Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev Blinded By The Light

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.

Rather than land, Jonyna once more adjusted her trajectory, and taking a page from her padawan. Rather than throw Lucy like a boomerang, she lurched back midair, and launched the now reignited saber like a dart at Malum's chest. All the while, she took a page from Braze's book, and landed not on a platform, but walking on thin air, and focused on directing the blade towards Malum. If he were to grab it with his own telekinesis, he'd have to fight her own will against it.

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


The platforms had moved slower than expected, still having defended it from lightning and flames, it could not complain too much.

Through the oncoming rush of structures, he saw vaguely the shine of crimson, that signified one of her blades. Thrown toward him, a desperate last move to end this fight? Her positioning suggested she was not even on the ground, yet the platforms obscured much from view as they advanced forward.

The figure which looked a Sith Lord, raised its lightsabre, preparing to defect the blade away down to the abyss, as it had prepared to do earlier.

All the while, attempting to pull as a counter to her own momentum.

If she wished to play tug of war.

Let her get demolished by the structures that sought to annihilate her.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Those platforms were starting to get annoying.

Still, she was a master of multitasking.

Keeping her focus on the blade, she pushed forward as hard as she could. But not just her. The ghost inside pushed as well. Two Generations of Si, meaning to end this in a single blow, as the blade shot forward faster and faster.

All the while, Jonyna's focus split. For a moment, she left her mom to push. The spirit of the jedi master left to fend as her daughter reached out to each of the platforms, and crushed them. Smashed them each into little pieces. She couldn't break through his defenses if he was just gonna keep throwing them at her.

She needed to distract him. Cut his focus.

From behind him, a bolt of lighting sparked into existence. It was a fact Jonyna had once learned from an inquisitor. The Force is all encompassing, and it does not need to come from your body. She was gonna hit him in the back, as hard as she could.

Tag: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


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