke in Huttese "The information is good. Our source says the ship doesn't even have starfighters near it." the Twi'lek majordomo turned her attention from one Rodian to the next "A ship full of Aurodium without as much as an escort, traveling through the Trade League's space to a washed up station? That's the information you come to me with, expecting payment for? This is either a trap for the foolish or a lie that you've fallen for. No, you will receive no payment from me." with that A'ti lifted her hand dismissively towards the duo "Take their credits, dump them in the swamp for the Akk Dogs."

One of the Rodians reached out towards A'ti, though clearly so far away from her it was impossible for him to make contact "A'ti, wait, wait! We will go! We will go as guides for anyone you send with us. With our info and your hired guns we could take the Aurodium - and the ship - for ourselves. If we fail then it'll be no difference to you or Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt will it?" A'ti paused and thought over the desparate porposal. It was true, that should the gunslingers, pirates, and these two scoundrels not return she'd be liable to pay them nothing. However should the rumor be true and the ship truly that unprotected... the profits would be extreme. The Twi'lek turned and put her hands behind her back while giving a haughty, withering glare, downwards towards the two spacers "Should you speak his name you will do it with respect." she let the scolding hang in the air until the more talkative Rodian relented "No offense meant, we would never offend his uh.. his... Richness?" A'ti did not look impressed but continued "Your terms are adequate. You will go as guides and lead any interested persons to this system where you will seize the ship and its cargo. Should you not return and the Consortium become aware of your treachery... no amount of Aurodium between Nal Hutta and Copero will save you. Return, as agreed, and you will be duely rewarded for your information and participation."

A'ti turned again from them and slowly walked away with a small detail of Gammorean bodyguards at her back. She had calls to make and bounties to list.

STARSHIP: Tra'tena SPEEDER: Burbr ARMOR: Gar'Katya
WEAPONS: Ravenfire - Burbr'sacitr - Burbr'sacitayr - Nuhaatyc'bedtr

<It isn't 100% confirmed, but I figured you would want to know. You're free to look into the matter. We don't exactly who is running the cargo, though we have our suspicions. It will be best if you can gather proof of any Imperial or Sith dealings. Just remember that anything confiscated other than beskar must be handed into the League. We know how much it means to your culture, so you have an exception for beskar. We will not be providing any backup, though. You'll have to do this on your own or find your own crew, if you have someone you can trust. We're sending the full info we have to your computer. Take care.>
<I have a crew in mind, actually. I appreciate the information. You take care as well.>
Interesting. Another ship possibly carrying beskar. Where were these people getting it? He'd already recovered a lot of beskar in a previous raid, only to find the amount it was but a small fraction of the amount of beskar held at the facility. He'd only managed to get away with about 55 tons out of what he guesstimated was over four million tons. It was certainly a shock. Was this some of that same beskar, or was it a different source? He had to find out somehow. But first, time to call in some help from the comrades who had helped on the first raid and gotten there own sizeable amount of beskar. They'd had a much bigger ship, so obviously had gotten more beskar, but it all was going to further the Mandalorian cause, so it didn't really matter who had gotten more. What mattered was that they'd gotten, and there was more still to be reclaimed. To be liberated.
<Hey, Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla , got a job you and Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil might be interested in. Potentially liberating more beskar. Not 100% confirmed, but worth looking into. And I'm sure you'd have fun with a little raid anyway. Bring whoever you think would be good for the job. I'm sending you the detes.>


sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ

Attire & Equipment

Not far from the station, The Recluse lay in wait with it's various cloaking devices and scanners operational. It's captain, a Mandalorian veteran whose name was all but forgotten in this new age, stood upon the bridge with her eyes forward but shaded by the inky black of her visor. The reflection of starlight danced gently inside that motionless gaze, flanked by fang-like markings as the old hunter observed the void from which she planned to strike.

But, like all wolves who had survived this long, She was not hunting alone...

Docked within the various rings of Starlyte Station or floating aimlessly around them, was the enigmatic Black Fleet. None knew the name as of yet, save for the very captains and crew serving among the fleet's ranks. No, they were a small and obscure fleet at the time but one with potential to grow. One with potential to crush the foes of Mandalore, if only the black hand was played well.

The first card of this hand would be friends in low places. To that end, it had been played well;

<Hey, Aloy Vizsla , got a job you and Leenic Ellsil might be interested in.

Earlier, Her recently acquired Ally within the Rimward Trade League had discovered something of great importance to the Black Fleet's cause, which had brought them here now.


Or rumors of it, at least. If true; Their sacred metal was currently in the hands of Sith-agents. The scum that had stolen it and their homeworld nigh on 20 years ago. And again only 14 years from this very day, no thanks the neglectful master whom the captains of this very fleet once served.

It was time to correct history...

"New contact entering range; Confirming starship" One of the old Vizsla's battle droids informed her as data began streaming across their monitor just below.

"Class...? Name?"


"Venture-class... Identification; Black Ice"

"Inform the fleet and summon my Marines" She commanded, turning on her heel to approach the communications room. Here she would find herself in the dimly lit quarters where a holo-table served as their only light source; gleaming soft blue like her armor.

She punched in the contact information for Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher first. Wherever he may be, whatever device he could find, he would either see her ghostly figure or hear her weathered voice first;

<<Vasher. Your lead holds true; The Black Ice has entered range. prepare yourself; my newfound trust is only useful to the living>> She stifled a chuckle before adding Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla to the call.

<<Arm yourself, my child. Your marines await you...!>>

Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Tags: A'ti A'ti Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Katyusha Jarko Katyusha Jarko IMPERA IMPERA
Flagship: Kessel-Class Battlecruiser “The Golden Dragon”
Escort: 2x Duinuogwuin-class Missile-cruiser; “Reclaimer” and “Redeemer”

Some ways behind Aloy’s ship, the hulking beast of a ship known as The Golden Dragon floated in space, flanked by her two escorts as all three finished up the last of their system checks to ensure that nothing would go wrong in the event of an engagement. The captain of said battlecruiser was Leenic Ellsil, a Mandalorian of significantly lesser standing than Aloy, but hardly if less veterancy to the Universe.

“Lieutenant.” Leenic said, pointing a gloved finger at the high-ranking Mercenary across the holotable from him. “Everything looking up to date? I don’t want the dragon to be caught with her pants down if we have to engage.”

The soldier glanced up at Leenic, tapping his data pad a few times before tossing it down onto the table haphazardly. “Systems are green to go sir, she shouldn’t have any issues with firing and shielding once we jump into the fray.” He said, shrugging as he pulled up the holomap of the sector they were sitting in, with the Black fleet highlighted in Blue and the Star Galleon and station highlighted in Red. “All guns are in range and ready to fire, and our escorts are on high alert to make sure no one jumps in underneath us at last minute.”

“Great, what’s the situation on engines and Navigation Star?”

“Everything is green to go, Leenic!” The pilot droid replied, still staying connected to the holotable. “All courses are preplotted in anticipation of evasive maneuvers, so we should stay well in range of our guns while remaining out of reach of theirs.”

“Great, both of you keep me posted.” Leenic said, stepping away from the table and putting a comm through to the Recluse’s bridge, bowing his head slightly once it went through.

“Aloy, the Dragon and her escorts are all prepped and ready to support you in any way we can.” He said, rolling out his shoulders and brushing his cape out of the way. “If you need us to vaporize anything in the sky up there with you, don’t hesitate to say the word.”

He then smiled a bit under his helmet, looking at one of the many bridge monitors showing the exterior of the hull. “Besides, I think the big girl has earned a live fire exercise after all of this waiting around.”
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Glory to the Empire



Unaware of the threats that lurked all around it, the Black Ice continued to advance forwards staying on course as it approached Starlyte Station. The Station had already been informed of their arrival as the crew of the Black Ice hoped to be able to begin the process of refueling their vessel as soon as they docked within the Station. So far everything was going smoothly for the small crew of the Black Ice and hopefully for them that wouldn't change.

Standing within the bridge of the Black Ice was
Lieutenant Mithak, a member of the Hand of Judgement who had once served in the Alliance's Military before joining the Private Security Forces of a Corporation which later ended up allying itself with the Final Dawn. He had been placed in charge of this small but important operation and was well aware of the many groups of interests that might seek to seize the Beskar the Black Ice possessed. After the debacle at Woostri, he was on the look out for any would-be ambushers.

This was of-course in stark contrast to the rest of his crew whom had begun to get comfortable and relaxed, confident that they would reach the station unharmed, but Mithak knew from experience that you could never be so sure if you were safe and weren't being stalked by a hidden enemy. He knew that someone could come for them, and would be ready to respond when it occurred, but deep down the Lieutenant was praying that such course of action would not be necessary.

Nevertheless, as the Black Ice continued to approach the Starlyte Station, a message would soon be sent to those within the Station's traffic control room.

"This is the Star Galleon Black Ice, requesting permission to dock."


Black Ice​
Being something of an operator, Yuna was operating the boarding pod as she was gauging the distance between themselves, and the target. She never thought herself to be in a Mandalorian strike team, but she had something to prove; loyalty. In truth, she wanted to get closer to Tayl, and best way to do that was impress her mother; Aloy. So, currently she had taken on the role of being an 'unofficial' bodyguard for Tayl; both for selfish, and non-selfish reasons. One part was her job, the other was she was genuinely interested in the woman, which made the end goal rather complicated.

"On approach, ready to punch it when you are." She said, looking back to Tayl, hand resting on the SLAM controls. It wouldn't take long, just a simple nod and they'd be ready to go. The tight confines of the pod were probably her only complaint, but if nothing else, she was closer to Tayl as a result. She'd rather something more stealthy than this, but Mandos never prided themselves on such things. No, go loud or don't go at all. It was a reality of this new life that Yuna just had to accept.

It was maddening sometimes, but the adrenaline rush was worth it once you survived the near death experiences.
Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher A'ti A'ti
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


<<Vasher. Your lead holds true; The Black Ice has entered range. prepare yourself; my newfound trust is only useful to the living>> She stifled a chuckle before adding Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla to the call.

<<Arm yourself, my child. Your marines await you...!>>

The ghostly image of Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla 's daughter would soon appear on the holo-table, Arms crossed and already dressed in her full battle armor and sporting the Fleet's emblem upon her helm; The Black Hand.

<<Mother. Vasher. Viper is already on standby, And ready to launch on your command>>
She nods before abruptly removing herself from the call, image fading in an implosion of pixels.

With mother's demands out of the way now, She would approach the pod and join "Yuna" in their assigned pod. She received and returned respectful nods with her hired help, though none were as courteous as they would have been from her personal squadron, "Viper Team". Those grizzled Children of the Watch were all nestled into another nearby pod, seemingly exchanging bets on the upcoming kills and perhaps even casualties among the mere mercenaries accompanying their Twi'lek leader in the next vessel.

Tayl of course ignored their silly banter, Her Bio-inhibitor chip already brute forcing her chemistry into an unnatural calm and fixation on her objectives. This machine that mother had turned her into always made the young Twi'lek strandcast feel a little uneasy outside of these fights. But once battle was to be had, she lived for it.

"On approach, ready to punch it when you are."

She came to a stop right behind the taller human, Gripping the handle-bars above for support in one hand and leaning around her to double check the systems. Less so out of distrust and more so curiosity.

"Across the star-tides in just a dive; They aimed to take our lives" She muttered to herself, repeating something from an old song Redsun had taught her.
The very man leading the bloodthirsty veterans in the next pod. Seeing that everything was in order, Tayl would simply nod and remain where she was.

"You sound eager! Soon... very soon"

Ata Jairt would appear and notice the two Rodians believing them to be her contact. She would walk up while putting her helmet on and put her arms around the two.

"So you two are the Rodians A'ti spoke about. Now how about you two be useful and help me get the goods in there so we all can make a profit alright?" She would say playfully before pulling out her blaster, not knowing of the other parties in the area.
sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ

Attire & Equipment

Aloy stared quizzically at the now empty holo-table for a time, a little concerned with her daughter's abrupt departure. She thought for sure that the girl would have been rather enthusiastic about this.

Nevertheless, she turns away to rejoin her command staff on the bridge.

"Ma'am, Black Ice has sent an outgoing signal to the station. Likely asking permission to dock"

"I see. Prep the Micro-jump and inform The Golden Dragon that we are jumping to the target"

"Roger roger"

The droid crewmen and a few human officers are quick to prepare the vessel for Micro-jumping, sounding off some sort of alarm before the vessel suddenly De-cloaks for all to see; A modified Raider II-Class Corvette painted in bright crimson. It is visible on the scanners for only a moment before suddenly-

It vanishes in a flash of light...

It appears right beside The Black Ice in a similar flash, shields at full and only a few close range weapons readied to fire on the galleon if need be. But, if everything went according to plan, they wouldn't be needing these weapons.

The Corvette's
"Hamada" Retractor beam immediately activates, attempting to latch itself to the Galleon. As the Galleon itself was larger, The Corvette itself would likely be pulled toward it rather than pulling the Black Ice towards itself. While it was disappointing to Aloy that she could not prevent the ship from running, She was content with the fact that it'd take The Recluse with it however.

"Hail the Black Ice..."

On command, The droids open a channel to the galleon. If accepted, they would see their assailant's holographic form appear on the bridge; A ghostly blue Mandalorian, cloaked like a create from the nether come back to haunt those who had sided with the very people who destroyed it's homeworld.


The figure's cloaked veiled most identifying features, while the holographic display muted it's colors. Even their voice was distorted by the old technology, but one thing was for sure;

This Mandalorian woman was angry, and her voice was commanding.

<<Crew of the Black Ice; We are The Black Fleet. Your ship, your goods, your very lives- Are now our property.>>

<<You are hereby commanded to cut your engines and prepare to be boarded. Anyone who resists- Will be shot. Anyone still bearing a weapon- Will be shot. Anyone who does not immediately surrender- Will. be. shot. You awill llow our marines to search this vessel and take what they wish. Those who surrender will be provided safe passage to the nearest star-port or station>>

<<If you do not meet our demands your vessel will be fired upon. You have 30 seconds to comply>>

Then the transmission would cut, and The Recluse's "Selvig" communications jammer activate, blanketing the space around it in a signal "dead zone" for 600 meters out. Unless they found a way to bypass this, Help could not hear them.

Furthermore, it still left The Recluse's communications open, allowing it's captain to command her fleet and marines. And command she did.

<<Bridge to boarding party; Begin your assault!>>

This would immediately see the reaver-class boarding pods flung across from The Recluse and towards the Black Ice, plasma cutters and clamps ready to bore into the ship and unleash their small payload of Mandalorians...

Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
TAGS: Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Katyusha Jarko Katyusha Jarko Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla A'ti A'ti IMPERA IMPERA
Flagship: Kessel-Class Battlecruiser "The Golden Dragon"
Escort: 2x Duinuogwuin-class Missile-cruiser; "Reclaimer" and "Redeemer"

Leenic stood by on the bridge of the Dragon, watching the holomap as the Recluse as it seemingly phased out of existence only to pop up right next to the Black Ice. Chuckling as he watched the extremely ballsy maneuver, Leenic nodded toward the Lieutenant standing across the table from him.

"Lieutenant, make sure the guns won't hit the Recluse if they fire upon the galleon, and tell Star to move us if we have to," Leenic said, standing up and moving towards the PA system's communication device. "I don't want to blow up Aloy on our first mission in the same fleet."

"It won't happen, sir, you can count on that." The man immediately replied as he turned his attention to his comms. "I'll let you know if anything big has to change about our positioning as well, I wouldn't want the captain not knowing where his ship was headed."

"This is why I hired you." Leenic chuckled, picking up the PA system's radio and clicking the talk button. "Attention Marines, I need a QRF of about five squads loaded up and ready to launch immediately in case things go wrong in the initial boarding operation. All U-Wing pilots, report to your posts immediately and get your engines hot. I do not want to let this operation fall apart because we were not prepared."

Putting the PA radio back, Leenic turned his attention back to the holomap, trying to make sure there weren't any other ships that were unaccounted for.

"Lieutenant," Leenic called, not pulling his eyes from the map. "Get me a channel open with the Reclaimer, I need to speak to her captain."

"Right away sir." The Mercenary said, and after a few button presses the Mercinary in charge of the Reclaimer was in a hologram on the table.

"You called, sir?"

"Move the Reclaimer to a closer range and swoop around the rear of that Galleon, I want to make sure that the Recluse is not caught alone out there if some Imperials decide to show up unannounced,." Leenic said, turning his head towards the hologram. "Understood?"

"It will be done, sir." And then the hologram was gone.

Leenic let out a soft sigh as he watched the holographic image of the Reclaimer start to break out of formation and heat towards the Recluse's position. With any luck, everything would stay as close to the plan as it was currently going.

But Leenic knew better than to tempt fate with wishful thinking.


Glory to the Empire



After a few seconds of waiting a response was received from Starlyte Station.

This is Starlyte Station to the Black Ice, permission to dock granted. Please head to hangar-

The message was soon interrupted when one of the officers shouted out something. “Sir, an armed vessel just jumped out of hyperspace right beside us.”. Suddenly the Black Ice shook as that very ship attempted to use its tractor beam on it, although it seemed that whoever was attacking them possessed a ship smaller than the Black Ice itself. Lieutenant Mithak was taken completely off-guard by the sudden attack considering they were only a moments away from safety. He did not expect any potential hostiles to carry out such a precise maneuver in order to attack the Black Ice.

Sir, shall we send word to Adras?” another officer said. “No, we don’t know if they are the ones we’re after and even then we only have one corvette-sized ship appearing on our sensors, which isn’t enough to raise any serious concern.” Mithak replied. Another officer proceeded to step in. “Sir, they’re trying to hail us,” he said. “Patch them through, hopefully the Stalker will be able to pick this up, incase they jam us afterwards.” Soon enough a hologram would appear upon the bridge’s holographic table revealing a Mandalorian with Blue Armor and a Cloak. Soon enough the individual spoke in an angry and commanding tone.

<<Crew of the Black Ice; We are The Black Fleet. Your ship, your goods, your very lives- Are now our property.>>
<<You are hereby commanded to cut your engines and prepare to be boarded. Anyone who resists- Will be shot. Anyone still bearing a weapon- Will be shot. Anyone who does not immediately surrender- Will. be. shot. You awill llow our marines to search this vessel and take what they wish. Those who surrender will be provided safe passage to the nearest star-port or station>>
<<If you do not meet our demands your vessel will be fired upon. You have 30 seconds to comply>>

The Black Fleet. At last, they showed up. Mithak was wondering if the bait would work. “Send word to Adras that the Black Fleet has arrived. Their heavier ships shoul-” Mithak was immediately interrupted by one of his officers once more. “They’ve already begun jamming us, it’s too late to send out a signal,” he said. “Very well then, activate all Dark Troopers in the nearest storage area and have them secure the hallway leading to the bridge. As for the rest of the Dark Troopers, keep them deactivated until they make landfall. Once they begin advancing throughout the ship, we’ll ambush them and annihilate them.”

Sir, another ship has appeared. It’s some sort of Heavy Cruiser.” an officer cried out. A Heavy Cruiser? Mithak looked out to the bridge’s viewport and saw a ship approach his position, the Politorate was well aware of the Black Fleet and it’s composition, three ships, one Battlecruiser, one Star Destroyer and one Corvette, with the Corvette already being the one having directly attacked the Black Ice. However they had yet to know about those Heavy Cruisers, which meant that there remained the possibility that the enemy had more ships then they had thought.

Let’s hope our intelligence on the strength Black Fleet is correct. We cannot afford any embarrassments today.” Mithak said. The enemy had revealed itself along with some of the newer ships at their disposal, but the Final Dawn still had the element of surprise, and hopefully that would be enough to put this so-called Black Fleet down. But even then they had taken a great risk in sending the Black Ice alone to carry it's precious cargo. Nevertheless, only time will tell whether this risk was worth it or not.


Unbeknownst to the Black Fleet, the Final Dawn was indeed prepared to face the threat of an attack upon the Black Ice. Trailing the Cargo Ship was the FDS Stalker, an Invector-Class Monitor Frigate, capable of intercepting any communications within a twenty light-year radius. Only located a few light-hours away from Tshindral III, somewhere deep within the Tshindral System, the vessel served as the Black Ice’s send second-line of defense, ensuring that back-up could arrive even if a ship prevented any distress signal from being sent by the vulnerable cargo ship.

Thus as soon as Aloy Vizsla sent her ultimatum to the Black Ice, the FDS Stalker was able to quickly intercept it, allowing them to know of the Black Fleet’s presence at Tshindral III and their intent to board the Black Ice. They then carried out a full sweep of all communications within a one light-month radius from where Vizla’s communication had been intercepted and eventually ended up intercepting more transmissions this time from Leenic to one of his Cruisers.

With the knowledge that the Black Fleet were present at Tshindral III in full force, a heavily encrypted message was quickly sent to Adras :


Now it was only a matter of time before the full force of the Final Dawn descended upon the Black Fleet. Just as the Director-Admiral had foreseen. Soon the Black Fleet would become nothing more but a memory of the past, victims of the overwhelming might of the Final Dawn.

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


<<Bridge to boarding party; Begin your assault!>>

"Send it!" Tayl barked for Katyusha Jarko Katyusha Jarko to launch their pod, waiting until the lever had been pushed to turn and open a channel to the bridge. <<Viper-actual; confirming launch>>

Which was quickly followed by the second pod; <<Viper-2 confirms launch!>>

After which she turns to face Yuna and the doors again, drawing her Hand-cannon and holding it at the hip with one hand, and knocking the hammer back with the other so she could fan it and send as many rounds downrange as possible once the doors opened.

Both Reaver-class boarding pods were quick to activate their shieldbuster charges to penetrate any energy shields that might stop them from reaching their target, after which they would immediately latch on.

Tayl's pod shook violently around her despite it's inertial dampeners as it latched onto the Black Ice, and a feint buzzing sound would emit from outside as the pod's plasma torches went to work.

"Shields up if ya have 'em"

Her own wrist-shield deploys as she gives the command, allowing her gun to slip right through as the shield expands to cover her full torso and whoever might be standing directly behind her. A few others activate theirs as well, bathing the entire pod in dim blue light as they form a makeshift "shield wall" at the front. It had many, many gaps, but it'd save them from a few shots if the armor wasn't enough.

There was also space for Yuna slide around back and use Tayl for cover, if she wished.

Not long after, the sound of a metal slab falling can be heard from outside, and door suddenly opens...
Along with several others, Tayl immediately pushes out at a steady pace, passing under the molten ring around the hole that pod had cut in the dense hull of the Black Ice.

A low clicking sound is emitted from her Scan-pulse module
, Mapping her immediate surroundings in case of dim light and also highlighting any droids or lifeforms within a 15 meter radius- Even through walls and other solid objects. Anything of interest was likely now a translucent holographic display on her HUD.

<<Viper-2, rally at my location. Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua and Yuna, on me...>>

sɪɴɴᴇʀs ʙʏ ᴅᴇᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ʀɪɢʜᴛᴇᴏᴜs sᴛɪʟʟ

A'ti A'ti IMPERA IMPERA Ata Jairt Ata Jairt Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Katyusha Jarko Katyusha Jarko Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Aloy watched from the viewport as her daughter's marines were flung through the void and into the hostile vessel, silently praying to herself that nothing would go wrong between here and there. But with luck, Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla had made it safely across and was already giving commands to her unit.

Releasing a tense breath, she turned away and resumed her command of the fleet.

"Inform the fleet that our Marines have successfully entered the vessel"

"And... just in case,"
She stopped briefly, looking over her shoulder at the communication's officer
"Prepare additional assets for retrieval. just in case"

Then she looked over a timer she had set, noting the Black Ice had yet to cut their engines as ordered
"Hm. Mister Janus; bring us about and divert some energy to ion cannons. If they will not disarm themselves like gentleman, we will do it for them"

And as commanded, The Recluse would begin to slowly turn until it's bow was pointed right at the Black Ice, and soon enough; It would begin pelting it with two large Ion Cannons in the hopes of disabling any exterior threats to fleet itself.

OOC: Aloy posts will slow down from here on out. she will be used as an NPC commander and only reply when the recluse is needed. I will be posting from Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla until further notice <3




Corbin was finally finished with all the legal work. He had a holopuck containing his Letter of Marque, with a copy uploaded to the computer in his armor.
He strolled towards his ship. He felt no particular need to hurry. He'd called Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla and trusted her to get a jump on things. He punched his bracer computer to send her a message.
<Got the Letter. Finally able to leave. I'll be on my way soon. You'll probably have the whole thing done and handled by the time I get there, but I do ask that you wait until I arrive, just so I can check things for myself. Out.>
He didn't know how soon she would get the message, but he wasn't really worried about it. He also wasn't worried about anyone else catching the message as well. It didn't say much, and he didn't use any names. Even if he had said his own name, nobody knew who he was, and anyone hearing his name would probably just forget it anyway. He tended to have that effect on people he wasn't personally close with. As he boarded his ship, he set some music to play. It was nice to get away from work for a bit. Even after putting Faolan and Rufus in charge of Force-Tech, he still had a number of responsibilities as its owner and lead engineers. And there was his position in the League itself. Add to that his positions as Forgemaster and Mandokarla initiate in the Enclave. Corbin was quite busy, especially for being only eighteen.

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Equipment | In Bio
Location | Raiding the Black Ice
Tag | Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Katyusha Jarko Katyusha Jarko

The Final Dawn, a group that Jackal had figured herself to work for at
some point.. Well that was now out the window so long as they remembered her face.

Jackal found herself within the same boarding pod as Tayl and others, keeping to herself seeing as the only person she even knew vaguely was Tayl after all. Is this what pirates did? It gave the mercenary a rush of adrenaline as the pod was launched with ferocity at the target; The hard thud of a landing making the Sangir adjust her footing to stay upright.
"Shields up if ya have 'em"

"But of course.."

Her pale finger turns on her own personal shield, as the pod bay door opened, Jackal rushed in behind everyone else... Time to look around eh? Her own scanner just like Tayl's goes off, searching for anything man or droid. All the while the crafty bat checks on her pad, consulting her Howl_runner to see if the blueprints for this ship were anywhere on the less reputable sections of the web... And within an instant the AI found more information on the ship thanks to it being so open on the market.

Jackal had the looming temptation to try and get to the storeroom herself.. Yet even if she could get there without extra helping hands, how was she going to carry around all the goodies herself? Sadly it looked like this was going to be a treasure she needed to share, yet thanks to people such as Alina and Carnifex... Jackal had a whole new greed that was far stronger than her greed for treasures.

Reluctantly she gestures for Tayl and the others to come over.

"See this is why you all should pay me more than others, think smart, not hard ya know? Here are the blueprints to this type of ship, the big ole room we are looking for should be down through thissss way."

The Sangir taps their black claw on the pad's screen a few times to emphasize where to go.

"I know I know, I am just the greatest... Anyway if we want to get me into things such as the inner working of the ship and perhaps even turn off cams or whatever else, could try getting me into a server room. Cripple their ability to chase us down even if they do get backup ey?"

She taps her head as a smug expression adorns her face, soon after showing the layout of the ship she readies her new disruptor rifle.


High Commander of the Lilaste Order
it had been several weeks since Ubbal Dusat had shown up in the Kalinda system or sent any ships to skirmish with the fledgling faction. and Laphisto was getting restless. they needed to find him and they needed to do so quickly the sooner that tunroth was dead the faster they could get underway with preparations they needed this Minor Distraction out of the way. he had overheard Ata Jairt Ata Jairt when she had spoken to the twi'lek when he went to purchase resources. the tunroth had to be getting resources somewhere with the number of ships that kept being thrown at Aurora station he needed a supplier. the hope was that maybe he was working with the twi'liek or at the very least was associated with the hut consortium in one way or another. he had the fellow Mandalorian followed to this system. all he knew was they were in the area somewhere but he didn't exactly know where

sitting aboard one of his Faction's newest ships a Dra'kiv class frigate his arms crossed over his chest with a small frown. they had lost the signal of the Mandalorian when they arrived in the Tshindral system. and now they were sitting there blankly with no true idea on where to go or what to do. or at least it would have been that way had the sudden voice of his communications officer rang out on the bridge " sir! I'm getting several signals ships have begun jumping into the system, I can't make them out but we estimate roughly five maybe six ships."

ships jumping from hyperspace was a good sign for sure, whether they were friendly or not was to yet be determined but if it was the tunroth on a raiding mission then hopefully this would be the appropriate time to ambush and destroy him once and for all, or at the least put a major hamper on his dealings, turn the tide against the pirate " prepare the beacon, when we have confirmed its Ubbal we call in the fleet but not a moment sooner is that understood?"

with a nod the officer would sit back down at his terminal returning to his duties looking to the Navigations officer laphisto would speak " bring us about full speed into the frey of that mess, raise shields and weapons we don't know what we are getting into but if worse comes to worst i want to be able to defend ourselves and get us out of there if we are wrong " crossing his arms over his chest once again he would grip his chin closing his eyes waiting for them to get within range of the Black ice unknowingly rushing into a Mandalorian engagement with both weapons and shield raised

Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla IMPERA IMPERA Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil
Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
TAGS: Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Laphisto Laphisto Ata Jairt Ata Jairt IMPERA IMPERA @“Jackal” Katyusha Jarko Katyusha Jarko Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher @A’ti

“Sir? Situation just popped up.” The Lieutenant said from behind Leenic, causing the mandalorian to turn around and see the new signature on the holomap. “Unknown frigate, damn thing just appeared out of hyperspace and started charging towards us with shields raised. We might be out of its range for now, but I’m not sure how long we have until it starts firing.”

“You have got to be kidding me, Star whip us around immediately I do not want to get shot in the ass by this guy. Lieutenant, order one of the guns to fire a warning shot across her bow, let her captain know that we did not come to play games.”

“Yes sir, you want me to contact the Redeemer?”

“Put me through now, they need to know what the hell is going on.” Leenic said, alarms inside of the ship starting to go off in order to alert the crew of the sudden jump into a combat scenario.

After a few seconds, the captain of the Redeemer popped up on the holotable, distress visible on his face.

“Sir, should we-“

“Move the Redeemer to screen and get all missiles ready to fire on that ship, we’re gonna put a quick shot across her bow to let her know we are here.” Leenic said, staring up at him. “Get it done now.”

“Yes sir!” Was all the man said before cutting comms, and Leenic watched his ship start to turn about on the holomap.

“Lt, what’s the status on that gun?”

“Ready to fire, sir!”

“Do it.”

The Lieutenant then grabbed the PA system’s handheld device, clicking the button to speak and pausing for a moment to collect himself.

“Gun one you are clear to fire a warning shot across the unknown’s bow, repeat gun one is cleared to fire a warning shot across the enemy’s bow.”

The first gun raised its barrels to aim at a position in front of the approaching frigate, being careful not to clip the Redeemer in the process, and fired off a single shot across its bow. The large red lasers streaked through the cold vacuum of space, easily missing the ship but remaining quite visible from its bridge.

“Let’s hope that’ll scare em off.” Leenic said, pointing at Starhopper. “Get the microjump ready, if that thing opens fire on us we need to move out of range as soon as possible.”

“On it Leenic!” Came the droids reply as he set about readying nearby coordinates for a jump.

Leenic then turned back to the holotable, staring at the unknown ship on the map. With any luck, they would run and leave the operation alone. But Leenic was pretty sure he knew exactly how this was going to end.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
as they grew closer and closer to the ensuing battle it had become aware that this was indeed some sort of piracy but the ships were far from familiar to him, infact he had no idea who these ships belonged to, for all he knew they were just some band of pirates but if they were pirates then maybe they might know where the Tunroth would be, he had to have had some allies nearby to be getting his ships. his train of thought was broken however as the pilot quickly jerks the ship to one side trying to avoid the shot that came there way.

stumbling with a grunt he would shake his head regaining his posture and looking to the pilot as they begin to speak in a mix of excitement and panick " sir unknown ship has fired a single shot our way, i can prep the weapons and call the fl-" he would be interrupted as laphisto shakes his head speaking over them " no that was a warning shot if anything they might assume us to be pirates as well, it's doubtful that they know of the Lilaste order we are far too small to be of any mind to anyone. instead bring us about stay out of weapons range and open a channel, hail the ship and let's see who we are dealing with here, and if they know where Ubbal is, power down weapons but keep the Tibana banks primed we don't want any surprises"

"sir we are reading one of the small ships are angling towards us, chances are they are preparing to strike" as another officer piped up laphistos attention would be dragged to them, with a raised brow hand gripping his chin in thought as he spoke " alright the fact they haven't opened fire yet means they are still capable of being reasoned with or at the very least they don't want us to be vultures and steal there prey"

the frigate would take a sharp turn, moving in one direction and showing off the symbol painted onto her bow. the ships weapons powering down and remaining in there resting position, which just so happened to be pointing at the group as they made their way in a wide circle around the ensuing combat keeping as far out of weapons range as possible which also left them out range to return fire

if they answered the ships hail Laphisto would appear on screen standing with his arms crossed over his chest, wearing his Customized set of Beskar'gam which bore the sigel of his family crest in the center and the mark of Clan ordo on the left pauldron. and his broad saber attached to his belt. with a soft faked smile he would give a nod to who ever managed to answer his call " apologies for our intrusion, we are not here to steal your prize, we had hoped to find someone else a friend of yours maybe?"

Laphisto was effectively blind seeing the world through a blurry haze save when he used the force to see, which in this instance he could only hope he was looking at the hologram correctly if not being angled slightly to the left or right." we are looking for Ubbal Dusat, we have a few words to discuss with the tunroth, if you have any information on his whereabouts i would gladly appreciate it." for the rest of the bridge crew they knew they saw a Mandalorian and not a pirate and in turn someone would go to interject only to be stopped by another person shaking his head, they had more important things to do than to correct the Kiev'arian

Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher IMPERA IMPERA Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla [ do hope I'm not over stepping by posting, waited a while but i figured it was ok since its more of a one on one interaction thus far, if I'm out of place let me know!]



Dorian Sevenar gazed upon the empty void of space from behind the viewport of the FDS Hand of Judgement's Bridge. As Director-Admiral of the Politorate, he had been working hard to snuff out all threats to the Final Dawn within the Mid Rim and the Outer Rim, so that the High Regent's Agenda could be advanced as swiftly as possible with as little interference as possible. Normally he'd be in his office issuing new orders, reviewing data collected by his agents and more stuff in regards to his profession, however today was no ordinary day, today he was on the hunt for an organization known as the Black Hand Collective.

They had recently appeared on the radar of the Politorate, when one of it's members Tayl Vizsla had taken an interest on a bounty placed on the High Regent by the Galactic Alliance, even offering a fellow bounty hunter who had also taken an interest and whom she seemed to be familiar with, the assistance of a mysterious fleet fielded by her mother who would later be identified as Aloy Viszla, the leader of the notorious Black Hand Collective, which had a reputation for having an animosity for Sith and Imperials. Of-course, the Final Dawn took this bounty very seriously and thus the Politorate resolved to track down those who had taken an interest on the bounty against the High Regent, and hunt down those willing to actively pursue it, with their first target being the Black Hand.

As such, the Director-Admiral had arranged a trap for them, having acquired a small amount of Beskar that could be utilized as bait for the Mandalorians, considering at how just like the Jedi and their Kyber Crystals, they thought that they were entitled to all the Beskar in the galaxy and that Non-Mandalorians were not worthy of it. They were predictable and it was expected that the Mandalorians would easily fall for the bait, and fortunately for the Politorate, their predictions would end up being true.

From an area of the bridge, an officer soon cried out to the Director-Admiral, soon informing him of recent events. "Sir, we've just received word from the Tshindral System, the Mandalorians have fallen for the bait as expected although they haven't arrived in full strength as we initially expected and seem to possess a new type of Cruiser that does not appear on any of our latest reports regarding their Fleet composition." the officer said. "A testament to the Mandalorians strong resolve. I am however very curious to know where they have been building their ships and how they've managed to raise such a fleet so quickly, but that is something we might learn soon enough." the Director-Admiral proclaimed.

"In the meantime, set course for Tshindral. It's time we forcibly dismantled this so-called Black Fleet, and remind the galaxy of the price of going against the will of the Final Dawn." Sevenar ordered. Soon enough the Hand of Judgement and five other warships proceeded to move into position to jump into hyperspace before disappearing shortly afterwards as they made the jump, headed straight towards Tshindral III determined to crush the Black Fleet once and for all, in the name of glory for the Final Dawn.


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