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Public Blockade of Stobar [Open to All]

The Human


Tags: Mogatto Gnogg Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Xam Jubb Xam Jubb Dash Colton Dash Colton Driver Driver Arkyn Rane Arkyn Rane

The Battlecruiser sized signature had finally arrived and with it, the ominous dread of death. A constant hunger that seemed to never end, a constant feeling of dread and fear that was enveloping not only himself, but the crew itself. Everyone seemed taken aback from such an ominous vessel, this thing that appeared from hell itself as it was approaching the blockade, apparently ignoring the smaller fleet nearby. The Human stood on the bridge, staring down at the vessel with his hands slowly clenching into fists. This feeling, he had felt it before a long time ago, it was a feeling he once would shy away from, a feeling of death that he was not strong enough to overcome.

That feeling, was now nothing to him. The Human himself has felt a growing pain inside him, the sting of betrayal that never seemed to have ended. With that betrayal came a lonesome time of wandering, over a years worth that made him ponder. That pondering, gave way to a growing hatred every time a single person uttered the name of Maw, the sight of the insignia and even the mere presence of a singular individual made him infuriated. The Maw did not induce fear into him...

It Induced

Every bone in his body felt as if it was on fire, every muscle in his body tensed and every thought in his mind murderous. The mere sight, the presence at the sheer annoyance that it decided to take its glory, its distain of life on this planet?! It was completely unacceptable, madness and needed to be corrected. Every moment he felt this rage build, so did his signature in the Force, the rage was mirroring his increase in power. With his fists clenched, his teeth gritted under the mask as his head tilted to the side with the voice now induced in rage.

"Have the Bright Eyes target that vessel. Full power to the Proton Beam Cannons."
"S-Sir it, it is simpl-"
"I want it dead.... Do NOT make me repeat myself! Load everything, prepare for battle! Fire with EXTREME prejudice!"
"U-Understood my Lord."


The twin Bright Eye vessels would receive their new orders, their arrays already aligned originally for the Gungans fleet if they chose to be hostile, a preparation thought to be worthless. However, it seemed that this preparation has gone on to become a good thing, as each aligned array had a Proton Beam Cannon installed, one of four on each vessel. Each one had to be aligned carefully beforehand, their computers analyzing the distance from the target and then having to link them all together towards the main center of the Bright Eye. As each part of the preparation began, they began to evacuate the array areas as they started to power up, anyone with sensors could tell a massive energy build up was coming from each one.

In the Torpedo Sphere, multiple personal ran through the holding area as the order for battle stations came clear and quick. Each torpedo tube was being loaded with a Baradium Seeker Missiles, holdovers from an ancient time of the Sith Empire. Multiple members of the new crew scrambled into areas almost unfittable for most humans, shoved into tiny compartments for turbolasers and flak guns, some even being pulse battery cannons. The loud shunks would be heard of the Flak Guns being loaded and prepared to fire against any enemy starfighters that come into range. None of them had starfighter support, meaning that had to rely on their anti-starfighter defenses.

The Twin Bright Eye Warships started to slink, clunk and act as if they were alive. The star destroyers own movement appearing alien more than anything else. Slowly four bright lights would start to shine in space from each vessel, a shimmering blue light as it increased in power and with anyone at a sensor station, read out a powerful energy signature build up. The four lights from the Proton Beam Cannons would soon converge into the middle quickly, going through specialized chambers to join together each Proton Beam Cannon into a singular, more powerful version of itself. The two combined beams would react violently before shooting out, firing directly at the nearest target in front of them.

That target, being the Devourer with all of its might in the first strike towards the broadside with the proton beam cannon emitters burning out soon afterwards for a short period of time after firing. The Human wanted to give a message...and he hoped, that it would be well received as it was painful. If that was not enough...then he had a five hundred missile shotgun to send a second message. The Human had a small bit of hope...that it would survive, just so he could have the satisfaction of watching it die in a fireball up close.

Soon the flash of the blue wormhole ended. The Devourer emerging from hyperspace slowly. The massive juggernaut could simply be described as a mini SSD. An improvement made from the husk of a First Order Battlecruiser, armed to take on the deadliest of foes. As it entered the system it would radiate with a darkness that would spread to the planet’s surface. Those in tune with the Force could feel dread they couldn’t escape from. A cold that ran up and down spines. All those that could feel the Wrath only felt a cold rage mixed with insatiable hunger. All of it fueled by bloodlust.

"That's a Maw flagship!" Driver exclaimed. "Out here on it's own?"

It was a smaller SSD, but Driver knew a formidable ship when he saw one. He immediately followed the Jedi's advice, opening his comms to one of the Galactic Alliance's secure channels.

"Mayday, mayday. This is Sergeant Driver of the GADF! We've been engaged by a Maw vessel over the planet Stobar and require immediate assistance! There are Alliance citizens on the planet. I repeat, there are civilians on Stobar. We need extra fighters out here and an evac shuttle ASAP!"

Driver set the message to repeat. No doubt. it would be heard. In time, however, was a completely different story entirely. He set his channel back to communicate with the Jedi. It would be easier to coordinate attacks this way.

"Alright, Jedi, It's just you, me, and whatever the Gungan decides to send," Driver began as he started to take evasive maneuvers. "You seem familiar with whoever the hell this is. What are we up against?"
R5 trilled incessantly, as mulish and insulting as ever.
Arkyn rolled her eyes. So what five of the starfighters were trying to cut her off? That would just make them easier targets. “Yeay, yeah, yeah, I know, I can see them, thank you very much. I’m more worried about the fighters on my tail.”
The I-89s were catching up, slowly but surely. They collectively fired a volley of lasers, but Arkyn barely had to adjust the controls to avoid them- they were still too far away target her accurately. Not for much longer though- even with her modifications, the Dragonsnake wasn’t as fast as a starfighter. She made up for it in shields, though.
The fighters were trying to box her in. She could feel the window closing around her, but unfortunately for them, she knew precisely how to wrench it back open.
Doubtlessly, at some point, she’d have to tank a couple shots, but for now, she needed to minimize her targeting profile for when the starfighters caught up. Fingers dancing over the controls as if a maestro playing a melodium, she engaged the starboard attitude thrusters and tilted the Dragonsnake into a corkscrew.
“Get ready R5-”
The astromech cut her off with a wild flurry of beeps and whirs. Arkyn felt something like dread stir in her gut. The Maw? Here?
"By the moons of Nal Hutta, you have got to be fethin' kiddin' me." Why did shavit like this keep happening to her?"
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Matthew Lucerne, entering the Stobar System

"And you think that negotiations will be possible?" asked the admiral.

"I think they're worth a chance," replied Ariela, "credits are easier to replace than lives, aren't they?"

He agreed with that thought, but he doubted that others did. But was Gnogg in the former or latter camp? Gir folded his arms and looked around the bridge, eying the holos that they been able to obtain of Mogatto Gnogg . The veteran officer wasn't entirely sure what to make of the gungan. What drove and motivated a being was not always the easiest to discern to even experienced eyes. Could they buy off the corporate attack dog? Make him realize that provoking a number of galactic powers was unwise? Would demonstrated skill in battle show him that maintaining a blockade was an exercise in lost credits? Or would the 'honor' of the gungan mean that war was inevitable?

All of those thoughts were immediately shoved to the back of his head as the Star Defender reverted to real space. The bridge began to populate with holos of other vessels and peoples who were actively engaged within the system. Very clearly a multitude of others had taken an interest in Stobar's plight: not only were Milvayne Commercial Association vessels present, but so were a large number of relatively "neutral" craft, but perhaps most concerning to the blonde man was the presence of Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren 's Devourer and a trio of large warships that had seemed to engage the Maw battlecruiser in pitched battle.

"Unbelievable," muttered Dav, turning to his old friend's son, "and here I thought we'd just be doing some good old fashioned negotiating."

Gir snorted, "We may still have to. Perit, ready the squadron for battle."

The mon calamari nodded and began to calmly issue orders in measured tones. The star defender began to angle itself to run parallel to the running fight between the Devourer and The Human 's vessels. The Mon Onoma and the two small frigates followed suit, looking like a pod of cestaceans swimming in a black ocean. Tiny gray specks flitted out of the vessel's sides as droid starfighters rushed out to form a defensive screen. But as sailors ran to their battle stations and marines and battle droids began to secure their sections of the vessels, Gir simply turned to Ariela.

"I think we need to revise our initial offer."

She ruefully shook her head, "While you do that, I will see what I can gather about everyone else present."

"Comms, put me through to Admiral Gnogg."

"Aye sir."

A brief chime in his headset comlink announced that he was ready to transmit to the gungan admiral.

"Admiral Gnogg, my name is Admiral Quee of the Directorate. I am a fellow naval officer of a corporate conglomerate.

I came here to negotiate an end to the blockade in a manner that I hoped that all parties would find favorable. But is clear that there the situation here has changed. Admiral, have you seen what the Brotherhood of the Maw does to worlds or those it feels like it gets in their way?

Directorate Fleet

Xam Jubb Xam Jubb | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Arkyn Rane Arkyn Rane | Dash Colton Dash Colton

Mogatto Gnogg



Blockade of Stobar
Post 4


The Neimodian Captain considered the reasoning of Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo on the fact that many people had gotten here by different methods and so the term "Alliance Craft" was a bit of a problem. He considered convincing the Admiral that this effort was a lost cause and they should not entangle with the Galactic Alliance's Military Might. However the thought of displeasing his superiors within the association also came to mind. And his cowardly neimoidian nature of self preservation made him ignore the jedi's demands for renegotiation efforts and threat of sending a Galactic Alliance Transport.

"It is unfortunate that they did not bring "Galactic Alliance" marked craft to this world. We have provided an escape route to those marked craft but they are not on the planet and thus we have broken no laws" : Captain Talmo explained using the fact that the Galactic Alliance Citizens didn't bring spacecraft marked with the symbol of the Alliance and thus the Association would not be legally responsible for trapping such citizens on the world because they did not identify themselves.

A chill ran through him as he looked out the window of the flagship the
|:| Umberbool |:| to spot a larger spacecraft approaching the blockade and its size made him worry immensely. "Very well; I shall trust your judgement. Master Jedi. Open up the hangers and recall all starfighters currently planet side" : Captain Talmo then said after he explained that something much more dangerous was approaching them. "Yes; Sir" The OM-1 Battle Droid said in response as the flagship's hangers were now open.

Captain Talmo got up from the command chair when Admiral Gnogg approached after his conversations had ended and the mysterious opponent had arrived.

The 10 Galactic Class Starfighter that were tracking Arkyn Rane Arkyn Rane using her vessels' magnetic signature dropped their pursuit after being recalled to defend the flagship from a new enemy as she could see them diverting away from. Allowing the Dragonsnake to go free to deliver the supplies to the suffering people of Stobar down below.

Admiral Gnogg watched the screen in front of himself as alarms blared on his flagship at the arrival of their mysterious enemy's ship from as blue wormhole underneath the command of Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren . The enemy's vessel was several times larger than his blockade and would no doubt punch their way right through it given enough time. Enforcing their blockade at this point was a pointless endeavor. The slow and painful darkness soon swept the bridge affecting himself and his aide. Lucky for his fleet that they were mostly operated by droids with limited organic supervision. His yellow eyes watched with tension as the Fleet underneath The Human known as Lord Cameron unloaded his weaponry upon the Devourer in a blazing light show.

His mind wondered on how to defeat this imposing foe; until the signature of another large fleet appeared on their radar. He listened as Gir Quee Gir Quee introduced himself on the open communication line between them. The Brotherhood of the Maw was extremely formidable when it came to space combat and he doubted that his fleet would be able to survive without help. He would forward a responce and weather this storm for the time being.

"Yousa rightsa; Admiral Gee. Wesa follow yousa lead on thisa." Admiral Gnogg replied; as the blockade fleet moved from their orbital position straight towards the massive flagship of the maw. The Milvayne-Class Heavy Cruisers |:| Hunz - Gungan - Biermann - Gugo and Milvayne |:| moved directly in front of the flagship the |:| Umberbool |:| while the Milvayne-Class Trade Warship |:| Juko - Turvo - Ekzo |:| moved behind the flagship to cover them from the rear. "Sendsa everything wesa got at thsda shop." His voice rang out loud towards the crew who sent the urgent message to the rest of the fleet. Starfighter Hangers were all emptied of starfighters as they sent the full force of their starfighter compliments of Stiletto-Class Droid Interceptors , VH 101 Flying Coffin Light Interceptors and Galactic Class Starfighter towards the Devourer in an attempt to overwhelm their point defense systems and starfighters.

The 1st Corporate Flotilla fired everything they had in regards to weaponry in a
Targeted Barrage aimed towards weakening the frontal shielding of the vessel. Admiral Gnogg would watched from the bridge as the high amount of firepower zoomed forward to smash into the enemies formidable shielding.

Driver Driver
Dash Colton Dash Colton
Xam Jubb Xam Jubb

  • The Entire Corporate Flotilla moved forward to counter the Devourer with a targeted barrage.
  • The Flagship |:| Umberbool |:| has been moved in the middle of the fleet
  • The Milvayne-Class Trade Warships |:| Juko - Turvo - Ekzo |:| moved behind the flagship to cover its rear
  • The Mlvayne-Class Heavy Cruisers |:| Gungan - Biermann - Milvayne - Hunz - Gugo |:| have moved in front of the flagship
  • The Starfighters following Arkyn Rane Arkyn Rane have dropped their pursuit.

Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Gir Quee Gir Quee The Human Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Driver Driver Mogatto Gnogg Arkyn Rane Arkyn Rane Dash Colton Dash Colton

"Well," Xam said to himself as a freezing cold settled down around his bones and he shivered. Whether that was from the chill of space or from the presence of the massive warship, he couldn't guess. "That was not what I expected."

His mind considered these new developments as the various fleets rearranged themselves to face the giant warship.

"What do we do, Xam?" The captain asked, leaning back in the chair to glance back at him. "We're not fitted for this fight. We'd need a fleet I'm not sure the League could muster to tackle a ship of the size."

"What's our modular set up?" Xam asked after a moment.

"Engineering and fabrication, primarily." The captain answered. "Specifically for the demonstration at the conference."

Xam nodded slowly, watching the cannons open fire against the warship.

"What's our limit on what we can fabricate?"

"Theoretically, nothing, assuming we have time."

"Well, keep us alive while I try and think of something," Xam replied, rubbing the side of his forehead in consideration. "It's a standard imperial design. Means there's a blind spot in the rear, right?"

The captain stared at him in concern. "We are not launching an assault on the rear of a flagship using a science ship."

"Obviously," Xam agreed, "But at least they can't shoot us back there."
With the arrival of the Maw fleet, the starfighters veered away from the Dragonsnake to form up with Mogatto's flotilla. Arkyn seized the opportunity and made her way planetside, sending word to her client that she'd made it through the blockade.

The ruthless part of her that had been forged in the slums of Nar Shaddaa wanted to demand more credits for the job, now that the Maw was here, but the more pragmatic side of her just wanted to go.

She said as much to R5 as the Dragonsnake docked at the space port, landing settling against the hanger floor with a soft, muted thud. His response just made her roll her eyes.

"The Directorate too? Just how many different fleets are out there now? I'd bet my right tit that the Galactic Alliance has another fleet inbound as we speak. Fething Maw." She'd had to deal with their ilk during her job on Empress Teta. Luckily for her, she hadn't run into any heavy hitters- just troopers and droids and the occasional Scar hound.

One thing for sure- as disparate as the governing powers of the galaxy were right now, they were swift to come together to fight back the Maw. Enemy of my enemy, and all that.

"All right, you know the drill, R5. Get Peekay and Asp and have them start the unload. And when the customs people get here, don't be a jerk, eh R5? To show em' the ship's manifest, share our transponder codes, and that's it."

She ignored his angry response, as she often did, and made her way from the ship.

First thing's first, she made her way to Plop Dribble's. The client would meet her there, she'd get paid, she'd get full, and then she'd find her way off this rock and out of the system. Migjt be it was time to find someone to help her train these 'Force' powers of hers. Maybe if she could learn to see the future she could avoid situations like this.

Mogatto Gnogg Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo The Human Dash Colton Dash Colton Driver Driver Xam Jubb Xam Jubb Gir Quee Gir Quee
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