Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Blood and Sand [Geonosis Arena - Open]

Prey on the weak, and you may survive
But prey upon the strong? Then you will truly live~

ALLIES: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
ADVERSARIES: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl | Annika Starfire Annika Starfire | Diodoros Diodoros | Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus | Revna Revna | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway | Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Commodore Helix Commodore Helix | Vo Pandyn | Sula Skirata | Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar


The continuous roar and bustling of the collective audience within the spectator stands rattled the mind of Domina as she tapped her claws along the arm of her chair, Observing the arena and watching as a collection of different individuals came spilling out ranging from slaves, captured Godlings and even Mandalorians which, in the moment they had appeared caused the Grand Duelist of Manda to quirk a brow in piqued interest.

Originally she had only come to observe the sterilized Geonosian population in person in hopes of potentially finding something, no, ANYTHING that could potentially be salvaged and possibly restored. But it seemed the longer the show went on the less likely it appeared that the Geonosians would be providing Domina with anything she could hardly consider 'inspired'.

Still, her fellow Mandalorian cousins struggled on within the arena which, in some way shape or form tugged at Dominas strings. After all, she had been adopted by Mandalorians after the fall of TITAN. But, her true father Darth Carnifex seemed to be in some kind of feud with the Ironborn Warriors. Dima understood little of his grievances, after all she could not empathize with someone as complicated as Kaine. She had been told by a few that ever since an incident in battle where the God-King had been apparently carpet bombed with napalm by a Mandalorian enemy that his…feelings towards them had soured and rotted.

To Domina however, the sheer nerves of steel to challenge a god? To bleed the divine?

The sweet thought made her heart sing and dance as she cackled in delight. And perhaps this was the main difference between the Father & Daughter.

To be challenged by unworthy godless heathens? It must have made Carnifex's divine blood boil hotter than the surface of the sun. It made perfect sense after all so blessed that he was. But to Domina? Such a challenge she relished, such boldness she adored! Even if it had been her instead of him, sizzled to a crisp by aerial strikes in his place she would harbor no ill will. In fact, knowing her, she'd want to find whoever made the move and cap their fangs in gold!

And now, dancing in the pits were a fine collection of Mandalorians. She did not recognize any of them at the moment but admired their ferocity in the eyes of adversity. It was almost a shame that their only reward for surviving this game would be…life? Probably?

No…no that wouldn't do at all would it? After all, what was a game without the promise of a trophy at the end?

Her four arms adjusted in her chair, leaning heavily to the side and addressing Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .

"This one has been thinking, oh father mine~" She mused, dragging a claw across the arm of her chair, completely shredding it asunder as she dangled a leg off the end of her knee. "What's a game without a trophy? And spoils without the true challenge of earning it?" She asked, before drifting her eyes towards the Archduke, who in turn exchanged looks with the five eyed lifeform from behind her own Mandalorian Visor before reaching up and peeling away the mask covering her strange alien face.

However, the ArchDuke of Geonosia seemed to take an interest in her anatomy as she gave him a toothy grin. Followed by chittering rather audibly towards the ArchDuke in his own native hivetongue. A language she picked up rather effortlessly compared to any other language. She was mainly asking him if she had permission to make the games more…exciting for everyone. Before exchanging looks with Carnifex and giving her father a playful wink.

She stood from the shade, exiting her seat and standing just at the railing that just over it led straight down into the pits.

Two arms tucked behind her back and her hands lapsed together as she stared down at the combatants of the pits. Half starved slaves and unarmed fodder. Some part of her found these gladiator prospects rather disappointing seeing as they were never meant to survive long, only to appease the bloodthirst of the audience.

Domina did not want bloodshed. Domina wanted SPECTACLE! And after the executioner Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla entered the ring with confidence, proclaiming herself as a child of the Manda. Dima cackled devilishly as her upper pair of arms proceeded to clap in delight. The ArchDuke staring at the Prime rather awkwardly as that massive tail of hers lingered in his face dangerously.

This game needed a shake up. And with that, Domina turned towards the Archduke and reached out with her razor sharp claws to quite literally 'pluck' the microphone staff in his hands from him.

His first instinct was to resist, but after noticing the deadly points of her claws simply let the microphone slip from his grip as Domina stood in front of him. Bringing the mic up to her lips as those five eyes swam and examined the audience.

"Sweet audience. Is this why you came? IS THIS what you are here to see?" She asked them all, gesturing towards the poor Imperials and Slaves who stumbled and struggled about the arena only to be unceremoniously butchered by all manner of geonosian beast. "And here this one thought we all had such taste and class. So lets make this game more of a spectacle, yes?" She sorrowfully feigned, shaking her head and tapping her claws along the railing all over again. "To the champion who defeats the daughter of Carnifex shall be showered in gifts of gold and glory. And to those who simply survive? FREEDOM!" She roared, electrifying the fight in the poor servants and prisoners of war who, in this situation, had very little going for them. "Domina Prime issues this challenge to all bold enough to answer it, which of you will show the nerve?" She asked with a wicked chuckle~

Originally it was death or escape. But now a special condition has been temporarily unlocked for those daring enough to take the leap. She took the microphone and tossed it back into the Archdukes lap before giving her father Darth Carnifex a cheeky grin before jumping up onto the railing of their VIP spectator booth before simply…stepping off the edge and plunging downward into the pit. Crashing into the surface and inhaling deeply as she slipped her Mandalorian mask back onto her face, taking a massive axe off of her side and plopping it down into the dirt as she dragged the axe across the surface in some deranged manner as she ever so slowly made her way towards the arenas survivors as her many eyes also traced the audience to see if there were any spectators who might test their metal against Prime and answer the challenge given to all.




Tarnan Tolo Tarnan Tolo [Directly] Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex [Indirectly for now]

"Most would consider such brutish displays of barbarianism to be beneath us, Attaché Tolo. If we show the proper reverence towards the culture of the Geonosian Hives, then it will better allow us to establish a proper working relationship proceeding forward." The Trade Federation Minister eagerly addressed Tarnan Tolo Tarnan Tolo - casting a quick glance towards the Archduke's Podium to emphasize a crucial point.

The atmosphere was tense, with the arrival of Mandalorian contenders stirring up unrest and anticipation for a fierce battle. It was clear that these contenders had ulterior motives, aiming to disrupt the decade-long reign of the Twice-Emperor and notorious Butcher of Mandalore, Darth Carnifex. However, their futile attempts at assassination were destined to fail, just like all previous endeavors.

The main objective of their plan was to influence the Archduke of Geonosis - they also saw a golden chance to secure a couple of hive queens for their future endeavors. The Droid Foundries of Geonosis were highly coveted by the Trade Federation Directory, who aimed to seize control, but they were aware that they didn't possess enough military power to conquer the entire planet just yet. So they would rely on a generous benefactor in the form of Darth Carnifex to influence the current leadership in aligning to proper Federation values.

"Tell me, why do you believe that the Twice-Emperor has made himself vulnerable by showing up publicly?" An indirect question to judge the mental capacity of the Attache for future recommendations.

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CURRENT QUEST - Fight for your Freedom
Immediate Goals -
1: Survive
1.1: Escape
2: Answer the Challenge

FRIEND(s) - Vo Pandyn || Sula Skirata || Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla || Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch , other survivors

FOE(s) - Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , et al.

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Domina Prime Domina Prime

Even in the swirling stench of darkness, the call of vode lifted Kebii'kara's spirit - she wasn't alone, and though the Clans may have fought against one another in the past, she would sooner spit at each of her mothers before she would be entertainment to the thrice-damned Dar'Jetti. The longer she remained in their presence, the angrier she became - anger and fear lead to the Dark Side, she knew that much.

She especially did not like the challenger, not overtly, but because she was so confusing! The Force was absent from the four-armed...creature, but she bore beskar'gam. This meant two things, and neither of them were friendly to Kebii'kara, but the more she focused on the whirling absence of the strange "Force Dead", the less the darkness raked at her mind. As soon as the creature, now known as "Domina Prime" declared herself to be the threshold withholding their freedoms, Kebii'kara already consigned herself to grim battle.

If she prevailed, she would bargain for the sake of those great names who joined her now. If she did not... she died in defense of her fellow Mandalorians, in battle, and against the Hated One.

Using the nullness as a focal point, the shoal to cling in the mires of contempt, she called forth a battle-staff to her hand, before striding forward.

"She who is called Domina!" the Lasat boomed, adjusting her stratagem to test the boundaries and parameters of this strange being, letting the memory of her time under the Sunstar Order guide her. "I am Kebii'kara of House Solus, daughter of Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus ! I accept your challenge, bring me the Daughter of Dha'naast! I shall break her and break our chains!" This last part was a bold faced lie, for if this creature was in fact a mere pretense to whatever vile progney the Dread Warmaster blighted the galaxy with - then she would not emerge unscathed. The confidence belied a silent prayer to Manda and Duality, of beseeching forgiveness to the innumerable acquaintances she's made along the way, before a stance was struck.
Prophet of Bogan
Codex Judge

Revna Revna / Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway / Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

As Darth Strosius surveyed the spire with a calculating gaze, plotting potential entrances and viable exits if he were to attempt an infiltration, he did finally notice that he and Revna weren't sitting alone. Despite having followed her lead he had been too distracted to really spot that they were sitting amongst others even with how crowded the arena was. What specifically caught his attention though was being addressed. The masked man craned his head back over his shoulder, fixing the young man with a slightly narrowed gaze as he looked him up and down.

Thankfully from this angle the sun wasn't glaring into his visor as it would have if he was facing forward so he could get a good look at the other pair of Sith. He vaguely recognized the man on his other side, one that Malum had put up as a candidate for leading the armies of the Sith in the most recent campaign. How curious. "Experience hm?" He clicked his tongue and shook his head sadly, idly wondering what lies this poor soul had been fed. It could be simply the naiveites of youth coming forth to try and make the best of what little had been glimpsed of the Sith's leadership he supposed.

"You clearly haven't met Sith of any noteworthy position if you think such a thing, young one." Even he himself had to bloody his hands in ways that he was not keen on doing, such was the price of power and the burden of responsibility. "To kill an enemy is necessary and recommended, that much is not in question. There are however those that will perform cruel acts out of sheer enjoyment with the same casual nature as one would adopt whilst taking a stroll through a park. Typically said acts are carried out against those who pose no threat and are therefore not worth killing."

He gestured towards the spire with a nod of his head. "Up there, the Twice-Failed Emperor? He's the worst of them all. Selfish, arrogant, and persistently tyrannical. He's the reason the last Sith Empire wound up surrounded by enemies, choosing to pick his favorites and flee to slaughter random worlds rather than standing and fighting against those he had wronged which sought retribution upon all that he had created. He should have been put down like the rabid beast he is a long time ago."

There was no stopping the venom and animosity that seeped into his words as he spoke, not bothering to hide his disgust and outright hatred even in public. He was no mere Acolyte or Knight anymore after all so there was no need to bite his tongue. "And he would have been, had that wretched corpse Empyrean been worthy of the title he's given himself." He scoffed and rolled his eyes as he shifted in his seat slightly. "'Sith Emperor' and what has he done? Rewarded the greatest threat to the Sith by sparing his life and giving him control of worlds even after his treachery? Reserved himself and his armies until the final moments of campaigns? He's a coward and no less a butcher than that monster up there, him and all of his accursed ilk. The day when both of their heads roll down the steps of the Sith capital will be the day of the greatest victory we have achieved in centuries."


Sula Skirata

Sula felt assaulted with interruptions. A panda asking for food, someone asking her if she could hear, of course she could hear all she could hear was noise. Someone at the other end of the arena yelling about victory. She needed them all to shut up so she could think. She needed the noise to turn off, her free hand closed and unclosed at her side as she shut it all out, turning the noise dampeners up in her helmet, granting her a blissful moment of silence.

There was no way up and out, not unless she could mount and tame one of the beasts.

So it was a matter of survival.

Many had run in, whether out of sheer desperation, a ridiculous need to chase the ever deceptive and elusive 'glory' or just because the were stupid. Sula crouched at the arena's edge, watching.

"VOD!" She called, before dropping two weapons to the sand. A mandalorian Ripper pistol, and a Relby-v10 mortar gun. Sula wouldn't be fighting unarmed now.

Sula's gaze snapped up at the familiar voice, she rose. snatching the dropped weapons out of the air. "Could have given me a lift out!" she shouted after her. Still...this was better than nothing. She slotted the pistol into her holster, brought the mortar gun to her shoulder, aiming into the midst of the chaos and firing.

It made a satisfying thoop as the shell left the barrel, a split second later the centre of the arena exploded.

"I should keep this for Shev."

@all of you, I'm lazy
Location: North Side Spire, Arena - Geonosis
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Domina Prime Domina Prime Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl Annika Starfire Annika Starfire Diodoros Diodoros Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus Revna Revna Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway Commodore Helix Commodore Helix Vo Pandyn Sula Skirata Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Tarnan Tolo Tarnan Tolo Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

CI-6660 looked down upon the Moridinazid prisoners with a gaze that manifested equal parts disgust and pity, with the latter being much the same emotion that one might feel towards a luckless, non-sentient creature that was being forced to fight for scraps and the entertainment of a baying crowd. In that regard, this particular circumstance was no different. The Moridinazids were animals, after all. Dangerous, cunning animals, but animals nonetheless. Thus, their place—their destiny, in fact—was to be ruled over the strong and the civilized. As history had proven many times over, they were incapable of ruling themselves. The loathsome state of Moridinae—Mandalore, as it had been known prior to its Eclipsing—was a testament to that very fact.

Nevertheless, in spite of 666’s pity for the assorted sub-sentient creatures that had been captured to fight in the arena below, she felt no mercy for them. In fact, she was here to ensure that none of them got too close to the Sith’ari. Such a duty was normally the sacred responsibility of the Crownguard. However, 666 had been called here specifically by the Eternal Father Himself, a directive which overrode any previous obligations she had with the Saaraishash.

And so, 666 watched the ongoing bouts with all due caution. The Aetharian was especially wary around Domina Prime Domina Prime , who in her mind was little better than an animal herself in spite of her close relationship with the Sith’ari. The four-armed alien’s strange obsession with the savage Moridinazid “culture” met all the criteria for heresy. Unfortunately, 666 could do nothing more than silently pout about it.

However, with the alien’s departure to fight the beasts down in the arena, 666 breathed a short sigh of relief, only for another animal ( Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch ) to fly up towards the spire, an insult on its doubtlessly frothing lips.

<<Requesting permission to destroy this savage beast, Father.>> 666 hissed in guttural Ghoul-Speak, restrained bloodlust evident in her tone as searing electricity manifested around her fingers. <<I wish to send it back to the sty from whence it came.>> She growled.

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Location: Geonosis
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Revna Revna | Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

With his eyes fixed, the young boy listened whilst the Sith spoke.

In much the same way as the Sith Knight spoke in sections, Zachariah broke down the man's words in sections. The first comment made the young boy smile. His aquaintance was quick to assume that Zachariah had never associated with Sith of a noteworthy position and Zachariah wasn't about to correct him. He wanted to see where this would go.

The second section seemed to aimed at the Sith Lord who had arranged the arena fights that they were currently attending. The Sith Knight referred to their host as a twice-failed Emperor and Zachariah had to admit, the story interested him. He'd never crossed said twice-failed Emperor before or heard any of the stories relating to him. Zachariah listened as his acquaintance spoke about the previous Sith Empire and how it had been surrounded on all sides due to failings.

Section three was the section that truly piqued Zachariah's interest though. The mention of his grandfather, the Sith Emperor made his eyebrow raise just slightly. He listened as his aquantiance spoke of the fact that his grandfather had let the so called twice-failed Emperor live and how he had given him worlds to control. He listened to the stories told of how his grandfather had reserved himself.

A coward? His grandfather?

Certainly something he'd never considered. His dealings with Empyrean had always been good, however he supposed that was because he was family. He'd never expected Empyrean to be the forgiving kind, or the type to be a coward and hide from battle. The comments made by the helmeted male had certainly made him think for a few moments, that was for certain.

"And if both of these are as bad as you suggest, my Lord" he spoke finally. "Who should lead the Sith into their next era then? You clearly don't believe the former Emperor worthy of the honour, and it appears you don't hold the current one in much esteem either" he continued, very careful not to associate himself with Empyrean in any way.

"So who?"


As the imprisoned were thrust out onto the baking sands, their eyes painfully adjusting to the glaring sun above, more doors opened around the arena. But those that emerged were not slaves, not were they being coerced into fighting. These were seasoned gladiators, true lords of the arena; executioners in all but name. They were more armored than the prisoners, a shimmering field of energy encasing their bodies as they strode out from the shadows. In their hands were great vibroweaponry; electro-bisentos, vibro-voulges, and even a few vibrocleavers.

They marched forth like implacable reapers, striking down any prisoner that came too close. Blood flecked the hot sands, pooling where the bodies of the slain lay. Other, shoddier weaponry had been thrown down into the arena to be used by the prisoners, but they either proved ineffective or broke the moment they came into contact with the executioner's weapons. They were not meant to provide a serious challenge, only to provide a spectacle for their own death sentence.

And how the Geonosians trilled and howled, the collective sound of their approval rising high on the hot winds. The Sith and Imperials among their number gave more mixed reactions, depending on their personal convictions. The Kainites among the crowd surely followed their leader's direction, chanting and banging their fists with every mounting kill. Some had even mounted the barrier and dropped down into the arena, adding themselves to the spectacle.

All the while, the Dark Lord watched from on high. His entourage was varied, the Crownguard set along the perimeter watching each of them closely and with ingrained mistrust. They would kill any one of them in a heartbeat if they so dared raise a hand against their Lord and Master, likewise if He commanded it. But for now, they watched.

He craned an ear to His netherspawn daughter, Domina, listening to her proposal with a slight grin upon His face. "By all means, my dear. Have your fill." He then watched as she strode forth, taking the amplifier-staff from the Archduke and announcing her challenge to the whole stadium. Then she entered the ring, falling from the upper spire to land amidst the prisoners and their executioners. Many within the upper spire moved forward to peek down at the new spectacle, their eyes filled with either viciousness or disturbance.

But the Dark Lord did not look down, He looked up -- to the sky. And right He was to do so, for a Mandalorian jetted up within eyeshot and then descended down to land upon the spire's barrier; weapons not yet drawn. The Crownguard at first moved to shield their Lord, but He held a hand up and they stopped dead in their tracks. She spoke to the assembled group, but to Him in particular. "Contrary to what you may believe, all that bravado doesn't truly mask the fear you're trying to hide from me. You might object, confident that in this moment you do not know fear. But you deceive yourself, without even realizing it. Within you exists a fear so deeply entertwined with who you are that you no longer recognize it as fear."

The Dark Lord's smile broadened slowly, His eyes unblinking as He looked into the Mandalorian's visor. "But I see it, I see you." He laughed, deep in His throat, a mocking sound. Another stepped forward, so much more smaller than the Dark Lord, but smoldering with the same disdain for Mandalorians as a people and as a culture. His gaze never wavered from staring directly at the Mandalorian, but the subtlest shift in His awareness made it evident that He was regarding the strand-cast.

"Let us see what all this bravado brings you, Mandalorian. No weapon fashioned against me may prosper." He reached out with His right hand, drawing the Aetharian near. With the tip of His finger, He carved into her forehead the amalgamated rune for tosochkashai, the Sith word for delighting in another's suffering.

Then He spoke the words of ritual. "Wolir tsinudor. Tuzir tuzemwai, dwomutir qyâfek su raiskaz. Tuzir tuzemwai, qapir lâmtirkut su tûlin. Tuzir tuzemwai, kisir midwandor. Tuzir tuzemwai." Young 666 would feel a rush of energy lance through her small body, as though every atom had been energized and overclocked. Then He would slowly draw His hand back, the rune carved into her forehead only slightly bleeding; yet burning hot like a branding iron pressed against the skin.

"Show me what you are worth, my child, and I may yet elevate you."

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

Tae'l landed atop some imperial in tattered uniform, placing a bolt between his eyes without second thought and leaving as the man dropped his provided spear limply. As much as she would have preferred a greater foe, she was being paid to demonstrate on camera for the Bayal Corporation. Still, she hoped that perhaps one of the beasts would spot her or that the prisoners would form a mob, something that would allow her to show them what she was really capable of. Even so, she had no love for the imperials here, whether she killed them for Mandalore as she once had, or executed them for upsetting some noble, it was all the same.

Or at least, it was until she caught sight of the others.

An armored figure( Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch ) flew above, dropping weapons into the field. They clearly wore a jetpack, and it almost sounded like they spoke something in Mando'a. Of course, she thought. Only a Mandalorian would be so bold.

Then Domina Prime Domina Prime spoke, drawing her attention upward, and then back down into the arena as the imposing- and quite familiar figure- entered the arena. She couldn't beleive what she was seeing, much less what she was hearing. If even half what the Grand Duelist said was true, than Tae'l would have many questions. The last she had seen of this one was after her "death" and choice to leave the enclave.

She missed her fellow Vizsla, in her own way. Even if they fought once.

"Dima?!" She called out, rocketing from one corner of the arena and into the sands a short distance behind Domina, landing on her feet in a cautious walk.

"Dima Vizsla? What the hell is going on here? Why are there Mandalorians coming out the gate?!"
She gestured to Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus , whose words had confirmed Tae'l's worst fears about this battle. Just the name Solus alone made her realize that some of these were warriors were family. Even if she hadn't seen Solus'alor since leaving Kamino.

Years had gone by and she had missed so much. But she was still Mando'ad. She hoped that Domina was still Vode by some measure, but something was very wrong here.

Marshal, Journeyman Protector


Despite herself, her resolve, her courage, Arla had to admit to herself that she felt a chill deep in her very soul at hearing His voice. She'd never admit the feeling to anyone else by choice, however. Quickly she tempered the fear, and the excitement too, and replaced them with cold fury. Professional. Composed. Resolute.

"Oh, Emperor, if you only knew." replied Arla, honestly. She had nothing left to fear, certainly not death and destruction. She'd died inside some time ago. Controlling her fury, Arla stood firm, unarmed, defiantly staring back at the Dark Lord as he spoke to her. Finally she nodded.

"Very well, Sith. One day we might test that prosperity."

Arla watched the strange arcane ritual between Carnifex and his minion with detached curiosity, observing, but not letting herself be distracted from why she was here.

She observed the ugly little creature, Phaelissia Phaelissia that looked to the Rodarch Mandalorian's eyes as if it had escaped from a freak zoo. The small grotesquery flitted about, and demonstrated it could speak, though not in a tongue that the Mandalorian recognized. The language didn't come up in her database either, so there was no translation provided in her HUD. That hardly mattered. She could read between the lines. Some sort of sycophant, then. Blessed with the Dark Lord's Dark blessing. The thing would need it.

The Journeyman Protector waited patiently. Her own personal code of honour would not allow her to simply begin gunning down the unarmed, threat or not, enemy or not. Those who took up arms were legitimate prey. Those who did not, spared themselves violence from her part. Arla knew what she was doing. She relaxed, preparing herself for the moment violence was unleashed.

A Panther was patient, alert, and always ready to fight.

Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl Annika Starfire Annika Starfire Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Commodore Helix Commodore Helix Revna Revna Diodoros Diodoros Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Domina Prime Domina Prime Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin

Vo Pandyn Sula Skirata

Location: Geonosis | Golbah City Arena | The Barahunde
Objective: Survive
Status: Fighting Gladiator
Equipment: Slave Rags Labelled 'Traitor'
Tags: Open

Kaiah gazed around the arena with a mixture of dread and fascination. Prisoners and combatants alike mingled in a dance of life and death. Most of the prisoners were like her, unarmed or with paltry weapons likely to break in the heat of battle. The combatants however were a myriad of well-armed and armoured warriors. Chief among them was a group of Mandalorians, or so she presumed from the Beskar they wore.

The hair stood up on her skin, and she barely had time to duck as the vibro-cleaver passed through where her neck was moments ago. She could feel the rush of air pass over her head as the blade flew by. The gladiator stumbled back, off-balance, and she took the opportunity to back off. In her daze, she hadn't even noticed the doors of the arena opening once again or that more armed combatants had entered the fray. It was only thanks to her survival instincts that she had noticed the gladiator in time and kept her head on her shoulders.

Her opponent was taller than her, maybe about 6'10, and looked strong. He wore armor, including a helmet styled in a grinning face. The vibrocleaver in his right hand was stained in a rust-coloured substance that could only be dried blood.

Having regained his balance, the warrior wasted no time in advancing on her again. She cursed and started moving backwards and right, trying to keep a healthy distance from her and the blade. She should've attacked when he was off-balance, now it would take all her effort just to stay out of reach of the cleaver.

She dashed left, hearing the 'thrummm' of the cleaver pass by, once again too close. She dodged two more swipes before a loud explosion distracted her. Unbeknownst to her, it was Sula Skirata's mortar blast she heard, the proximity of the explosion making her ears ring. She turned back to find the man swinging the cleaver straight down at her head. In a blind panic, she stumbled and fell backwards onto her back. Her mishap had saved her however, as the weapon slammed into the ground between her feet.

An idea sparked in her mind. With no time to lose - she tapped into the force, pleased to find her dazed state hadn't impacted her access to her powers. She willed the ground around the cleaver solidify and close around the blade, and to prevent it from moving. She couldn't help but grin as gladiator frowned and struggled to pull the weapon up.

She stood and moved to close in on her opponent. She spotted a knife in a sheath on the man's shoulder and decided that would have to do for a weapon. She nimbly ducked forward, feeling her hand close around the cool grip on blade's handle. The gladiator grunted, letting go of the cleaver and punched Kaiah in the face with a gauntleted fist.

Stars burst before her eyes and her vision began to swim as she was knocked back. She yelped in pain, stumbling back as she instinctively clutched at her face with her left hand. Yet, clutched in her right, was a long slender vibroknife.

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My Heartbeat Stumbles & My Backbone Crumbles

They want blood and they'll kill for it!
Burn me at the stake, met the devil, made the deal for it!

ALLIES: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
ADVERSARIES: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey | Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl | Annika Starfire Annika Starfire | Diodoros Diodoros | Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus | Revna Revna | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway | Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Commodore Helix Commodore Helix | Vo Pandyn | Sula Skirata | Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

The Prime inhaled deeply as the audience of the coliseum erupted into a glorious crescendo of delight and bloodthirsty spectacle. The opening of the Arena gate revealed yet another layer to this game that had previously remained dormant as new executioners of all shapes and sizes strolled into the sands with weapons in hand and their sights set on the many unfortunate souls dragged into the scorched pits of gladiator hell.

But one man's hell was another alien creature's heaven!

Judging from the combatants still standing among the ring, plus the new executioners who had just now arrived there was now a finer selection of prey for the Xeno Queen to pick her opponents from. The beasts that had been unleashed however seemed to be some of the first to be subdued and eliminated. It made sense, after all it was hard to focus on a fight with an actual opponent when strange creatures were constantly nipping at your heels.

Hell, just a few yards away a massive Acklay was still in the fray. Fighting off multiple slaves with spears as they tried to poke away at its hardened exoskeleton with…lackluster results. Especially as blood curdling screams of men being dismembered and disemboweled shrieked into the air which caused Dima to roll her eyes in disappointment.

Some people simply weren't cut out for this kind of life.

"She who is called Domina! I am Kebii'kara of House Solus, daughter of Cynthia Solus Cynthia Solus! I accept your challenge, bring me the Daughter of Dha'naast! I shall break her and break our chains!" A Mandalorian shouted and barked proudly, drawing the five alien eyes of Domina as she grinned nice and wide behind that Mandalorian Mask concealing her face.

"YES! Very good little cousin! Prime sees you and your heart, sweet Child of Manda~" Domina cooed warmly, almost supportive as she continued to drag the head of her axe through the sand. "Steady those nerves cousin. Do not forget the most basic law of our allfathers. You are Predator or you are Prey, We don't fold, quake, buckle or yield when faced with insurmountable odds!" Domina barked gleefully as she twirled that large Beskad Axe in her grip, brandishing the weapon as if preparing for the clash between the two of them.

And then, there was yet another voice calling the Primes name.

"Dima?!" Another voice called out, causing Dimas ears to perk up a bit as she slightly lowered her axe. "Dima Vizsla!? What the hell is going on here?!"

She groaned childishly and lowered her axe again.

"Huh? What?" Dima replied, over her shoulders and turning slightly to see another Mandalorian using their jetpack to approach from behind. "What i do what i do?" Domina rather innocently mused, lifting her upper arms as if to gesture innocence. Confused as to who had approached her in such a way before lifting her claws and scratching at her neck as if she had an itch she couldn't quite scratch. She longer she stared at the stranger however the more familiar they began to appear, especially when Domina noticed the Twi'leks lekku and the familiar design of her armor. "Waaaaaaait a second…you look familiar~" She murmured, planting the axe down into the dirt and leaning against it casually as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

And like a strike of lightning Dimas eyes widened as she gasped audibly.

"Oh wait sugarsnaps! DUH DIMA!" She exclaimed, papping herself in the side of the head as if scolding herself for her forgetfulness. "VIOLET! Wow, lost it for a second there. Soooooo, how ya been?" Dima asked, almost completely forgetting about her challenger Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus who was prepared for battle.

"Why are there Mandalorians coming out the gate?!" Tae'l questioned, making Dima stare blankly and lean her head very, very hard to the side in confusion before glancing back at the collection of Mandalorians battling gladiators and other such things.

"Uhhhhhhhh. Ya know this one isin't really…to suuuuuuuuuuuure. Dima thinks father like, hates children of manda so he's probably trying to kill them." She theorized, before shrugging carelessly. "But cousins are mighty in their fight against uncertain odds! So it'll probably be fine~" She assured, having more faith in Mandalorians and their fighting spirit than Carnifex did.

And with the chaos of the arena now getting more and more complicated, there was a…serious lack of blood curdling screams that had been painting the air like a canvas since Domina had dropped into the ring….

Was probably normal though. Nothing to worry about at the mome-


Within that single moment, in mere seconds. Domina was viewing the Arena from…above? Se was now looking down upon Tae'l, the girl who had challenged her and even a couple others such as Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch who was using their blaster to fend off all manner of hostiles before being addressed by Dominas body went flying through the air like some kind of ragdoll after being surprise struck by a blindingly violent swipe of Acklay claws while she was so unprofessionally distracted by her name being called and her attention being split between Tae'l and Kebii.

Completely spacing out and forgetting about the creature who was, at the time of her entering the ring. Being quelled by the slave gladiators as best as they could. But clearly they had been felled as now the Acklay had set it's sights on the next nearest targets. And what better target than someone with their back turned engaged in casual conversation among the midst of battle.

The Axe that was originally within her grip had been flung high into the air, spinning rapidly before eventually crashing back down into the sands RIGHT in front of Kebii. Slamming into the stone earth with the handle poking out the sand.

Domina however? She was…still flying through the air and slowly descending back towards the earth.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She screamed out until finally, with a massively audible crashlanding as she smashed directly back into the audience stands above the arena. And unfortunately for anyone within the path of her crash would end up crushed, mangled, or even worse as Dimas face SMASHED into the bench seats, shattering them and completely collapsing some of the furniture and structure in the stands as well as splattering against whatever poor sods were assigned to those seat only to bounce off the ground from the force of the crash and slam right back into another person who was completely trampled by the massive alien tumbling through the stands. Her large, heavy tail smacking into a couple of human bystanders during the commotion and completely flinging them deeper into the stands upon contact and sending many spectators around Annika Starfire Annika Starfire and Commodore Helix Commodore Helix .

When the dust settled, the roar of the crowd where Dima had crashed seemed to dissipate into panic and screams as most of the people caught in the path were injured severely with their legs and arms mangled just from Domina essentially falling on them with all her body weight. Thankfully, there seemed to be ONE sturdy surface strong enough to stop Domina from colliding deeper into the stands. Like a tall wall of muscle stopping that wipeout from being any more painful than it already was. Dimas four arms laid out and her leg dangled in the air helplessly.

"Owwwwww, Dimas head~" She groaned, her mask having been knocked off during the crash as Dima lifted herself up slowly while holding her skull. However, noticing that she was laying on something pretty soft she looked down at the ground to see what all she had destroyed only to see…a man?

No, not a man. A beast. With massive pecks and a muscular, barrel shaped chest Dimas fall had been mostly absorbed by the one known as Diodoros Diodoros who cushioned Dominas fall by essentially CATCHING her within those meaty biceps of his. Essentially trapped beneath the thunderous weight of Dominas alien body she regained her composure slowly as the dazed xeno straddled the top half of a golden man. She ran her claws along the mans shoulders delicately as her lower claws dragged across his chest, those five eyes drinking up every muscle before grinning almost wickedly. "Mmnf, Dimas kind of hero. Aren't you just a fine cut of meat~" Domina purred, admiring the golden design of Diodoros as the xenos obsession with all things that glitter and shine, so needless to say a Golden Muscle Boy was something that caught her attention rather quickly.

She then spotted her mask, just a bit over Dios head. And as she reached out to retrieve it, she loomed just over Dios face, their eyes inches apart as Domina grinned wickedly before winking at the man. "Gotta go now hero, don't be a stranger now goldenboy~" She teased before reaching out to playfully pinch his cheeks with those claws before putting her mask back on, rolling her shoulders and twisted her neck to crack the bones audibly as she stood back to her full height.

Looking back out upon the Arena, noticing the Acklay was going after anyone it could after flinging Domina halfway across the arena. Causing her to give an exasperated sigh of agitation, stepping down the stairs of the stands and back towards the railing before looking back at where she had landed. Two people unfortunately had been the first ones Dima crashed into and before tumbling through the stands and finally stopping at Diodoros whose sheer stature and design kept her from going any further. However, all those caught in the path before him weren't exactly…breathing anymore. And if they were it was between agonized screams of their arms or legs shattered like glass beneath the weight of the Prime.

She paid them little mind. Re-entering the arena as the audience recovered from the sudden chaos that unfolded in the stands not too far from spectators such like Darth Strosius Darth Strosius & Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway along with others who just so happened to be within range of the commotion but luckily were outside the crash path of Carnifex's Daughter as they plotted, schemed and talked politics.

Landing within the sands this time from a different part of the arena, Dima had her gaze locked onto the Acklay that had struck her through the air as Domina spat onto the floor and rattled her massive tail in frustration. Walking straight up to Kebii who had initiated the challenge to retrieve the axe that had been lost after the attack. Lifting an arm and gesturing a single clawed finger at Kebii as Dima yanked the Axe out of the sand and rested it upon her shoulder. "Your Prime will be with you in a moment, cousin. Some of these creatures are destined only for destruction~" She hissed with a devious grin as she began to pick up her pace.

Senator of Cato Neimoidia



The Jedi Master remained hidden behind the large black banners, their red glowing eyes peering out discreetly as the banners swayed in the scorching breeze. The bustling arena was filled with spectators eagerly awaiting the start of the Barahunde festival, a traditional Geonosian event featuring brutal gladiatorial fights, fierce battles with wild beasts, and public executions. The Jedi Master knew they had to gather crucial intelligence for the New Jedi Council before making their move.

The New Jedi Order never intended to interfere with the cultural traditions of the galaxy, but when the Archduke appointed Darth Carnifex, the Twice-Emperor of the Sith Empire and Slayer of Many Jedi, as the arena's current patron, the situation became extremely serious. Even though the Jedi Master knew he couldn't match Carnifex's power, a chance arose when Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch decided to confront the Emperor and his followers on the Archduke's Balcony.

If the Mandalorian and the Jedi were to join forces against a mutual enemy, the playing field could be leveled, if only for a brief moment. Despite the Dark Lord appearing unperturbed by the Mandalorian's reckless approach, he went as far as imbuing a follower of the Kainite Branch Phaelissia Phaelissia to fight on his behalf while the Archduke and Carnifex watched the spectacle unfold for his own entertainment as seasoned gladiators were present now to give the contestants a real challenge.

Flapping his delicate wings in flight as the Jedi Master flew towards the Balcony while staying within the shadows of the arena. Until finding a moment to strike against the Dark Lord and Butcher from afar.

"Death to the Ever-Living Tyrant" - A voice quiet but full of defiance

Using Telekinesis to hurl several large chunks of rock towards Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex in an attempt to draw them away from the Mandalorian.


CURRENT QUEST - Fight for your Freedom
Immediate Goals -
1: Survive
1.1: Escape
2: Answer the Challenge
2.1: Break the Dar'manda

FRIEND(s) - Vo Pandyn || Sula Skirata || Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla || Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch , other survivors

FOE(s) - Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , et al.

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Domina Prime Domina Prime || Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla || Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch || Vo Pandyn || Sula Skirata || Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl

Something about the Twi'lek Mandalorian was familiar. Perhaps the Twi'lek reminded her of her Auntie Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla , or Auntie Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla . But even if she had never seen the before in her life, they were all fellow prisoners, and fellow combatants - and by the time, Manda willing, they escaped this sandy hellpit and made way towards Protectorate space, they would be friends.

Indeed, the familial ties reared their head once more, as the Twi'lek not only recognized the multi-armed Dar'manda - but declared her, in a tone reminiscent of her own mothers when she and her sisters were caught doing mischief - a Vizsla. The darkness once more dug its tendrils in her mind, and she felt her respect for the woman souring. They were in an arena, within the apathetic gaze of the Destroyer of Manda'yaim, it didn't take a genius to put two and two together! Between this and the fact the strange alien began to innocently act wildly out of place on the battlefield, after daring to consider her a kinswoman, she laughed.

It was in that laughter she broke from focusing on the numbness of the Force and evaded a rather irate acklay sweeping through more gladiatorial combatants. With an expert roll, she maneuvered through the limbs of the flailing insectosaur, with Manda bequeathing her the very axe that would have been used by her would be opponent, now flailing meters above their heads and crashing down into the stands.

For the briefest of moments, she felt the draw, the temptation to utilize such a weapon, before angrily utilizing the battle-staff as a blunt javelin, utilizing the Force to gracelessly impale a gladiator with a roaring throw. The darkness could not be denied to her any longer, but she vowed to ride the currents. "<<Kinswoman!>>" She called in her native Mando'a to the Twi'lek gunslinger. "<<Rally the others, we need to stick together! The Dha'naast wishes us to fight like beasts, his spawn thinks us mere prey. We are family! And we will prevail!>>" Despite her boldness, she knew she had no right to call to her vode as a leader, and so instead she focused on the Force. Letting herself dance and step towards those who were thrown against their will, be they Mandalorians or grey-skinned and rag-cloaked woman, Kebii'kara moved like a thundering meteor, the visceral strike against each opponent heralded by the thud of a footfall. To defend the helpless and defend goodness... she thought to herself. This is how I do it... right?

Those thoughts would have to wait, as the acklay was still a pain to deal with. Armed with merely vibroblades, only a Force-user could hope to strike the slim vulnerabilities within the chitinous titan, she found herself once more facing the one called "Domina Prime", and she gave a withering gaze from behind her mask. "<<You have abandoned your Clan-Name.>>" the Lasat sneered, her otherwise cheerful voice exchanged for a bile-fueled barb, the very words of Mandalorian perhaps as gutteraly animalistic as Carnifex may have disdained. "<<It would not surprise me you would abandon your challenge as well.>>"
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Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
Immediate Goals -
1: Make friends
1.1: Touch base with some estranged political allies
1.2: Connect with the youth
2: Enjoy the free entertainment

BLUFOR - Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , Revna Revna Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway


TARGETING ACTION(S) - OPEN FOR INTERACTION || Darth Strosius Darth Strosius || Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway || Revna Revna

"Ain't that the billion cred question?" Trayze answered with a cynical chuckle. He knew of Strosius, and of Revna, and the former's disdain for the current powers that be made him the co-assasin of the late Lady Ophidia, and Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr 's right hand. Far more than himself, Trayze would begrudgingly note.

"Whom shall save us?" he continued in a semi-mocking tone, but those who focused themselves in the Force would note the brooding tempest swirling within the psyche of the Kiffar detective.

Trayze had as much a begrudgement against the Sith Society as any formerly non-Force-sensitive-except-for-recently, but Trayze knew better than to pin the blame on any singular person - except Carnifex, the big bastard was an exception to most things. Case and point, the stout elf that he kept running into, Phaelissia Phaelissia , who now had been imbued with the power of the Force to swat away another Mandalorian. There was also the four armed freak of nature, no doubt a product of the Butcher King's perversions with some Nether-damned thing with too many teeth, limbs, and tentacles for sanity. She slipped down like an oily soap bubble, before careening back into the stands comedically. If he wasn't in the presence of the Twice-Failed Emperor, Trayze would have been utterly bored to the point of mild bemusement - in addition to the small comforts that came with being on this side of the stands, as opposed to the other.

"Well, Miss Revna? Mister Conway?" He would inquire to the youths, "You both seem learned, what do you think?"
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Location: Geonosian Arena
Objective: Watch the show
Tags: OPEN
Gear: in bio
Wearing: this
The half Zeltron scowled as things started getting out of hand and one after another, clowns started taking swings at the host. Many of the geonosian spectators, individually very cowardly were all taking to the air and begun to leave. A man, launched by a the strange looking Domina Prime Domina Prime , smashed through the table next to her and looked up at her reaching for her aid as blood poured from gash in his head. She pulled the hem of her dress away from him and stepped away. "No..."

The data flow to her devices showed that due to the changing nature of the event, ad revenue had frozen and locals were checking out in their thousands. The fourth devices though was more intruiging.

<I wanna see carni eat someone's heart>

<carni... carni...carni>

<ten thousand credits the chick in gold is pregnant by the second round!!>

<I'll take third round>

<I love Carni! #teamharem>

<We need close ups of that chest!>

Her eyes flickered at the messages, reading them as fast as she could which wasn't fast enough as there was so many of them. She slid the other three devices into her bag and picked up the last one, turning it and trying to take some more carefully framed shots of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .

"Damn, he's too high" she thought to herself. She grabbed her stuff and vanished though a shimering portal and appeared on the roof, the viewers were counting on her, as was her accountant. She leaned over the edge and started filming more closely as he gave his speech to his opponents. The shots were great! She caught the eye of one of the crownguard who was close to getting into her shot but she could work with it, she managed to capture a beautiful image of the burning eyes of one of Carnifex's guardians staring right at her as he guarded his charge. Annika was very grateful she was a sith being this close to the feared guardian as he turned back away to watch out for more imminent threats than the curious.

There was a buzzing noise behind her as a pair of geonosian guards buzzed over her head, again paying little heed to the Zeltron in her position on the roof.

Location: North Side Spire, Arena - Geonosis
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Domina Prime Domina Prime Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Monaray Dod Monaray Dod

The Sith’ari did not answer 666’s request immediately, as was His prerogative. And so, the Aetharian watched as her Father addressed the foolish Moridinazid who had thought to challenge Him, compelling the beast to hiss back to Him in turn. However, what it said was of little import, as 666 ignored its response as she might ignore the yappings of a dog at night. Instead, the Aetharian found herself pulled close to her God not long after the exchange, her breath seizing within her chest as His finger lanced out to brand her across the forehead.

On cue, 666’s voice rose into a scream, one that was equal parts suffering as it was triumphant and invigorating. As the Sith’ari spoke then, the Aetharian knew then that she was being blessed, in spite of the fact that she had no right to learn or know the Old Tongue. Her supposition was confirmed when she felt her body surge with unnatural strength and energy. And yet, the blessing did not merely make her stronger. It also honed her senses far beyond their natural acuity, until she could feel, hear, and drink in the immortal essence of the Eternal Father, just as well as she saw Him.

And so too, did her nose wrinkle in disgust upon doing the same for the Mordinazid.

"Show me what you are worth, my child, and I may yet elevate you."

“This one's destiny is but to serve in Your divine name, Father.” 666 intoned in response, before turning around to face the towering figure of the Moridinazid, her features shifting from an expression of reverence to one of hate and disgust in the process.

“Bay for me, dog.” 666 spat. Then, as soon as the words left her lips, the Aetharian shot her left arm towards the Moridinazid, at which point a hypersonic shockwave exploded out from the palm of her hand with a loud, explosive crack as the air itself was formed in a powerful wave of kinetic overpressure that had the potential to physically rip a target apart or failing that, smash bones and blow open organs. Fired a little more than 20 meters away from its intended target, the wave blew away the duracrete guardrail at the lip of the spire’s platform, sending chunks of heavy bricks and rubble flying into the arena and the audience below, crushing a number of hapless Geonosians in the process.

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Marshal, Journeyman Protector


Phaelissia Phaelissia Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

The Journeyman Protector was more than ready as the Sithy thing turned from its master to face her.

The two combatants weren't exactly evenly matched in appearance, Arla towered over most Mandalorians, and this short and spindly creature didn't look like it weighed much. None of that mattered, and their worth would now be tested. Small and wierd looking or not, the thing was blessed by the Dark Lord, and Arla knew needed to be cautious. She doubted the Sith would interfere.

Others interfered, rocks came flying towards the Spire, not at Arla and her enemy, but at Darth Carnifex. Arla could safely ignore them, or so she hoped. The war out there was not her war. Her war was here, now, between the Mandalorian and the Sith. Anyone involved was bound to get hurt. The Geonosians and their Archduke were certainly at risk, but they were not her target, nor were they her concern.

The war between the Sith and the Mandalorians had begun so long ago, that they had been allies and enemies both, many times. In this era, following the desolation of Manda'yaim, it was a blood feud. Arla's vengeance was her people's vengeance, and would be visited on Darth Carnifex, and those who stood with him, or for him. Including the thing that wanted to kill her.

She could sense the murder in its intent, or so she thought. Fine. When the creature spoke and raised its arm, the Mandalorian was already moving. Arla swiftly closed the distance between them, and as the arm raised fired off its deadly shockwave, she grabbed the offending arm at the wrist in the crushing grip of her own right gauntlet.

"You want to be careful where you point that shabla thing." She said contemptuously, though she was in no way underestimating the threat from her opponent. Feet firmly planted, Arla yanked hard on the arm she'd taken, intending to haul the creature off its feet and ragdoll it up and over by its arm into the duracrete. Weight counted for a lot with physics, and in beskar'gam, or not, Arla was a big girl.

Kaiah Nihl Kaiah Nihl Annika Starfire Annika Starfire Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Commodore Helix Commodore Helix Revna Revna Diodoros Diodoros Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Domina Prime Domina Prime Alicia Drey Alicia Drey Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin

Vo Pandyn Sula Skirata


Diodoros had not been paying attention to what was unfolding in the arena. Having already made up his mind to exit the colosseum to see what else he could do here. As he was making his way to the exit he managed to hear some sort of commotion and turned back to see what it was.

But what happened next for the golden brute was a complete blur. Likely from the whiplash he experienced as something harshly collided with him. The next thing the privateer knew he was on his back with something, or someone on top of him. Also a lot of his body started to feel pretty sore as well. Letting out an anguished groan. When his eyes finally began to focus on what was in front of him he was greeted with the all encompassing sight of some purple alien lady straddling him and admiring his physique. Which certainly wasn’t what he expected, and even distracted him from the damage he just took from her falling into him like this.

Diodoros blinked a few times as he looked up at the xeno woman. Never having seen a extraordinary induvial like her before. He felt a little confused by the way that she gazed down and addressed him. It wasn’t often that he was referred to as meat. But then again he liked meat, loved it even. Like any Firrerreo would. So he could take it as a compliment. As she leaned forwards he got a better look at her blue, incandescent features. “Uhhh…” The mixture of being surprised and concussed left him feeling rather confused and speechless. Was he a hero simply because he managed to break her fall? Or at least some of her fall.

Instead of saying anything he could really only nod back to her words before she got off of him and got back to what she was doing. Diodoros laid there for a moment longer before finally trying to sit himself back up. A considerable amount of pain shot through one of his arms as he tried to get back up. Looking over to find out that his limb had gotten twisted up in the impact and was now backwards. “Damn…” He hissed, before grabbing the broken limb and straightening it back into place harshly. An audible crunching noise coming from the act. It was important for Firrerreos to quickly perform such brutish forms of first aid. Which helps to avoid any further complications from their speedy recoveries and regenerative properties. Sadly the other victims around him from Domina Prime Domina Prime 's impact weren’t so lucky.

In short order he checked over himself, snapping his knee back into place, stretching his shoulders to make sure they were alright as well. His face felt strangely wet as well and sensed the smell of iron. Wiping his face, he looked down to see some crimson liquid on his hand. It seemed like he had a nasty head wound as well. Something that was of little concern to him however, but some of his clothes were likely ruined now, stained with his own blood. Which was the only thing that really irked him over the violent collision he just had.

Standing up tall he made his way through the stands to look back into the arena, which was starting to look a lot more interesting and interesting now. Not the glorified execution platform he predicted it would be…

Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway // Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

Revna stared into the arena as she got comfortable, pulling her legs up to sit crisscrossed on the seat, glancing at the young man beside her once more before her Mentor’s voice rumbled through his mask and into her ear, stating his disgust for the leadership of the Sith Order - both current and past leadership. She knew of his distaste quite well by this point, as he had made it very clear on several occasions…enough for his little Acolyte to smile and scoff lightly at his remarks. She found them, him, to be amusing.

His words seemed to have caught the attention of the young man beside her, the one named Zachariah. She heard him politely put the Kiffar, who had been speaking to him, on hold before he looked at her Mentor and questioned the Sith Lord curiously. Revna sat back a little in her seat and bowed her head, giving the two space to talk without her interfering unless directly spoken to.

Oh this is going to be good… she mentally voiced as she heard the young man’s comments. She knew Darth Strosius would love nothing more than to educate the boy, and she covered her lips with a hand to hide her smirk.

On que, her Sith Mentor spoke, pulling from his own experiences to drive his statements home. He mentioned the former Emperor of the Sith Empire…the one currently sitting in the tall spire that overlooked the arena…as one of those responsible for the previous empire’s fall. Revna had seen him before, at the Life Day Gala. She remembered the utter fear the servants felt when they were anywhere near him. It had left a distinct and unpleasant impression upon her, for she knew what that kind of fear felt like, having been a slave herself.

Her Mentor’s voice was full of venom as he spat his disgust towards the former and the now current Emperor, and she shifted in her seat a little bit, casting a look at the masked Sith Lord. She didn’t think it was…wise…to spout such disrespect in public, but what did she know? She was just a simple Acolyte, so she held her tongue so as not to speak over her Lord or cut him off…even if the words he spoke were perhaps treasonous.

...She supposed it wasn’t treason if he didn’t see himself as a subject of the current Sith Emperor.

He was his own entity…much in the way the ancient Sith Lord Darth Malgus had been his own entity, defying what others wanted from him and striving to do what he thought was best. She could see similarities between the two of them.

The young man beside her spoke up after her Mentor had finished his bitter rant, and she flicked her gaze towards him to listen to his reply, and even pursed her lips in thought at the question he posed.

Yes…who would lead the Sith Empire into greatness if both the former and the current were executed? Surely all chaos would be unleashed as Sith who thought they could be the next Emperor fought to gain the empty seat for themselves.

Unless the one who killed the current Emperor claimed the throne for themselves. And even then, she imagined that chaos would ensue as others tried to take the throne for themselves, forcing the new leadership to shed Sith blood in order to keep their claim on the throne.

Those who have the strength to rule, should do so. That was the silent belief Revna carried with her.

The Kiffar, Trayze, spoke up then, coming into the conversation as well and seemed to echo the same question that young Zachariah had. She noted the mild mocking tone to his voice when he asked who would save the Sith, and she was mildly surprised when he asked for her and the young man’s thoughts on the matter.

Revna glanced at her High Priest, holding her gaze on his mask for a few moments, before turning her attention to Trayze. She stared at him as she chewed on her cheek, thinking of a response. She needed to choose her words carefully here; she didn’t know who all would be listening to her, and if they had ties to the Emperor himself. She really didn’t fancy having his ire directed at her.

As much as Lord Strosius would desire for me to agree with everything he says, I personally desire to make my own judgments of others, and decide for myself who I should support, and who I should despise. I do not know either Darth Carnifex nor Darth Empyrean very well, so my opinions are a little...skewed. I would prefer to actually…speak with them both in person, get a read on who they are, before I decide. But…I am a simple Sith Acolyte, and I doubt I will ever find myself in the presence of either to truly satisfy my burning curiosities.

She paused for a moment before continuing. “I believe that the strongest who can rule, should rule. Those who cannot rule, or do not have the strength to do so…should serve to the best of their abilities. But we Sith are always striving to prove who is the strongest amongst us…are we not? But, if I must give a response...I would oppose Darth Carnifex ruling as emperor again.” Her eyes traveled to the spire, and her gaze grew cold. “I would not support a Sith who lost his claim to the throne twice. I don’t support that kind of weakness.” Of course, Revna didn’t know the details surrounding why the Butcher King had become Emperor twice and had lost the throne as many times. But to her that mattered little. “However…the current Emperor is a mystery to me. I sensed strength and power from him at the Gala; true power. I would desire to speak and hear from him directly so that I may form my own personal opinion but…let’s be frank, he wouldn’t give a chit about my opinion and what I thought of him anyway. He will remain the Emperor until someone is bold enough to try and rip him off his throne, then it will come down to a battle of strength and power and wills, and that will decide who will lead us. Either he will prevail and prove himself to be the strongest Sith to lead us...or he won't.


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