Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Black Stripes and Blue Stars

“Are you trying to set me up with your nephew now?” Morro asked, her laughter low and husky, a contralto compared to any of the giggling Morale Division nymphs. “You are not old. You are distinguished and experienced. But really what do I know about youth? Chiss do not have a long childhood. I was thirteen when I was considered a full adult, unlike your human females.”

But the sudden matchmaking seemed to cheer him up, so Morro continued: “But I will entertain the thought. If that’s what you want.”

And if that’s what makes you happy, the Chiss officer wanted to say, realizing that enjoyed making him smile.

“I do not live to far from here. Barracks 309. Nothing fancy, I assure you.” She was awarded a small two room flat with the bare necessities as befit her role as an Officer. Once she was promoted, she’d be placed into larger accommodations, but at least she didn’t have to share a bedroom like some of the ensigns. Even the dress she wore that evening was rented, though she would not admit that as the admission may mean losing some of her mystique in the Admiral’s silver-blue eyes.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Rausgeber chuckled, and shook his head, "No, no of course not!" He smiled at her, warmly, "I'm very sure my boy Ignatius can and will be able to find someone independent of my own efforts." He paused, attempting to articulate himself, it was clear the alcohol consumption from earlier, was beginning to impact upon him.

"What I meant, was," He began, in a somewhat rambling manner, "Was that there are many people out there. Within all branches of the military, who are good men, and would provide a woman of your....." He paused, voice trailing off as he figured out how to eloquently, and diplomatically explain himself, "Pigmentation...?" His voice again trailed off, and it was almost said like a question.

He continued walking, a little embarrassed, "What I want for you Commander, more than anything is for a young woman like yourself to be happy, and have the life and experiences I was never able to."

Luckily Morro had swallowed down just enough alcohol herself to smooth out any sense of outrage that may have flared up against the word pigmentation. She chuckled and then pressed her rouged lips together, trying to choose her words carefully. The Admiral may have been inebriated, but the Chiss was too stalwart of an officer to take advantage of it in any form or sense. She’d realized quite early in their relationship that challenging Rausgeber only caused her to be held at arm’s length.

And honestly she enjoyed their proximity the most right now.

“My mother would disagree with you, Admiral. She wants me to marry someone from House Nuruodo. But you sound much more like my father who would have given me the advice to choose my own mate, no matter the race, species or color of his skin. My challenge is which one to listen to.”

She lifted her right hand to guide them down a set of stairs leading to the complex where Morro lived and when she lowered it, it brushed against the fingers of Carlyle’s left hand.

“I suppose I should honor my father’s memory, but all I seek now are the experiences you’ve had. If that makes any sense. Despite my pigmentation."

Meaning Morro would eschew romance for a chance to rise through the naval ranks and experience the type of win/loss record that Rausgeber had.

The courtyard where her building sat was darker, though laughter and the sound of revelry could be heard from a couple of open windows nearby. They would never really be alone unless the Admiral came inside, but Morro was feeling far too cautious around her superior to invite him in, despite the instinctual feeling to suddenly press her lips against his and taste his mouth and the sweet residue of the cigar which had lingered there.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Honour your Father commander." Carlyle recommended, he paused, "Not to give great insult to the mighty culture of the Chiss," Rausgeber would preface this with the equivalent of a 'please don't be too offended', "But it is archaic beliefs such as those, which hold back the Galaxies progress." He again paused, there was a slight slur with his words. "The Unknown Regions and Outer Rim are steeped in beliefs and anachisms which hold it back." He coolly began.

"These beliefs separate us from the superficial and often decadent nature of the Core worlds." He began, "But it is those same beliefs, which when left unhindered, impede progress." He paused, once again to collect himself. "It is the nature of an empire such as the First Order to not crush these beliefs, as doing so to a primitive society, unable to adapt or evolve could be disasterous. Nay." He explained, "We should foster it, and forge it in the honour of Supreme Leader Ren."

"But when these beliefs, such as the ones your mother holds, begin to interfere with your way of life. With your life decisions, I draw a line." He paused, and a smirk came onto his face, "Kark who you want. Marry who you want. Breed who you want."


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