Kian Karr
Kel Dorable
Kian found the temperature to be quite comfortable within the stone structure of the Ruusan Jedi Enclave. Compared to the temples on Ossus and Tython, Ruusan's enclave was fairly typical for Jedi structures. But there was something that just felt different here then at Tython or Ossus. Something about the place felt different in the force to Kian. He wasn't sure if it was a signature of the battles here in ions past or the effects of the event on the planet itself.
Regardless, Kian had to push those thoughts aside. He had more important things to worry about. Walking through the Enclave felt strange.....there was no one. It was as if all the Jedi who had been here before had vanished. Ruusan was occupied by the Republic before the events that had transpired and to find the Jedi Enclave in such an abandoned state truly bothered Kian. It made him think to a time when the Jedi were scarce and hunted in the days of the Empire. Had this been what the Jedi Temple on Coruscant looked like after the fall of the Republic.
Was this what the Temple on Ossus would look like if the One Sith succeeded in their plan to wipe out the Jedi?
That thought brought a chill down Kian's spine. Or at least he thought it was the thought. In reality it was the eyes that were watching him that caused him to feel that chill....but with the force acting up, Kian didn't even notice it.
Regardless, Kian had to push those thoughts aside. He had more important things to worry about. Walking through the Enclave felt strange.....there was no one. It was as if all the Jedi who had been here before had vanished. Ruusan was occupied by the Republic before the events that had transpired and to find the Jedi Enclave in such an abandoned state truly bothered Kian. It made him think to a time when the Jedi were scarce and hunted in the days of the Empire. Had this been what the Jedi Temple on Coruscant looked like after the fall of the Republic.
Was this what the Temple on Ossus would look like if the One Sith succeeded in their plan to wipe out the Jedi?
That thought brought a chill down Kian's spine. Or at least he thought it was the thought. In reality it was the eyes that were watching him that caused him to feel that chill....but with the force acting up, Kian didn't even notice it.