Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bland Head-canons(IC of course)

When bored but too tired to train, Vulpesen gets rid of his need for activity by banging his head into a wall... the same thing happens after about 30 minutes of paperwork when he gets stuck with it.

  • Enjoys reading the dictionary
  • Has cried several times due to his inability to speak
  • Sometimes gets frustrated considering a lot of people ignore mental messages
  • Jaryn loves beating people in sparring matches and contests, as he feels he needs this to express himself
  • Jaryn hates non physical conflict, as he feels he will always be poorly presented in such situations
  • Is an alcoholic

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria: When she's alone, she cries. A lot.

Has suffered from PTSD since the age of 11, giving her nightmares, and has a horrible case of claustrophobia. Hates Mustafar.

Has split personalities; the battlefield captain, the crazy assassin, the fearful slave, and the sweet preteen that never got the chance to come out (yes she only 25).

Edit: Is so afraid of becoming a slave again that if she is captured, even just for information or ransom, she'll either go into a stage of shock, try to kill someone, go insane, or cry.
*is great at making baked goods*
The Sekairos are excellent cooks
And are known for having many traditional meals.

(Treats are inspired by real-life Norwegian, German, Swedish, and Scandinavian goods. Why? Because heritage)
This is not so much head-canon as it is actual canon, but in almost every skirmish thread Cryax is in, he gets dragged somewhere by someone. Sometimes by the neck, sometimes by the leg.

One time he even got dragged around and then shoved down a sewer.
[member="Lord Theatrum"]

"It was then that Zatten Black came crashing through the bar window, but this time his window-diving wasn't a solitary pursuit, for he was dragging along a bewildered Chiss..."

There, wrote it for you. Call it a collaboration of sorts.


Fast Talking Face Reader
As much as he loves flying/smuggling, Orn lives for the moments when he can feel rain on his skin. The 'fresher just isn't the same. He's been known to delay his schedule based on weather forecasts, and once almost missed a shipment for this reason.
Daella Apparine said:
Daella collected stuffed Ropo toys while she was in the Jedi.

She misses them.
Vulps found his master's stash when she left and clung to them in sadness that she left him... ropo stash is now hidden in a secret compartment in his ship...

[member="Daella Apparine"]


Disney's Princess
Mm, Let's see. Quirks eh? Well Karen does love hot baths, fine silverware, british accents, fashionable ladies haircuts, and exotic Tetan fashions. She dislikes high heels (unless sex is readily available), loves romantic comedies, never finishes her TV series, and has yet to show off her collection of Yoga outfits IC.
As sarcastic and flirty as he is, Jalek cares about [member="Cryax Bane"] a lot. A lot. To the point that if anyone insults or hurts him in any way, whether it's just perceived or actually true, he gets really defensive. But if it's ever brought up after the fact, he'll deny it and probably get in more trouble somewhere as if to prove that it doesn't bother him as much as everyone thinks it does. He's also super proud of any of Cryax's accomplishments, and will even brag about them on occasion as if they were his own. And sometimes he'll get into trouble on purpose just to see how mad he can make Cryax before he eventually gives up trying to be serious with him.
  • Jennifer secretly wants to become a model, yet she doesn't figure it's a good idea to try out that career considering the company and types she hangs out.

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