Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Black Sabbath | Chapter III: Grand Terminal's Fall

Location: Feriae Junction High Orbit
Objective: Protect the Mors Katan
Allies: Seela Leini Seela Leini Enemies: Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Mig Gred Mig Gred Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Nyles Kote Nyles Kote

"Lord, there is a Mandalorian battlecruiser who joint the attack formation of the enemy? Should we engage?" The voice of the squad leader of the point defense TIEs was firm and unshaken. A professional. Lord Tooka liked that.
She looked at her scanners to verify his alert.

Oh, no! A second man-o-war followed the first behind the fighter and gunboat screen! It was an earnest breach of the Ackbar rule not to engage super destroyers at close range with capital ships.
"Do they robbed a museum? How old is the lead ship? First Empire of Palpatine?" The joke of one of her squad comrades sent shivers of ice along her back.
"Original Keldabe Class!", she whispered. "OUT OF THE WAY, POINT DEFENSE FORCE!"

The mighty Mandalorian Battlecruiser was small in comparison even to a normal star destroyer, let alone the giant overcompensation of her fleet's flagship. But it was the epitome of Mandalorian shipbuilding. The frontal assault could only mean one thing and one thing only: Anzati attack!
She knew this attack pattern only from history lessons.
Behind her helmet, she grinned in joy and desperation. To live and see this!

Her warning was heeded by most of the TIES at the flank (by the force, this grotesque bloated show-off carriage WAS just a giant weak flank! Who built this?) As she assumed, the flagship opened fire with the side batteries at the attacking vessel without regard of her own fighters.
The strong shields of the Mandalorian cruiser were flaring, and many shots go through to the hull. But instead of obliterating the slim front, the turbolaser plasma was harmlessly deflected. Only the mouse gray painting was burnt away and laid bare a shiny superstructure.
The front was reinforced by bescar-alloy!

The fascination of horror fixed the gaze of Lord Tooka at this awesome spectacle. Then the greenish shine of the old Mandalorian shield leeching super weapon lit up the shields of the super destroyer.
It was not a great special effect that followed, but the scanners of Lord Tooka showed how the shields of the Mandalorian grew stronger as the shields of the giant ship collapsed, As the redundant systems powered up new shielding it just intensified the growth of the enemy shield power. Now the Mandalorian vanguard had nearly unlimited power, fueled by the enemy himself. An impenetrable flying fortress hailing plasma and missiles at close range on the unprotected hull.

But that was not the worst of it!
Behind the screen of the daring Keldabe cruiser, the Praelium Mihi and a swarm of bombers closed in.

"I am curious how the Secret Service would rewrite this debacle into a great victory", she thought.
"Brace for impact! Heavy flak from the target!" Sirens howled and emergency lighting on the bridge suggested the dire situation. The whole panorama cockpit of the bridge was filled with giant behemoth of the enemy flagship.

"Gunnery stations, hold!", Alor Jurr commanded with calm voice. He was proud of his crew, his clan, his family.
Even the most hardened navy personnel of normal fleets would panic when they had to drive into the firing range of a super destroyer.
His women and men did not even flinch as they did their duty.

"Hold!", he ordered, even as the forward shields were penetrated by a barrage that could atomize lesser ships. The armored shutters closed over the panorama window and the ghostly light of scanner and camera projections replaced optical observation.

"The front hull is holding! Minimal damage to the bescar superstructure! All forward weapons still operational!"

"Hold ... hold ... FIRE!"

Now the table was turned, as the shield leecher and heavy frontal batteries fired at close range and the bombers and the Praelium Mihi closed in for the kill.

Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Mig Gred Mig Gred
Location: Feriae Junction High Orbit
Objective: Protect the Mors Katan
Call Sign: Fragile Dancer
Allies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka
Enemies: Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Mig Gred Mig Gred Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Nyles Kote Nyles Kote

Before long, Seela found herself confronted with the prospect of a furball as the Mandalorian small craft squadrons pressed the attack. The vulture droids came first, flying in groups of three as they raced towards the flank of the Mors Katan. Seela answered their attack in kind, utilizing her starfighter more in the capacity of a small gunship as she unleashed a salvo of blue and white-hued particle bolts from her laser cannons into the ranks of the approaching droid starfighters. One, two, three, and four more vulture droids were struck down in short order, but the Twi’lek’s cerulean features remained set in a focused, wide-eyed expression as the four kill marks manifested in her HUD.

It was simply not enough.

Five more vulture droids met a similar fate only seconds later, struck from the void as if by lightning as Seela loosed bolt after bolt of galvanic-infused ion fire into the charging formations. Upon striking their targets, electricity seized the fighters as the charge conducted through their hulls before suddenly igniting fuel and power cells, causing the craft to explode in seemingly arbitrary fashion, seconds after being struck. Still, the vulture droids had served their purpose and soon, the Mandalorian bombers were closing into range, escorted by fighters and interceptors. Unwilling to allow the Mandalorians to advance unchallenged, Seela fired a quick and opportunistic small craft-grade concussion missile at a Stinger that seemed out of position from its squadron, caught chasing after a Sith fighter and doubtlessly desperate for the kill. Then, with the order to fall away from the Mors Katan, Seela gritted her teeth and twisted the control yoke, thereby driving her fighter into a hard break turn as maximum Gs were put on its frame.

Unfortunately, her reaction came a moment too late.

Suddenly, Seela was thrown back in her acceleration couch as the shield leech weapon struck the battlecruiser, the blast instantly stripping her starfigter’s shields and sending it tumbling uncontrollably through the void. At the same time, insistent warnings howled against her ear cones as she shook the dizziness from her vision and worked to regain control over her machine. Teeth bared with strain and focus, Seela tugged on the control yoke, before activating the etheric rudders to stop the rotation and correct the pitch, allowing her to pull up and out of the dive.

And with it, a whispered prayer under her breath.

“Reporting all systems recovered and nominal. I am still combat effective, but I’ve lost all shield power.” Seela breathed into her squadron’s shared comm channel, as she vectored back towards @Lord Tooka’s position. Fortunately, the prayer was all it took for the Twi’lek to recover before she glanced at her sensor readout to take in the new picture of the battlespace. The Mandalorians had taken to shielding the station with one of their battlecruisers, likely nullifying any plan for the Mors Katan to take a direct shot at the station.

Such a development now meant that the outcome of the mission was now likely in the hands of the fighters and corvettes.

Craft: IS-12 "Pyrolisk" Starfighter
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Fleet: 1x Praelium Mihi-class Battlecruiser (Praelium Mihi), 2x Rain-class Direct Fire Escort Corvettes, 10x GF-4 Stinger Multirole Fighter squadrons (6 lost), 5x Viper "Blackbird II" Special Operations Interceptor squadrons (4 lost), 6x HB-1 Hssiss Heavy Bomber squadrons (5 bombers lost)

Kicker would soon hear the lock tone fill his cockpit as he tried to pull away.

"Poodoo! CAG, got missile on me. Jammers' not shaking it. I can't...." And then silence as the missile struck the fighter. The pilots wouldn't have time now to think on it. There was a fight to finish. Aboard the Praelium Mihi the crew braced for their maneuver. She was slow, so it'd be telegraphed, but they would start to turn to get between New Juction and the other Dreadnought. It would take their HPCs out of the equation, but there was still the other heavy fire. Her flak cannons would also turn, creating a wall not only covering itself but the station in a flak wall to try and keep fighters and missiles at bay.

As the large ship turned, the bombers and fighters would turn for an attack run with proton bombs from the bombers long launchers, and proton torpedoes from the fighters and interceptors whenever they got the chance. The target was the heavy cannons and engines. Anything that would keep New Junction safe from falling out of orbit.

Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud Seela Leini Seela Leini Lord Tooka Lord Tooka Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Aurine Werr Aurine Werr Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Werr Shipping & Security ships
3 x Recusant's WSS Resolute, WSS Farbound, WSS Conflux
1 x Providence Flagship WSS TruthSeeker

Vultures aboard the ships 222 (66 destroyed)

Allies: Mandlorians, Mig Gred Mig Gred , Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud , Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev
Enemies: Sith Order

The enemy fighters were withdrawing back to the massive ship. Aurine's hand moved over the holo controls to have the Vultures continue to screen the Mandalorian ships & attack where able. While losses of Vultures mounted there was plenty in reserve for the task at hand, which was the singular goal of protecting the station.

The first officer walks over "CEO Werr, Any further orders? It appears the Mandalorians are stripping the Mors Katan of it's shields." She turned towards him and blinked "That gives me a great idea!" She hugs the officer before walking to the Communications terminal "Resolute, Farbound, Conflux, focus your fire at the end of their large weapon. Your guns will be aided by the TruthSeekers long range weapons." With that she took a few steps back to the center of the bridge "Everyone, finish bringing us broadside. We will fire everything that can reach the end of their large weapon. Be careful not to hit our Mandalorian allies. The Ai will aide in targeting paths."

With that the WSS TruthSeeker turned broadside shielding more of the station from Mors Katan and opened up with its torpedoes and long range turbo lasers at the same spot as the three Recusants.

Action Report
Vultures continue screening actions and attack when opportunities present themselves
WSS Resolute, Farbound, Conflux, all concentrate their fire on the large weapon
WSS TruthSeeker turns broadside shielding more of the station launching torpedos & firing long range turbo lasers
Call sign:


Flight suit
Piloting Delta 7-B

Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred | Jurr Awaud Jurr Awaud | Aurine Werr Aurine Werr
Enemies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka | Seela Leini Seela Leini

Djikra followed the Mandalorian fighters in close formation not quite at the edge of the seeming sea of fighters thanks to the amount of Vultures brought by Aurine Werr Aurine Werr into the fight. They were quite welcome to keep taking hits for the organic pilots and to allow the bombers to focus on important targets. As they approached the Allied ships moved farther to the right. Well that's a odd change. It was then that the lead Mandlorian ship closed the gap and started to leach the shields of the large vessel. Neat! Will have to ask them about that sometime.

Djikra didn't target the Sith fighters unless they got in the way, instead weaving through the fight and shooting at shield emplacements, and smaller weapons batteries. All while feeling into the force to see where her two enemies were at. Incase it was time to dance in space again. Djikra opened her comm to the Mandalorians "This is call sign Majick, next time you go and do a maneuver like that can I be in the comm loop?" It was most likely an oversight, but never hurt to ask.
Allies: Mig Gred Mig Gred | Aurine Werr Aurine Werr @Djikra Elnev
Enemies: Lord Tooka Lord Tooka Lord Tooka Lord Tooka | Seela Leini Seela Leini Seela Leini Seela Leini

"Continue shield leech! Our allies are now in melee! Support them"

It worked not so good as expected. The attacking bomber and fighter squadrons had losses, but now they swarmed over the enemy superdreadnaught's vast hull, bringing havoc on the unshielded batteries and other hardpoints, destroying hangars, sensor phalanges and antennas The Sephi ships blockades the path of the Sith scum and concentrated their fire on the large weapon. Crippling that the enemy attack would ultimately fail and the repair costs even now of this monster ship would ruin the economy of a dozen Sith systems ... if it got away in the first place!

The vultures and the teleporting pilot ace were harassing the defending Sith starfighters. "Magick, is it? If you could destroy the rear engines, this ship would be a sitting Gungan in space, and you would not be in the fire arc of our capital broadsides! Be warned, the enemy interceptors have built a point defense there. Better take your birdie friends with you! Happy hunting!"

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