Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blazing Eye

Blazing Eye

NAME: Blazing Eye
RANK: Esh-kah Ranger (Not Actual Rank)
SPECIES: Esh-kah
AGE: Unknown
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.1 meters
WEIGHT: 113 kilograms
EYES: Black
HAIR: Grey
SKIN: Grey

+Warrior of the Esh-kah: Blazing Eye was born into the warrior caste of the Esh-kah, and has known nothing but war his entire life. As such he is incredibly skilled with melee weapons and in hand to hand combat.
+Esh-kah Ranger: Blazing Eye was trained and has fought most specifically as an Esh-kah Ranger. As such he is skilled in covert recon, hit and run tactics, and close quarters combat.
+Honorable: Blazing Eye is an honorable warrior, and does not fight if the battle is not worthwhile.
-Honor-bound: By his own choice, Blazing Eye must serve anyone who defeats him in battle. He can break free of this servitude, but only by defeating his master in a duel.
-Out of Touch: Blazing Eye has been in stasis for several thousand years. He knows little of the modern galaxy and its technology and culture.
-Brutal: Blazing Eye is an honorable warrior, but he fights for keeps. Sending him in means that you don’t expect the target to survive, at least not without some gruesome injuries.

Blazing Eye is not the biggest of his species, or really anything special physically. He looks just like any other Esh-kah to an outsider. He almost always wears basic body armor with red and grey coloration.

Blazing Eye was born into the warrior caste of the Esh-kah, and from birth was trained to be a fearsome fighter. Along with the other Esh-kah he attacked numerous planets across the galaxy, though unlike the others he did not believe that destruction of species was the right way to deal with them. When Hallow Voice led his followers to form a new fringe of the main Esh-kah force, Blazing Eye, a believer in honor, followed. However, this by no means made him a pacifist or any less of a warrior. Blazing Eye had seen a great deal of combat before deciding to follow more peaceful means. By the time he left to follow Hallow Voice he had earned his name, Blazing Eye, which came from his skills as an Esh-kah Ranger, which defined him as an ambusher, scout, and melee specialist.

Blazing Eye followed the Barsen'thor with the rest of Hallow Voice's forces after being released with the rest of the Esh-kah following their imprisonment by the Rakata. While serving on the front lines he grew a healthy disrespect for the Sith, who he saw as dishonorable and pure evil. He survived the battles on Corellia and many other flashpoints, but his famous luck ran out when the Eternal Empire invaded. Blazing Eye fought bravely along with a band of other Esh-kah at the Esh-kah colony which had been formed on an world long lost to time, but in the end the attackers were far too numerous and Blazing Eye found himself fighting alone. Only a timely intervention by friendly forces saved his life, but Blazing Eye felt that he should have died beside his friends. He wanted to commit suicide, but a Jedi Knight managed to convince him to not go through with it. Blazing Eye instead decided to reenter stasis until a worthy cause or a worthy leader like the Barsen'thor who could allow him to recover his honor came to him.

Leaving his honored weapon buried on the battlefield on which it was bloodied for the last time, Blazing Eye returned to the vaults of Belsavis and locked himself away to await his chance to be an honorable warrior once more...

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