Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero

Corporation Name: Blas-Tech Industries
Headquarters: Coruscant
Locations: [Head-Quarters] Coruscant, Duro, Mandalore.
Operations: Blas-Tech is one of the largest producer of personal energy weapons and light infantry. The company also produces turbolasers, ship weapons, and missiles. Much of the company will be undergoing restructuring to streamline production and cut out under preforming sectors. Along with management reorganization and future planning.
Rationale: A missing CEO, falling stocks, and angry investors left Blas-Tech Industries open for hungry sharks like Rayl Wilded to sink their teeth into. Seeing a worthwhile investment with just about the best name brand recognition in the Galaxy. He'd have been a fool not to take advantage of the chaos for his gain. In this endeavor he'd not be acting alone; calling upon industry elites and shadowy friends to financially support the take over. It was bold, cunning, deft, and entirely fitting for a driven man like Rayl.
Tier: 2
Description: Blas-Tech Industries is one of the largest producer of blaster and energy weaponry in the galaxy. This focus has spread to include producing said armaments for ships, speeders, anything that can really hold a weapon. Moving forward logically, this focus has also shifted to what can protect an individual from said weapons they produce, as well as what types of platforms can carry their products. With the ever changing needs of those with an eye for the companies products, Blast-Tech has made a focus to always be ahead of the curve. This has led to a leap forward in it's weapons systems, and an ever expanding team for research and development.
With production facilities on all faction capitals(and on a few extra worlds for those with the coin) Blas-Tech is ideally suited to produce weaponry for every nation in the galaxy. Following a business model of always have at least 4-5 distribution centers in a nation at least, this has kept the company on the track to always being there when customers need them. A clause in every contract signed by the company allows it to ship weapons to another nation if production is lagging in one region, or they need to rid themselves of surplus in another region. War is a cyclical thing after all, and not every Nation is in conflict at all times. This allows a constant flow of inventory, while allowing production to continue unimpeded and possibly break labor laws on worlds where droids aren't permitted.
Iron clad contracts protect the company, and their open approach to their multiple dealings has helped rather than hinder. Being around longer than most nations has made the company be seen as a steadying force. While it does sale to nations that would be frowned upon, those operations are done in secret, and company logos are not used. In truth, Blas-Tech will sale to anyone with the credits to purchase their products. Those deals aren't openly discussed, but the company has a revenue stream coming from anyone with a need for energy weapons in the galaxy. In the wake of the 400 years darkness, this was used for slow expansion. Now that multiple nations are amassing arms for war, the company has upped production and it's factories to meet need while keeping prices affordable.
With such high quality weapons, the company is using it's research centers to push armor technology forward. Scientist there have also begun scaling up their weapons for ship use, as well as designing new walkers. These items have been pushed to mass-production status. Due to the high quality of the weaponry, Cade Lee found that most of the company's monthly income was from contract payments and missile and thermal detonator shipments. Seeking to streamline the process of ordering for customers, and making the company cutting edge. He streamlined gas cartridge ammunition with the "Plug N Fire" system. This allows for a steady stream of revenue, as the company further expands itself.
This was the former Blas-Tech under the guide of Cade Lee and predecessors. While things may continue to operate in the familiar principle as it once did. Things will change. Most noticeably will be the operating size as restructuring occurs. And only once this is completed will the company be able to regain lost ground from the damage caused before the acquisition. Past the short term, the future will be one of mass expansion in core sectors, and new avenues will be looked in to as well. New hands are at the reigns of Blas-Tech Industries. And cool heads with the drive, ideals, and experience to drive this company to the top once again.
"This is a canon company."
"This is a takeover."
Blas-Tech Industries Wookipedia
Original Company Submission