Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Blood and Wine (Dominion Tier 2 Dom of Serenno and Kushiban)

Piecing together the missing clues are never a task Eli favored. From his point of view when one fell another would rise and one did. One did indeed. Who was he to judge whether the traitor was truly ever sith? And yet who was he not. He could not help himself not to take this challenge. Testing his limits was key to mastering himself and the force. The force was his weapon and more than once would be molded to how he saw fit.

His position as Sith Lord was a new addition, Much was still to be learned. For now his focus was on the traitor. Abraxas. He would be captured by force and dragged back to explain his actions, publicly before his punishment or permanent enslavement would begin. Other Sith lords would end the defector on sight but that was too easy and dishonorable.

Passion. Ambition.​
Yielded to Darkness. Known cause.​
Pathways unveiling.​
My element? Wrath.​
Ambition is brother here.​
Pure passion. My soul.​
Honorable intent.​
A warriors path. Blurred yet shaped.​
Thy Vindication.​
Post 13

Once of his many agents approached the table and shortly after Grace darted off for the rest of her breakfast, abandoning him to what was probably going to be a line of questioning about what happened last night Bartic had no doubts there were rumours circulating about why there was a deployment last night. It was a complete over reaction to a single assailant, a flight of K-wings, what was he thinking he already had a team en route anyway and he was armed, at least it was handled before they turned up and the situation turned into a major incident. Bartic paused and took a drink of caf, fortunately he wouldn't be alone long and Grace was already on her way back with a tray piled high.

"Good morning Agent. . Mortarious, other than a bit sore in the head and needing copious amounts of caf I'm doing fine."

[member="Grace Darkson"]
Post 10

"I'll bet. Although I'm surprised you managed to talk the machine into giving you any after last night." There was a snicker from one of the nearby agents as Grace returned, setting down a tray with enough grease leaking from the food to burn a person alive. She dug a fork into the eggs, grabbing herself a mouthful before chewing them quickly. The grease helped it go down faster.

"Why would the caf machine not like him?" She asked, already guessing what the response would be.

"After team 22 finally got him up here, they tried to get him a glass of water. He managed to get away from them and accused the caf machine of being a 'traitor to the dominion'" The agent paused, his beaming smile replaced with a near-perfect mockery of his boss's face when he got upset. "He managed to punch it to the ground before the team got him to bed."

It was all Grace could do to not fall out of her chair as she laughed.

[member="Bartic Myth'rand"]
Post 14

Bartic needed to keep calm and do something to save face, there was no way he was going to deny it so he'd have to double down and play it humorously. Fortunately this wasn't the first time he did something like that and had to explain away his drunken actions, the only problem being that it's been some time and Bartic was out of practice.

Bartic swallowed another drink of caf and spoke up. ​"Of course the karking machine was a traitor to the dominion, it refused my order to dispense caf, refusing a superior officer proper aid is a serious crime."

He took a bite of toast and continued, "That's why I'm down here and not in the officer's mess, I need to interrogate it to ensure it won't step out of line again. Speaking of the caf machine I need a refill."

Bartic got up and headed to go get a refill.

[member="Grace Darkson"]
Brief tenacity.​
Speech is undesirable.​
Your tastelessness.​
Tactile minds collide.​
Boulders fall inches away from harm.​
Evil tokens purest of light.​
Shrouds of discontent lead blindly.​
Your judgment is void.​
The language of our "superior" beings.​
Politically correcting.​
Void of verdict and vanity.​
Conquering the minds inner sanity.​
Here I stand as man.​
Brawn and brain.​
Swiftness of decision cries aloud.​
Like a artisans master-crafted blade.​
Post 11

It took Grace a moment to react to [member="Bartic Myth'rand"]'s words as she tried her best to stop laughing. Of course the caf machine was a traitor? It was all too perfect. She was laughing, nearly uncontrollably, for a full minute as the probably well and truly flustered Bartic went for a second cup. The surrounding agents managed to keep it to a minor chuckle. When she managed to calm herself down, the woman torned to the agent who still stood by the table. "Thanks. I haven't laughed that hard in a while."

"No problem." He gave a small chuckle, watching the director begin his return trip wit a now full cup. "Man, his face..." He laughed then, a low, rumbling noise echoing from his frame. "That was good."

"Did he actually try and fight the caf machine?"

"Yeah. One of the guys got it on tape and everything."

"Oh, I need that."
I am my brothers keeper.
Across the horizons wheat awaits time.
A galactic harvest.

Stand firm! Breath in your resolve.​
When I counter, I am not cut.​
I vanguard my beloved.​
This is my ferocity.​
Blazing out of control. My will.​
When I attack I kill.​
Post 15

Bartic was returning to his seat with a fresh cup of caf ready to take whatever humiliation was going to be thrown his way, that until he saw the datapad out on the table and everyone looking at him.

"Director we were just about to play the vid of your encounter with the traitor."

Bartic took his seat and said, Well what are you waiting for, let me see this."​
As he sat there watching the encounter play out the colour began to slowly drain from his face as the reality of the situation set in, he had gone to supervise and make sure no on did anything embarrassing to the Dominion, and he was the only one who left anything long long term behind.

[member="Grace Darkson"]
Atlas long hunt comes to close.
Keen intuition is blind.
Chaotically reassuring.
You will press thy faith with despair.​
Shadowy footstep falling apon a blossom.​
Trails by burning passion.​
Conflict marks the chosen few kindly.​
The truth of my bliss.​

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