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Diplomacy Black Sabbath | Schism's Dusk [ Diplo of TSE Dantooine/Morishim -> NIO ]


T H I R D _ I M P E R I A L _ C I V I L _ W A R
New Imperial Order vs The Sith Empire


B L A C K _ S A B B A T H
( Diplo of Morishim + Dantooine -> NIO )

Dantooine. An agrarian world of golden fields and humble souls. Significant if only in the ancient and well founded presence of the Jedi Order and the ancient traditions of The Force on its surface, surrounding the Kyber Crystal caves in its depths. But Dantooine has not lingered within the Light in a long while, since then the Sith Order has disgraced its surface, defacing Jedi Temples in favor of altars of dedication to their Dark Creed.

Being the homeworld of the now reigning Sovereign Imperator, Irveric Tavlar. This can not stand. Dantooine needs to be reclaimed, liberated and brought into the New Imperial Order.

Thus, penetrating the solidified front, the 501st Stormtrooper Legion alongside the Imperial Knights and a coalition of other New Imperial forces assault Dantooine in a surprise attack, to bring the torch and the sword to the Sith who'd planted their dark corruption unto this world. All the while, the Sith seek to preserve the artifiacts they've gathered there, unable to field a full defense due to the abruptness of the attack they seek to merely hold off the Imperator's First long enough to escape and maintain the front to prevent the New Imperials from pressing on any further.


Consolidated within the great Sith Academy of Dantooine, the Sith Empire makes their last stand on Dantooine. Disembarking in an all out assault of the complex, the New Imperial Order marches to drive the Sith Empire from Dantooine and gain a further foothold past the Braxant Run into the Sith Empire.

While a main assault force lays siege to the academy, fighting in small scale skirmishes and ambushes takes place across Dantooine as the New Imperial Order manages to scrape the Sith Imperial presence clean from the agrarian world and purge the Imperator's homeworld of the dark malfeasance that has corrupted it.

Backs against the wall, the Sith Empire mounts a last minute defense of the Sith Academy as they bide their time , holding back the New Imperials as they wait for exfiltration. All the while, important Sith teachings, relics, artifacts and technology are secured and seized from the Academy and Sith Temples on Dantooine to be moved off world and to prevent their acquisition by the New Imperial Order who will almost certainly destroy them.

Curtail the New Imperial offensive and preserve all that can be saved before the New Imperial Order lays waste to it all in.

Jorus Fel



8 T H _ A I R B O R N E
N E W _ I M P E R I A L _ O R D E R
O P E R A T I O N _ H A R V E S T _ D A R K
Siege of Sith Academy

The infinite plains of long bush injected me with a dose of nostalgia for home. A bit more green, a bit less yellow than the savannahs back on Archais but the farmlands, the toiling hardworking people - it all seemed the same. Unlike us they, though, they did not have the dirty Novanian Liberation Arm as a plague.

Only the Sith.

I had no strong feelings against Sith, nor Jedi, I just had a natural phobia of any 'gifted' individual with paranormal abilities. I've heard the stories: reading your mind, changing your thoughts, throwing you around like a rag doll. All stories we'd hear at bedtime or at scout camp as youth who laughed it off as bull.

Till the day my sister nearly wrecked our house.

It's a family tragedy I won't indulge you with. Probably never will. Far more personal than these entries.

I hurried down, slightly limping, through the trenches towards our sergeant.

"Dry run, Sir, couldn't push through. They solidified the western wing quickly." I reported through lapses of catching my breath.

"Dank farrik...and this tunnel digging isn't going good either." the Sarge crossed his arms as he observed the tunneling squad shake their head at their supervisor.
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no brothels, banditfighting, no party
С П О К О Й Н А Я _ Н О Ч Ь
Daros Karmann Daros Karmann | Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji
Dantooine Settlement​

Some liberated settlements were known to house Sith sympathizers. Some of these sympathizers had formed a resistance band of partisans and hit a dozen or so convoys before COMPNOR took matter in its own hands. All liberated settlements were curfewed under martial law and denizens were being dragged out of their homes and interrogated. Names were given, lists were drafted.

Arno and Tavius had emerged from a local brothel, as usual, and towed a young man by his long hair to the center of the settlement where the ad-hoc banditfighting hub of operations was formed.

"Saw this one peeking on us through the window." he jerked his head at Tavius then threw the man at the feet of agent Karmann.
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"Leave nothing behind!" -Iasha bellowed at her fellow acolytes.

No one had put her in charge but herself. When the orders came, there had been a moment where the other acolytes looked at each other to find out who was to take charge. That was when the twi'lek sith apprentice had asserted her dominance by delegating the thick stack of orders to the others. They had yet to question her authority. "Those sacks of garbage dare stomp in here and take what does not belong to them?" A magnetic hook attached itself to the metal door and the trigger of the armed anti-personell mine. Once the doors were opened, they would send out a halo of shrapnel. "They won't know what hit them" Standing up, Iasha inspected her handiwork.

These Sith were not meekly laying in wait, but actively using their time to mount a defence of pain.

They would leave nothing behind but ashes, soot, and traps. If the Sith could not have Dantooine, then no one would. "The turrets are ready." Derrath, one of the acolytes, stepped back from the turrets and swept his hand to activate the defensive shield. The moment the doors were breached, the turrets would unleash an unstoppable torrent of laser-fire each from a 45 degree angle, making use of angles to create a bottleneck at the entrance.

"I found another batch!"

Oorna, carefully rolled a large metal canister into their midst.

"We just need a way to pop it open"

Iasha looked alarmed at the deathmist container, glad to find it present, but disturbed at the faith Oorna showed in the metal's ability to contain such a nasty substance. "I thought it had all been moved." Oorna nodded as she tipped the canister up to a standing position. Derrath rummaged through their little stockpile of explosives to find something to pop it open with. "The canister is defective, sealed up tight. They don't want to bring unnecessary weight."

Iasha looked to the door as the two other acolytes began creating their own dispersement mechanism.

"Lucky us."

Kosca Gaelt


N E W _ I M P E R I A L _ O R D E R

I really wasn't looking forward to the amount of trench foot I was going to be expected to treat after this. That likely goes without saying anyway. My shovel pierced the mud with a tedious, droidlike rhythm. At some point I was no longer consciously moving my arms, it was as if they resigned themselves to doing as expected. At the very least, in this assembly-line trance, I became ignorant of the pain in my arms. I try to find silver linings on the battlefield, even ones as small as not feeling my arms ache.

I snapped out of it when I heard someone report. I shoved the blade of my shovel hard into the mud and let it stand as I turned to look over my shoulder. It was one of those 8th Airborne men. 501st. I remember how hard I tried to get into the 501st. The Imperator's Golden Boys. Guess I was only cut out for the 307th. Not at all a poor accolade in its own right, and despite it not being my first choice, I was proud of the fact that I made it at all.

When it came to the 501st, maybe I just didn't have it. Whatever 'it' was.

You had to be realistic about these things.

"Dry run, Sir, couldn't push through. They solidified the western wing quickly."
"Dank farrik...and this tunnel digging isn't going good either."​

I turned to look at mine and the crew's progress. As if lending cosmic credence to the 501st trooper's words, a stray turbolaser bolt slammed into the ledge of the trench. I hardly flinched as mud and dirt sprayed everywhere and the side of the trench slowly collapsed, burying my shins in the brown muck.

If there was really any doubt that wasn't going well before, it undeniably wasn't now.

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Special Agent Daros Karmann
Sinestra Sinestra | Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji
Dantooine Settlement

Daros knew Dantooine only by reputation- its peaceful, idyllic frontier location made it unsuitable to culminate any sizeable criminal outpost. Its agrarian industry couldn't support the prices his Family incurred, and was too far away from any major cities to warrant its use as a warehouse. He had seen a few immigrant yokels from the planet, usually shaken down for whatever loose change they had hidden away- most of the time, what they had was what they clutched fearfully in their fists, close to their chest.

Dantooine was never more than a blip in his interests as both a stormtrooper and a member of the criminal under-class. It was only in his capacity as a contracted member of COMPNOR that he found himself helping organize an anti-insurgency operation here, while the rest of the Imperials drew the short straw against the Sith. He was glad he was no longer a bucket head, though he missed the days when objectives and morality never intertwined.

He leered at his dying cigarette stick. Now it was shades of gray, tinted red on some occasions. He disposed of the cigarette butt and turned to greet the native by his feet.

Arno, one of the few COMPNOR agents he was working with, claimed the blond-haired youth was spying on them. Daros didn't know what he was hoping to find out: security measures meant the only documents they openly discussed about was outdated information, things that had occured and were already in motion. Plans and unit movement- all those were only hinted at, theorized internally or cheekily suggested at one another. Daros himself had a habit of smashing data cards and using disposable coms devices, something that carried over from his smuggling days.

In short, the supposed perpetrator had signed his death warrant over a blank deal. Daros fished out another cigarette, opting for the smoother brand this time. He took on, and shook another stick out to the lad, grunting an offer.

The stare of defiance gave him the silent reply. Daros nodded and kept his packet, lighting his cigarette and standing up to face his three colleagues. "I don't think he knows much, personally. Groups like these, they always use the new faces to make runs. They don't ask too many questions, generally-" he emphasized the word 'generally' with finger quotations, chomping on his cigarette. "-fanatically loyal."

The agent eyed their prisoner and coughed. These farming yokels had a lot of catching up on their Insurgency 101 course. "I'll bet you by the second or third finger, he'll start repeating names we already know and places we've already marked. Your choice." he pointed his cigarette at Tavius.


He nodded with an air of professional pride. "We tend to ask nicely first, no reason we can't be civil." He paused, looking over Arno's shoulder over the doorway, in case anybody else was sneaking up on them.

"Then we start with forced biomechanical digit arbitrage." He added plainly.

Their captive tilted his head, confused.

"The fingers." He clarified, slightly annoyed.


Gnox the Insatiable


"So they've come."

Blood, fresh and warm, dripped from the maw of the great beast. He stood back to his full height, dropping the body of his latest meal. White plastoid cracked much like the shell of a nut, though the prize within was much more filling than the simple plant. This last meal joined the corpses of his fellows, all broken, all devoured. Forward scouts. The usual interrogation would have sufficed to learn they knew nothing of the coming New Imperial assault, but this was far more filling for the giant.

Gnox stepped from his chamber towards the main hall, glancing to the various Sith rushing about their business. So they were going to make these traitorous heathens pay in blood? Perhaps that meant another meal to enjoy. That alone was enough for him to care, for he was a lazy predator. Only if the prize was worth the effort would be when he would fight. Traitor's blood was often the most delicious.

His glowing red gaze fell to Iasha Rha Iasha Rha curiously. For an acolyte, she seemed to have quite a bit under control. His voice growled out as he crouched before her, getting more onto her eye level out of respect for the defenses she'd already brought together.
"Tell me your plan, little Sithling. And I shall assist."
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The only genuinely pleasant times Tavius had gotten to experience while being a COMPNOR Operative were the times him and Sinestra Sinestra 'investigated' a local brothel. Whatever powers it was that put their assignments in close proximity to brothels time, and time again... Tavius was thankful. They were the only times he didn't have to recognize that their objectives were almost always based in needless violence. Some, that he himself had taken part in willing.

Never had he been a dissenting voice to these things.

He just followed orders.

His stomach flipped when they stepped out and laid eyes on Daros Karmann Daros Karmann . This man was worse than him and Arno. They drew near the man. Behind the helmet, his features transformed into a disgusted sneer. Sure, Tavius was scum. Drug dealer, turned One Sith Trooper into a drug runner, into... Imperial Commando who also had responsibilities in once again pushing drugs to those who had grown up like him. His brows furrowed, peering at the edge of his visor to spot his partner in crime.

What made the guy in front of him scum, even worse than him and Tavius?

That, he didn't have an answer for.

The voice in the back of his head had always whispered to him, delivering advantages to him that allowed him to survive and succeed in situations he would've otherwise never excelled in. Persuasion, selling his product, sensing danger, even using it to glean information off of people. Sudden, random visions that he received if he focused hard enough. This kid that had been spying on them.

My choice?

It happened quick.

The rifle rose and with a depression of the trigger, the screech of the bolt screamed out as it passed through the back of the head of their suspect. They wobbled on their knees for a moment before falling face first to the ground, slumped over themselves before tumbling to the side.

A quick death. Better than the torture that he'd be subjected to.

If he survived that and was released? He'd come back with a determination to destroy the New Imperial Order. What if he was destined to be what the Sovereign Imperator was to the Sith Empire? He put a stop to it, before the idea could even be birthed.

"I agree." The rifle raising up to rest on his shoulder as he audibly sighs, making a show of relaxing. "It's the same with any street gang," he said, dropping his gaze onto the corpse in front of them. "Everything on a need to know... Especially when you're young."
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Volgin Alto




FOCUS | Hayek | Kosca Gaelt | OPEN
I was in Hayek's shadow when we finally emerged back into this stretch of the trench. The repeater was heavy to hold standing still, it felt like a ton of bricks to run with.

Dantooine. Hell of a change of pace in the Sith war. Only thing to call it now, Third Imperial Civil War sounded pretentious and we'd been involved in about twelve ever since. Hell, there was even another Sith war. Not that I could tell the difference. Black tattoos, red sabers. All the same, just different banners I guess. Last I was out to war we were at Bastion. The magnum opus of the New Imperial military. Long past that. Helped me shake the rust off my bones though, since I was captured after Borosk, promptly rescued, demoted and transferred into the Imperator's own.

The whole story left me in a weird murky area with how the others look at me. I fucked up on Borosk, lotta people got killed one could really claim they could have done any better and I did my part on Bastion just fine. Guess I ended up just blending back in with the rest of the boys.

I'll take it.

<"Maybe we go ahead and tr-"> Soon as I opened my mouth, I heard the crack and thump of the turbolaser slamming into the side of the trench. I instinctively dove into the mud away from the blast and screwed my eyes shut.

That was when I felt the rain.

Slowly I stood back up, using the repeater to prop myself back unto my feet before I looked in the direction of Hayek, making sure he was still in one piece.

Then to the rest. Seems only one took the hit as everyone else showed life in movement with only one of our's face buried in the mud.

We had all out press forward to dig a hell of a lot faster. Neither seemed like a great option.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch; The Night Queen, Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Sith Academy, Dantooine
Equipment: Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Striith vibrosword | G1 OmniLink || Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet | Empyrean gland | Soul
Writing with: AMCO AMCO | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline

The warrior who did not come to war. Ironically, Ingrid was just the head of a militaristic state, a few days away from announcing that she was the new empress. She had also informed the TSE management about this so that they would not be affected unexpectedly, and she knew that they would be happy about it. It has been an open secret within the Eternal Empire since the Emperor died and saved Ingrid and those on the ship with his last command. That they could leave the ship, and then even the rift had to be closed. If anyone survived the destruction of the ship, it was stuck in that dimension because of the closure.

The Overlord has now arrived at Dantooine as an independent, third party in an effort to smooth the diplomatic conflict between the two hostile factions. Although they were allies with the TSE, they could not openly assist the TSE under the contract with the NIO and thus with Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar , at most in defence, but they could not attack the NIO in the back. That is why she was more of an independent party. She was no longer a double agent and the wedding between the woman and Adrian had not yet taken place, so her noble title was still pending within the TSE. She now had just no title within the Sith Empire. So she try to reconcile the parties if she can.

One party was neutral and the other was an ally. By default, she couldn’t get any trouble because neither side could attack her. That is why she wore only her uniform and military coat without rankings and did not arrive in armour. Now most people recognized her anyway, as she had ruled and controlled the Eternal Empire as Empress Regent for months. The red-haired woman didn't worry if she had any problems, she would still be able to protect herself. Her first thing, however, was to help get the relics out of here, since she was neutral, no one really could have the right to stop and investigate what she wanted to get out of here.

Diplomatic immunity; Caedyn Arenais caught her attention a few months ago, it was time to live with it. That is why she managed to get into the Sith Academy, where she landed with her diplomatic ship. They told the NIO through the official communication channel that it would remove the wounded from here. Under no circumstances could she or anyone be denied this. This was one of the unwritten rules of war. As soon as she got out of her ship, she immediately sent a telepathic message to Adrian.

~ Handsome, I'm here. I hope the crates and containers are ready to be loaded onto the ship, the ones you want to take out of here and save. You can instruct your people to start loading them. And I'll be there for you soon. ~

With that, she even issued a few instructions to her people to help with the work of those who will come. Then she walked out of the hangar to join her lover.



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