Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Black Sabbath | Chapter III: Grand Terminal's Fall


Outer Rim
900 ABY
The world turned as it had a million years before, as the sun rose and set on its horizons and its people rose to work or fell to sleep. Under the enlightened freedom and protection offered to them by the Mandalorian Protectors, it had found a new prosperity unchained by the imperial yoke. Thereupon a world who knew peace parsed sparingly by the militarized imperials yet fighting for control, people lived lives capable of joy.
It was there, in the morning sky over New Junction, that a storm began to form. Lightning arced miles, and dread began to fill the sky as an artificial eclipse shadowed the Capital in violence. Above their heads, and citizens and soldiers alike turned their gaze to the sky and a new dawn - they would see the silhouette of a great harbinger of death. It formed from the aether, a ship out of nightmares forged from the screaming violent deaths of millions; and its name was the on lips of all.
Mors Mon.”, the Mountain in the Sky, Death’s Chariot.
Amidst shuttering and violent clouds that began to stir the air and form tornados in its wake, it began to ignite the world in an instant, brutal artillery barrage on everything beneath it. So instant was its destruction, thousands of lives turned to ash in only a matter of seconds - ignited tibanna gas cutting great swathes of death through the world. Death on a mass scale had come for this world, marked by the sudden release of five battlecruisers - Khan class destroyers setting out to destroy the various cities of the world.
It became immediately obvious, a fact so brutal there was no denial, that the Sith had not come here for conquest. Their shots didn’t target the military stations with priority, they did not surgically strike at the most important, critical locations, instead saturating the most heavily populated places in seconds. Emergency beacons, SOS signals, a thousand alarms silenced by the brutal and unequal aggression.
Now the world was under siege by a force unwilling to conquer, but to genocide and destroy. This was not the fight most had become used to - wherein they would fight for geopolitical dominance, but the blind and judased destruction of an entire world.


Objective III - Grand Terminal’s Fall
High above the world of Feriae Junction, the Grand Terminal sat waiting. For hundreds of years it has served as a bastion of trade and support between some of the largest hyperlanes in the galaxy; filled with trade vessels and wealth unmatched by all by the deep core. Now, it lies directly in the path of a massive Sith Battlecruiser, known solely as ‘Mors Katan’.
Initial firing volleys had proven their strategy was transparent - the Sith were firing for effect on the support systems. There was no other possible conclusion to come to, the Sith intended to drop the station back on the planet, and judging by the interception vectors, it will fall from orbit directly onto the city of New Junction.
The death would be unmatched, the fall of Grand Terminal would devastate the world perhaps permanently. To defend it may mean the life of every person in the world - to attack it would fulfill the goal of the Sith, the death of the world.
Prepare your weapons, the world’s fate is to be decided in orbit.

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Fleet: 1x Praelium Mihi-class Battlecruiser (Praelium Mihi), 2x Rain-class Direct Fire Escort Corvettes, 10x GF-4 Stinger Multirole Fighter squadrons, 5x Viper "Blackbird II" Special Operations Interceptor squadrons, 6x HB-1 Hssiss Heavy Bomber squadrons

Mig looked out as the classified warship barreled through hyperspace. There was no time to get much more of an escort, but they had to move quickly. Hopefully his vod could help draw some fire. He looked at the swirl of blue in front of them.

"How much longer?"

"A few minutes more, Alor. You really think there's a Sith Battlecruiser?" Mig just nodded to the helmsman.

"I trust Junction not to exaggerate, but we better have the IFF blaring. I doubt any ally at this battle will know about the Praelium Mihi's existence." An AI that took a young appearance soon popped up, looking at the Alor.

"Everything's ready, Alor. I've been trying to be prepared for this." Mig nodded, looking out.

"You'll do fine Mihi." He said, looking out as the battlecruiser reverted into real space. Mig looked out, hitting the comms. "This is the Praelium Mihi. Gred Fleet. We're ready to engage that battlecruiser and try to put her down." As the Gred ship slipped closer, her fighters, interceptors, and bombers all beginning to launch. The forward HPCs began to charge too as the turrets began to line up for fire. The fleet had their chance now for something against the Sith. Both protecting Junction, and revenge on the Sith for all those years of running. They wouldn't let another world fall like this.
Call sign:


Flight suit
Piloting Delta 7-B

Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred |

Djikra had been at the station for over a day acquiring more assets for Elnev Holdings when the station came under attack & alarms blared. Chaos erupted across the station, but only glee ran through Djikra as she ran to get her flight suit on & got to her fighter. It's go time!

Her hands flew across the controls getting the ship taking off while the handful of other pilots were just coming in to the hanger. "Alright R3-J9, plan is to kill as many TIE's as possible. When its time we will get the hyperspace ring and get going." the Feminine programmed droid responded in droid speak <<You got it, I will take care of the other things.>>

As her ship made distance from the station a comm came in,
Mig looked out, hitting the comms. "This is the Praelium Mihi. Gred Fleet. We're ready to engage that battlecruiser and try to put her down."

Djikra responded "Praelium Mihi this is Magick, I will coordinate with your fighters." already it was looking better for more kills. She adjusted her course to rendezvous with their fighters.
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"Alor Mid Gred, here is Alor Jurr Awaud of the Clan Awaud Nomad Fleet! We cover your shebs and would sweep your flanks clean of fighters at your attack vector!"

The Mandalorian Nomad Fleet, consisting mostly of retrofitted old designs, synchronized to leave the Hyperspace a minute after Clan Gred attacks to surprise the enemy perimeter watch.

"Oya, Magick, Clan Awaud will send you gunboats as support! Good hunting!"

This would be not an easy fight, but the capturing of enemy ships would be a fine addition to the growing fleet of the clan.
Jurr Awaud smiled grimly.
He deeply despised the genocidal fanatics of the enemy. They were like rabid akk dogs and had to be put down like rabid akk dogs.

Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Mig Gred Mig Gred
Ship: Hyper class interceptor

Enemies: Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev

"Boogies on 9-5! Coming out of hyperspace! By the Dark Side, they are so close to the gravity well! What crazies would do THAT?" The recon scout radioed at the same time, as the sensor screen was full of blips turning from unidentified to red.

"Mandalorians, of course!", Lord Tooka snarled. "And now stop the chatter and fall back into position, scout!"

She announced her wing mates: "Meteor squadron, engage enemy fighters. Take out the bombers. Commence the attack!"

With the widespread feared shrieking of the TIE interceptors, the fastest machines of destruction the Galaxy knew howled into the direction of the attackers.
Lord Tooka was indifferent to the fate of the genocidal maniacs in the command ships she was ordered to protect. Her goal was the joy of dogfights and the glory of battle.
She was the epitome of the knight errant of old, as Sith saw personal fighting as the way of live and not as the decadent ruling of masses.
Her Tu'kata shrieked toward the beacon of the force in the enemy lines.

"Time to play, little mouse!", she radioed on open channel to the pilot of the Delta-7 and a hail of blaster bolts rained onto the formation of the enemy as a wedge of rotating interceptors howled toward them.
Werr Shipping & Security ships
3 x Recusant's WSS Resolute, WSS Farbound, WSS Conflux
1 x Providence Flagship WSS TruthSeeker

Vultures aboard the ships 288

Allies: Mandlorians, Mig Gred Mig Gred , Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud , Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev
Enemies: Sith Order

Aurine had been at the station for days, it was a busy hub and some of her companies ships were almost always there. They shipped a lot of Agricultural, raw, and finished goods. The bulk was always Ag goods and the nutrients that went back to the Agricultural worlds. She was here for two reasons, the first consisting of tracking leads on her still missing father. The second was the Mandalorians were paying for extra warships to be in key areas incase either of the enemies intruded.

It had been five years since Aurine's father disappeared. He had been aboard his custom Providence heading out into the Outer Rim before vanishing. The family hasn't stopped searching, and this station has logs that makes his ship here five days after the family lost contact.
But that would have to wait unfortunately as the station blared alarms and sent them to ships that were docked.

The WSS TruthSeeker was the only ship of the group docked, one of the first officers came in to the holo room "Ahem, CEO Werr the station & planet are under attack. Orders?" She stared at him with her blue eyes "Great, I will patch through here and be on the bridge momentarily. Get us disembarked from this station with post haste." The Sephi saluted before running off. Here we go. Aurine thought.

Opening up the holo comms "Werr Shipping & Security Vessels, deploy your vultures & keep bombers off the station. Ships you are authorized to fire at the Sith capital ships. Aurine out." She followed up the holo comm with another holo comm to Mig Gred Mig Gred Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud & Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev "My names Aurine, CEO of Werr Shipping & Security. My few ships will aid where they can & my Vulture droids will help screen your bombers & fighters. To victory!" Truth be told she had to try with everything to win, that station might be the key to finding her dad.

Aurine walked to the bridge without haste, her ship would be fine for now. And any fighters that got too close would get some flak gun fire mixed in with the bolts of her guns.

Ships launch vultures to keep bombers and fighters away, also screening Mando bombers
All four ships start firing what weapons that can reach or move a little ways away from the station to fire on the enemy capital ship(s).
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Call sign:


Flight suit
Piloting Delta 7-B

Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred | Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud | Aurine Werr Aurine Werr
Enemies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka

Djikra got the drop on three TIE's that were patrolling, with force precognition she laid them to waste before meeting up with Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud 's fighters. "Thanks Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud for the support! its time to get to work." No sooner than she met up with allied fighters did a message come across her comms as a enemy group of TIE's appeared on the sensor screen.

"Time to play, little mouse!"

It was a funny message. Heh, Calling me a mouse... Thats a new one. Djkra took swift action "R3-J9 can you triangulate which fighter it was." The Feminine programed droid responding in happy droid speak. <<Awaud fighters return fire!>> Her fighter turned toward the hail of bolts as she took evasive moves and fired back. Before drinking just enough water of life to cast her spell.

To all who could see her fighter disappeared into a green wisp of dissipating smoke. Djikra's fighter reappeared behind, above, and angled down at the TIE's as her burst of bolts destroyed the two caught off guard edge formation TIE's. Only a few more times I can pull that stunt. She thought, it was fairly taxing on the magick reserve to teleport a whole fighter. She then locked on heading to get in range of her prey, sending a message to Lord Tooka Lord Tooka "Who is calling whom a mouse?"

This fight was going to be Taxing on her magick reserve. Good thing she had the water of life with her to keep fueling spells longer. One thing was certain, none of these Sith had to deal with a Witch in a fighter before.
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Ship: Hyper class interceptor

Enemies: Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Aurine Werr Aurine Werr

Two things distracted Lord Tooka. There were a flotilla of Sephi ships joining the fray and the emotions in her boiled up.
And seecond was the stunt of the Aethersprite.
"Teach me that skill, jumpy mouse, if we both survive this! That is amazing and dripping green with the dark side! I want that skill too!"

Where other TIEs were surprised and destroyed by this teleportation trick, it was almost too easy to predict the jumps for a force user because it shined like a line in the force with a beginning and an end.
A break and roll and the deadly dance of the two force users began anew. Effectively, both bound each other in their dogfight, and neither side's normal pilots were slaughtered by these playful super beings.

The Mandalorian gunships hammered into the forward fighter screen of the dark armada. Rotating turrets and homing missiles canceled the incredible speed of the TIEs, and the superior Fang-class broke the formation of the point defense, creating a breach for the capital ships to engage.
The soulless Vulture droids could match the TIEs in velocity and maneuverability.
The combined flexible tactics of these so different foes were hard to adapt by the static doctrine of the Empire.

The still blackness of space became a kaleidoscope of colors as ships exploded in expanding gas clouds and laser fire crisscrossed between the fleets.

Lord Tooka did not care. She played joyfully like a Lothal-Cat with her chosen foe.
Location: Feriae Junction High Orbit
Objective: Protect the Mors Katan
Call Sign: Fragile Dancer
Allies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka
Enemies: Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Mig Gred Mig Gred Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Aurine Werr Aurine Werr

Seela Leini shifted one of her eyes to the sensor readout as Lord Tooka Lord Tooka delivered her orders to the pilots of Meteor Squadron. The other eye—representing a simultaneous instance of her awareness owing to her multitasking implant—was focused on accelerating her starfighter to attack velocity to engage the Mandalorian bombers under the Gred Fleet. Said bombers, along with their fighter and interceptor escorts, were quickly moving into formation as they launched from the expansive hangar bay of the Praelium Mihi, doubtlessly preparing for an attack run on the hulking warship that was the Mors Katan.

If all went according to plan, said attack might never reach the Mors Katan if Meteor Squadron could succeed in heading off the Mandalorian small craft squadrons before they could establish formations.

“Affirmative, my Lord.” Seela answered the Sith ace over the squadron’s shared comm channel. While she had only just met Lord Tooka during the briefing prior to the mission (Seela’s assignment to Meteor Squadron had been a last minute decision), the Twi’lek was very much aware of her reputation as an ace and a powerful Sith, which preceded her thusly.

“Targets acquired! Engaging…now!” Seela growled as she locked onto a grouping of heavy bombers which had just disembarked from the Praelium Mihi. Then, leveraging the range of her missiles, the Twi’lek gave the mental command to fire, at which point a pair of plasma warhead-equipped missiles rushed out from her craft’s port-side flex tube launcher, along with a single concussion-equipped missile from the starboard-side launcher.

In the moments that followed, three missiles raced towards three heavy bombers at blistering velocity, delivered with all the intent to annihilate their respective targets. All the while, Seela pushed the throttle forward and twisted on the control yoke to whip her starfighter around in a g-force-inducing drop-kick turn, chaff spitting out in her wake in anticipation of swift retaliation from the Mandalorian fighter squadrons.

Craft: IS-12 "Pyrolisk" Starfighter
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Fleet: 1x Praelium Mihi-class Battlecruiser (Praelium Mihi), 2x Rain-class Direct Fire Escort Corvettes, 10x GF-4 Stinger Multirole Fighter squadrons, 5x Viper "Blackbird II" Special Operations Interceptor squadrons, 6x HB-1 Hssiss Heavy Bomber squadrons

Mig looked seeing the enemy ships starting to approach. He took a breath, hitting the comms to his allies.

“We hear you load and clear. Watch for the flak wall and be ready.” He then looked at the scanners, noting they were well in range for the largest of the guns.

“Mihi! Fire defensive batteries! Gunnery! Light them up! Show them what we brought.” And with that, the crew got to work, hyper particle cannons, heavy railguns, and triple heavy particle cannon batteries began to light up the Sith battlecruiser, while Mihi commanded the Squall turrets, soon covering the space between the Mandalorian and Sith fleets in a wall of shrapnel sent out from the flak bursts that Gred pilots took to calling hail. The corvettes held position, waiting for any forces or weapons to try and get close to the larger warship.

The squadrons meanwhile were soon on the thick of it. The bombers would try to break off slightly, attempting to target the missiles, but it was a fool’s errand as one of the bombers was rocked by the missile impacts. Others targeted the fighters coming in with their laser and particle turrets. The Vipers and Stingers would dart into the fray, quickly moving to target the Sith fighters and get the bombers to the target. All squadrons cut on their jammers, taking shots on the enemy fighters to let them know they weren’t alone out here.

Seela Leini Seela Leini Lord Tooka Lord Tooka Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
At the flank of the Gred attack fleet the dreaded old Keldabe class battleships of Clan Awaud also opened fire on the giant enemy flagship with their massdriver missile launchers. High velocity projectiles peppered the foe with a hail of deadly warheads.

Should the Greds close in, Clan Awaud's shield leechers would strip the enemy naked.
"The bigger they are, the harder they fall!", Jurr said with a grim smile and shouted: "Concentrate the fire on their point defense batteries! Make a nice shining beacon for the bombers!"

The howling Fangs and Kom'rk screened their allies and used the flak wall to their advantage to hunt down the frantically evading and scattering enemy interceptors. The Sephi clankers helped immense in this regard.

Seela Leini Seela Leini Lord Tooka Lord Tooka Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean @Mig Gred

Nyles Kote

Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an


Friendly Units:





Units in Reserve: The entire might of Strill Securities' naval assets. All too far to respond.
Ally Tag(s): Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev | Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Aurine Werr Aurine Werr | Mandalorian Protectors and Allies
Enemy Tag(s): Lord Tooka Lord Tooka | Seela Leini Seela Leini | Michael Hightower Michael Hightower (intending to engage) | Sith Order and Allies




One battlefield to another. That was how business was sometimes. This time it was in defense of the Protectors. Mandalore's supposed best hope. Recent happenings had made his faith in that premise fade by a notable margin, but not only were they valued customers they hadn't done anything completelydi'kutla yet. Nyles still believed, perhaps a little less firmly than he had before that they were among the best hopes for the Mandalore sector. Especially if they kept up the reconstruction efforts that they had so far.

Some part of him had to admit that the decision to come and help was as much about helping the Protectors as it was about unfinished business with the Sith Order. Ever since the fall of Susefvi, the matter of the Sith order had been one that they hadn't quite come to a conclusion about how to deal with, let alone solve. Thankfully, the Sith hadn't kept them waiting too long and had provided them with an opportunity to take their pound of flesh, and like the creature of the company's namesake they had leapt from their perch for the kill.

"Dropping out of hyperspace, alor," called Anni Kyrdol, the Morut's operations officer. As the ship translated to realspace under full battle alert with the other ships in the formation, the bridge snapped into full activity around him. The tactical display came to life as the ship's sensors warmed up, shaking off the relative inactivity that hyperspace jumps brought. The Morut's Manda module connected to the ship's sensor, scanner, targeting and tracking suite and networked into the other ships' modules easily picked up hostile, unknown and friendly vessels out of the chaos of combat.

"Looks like we're late to the party," said Emri, his XO, from the other side of the battlenet fed main tactical display. "Not that its much of a party," she added, sighing. One by one, their escort corvettes appeared on the display, as did the corvettes launched by the other vessels in the grouping. Emri went through the motions, ordering their fighter screen to launch and for their electronic warfare suite to go live. Gorse was already ordering gunnery coordinators to start picking targets out and tracking them, waiting for him to give the order to commit to the engagement.

"We'll liven it up," he said, a smile flickering across his features. "Gett, I need a channel to all friendly ships." Nyles only had to wait a moment following Gett's acknowledgement signal's appearance on his HUD before the icon that told him he was connected flashed in the corner of his HUD. "This is Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an Kote on the Darasuum Morut. We're transmitting data-link hand shake codes, please sync up, it'll make sure we don't shoot the same thing more than it needs to be shot."

"Gred only brought three ships, what in haran did they go and do that for?" asked Emri once he'd finished transmitting, staring at the holographic representation of the ship and its data readout with her buy'ce inclined slightly off-center. "It's a nice ship, though, not as nice as the Morut, but nice," she added, barely a moment later. Nyles was inclined to agree, it was a nice ship, but he'd take the Morut over her any day of the week, and that was him being as objective as he could on the matter. Of course, not that Clan Gred was offering him a chance to take her for a spin of course.

"You say that about every ship though," he laughed. Emri gave him a blank visored glare in response. "Ships are expensive, vod. He's being careful, can't blame him." he elaborated. Emri inclined her head in the other direction and then shrugged. A gesture that Nyles had come to understand over the decades that they'd been friends was her non-verbally conceding the point to him. Nyles glanced at the tactical display. The ships were slowly advancing from the system's edge to engagement range. For now, everything was going according to plan.

Fleet Action Summary

  • Fleet has arrived, deployed fighter cover, deployed escort corvettes and turned on its electronic warfare systems, both passive and active.
  • Nyles has raised friendly forces, offering a data-link handshake code for the 'Manda'ika' Battlenet Relay so that data, targeting and the like can be shared more conveniently.

Call sign:


Flight suit
Piloting Delta 7-B

Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred | Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud | Aurine Werr Aurine Werr
Enemies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka | Seela Leini Seela Leini

A dance had begun one of force fueled actions & reactions. Sure the droids could keep up, but not actually predict like Djikra & apparently Lord Tooka Lord Tooka could. Both taking down or damaging errant fighters in the path of their dogfight. Djikra heard the holo transmission of the Sephi Aurine Werr Aurine Werr but didn't bother replying, more important things were going on. Her adversaries voice came across again.

"Teach me that skill, jumpy mouse, if we both survive this! That is amazing and dripping green with the dark side! I want that skill too!"

Heh she thought of course a Sith would want that power. Open comm'ing back "You see Sith are the enemy, so teaching you while the enemy is out of the question." The Sith had coveted such powers in ages past, and always cooperation wound up with betrayal.

R3-J9 beeped chirped and whined <<Perhaps you should use the Sephi's ships ion cannons to get our adversary?>> It was a brilliant but almost impossible to pull off stunt. "R3-J9 that is a great idea patch me through to Aurine's ship." The droid chirped and opened a comm channel. "Aurine, If I can get my target to get in range of your Ion cannons can you disable & detain the enemy pilot?"

It was a long shot but to the end Djikra started to subtly manipulate the fight to get close enough for it to work. Here goes nothing! As she changed her heading from chasing Lord Tooka instead shooting down another two TIE's trying to get Lord Tookla to take the bait and follow boards the WSS TruthSeeker.

As her fighter weaved through debris and she took down an enemy here and there another Mandaloran arrived with more ships. Followed by a comm to accept digital handshakes to avoid unnecessary shots. R3-J9 beeped whirred, and chirped at the message. Followed by a HUD message that digital handshake complete.
Location: Feriae Junction High Orbit
Objective: Protect the Mors Katan
Call Sign: Fragile Dancer
Allies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka
Enemies: Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Mig Gred Mig Gred Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Nyles Kote Nyles Kote

A pair of kill marks manifested in her HUD as Seela turned her starfighter back towards the growing furball transpiring in the middle of the two opposing fleets. Her three missiles had taken out two out of the three heavy bombers that she had targeted. It was a good start, but was ultimately only a minor scratch on the juggernaut that was the Mandalorian small craft squadrons. Nevertheless, the Twi’lek’s gaze lit up beneath the transparent visor of her helmet, before once more narrowing with lethal intent as she vectored towards Lord Tooka Lord Tooka .

“My lady, I am moving towards your position. I will be on point for support, if you need it.” Seela transmitted to the Sith pilot.

All the while, Seela opportunistically closed in on a quartet of vulture droids from behind. As soon as she came within range, her laser cannons spat out a blistering salvo of Sianteria plasma bolts which blasted through the thin hulls of the four droid fighters with surgical precision. Fireballs erupted as fuel and onboard ordnance detonated spontaneously, reducing the craft to chunks of slagged material. At the same time, Seela registered two more enemy contacts closing in on her six via the sensor readout on her HUD. Trusting in the strength of her shields, the Twi’lek drove her starfighter straight through the fireballs, before suddenly pulling back on the control yoke to whip her machine up and around in an ascending half-loop, suddenly bringing her face to face with the two vulture droids.

The droids could only give a pair of mechanical whines before the ensuing barrage of Sianteria plasma simultaneously ripped through and incinerated their hulls, tearing their insectoid-shaped frames to molten shreds.

“Scratch six marks.” Seela breathed, a small measure of relief evident in her tone as the corresponding kill indicators scrolled down her HUD. All the while, the Twi’lek drove her starfighter back around, before accelerating back on course, towards Lord Tooka Lord Tooka and Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev .

Coming within missile range of the hostile Delta-7, Seela quickly locked on to the craft’s sensor signature. Then, a mental command triggered the cold release (not launch) of a plasma warhead-equipped missile. As soon as it left the launcher, Seela pulled back on the control yoke and forced maximum Gs on her starfighter via a hard break turn, intending to open as much separation between her craft and the missile as possible. Only a couple seconds later, the plasma missile’s ion engine howled to life, before accelerating towards the hostile Delta-7 ( Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev ) with lethal intent.

“Fox three away!”

Craft: IS-12 "Pyrolisk" Starfighter
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Location: Feriae Junction High Orbit
Objective: Protect the Mors Katan
Allies: Seela Leini Seela Leini Enemies: Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Mig Gred Mig Gred Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Nyles Kote Nyles Kote

MORE Mandalorians?! How incompetent were these dozen or so empires and republics each one intent to wipe this barbarian horde out of history, when now practically every idiot with a T-visor, his mom and the kitchen sink appeared at this battlefield and her own Sephi people helped them too!

Lord Tooka would happily follow the witch into her trap, but speaking of kitchen sinks Vulture droids swarmed her like flies around a bantha.
Without her force powers, she would have been blasted a dozen times. Especially, when now and then a Mandalorian miles away sent a sniping rail gun missile her way.

Are Fragile Dancer and her the only ones fighting this massive onslaught? The ace pilot of the enemy killed off her wing mates one by one, and the karking super dreadnought was just sitting there and played target practice dummy for the Mandos!

Her anger fueled her powers, and the supernatural awareness helped her stay alive.
Duty and comradery. The cornerstones of her old life before the darkness took over. Her comrades were dying! She had to save them and stay alive to hack the incompetent bastards of the Secret Service to pieces, who did not warn of this surprise attack of the Mandos!

"All interceptors, fall back to the point defense line! We will not survive out here much longer. Fragile Dancer, let the witch go! This dance is not worth dying for."

Her cluster missiles took out another murder of vultures howling to Fragile Dancer's position.
Petty droids! Not even the satisfaction of besting a real opponent!

Let the degenerated fool who sat in his flying overcompensation fight too for a change, when the enemy close in!
"Protect the dreadnought's ass!" So many centuries of warfare with such wedges, and they still build them with a naked rear front!
There the interceptors could at least make a difference and had cover.
Location: Feriae Junction High Orbit
Objective: Protect the Mors Katan
Call Sign: Fragile Dancer
Allies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka
Enemies: Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Mig Gred Mig Gred Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Nyles Kote Nyles Kote

Seela gave a sharp exhale upon hearing her superior’s new order. However, a quick glance at the sensor readout in her HUD told her that Lord Tooka was right. The Mandalorians were gathering in force, with one massive battlecruiser after another suddenly manifesting in the system and deploying large complements of small craft in the process. Not to mention, in spite of the fact that Seela had shot down six vulture droids in mere moments, more were already swarming in from the Mandalorian lines, along with a squadron after squadron of Vipers and Stingers.

“Copy that, my lady. Falling in on your position!” Seela grunted as she opened up the throttle and pushed her machine’s ion engines to their limit. In doing so, the Twi’lek flipped a switch on her console to inject the engines with a small dose of coaxium, giving her craft such a violent burst of acceleration that her skull was thrown back into the headrest with the sudden force. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for the inertial compensators to catch back up, at which point Seela whispered a short prayer before opening the comm.

“Thank you for the assist with the droids.” Seela said as she brought her starfighter around and vectored towards the rear of the Mors Katan. While they were still outnumbered, the Twi’lek sensed that it would be much easier to defend, rather than engaging in a risky attack. Especially since all they really needed to do was buy time for the battlecruiser to charge up its weapons to fire on the Grand Terminal.

With the destruction of the station, the tactical goals of the Sith would be achieved, and the mission deemed a success.

Craft: IS-12 "Pyrolisk" Starfighter
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Werr Shipping & Security ships
3 x Recusant's WSS Resolute, WSS Farbound, WSS Conflux
1 x Providence Flagship WSS TruthSeeker

Vultures aboard the ships 288
Remaining Vultures: 223

Allies: Mandlorians, Mig Gred Mig Gred , Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud , Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev
Enemies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka | Seela Leini Seela Leini | Sith Order

The battle rages with the WSS Resoulute, Farbound, and Conflux firing their heavy bow turbo laser at the enemy Capital Ship, while their Vultures did their due diligence in screening Mandalorian fighters & bombers while keeping enemies form themselves & the station.

The WSS TruthSeeker fired flack when enemy fighters got close enough while moving to a better attack position on the enemy capital ship Mors Katan. Its large amount if Vultures split between protecting the station & repulsing enemy fighters and bombers, while escorting allied ones.

Aurine paced around the bridges holo terminal anxiously watching the images of allies, enemies, and the station move and blip out of existence when destroyed. Hmmm... their fighters are fairly powerful. Especially these two, here. She mused as her hand reaching out and marking the fighters with A & B in Sephi script. "Keep an eye on those two pilots, I want the droids in groups of three for coverage."

The Communications officer walks over "Miss Werr, a message is incoming from Nyles Kote Nyles Kote "
"This is Strill Securities Me'sene Tra'alor'an Kote on the Darasuum Morut. We're transmitting data-link hand shake codes, please sync up, it'll make sure we don't shoot the same thing more than it needs to be shot."

Aurine listens to the message before speaking "Make sure we are synced, this just greatly upped our chances of keeping this station intact."

Another one of the bridge crew shouts out "A second message incoming message from Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev "
"Aurine, If I can get my target to get in range of your Ion cannons can you disable & detain the enemy pilot?"

She nods her head "Will do!" The scene in space was becoming a hectic field of bolts and debris, but closer and closer they came to driving away the invaders.
Call sign:


Flight suit
Piloting Delta 7-B

Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred | Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud | Aurine Werr Aurine Werr
Enemies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka | Seela Leini Seela Leini

The Dance seemed to be over for now, Lord Tooka Lord Tooka fighter headed the opposite direction and a moment later came Aurine Werr Aurine Werr 's response. Well that sucks, was looking forward to bringing someone away from the Sith, oh well another day. Djikra subtly moved the fighters vector before D3-J9 beeped squealed and booped a warning "What do you mean?... Oh..." Djikra drank from the Water of Life before making her fighter disappear in a poof of green smoke. Returning in a higher & better direction to go with the mandalorian bombers on their run. As she reappeared the missile exploded in the green mist she left just a moment before.

She thought Well that certainly was a much faster missile than I have seen, and the fighter that fired it as one to watch out for. As the enemy fighters retreated it was time to take the fight to them. From where she sat the Mandalorians had great home field advantage.
The enemy interceptors withdrew! This would be the moment the flagship would attack, it seemed.

"Bridge to forward gunnery! Wait till the enemy flagship prepares to fire. They will revert the energy from the redundant shield systems. Then strike them with the shield leecher and the massdrivers! Let them try to do eat the heavy bombs of the attack without shields!"

"Oya!", the gunnery master answered the hail and the mighty front batteries of the Keldabe class powered up, ready to suck the energy out of the enemy shielding. The ancient shield leecher weaponry was always a game changer against big capital ships.

Jurr assumed his allies would know what happens next when the telltale glow of the energy tranfer would appear, at least the Mandalorians would, and would act accordingly to the sudden chink in the armor of the enemy behemoth.

"Stand by for my command!", he ordered and hailed the allied fleet leaders: "Ready for an Anzati maneuver! Waiting for your Green Lit!"

Seela Leini Seela Leini Lord Tooka Lord Tooka Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Mig Gred Mig Gred
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Fleet: 1x Praelium Mihi-class Battlecruiser (Praelium Mihi), 2x Rain-class Direct Fire Escort Corvettes, 10x GF-4 Stinger Multirole Fighter squadrons, 5x Viper "Blackbird II" Special Operations Interceptor squadrons, 6x HB-1 Hssiss Heavy Bomber squadrons (2 bombers lost)

The bombers continued pushing through, despite the loses, with their eyes on stopping that battlecruiser. Their turrets fired near constantly, taking any shot they could at enemy fighters. At the same time, fighters and interceptors gave chase to enemy fighters, as they fell back, though most didn't abandon the bombers.

"Kicker get back here now! You're over doing it!"

"I've get them..." The young Stinger pilot said, letting loose a barrage of particle cannon fire.

Aboard the Praelium Mihi, Mig took a breath. If that dar'jetii ship get it's weapons off on New Junction.... Wait. This ship had been built to take a hit. It was risky to them, but it could at least keep the station in orbit for a bit longer if they could burn fast enough. Then came the signal from an ally ship.

"Ready for an Anzati maneuver! Waiting for your Green Lit!"
Mig heard this, look at the comm. "Mihi! Send them the go ahead from us! They're probably faster than we are. Helm, try to rush us between that monster and the station." Mihi would nod, her hologram disappearing while the helmsman looked at Mig.

"Alor? You want us to...."

"It's that or risk the station falling. We can take punishment." At the same time, Mihi would appear on the Keldabe-class's own display, looking at the crew there.

"This is Mihi, Praelium Mihi's Central A.I. and defensive battery operator. The Alor says your clear to do, and we'll be following behind at full burn. If that thing wants to take out New Junction, it'll have to blast its way through me."

Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Seela Leini Seela Leini Lord Tooka Lord Tooka Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

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