Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Blood Debt | Mandalorian Enclave invasion of Eternal Empire-held Panatha


Allies: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze Domina Prime Domina Prime
Enemy: Lyssa Io Lyssa Io Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Kuben Woods Kuben Woods QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström

<”Thonn, enfilading fire. Once we thin their ranks enough to push up, regroup with us. We’re going to strike hard and fast, give them no time to process what hit them.”>
"Roger; I'm well prepped for that." He responded, his eyes scanning the scene before him. Enfilade fire was a known and valued strategy to any gunner; targets that varied in distance but not direction could all be engaged simultaneously by a rapidly firing weapon such as the bulky Z-6 rotary cannon he carried. Shooting anyone was good, but shooting everyone was great. That was the exact goal – to take down as many as he could as quickly as he could. The sooner he could do that and seize control of the firefight, the sooner his team could move forward.

Thonn next paused completely at the blaring sound carried through the air, turning his head after a moment to search for the source of it. It didn't take long, his hud did most of the work. That the thing had a giant siren in place of its head made it easier – it sure looked like the horrible sound it made. Another cybernetic monstrosity, much larger than the one he'd fought on V'shar. Krek Libera had been trouble, and this towering thing didn't look like it was going to be any less of it.

Unless it was non-hostile. While they'd made some strange allies, Thonn just had a strong hunch that this thing wasn't going to be one.

He waited for the signal, and as soon as he heard Kranak's shot break the silence, Thonn spun up the barrels of his rotary cannon. A flurry of blaster fire erupted from the barrels soon after, taking down several of the enemy while the rest dove either for cover and hid, or attempted to return fire and dropped lifeless to the ground for their efforts.

He switched his arcs next, and a line of combatants rushing to join the fray were met with another densely packed volley of blaster fire, causing many to seek cover and taking out many more. The others began to move but Thonn remained right where he was, providing covering fire and sweeping his arc to engage another group while his vode pressed forth.

Once they reached the gate he finally moved, barrels of his cannon spinning down as he hastily rushed to their position. With his allies to cover him, he took the opportunity to reload his cannon, nearly depleted and sorely in need of it. When Kranak had the breaching charge up, Thonn was ready and rushed in the facility behind the others, his cannon held at the ready to fire at any who might approach from the rear. None would, but he could audibly tell that the group had encountered heavy resistance to the front. Thonn moved forward to better engage the enemy, waiting for the effect of Kranak's thrown flash grenade before following him in.

They were helplessly stunned, and with a wide sweeping burst Thonn mowed down many in quick order, and soon the fight had been won. Reloading his cannon again, he'd listen to the Alor'ad's directions.

<”A’den actual copies all. Begin the assault on my mark. And remember, we get in and get out. We have other objectives to complete. We cannot afford to get bogged down in a drawn out fight.”>
"Roger." Thonn responded. The task was clear, and as always they'd be better of achieving the objective quickly. The battle was fierce and there was much to do to tilt the tide of it towards the victory he so wanted. He didn't get the time to muse about it before his attention was stolen by an odd 5 armed thing.

With the warning of unlikely allies fresh in mind, he spun up the barrels of his cannon but did not take aim at Dima. After much pleading, it seemed she really was on their side. Spinning the barrels back down, Thonn simply accepted it. If she was on their side that was easily the best case, she looked menacing.

"A'den Actual, Harpy, foul magic conceals explosives. Your HUD may not see them,"
And then, she looked like darkness because that is what the room was plunged into. Sith sorcery, it could be nothing else, perhaps the result of one warned about trap. He couldn't see through it, and none of his HUD's instruments were any help. There was no further threat he could determine, but the effect was foreboding to make an understatement.

Soon, another apparent ally would approach and hail them.

One that oddly didn't register on his HUD. He'd run into this problem before; he'd forgotten to re-upload the data before a mission and had been completely off the net until catching up with Kranak and cloning a copy from his though a link. She seemed to have no idea, though.

"Hail. Your databank's offl-" was about all he could speak before she opened fire, prompting him to spin up the barrels of his cannon again and return it. He only had a brief window, having been caught unprepared and in poor position. After a short immediate burst, Thonn moved to take it by a corner, and once his eyes returned to the scene of battle the darkness had been cleared. And the sight of risen dead frightened him.

They didn't show up on his HUD either, but this time he wouldn't question why.

Thonn opened fire once it was clear they were hostile, mowing down those he could to help their allied maintain their position.

A Sith had accosted them. Finally, he'd get the fight he'd been itching for.

<"Everyone, this is Gwyneira Krayt! Someone is using the Force to mess with us, cast darkness and send some foul Force drones upon us! There's hidden explosives too. I'm sure Runi is doing everything in her power, but against a Force User this dire, I personally would suggest an immediate regroup. I do not think it is wise to be alone in this minefield.">
Quite a fight, apparently...


Beskar Wall

Siv Krayt was feeling good about their progress, sure things were going too well to last for long but she figured she may as well take things in stride. She'd gotten the maps to the facility, and her luck when it came to terminals like these was slim to none... so she'll take the win.

Siv would bark a bit of laughter at Shai's compliment's the comm. "Oh don't give me too much credit now, we still have one hell of a day to get through." She'd chime back, giving a mock salute before making her way back into position with the rest of the group.

Her feet moved quietly into the southern tunnels, her shield in the compact position while she kept her beskad at the ready for any sudden close-quarters fighting. Siv heard the voices too, taking a glance at the rest of the group before blaster fire broke the silence.

One bolt screaming toward her was only blocked when she deployed her shield out fully. She would swear and laugh a bit, "Little close for comfort there," she would joke a bit at her own expense before Shai started barking orders. Siv would nod, shoving her beskad into it's scabbard and pulling out her Model 6, and getting into the center of their newly formed wall of beskar. "You heard the Wardog, in step, stay linked, move forward."

Like a well-oiled machine of war, the Mandalorians crept forward, two rows of shields overlapping into a wall of beskar, the gaps in their shields being used like embrasures of a castle with the barrels of blasters poking through and firing forward.

The well-oiled machine kept marching forward. Pushing toward their opposing Ultranaut foes. Siv would glace at the few of their numbers on the ground behind them. A couple looked to be okay, just dazed after getting knocked in the beskar, but a couple was truly gone.

Siv would nod to their new orders and shift with the group into that left shaft, breaking formation once they had cover. She would hide her blaster back into her holster as Shai gave her point, nodding she would pull her beskad from her waist again, picking a trio of troops as forwarding units with her while the others came along a short distance behind.

It didn't take long to come across a set of cameras. She would simply pat one of her comrade's shoulders and point to the camera. Quickly they'd aim and fire, the cameras going up with a small pop and fizz of an electrical explosion.

Siv would check their map for a moment before popping her head around the corner, spotting one of the Ultranaut checkpoints... but they were facing the wrong way... must have gone a route they didn't expect or notice... Smiling under her helmet she would pull back. "Enemy checkpoint, we've managed to get behind them, going to move in and neutralize."

Upon finishing her brief report she and her leading trio, melee weapons in hand, would stealthily walk up to their unknowing foes. Wanting to act quickly and not raise an alarm they would lunge at them without the pomp and show Siv usually enjoyed doing. Siv simply took the shield off her arm and hit the soldier over the head, hard. Her comrades dispatched their targets in their own way while Siv pulled their helmet from her target's head. She'd hum, looking down at her now unconscious foe. "Checkpoint neutralized. All enemies are dead but one, who is now passed out. Are we taking prisoners? For information or otherwise?" She would ask over the comm before ordering her small contingent to fan out while she fiddled with her new trophy of a helmet, maybe they could patch into enemy comm chatter...

ENCLAVE TAGS: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla Shai Maji Shai Maji
BADDIE TAGS: Corin Autem Corin Autem


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That's Not Good

Ship: Beviin
Friendly Unit: 4X Beviins
Friendly/Allied Tags:
Romul Saxon Romul Saxon | Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Darth Imperius Darth Imperius | Vren Rook Vren Rook | Saul Vandron Saul Vandron | Vemric Keldra
Baddie Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus | Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani | Malanves Lagrange Malanves Lagrange | Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn | The Amalgam The Amalgam

Objective: Helsreach (Provide CAS for Operation: Shattered Triad)
Location: Low over Canthar

Things had started out great for their small wing of fighters. They'd raised a bit of hell on their first run over Canthar, strafing and making their ground-based foes take cover from the hell that was above. But things flipped on their head when a lucky anti-air gunner fired away and managed to shoot down their wing's commander, their fighter gone in a ball of hot flames and wreckage.

"Well," Kam started to herself as she and her comrades banked and took evasive action. Pulling out of her banking turn she'd continue, "That's not good..." she'd give a huff before getting on the comm to the wider forces, which was usually their command's job. "Blár Leader is down, this is Blár 2 taking command of the wing. Awaiting orders, continuing to strafe and harass enemy ground forces."

Upon relaying her assuming of command she start to command her unit, "Alright, Bant is gone but we still have a job to do," she'd start calmly, which is surprising cause she felt she had no business being in command... sure she was Bant's second but it was her first large-scale operation. A lot hinged on her and her fighters harassing the troops on the ground.

"Keep low, don't try to fly directly over the city until their AA capabilities are down. We can still raise some hell from the outside lines. Get to it."

Suffice to say, today would be an interesting one.



Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps


Allies: Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze Domina Prime Domina Prime
Enemy: Lyssa Io Lyssa Io Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Kuben Woods Kuben Woods QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström

Omen listened over the comms as a voice that belong to the young female sniper relayed her position. It seemed to answer his previous question only to bring up a second one which he voiced in the squad channel for maximum embarrassment. <"Buir? You never told me you had a daughter..."> Whether the A'den did or didn't wasn't his business and adoption was common enough in Mando culture but he would have thought the subject would have gotten brought up by now during their previous conversations.<"You are going to have to let me meet her formerly after this is all over.">

The Clone nodded in affirmative as the Squad Leader asked him to join in the spearhead, switching from his Verp carbine to the LPD-14 on his back. It didn't have the range of the Carbine by a longshot but if he was joining in the spearhead then that wouldn't be an issue. As Kranak gave orders to the others in the squad, Omen prepared his new chosen weapon until a wail made him pick his head up and looking up, he saw the towering two-horned behemoth swing its arms to protect itself as the Mandolarian ants below tried to take it down. Unlike his squad leader who seemed to almost fall down at the site of the droid, the clone only gave a low whistle when he saw it. <"And that... That thing is what we have air support for..."> Omen personally thought it was a mechanical sithspawn creation but he would let the squad come to their own conclusions on the matter.

Waiting... The waiting was the hardest part but necessary part of any mission and it didn't come any easier now. The Clone switched his weapon's mode to that of a Blaster Cannon, hoping the weapon would have enough power to do damage to the guardpost <A'den 6... Opening fire on the infrastructure."> The Clone aimed through the weapon's sights at one of the guard towers for what seemed like forever before Kran finally give the order to fire. With one solid shot, Omen turned that guard tower into a blazing pile of wreckage before moving onto the cover of the various Ultranauts as they tried to avoid the death coming for them. Shot after shot came from the barrel of his weapon as his round pulverized the defenders before after 10 shots he had to reload with smoke coming out of the weapon's barrel. It was then that highlighted targets showed up and the Squad leader announced their importance <"Affrim, taking out targets."> The Trooper then picked his weapon time just in time to see an E-web team trying to set up their weapon. Needless to say, that weapon team didn't survive long.

As the Giant began to sprint out of cover, Omen quickly jumped over the low wall that separated him from the defender's fire in order to support his squad leader. He couldn't have Kranak going home in a pine box after all, not when he had a new daughter depending on him. <"A'den 6 has your back A'den Leader"> Omen changed his weapon into repeating blaster mode as he raced across the street that separated the squad from the facility, spraying down any defender, Ultranaught or Mercenary that seemed to recover their senses. Following the Giant's bellows of command, the ARC quickly posted up against the side of the blast door before setting Det charges on the blast door's locking mechanism. <"Cover your ears Vod!"> Within seconds, the locking mechanism was no more in a loud bang and the Clone tried to force the door open by hand, only to be forced back into cover by the maelstrom of fire coming from the defenders inside. It was only after Kranak's flash grenade went off was the group able to push in, killing everyone that got in their way. After the skirmish, Kranak commanded the squad to fan out, find and destroy the power generators which Omen only replied. <“With pleasure vod, with pleasure.”>

Omen was about to set out with his task away from the small group when an AI popped his voice into his helmet, saying that he could find the objectives for them if given enough time and thank yous. Oh, and they had another unit of Ultranauts on their way. The old soldier growled in response, not liking to have his time wasted. <“You should have had the location by now! You are an all-knowing AI, you can find where the most electricity is coming from on the city grid and remotely shut it down! Why were we even sent down here if you could do it for us!”> Omen signed as he stopped complaining, it wasn’t worth the effort. <“Just… Just get us that location and let us worry about the counterattack. And I wanted it yesterday.”> Hopefully, the tone of his voice alone was enough to get the location as soon as possible.

It was then that Number 13 crashed through the corridor’s roof, causing the jumpier of the squad to start firing which only stopped as the monster… female… youngling cried out her innocence and Omen’s shouts that if they didn’t start firing then he would take their weapons and beat their heads in which they sheepishly acknowledged. The Warrior then slid the… unique individual their weapon back. <“Here, you will need this before long.”> It was then another cry came from the opposite side of the corridor, this time in… aggressive... greeting that made the seasoned warrior turn on his heel and spray suppressing fire at the Mando lookalike running at them at full speed. More cries, those of their undead kin suffering in agony as they rambled after the squad caused the veteran to drop his weapon and draw his Dreadblade, cutting off the first Zombie’s head as it tried to knaw at his helmet. He then batted away at the hands of Zombies as Harpy came on the line, saying that dark magic was at play here leaving Omen to snort as he parried his once allies' greedy fingers away from his armored flesh. “I think we are way past that point, Harpy. Tell me something I don’t know.” In seconds, however, he would owe that woman an apology and an eternal admiration he would never forget.

Omen thought he heard a crash in the background as he battled for his life and soul. Maybe a vod had thrown together a makeshift barrier to counter the onslaught about the overrun them or maybe the building had decided to give up resisting the Mandolarians attack. Well, it turned out the second part was right as Runi’s hand burst through the wall holding a counterspell, causing all the zombies to fall dormant once more. After taking a quick 5-second breather, Omen’s only response to the Witch’s saving them all was to rush quickly to where the crash had originated further up the corridor while pulling his helmet off, suddenly pull the Witch towards him before kissing her deeply in thanks on her helm before letting her go to put his helmet back on and march deeper into the facility, spraying towards the fake Mando’s hiding spot as he went in hopes of pinning her down. Needless to say, he would not forget the Witch’s contribution anytime soon.

As the former ARC started to probe forwards towards where the enemies had come from, Gwen’s voice frantically came on the line, saying that running into a minefield blind was unwise. His words in reply left a sharp message for all to clear. “This is Omen Mereel. Declaring war on a nation of force-wielding Witches would be considered unwise but the Enclave did it. Invading this deathtrap of a city would be unwise but here we are. Now that we are almost done with our mission you want us to retreat! I’m sorry dalyc verd but we are not leaving here empty-handed. We know that reinforcements are on the way and if we let them take the compound back we will never see inside of it again. Are you willing to let the enemy, who half of whom probably don't have the guts to even admit to their crush that they like them (cough, cough, Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor ) back into this bunker? My vote is we dig in and let the enemy just try to get back into this place. We will become the rock, their waves crashing against us and yet we will stand firm. I’ll go in front and sense the mines if need be, just please Kranak… Don’t abandon what our brothers and sisters died trying to get to...” The squad leader better make a decision fast. The footsteps of the marching enemy were coming closer and closer towards the compound and they would not stop advancing till the squad leader made his decision.
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Location: Outside Power Generator Complex -> Inside Power Generator Complex, Canthar - Panatha
Objective: II - Not One Step Back
Allies: EE ( QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Kuben Woods Kuben Woods ) │ HI ( Lyssa Io Lyssa Io ) │ CIS ( Kyyrk Kyyrk )
Enemies: ME ( The Operator The Operator Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze Volo Dragr Volo Dragr Obran Obran Andras Garon Andras Garon Siv Dragr Siv Dragr ) │ Sith ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano )
Direct Engagement: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Domina Prime Domina Prime Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
Theme: Better the Devil You Know

The battle continued to rage outside the generator complex, to which now, Alessandra did not hesitate to join, following after her older sister. Delivering one of her Eversor Rings, then a second in a pair of powerful, overhand throws aimed at a squad of advancing Mandalorians, the bladed discs were further accelerated through the air by their integrated repulsors, before connecting with their targets, a pair of decapitated bodies slumping to the ground in their wake. However, in spite of the savage nature of their comrades’ deaths, the Mandalorians possessed honed combat instincts and shook off the shock of the attack quickly. A pair of blaster bolts were leveled in the Nuetralizer’s direction, which she twisted out of in a graceful, repulsor-enhanced flip, immediately answering the shots with a galvanic surge delivered from her hands. It was an attack that might have appeared to be a projection of Force Lightning, but it was in fact electricity generated from specialized, engineered organs inside her body, rather than an arcane manifestation of the Force. Nevertheless, it was just as deadly, if not more so, the electricity bouncing between the remaining five Mandalorians and boiling them alive inside their armor.

Just as the soldiers collapsed to the ground, electricity causing them to twitch in the throes of death, Alessandra called her chakrams back to her hands, her organic photoreceptors going wide as she processed the seemingly panicked comm chatter.

They were already inside the complex!

The visceral howl of sirens filling the air, Alessandra picked up the powerful, yet terrifyingly fast thump, thump, thump, thump, thump of heavy footsteps approaching the complex. It seemed that QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo had arrived and was very much making his presence known as he pulped hapless Mandalorians into puddles of meat and shattered beskar. The droid would be a valuable asset against enemies such as these, who were doubtlessly the elite among the Mandalorians, given that they had managed to penetrate the defenses with such violent alacrity.

Nevertheless, Alessandra would work to ensure that their advance was halted here.

“Echo, we need you in the courtyard. Let’s try and trap these roaches inside.” She hissed.

Then, jumping with powerful legs, Alessandra soared into the air, harnessing her repulsorlift organs to propel herself over the walls of the courtyard, before lowering into a hover a few inches above the ground. Once more, it was an act that could easily be mistaken for a manifestation of the Force, when in fact, it was based purely in advanced technology. Nevertheless, the Nuetralizer was well aware that these Mandalorians were so thirsty for revenge, that they might very well mistake her for a Sith.

It was possible that before long, she might become a target.

Entering the compound, Alessandra hurled her Eversor Rings at a pair of Mandalorians posted at one of the entrances, the bladed discs slicing off the arm of one, then the leg of the second, before she called them back to finish them off with a pair of decapitating strikes. Before long, Alessandra came up to a large briefing room, her photoreceptors going wide as they sighted a strange, rune-like design on the wall ( Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida ). Within a split-second, she ran a check of her databases for information on the design, not wanting to destroy a spell that was wrought by an ally. Unfortunately, the check yielded no conclusive results, but the Nuetralizer reasoned that the glyph was a spell of some esoteric Force tradition.

Regardless, the HRD quickly decided that it needed to be destroyed.

Leveling her left arm at the glyph, the Nuetralizer willed the maser weapon on her gauntlet to fire, delivering a quartet of supercharged blasts at close, but not point blank range out of caution, intending to destroy the glyph and possibly, nullify whatever spell it was channeling.

Then, the Nuetralizer waited for whoever had created the rune to return.

  • Alessandra Io enters the Power Generator Complex
  • She enters a large briefing room with a glyph of unknown nature drawn on the wall
  • In short, she attempts to destroy it, by firing four shots at it from her maser weapon, on the supercharged firing mode.
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Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Objective II.: Help others, accompany the souls to the Nether
Location: Iron Mountains, Panatha
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance / form
Writing With: Tyr Mereel Tyr Mereel
[ Preliator ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The man was also a great warrior, and she recognized it immediately. She felt the kick on her armour as the Mandalorian warrior kicked her. It was harder to stand on the slippery ground, so the woman was forced to step back a few step. Eina's sword avoided the man's neck and head just centimetres. With the help of the Force and her wings, Eina regained her balance and took up the offensive position again. It may even be that the man was not a Force user, but nonetheless, the woman did not underestimate him. Most of the demons did not use the Force either, and yet they were all fierce, tough opponents.

Another insult, sorrow shown up the woman's face again. Unlike her mother, it was easier for Eina to show her emotions. She had no secrets, she was pure. She wished she had any way to show the man that she was not evil and that the warrior just misunderstand the situation. She has already begun to understand and learn that mortals decide and judge so quickly in all matters because their lives are so short, like a butterfly. But that was precisely the reason why so many mistakes were made and violence was chosen over rational solutions.

"I am also fighting the darkness and Bogan! Against the Sith, just well as the Eternal Empire! If you want to fight the Sith and Bogan, attack the remnants of the TSE, or the Maw, not the one who is also fighting them!" she said.

She was still trying to stay out of politics, but she hoped others would see that the Eternal Empire was no longer working with the Sith; a perfect example of this was the soon-to-be-signed contract, alliance with Ashlan Crusade. If Ashlan Crusade was able to make an alliance with them, someone else could have been seeing the truth. And the man attacked again.

Now, however, Eina didn't want to get any closer to the man, she closed her swords in an X shape in front of the approaching spear and stepped back so that the spear reached exactly at the bottom of the junction of the two swords. So she tried to push the blade upwards to make sure it didn't reach her. The blade of fire began to glow, the blade turned more and more red, she hoped the spear would overheat and the man cannot hold it any longer.

"By fighting me and not the common enemy, they will win! This is the method of the Sith, Bogan, and demons to turn everyone against each other. Please, let me show you that I am not who you think I am!" she beseech.

When she succeeded and completely avoided the attack, the Valkyrja took another step back and looked at the man.

"Please let me prove that I am not walking in the path of Bogan, or the darkness, but in the light, in Ashla's light. If you still don't believe me after I show you this, you can kill me, I'll not resist!" she offered honestly.


Location: Canthar - Panatha
Objective: II - Not One Step Back
Mission Objective: Hold the Skies
Call Sign: Mermaid Two - “Queen”
Allies: EE ( QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Kuben Woods Kuben Woods Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström ) │ HI ( Lyssa Io Lyssa Io ) │ CIS ( Kyyrk Kyyrk )
Enemies: ME ( The Operator The Operator Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze Volo Dragr Volo Dragr Domina Prime Domina Prime Obran Obran Andras Garon Andras Garon Siv Dragr Siv Dragr Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida ) │ Sith ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano )
Direct Engagement: Kam Ge'lih Dragr Kam Ge'lih Dragr

“Mermaid Two, I’m picking up bandits in your sector. Can you take them?”

The airspace over Canthar was growing more crowded by the minute, as Mandalorian Beviin-class fighters and Basilisk war droids began to enter the atmosphere from space. Fortunately, the Empire’s allies in House Io had deployed two squadrons of their Nuetralizer TIEs to help even the odds, but in order to truly turn the tide, the fleet would need to create a break somewhere within the Mandalorian lines.

As of now, she was flying on nothing but faith.

Engaging fighters was always a dangerous prospect on a jet swoop, but it wasn’t impossible by any means, as Eleena had shot down TIEs before. The Loralora’s vastly lower mass made out-turning the larger craft almost a breeze, but the fact a single laser cannon shot, or two if she was lucky, could easily vaporize her, made it a risk to the extreme.

However, if Eleena was afraid of risk, she would have chosen to fly fighters instead.

“On it, Overlord.”

Shunting power to engines, Eleena pulled her swoop’s nose up and initiated a steep climb, intending to seize the altitude advantage before she moved in on the flight of bandits. Once she was far above her targets, at the very edge of visual range, she pushed the vanes and leveled her machine’s nose back down towards the surface, angling for what appeared to be the lead fighter in the flight on a course from above and behind. All the while, her stealth systems were brought to life in order to hopefully conceal her approach.

With a mental command, Eleena rebalanced power across engines, shields, and weapons, with slight favor towards the latter. Then, with the assistance of her targeting systems, she lined her swoop’s nose up with the bandit’s fuselage in a direct, pure pursuit, her breath held suspended in her chest as she did.

As soon she reached close range, Eleena fired her torpedoes at the maximum setting, delivering a pair of fusion plasma projectiles at relativistic speed, intended to cut the enemy craft down from the sky in ideally, a single salvo. Regardless of the effect on target or lack thereof, Eleena immediately pulled up in the wake of the attack, converting her speed to altitude as she glanced back at what was hopefully a bandit careening down to earth.

If not, she was just as ready for a duel in the skies.




  • Lancer Fighter Squadrons: 12/0/38
  • Haxor Interceptor Squadrons: 0/0/10
  • Hornet Bomber Squadrons: 0/0/16

Objective: III - Key Escort
Location: Panatha System, approaching blockade
Tags: Vemric Keldra Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Romul Saxon Romul Saxon Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn Saul Vandron Saul Vandron Malanves Lagrange Malanves Lagrange Race Tolsen Race Tolsen Dasmi Lindervale Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Trajan Fett Trajan Fett

So much had happened from when the Eternal Fleet had arrived in-system to now; foremost of which getting a handle on what the presence of CIS ships encircling the planet meant. From the communique from the newly arrived CIS flotilla under the command of High Marshal Van Soren (of which he replied with gratitude at both their arrival and the clarification), to the ‘warning’ issued by the commander of the Reqiuem, who identified himself as the man Aximand suspected up until now - Vemric Keldra. It wasn’t exactly a relief to confirm the fleet commander’s identity, but at least Aximand knew who he was dealing with. The two men had never met formally, but Vemric’s reputation had preceded him nonetheless. Aximand’s response took a moment, but would get its point across. ”Respond to his message as follows:”

“Allegiance has been considered. We standby for your unconditional surrender. Regards, Rear Admiral Aximand Sicarus.”

He gave a nod to the comms officer, who sent the message amidst the comms interference swirling around. The opening salvo from Vemric’s battle line crashed against Aximand’s formation, but its intended target wouldn’t receive the full brunt of the attack. The Demeton Cruisers’ position in a screen would intercept easily half of the shots thrown against them, with what remained pinging against the Retribution’s formidable shield array. As this was happening, the contingent from Battlegroup Stygian lumbered forward in formation. Although the forward screen of Codas and Demetons had opened fire alongside Captain Kelsani’s orders, Aximand opted to issue more direct orders to the rest of the flotilla.

”All ships, target the enemy picket lines. Concentrate fire upon their Murkhana frigates and Terrus Flak Corvettes immediately.” When the order was given, the full bore of the flotilla’s armaments opened fire upon the desired targets - missiles, mass drivers, pulse & macro cannons, even what turbolasers were in range all erupted from the Retribution herself to the corvettes flanking her. As they fired, the formation ambled to the “Enclave Coalition’s” right flank, attempting to cut off the former CIS-aligned ships from the Vandamaran contingent. The previously assigned skirmish formation of CR90’s, Disruptor Corvettes, and (2) Vikaander Light Cruisers on Aximand’s left flank broke away, harrying the flank of the Vandamaran formation at range whilst Race Tolson’s flotilla maneuvered to engage from the opposing side, taking great care to ‘bob and weave’ by virtue of the lighter crafts’ superior speed and agility compared to the remainder of Aximand’s battle line.

While this skirmish force did as mentioned, the remainder of Aximand’s forces took care to keep at optimal range relative to the Coalition position, ensuring the majority of his range weaponry could be applied without needless drawing too close to their lines. The Ashkelon-frigates peppered the space between the two forces with copious amounts of flak bombardment, in the hopes of knocking the Coalition fighters from the void before they ever encountered the Eternal Fleet. As they executed their maneuvers, Aximand spoke up again:
”Launch the first fighter wing with orders to escort Eternal Forces. Do not assault the Coalition lines yet. Also, make Admiral Lagrange aware of our position and request he move in concert, along with the newly arrived Commodore Lindervale. Express our gratitude at his arrival, despite its tardiness.” Captain Praxxis smirked wryly at the last bit from the Admiral, and set about doing as bidden.

Aximand’s flotilla seemingly burst with activity as twelve fighter squadrons emerged from the bowels of his ships, writhing around like a well organized hornet’s nest around the flotilla, ready to intercept whatever enemy fighter craft penetrated the flak screen in the ‘no man’s land’ developing between the opposing sides. Battle had been joined, there was no turning back now.

  • Aximand’s fleet takes mild amounts of damage from Vemric’s opening salvo, spread across his screening Demeton cruisers and his own flagship’s considerable shielding.
  • The entire battleline has opened fire upon both Vemric and Verin’s picket ships
  • Aximand’s flotilla his moving to divide Aurelion’s flotilla from the rest of the ‘Enclave Coalition’s’ fleet.
  • A skirmishing force comprised of Aximand’s CR90s, Disruptor Corvettes, and (2) Vikaander Cruisers has broken away, Assaulting Aurelian’s line from the opposing side of Race Tolson’s attack (he should be posting soon, sorry for delay)
  • The flotilla’s Ashkelon frigates have opened fire with flak batteries in the no-man’s land between both fleets, in the hopes of picking apart some of the fighters launched by the Coalition.
  • First fighter wave has launched to intercept what enemy fighters break through the flak screen.


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Objective: Search and Destroy
Gear: Empire’s Shadow | Nelvaanian Sword | Shroudsaber x2 | Shroudshoto | KC-95 Ace of Spades
Writing With: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

The targets continued to move closer to the establishment, for they were indeed Mandalorians. Not just any ordinary Mandalorian either, but the elite as the best of the best so to speak. At least, the beskar armor was difficult to mistake for anything else, and each Mandalorian was armed to the teeth. It was a squad of ten that was divided up to two teams. One team was armed with their own blasters and gadgets while the second team notably had more explosives than the first team did. They were led by an Alor’ad who took the charge towards the mine. After all, the Mandalorians were here to do more than just attack the Eternal Empire, they were here to hurt the Eternal Empire whether they are successful in taking the planet or not.

The teams cautiously approached the small complex as they checked their corners and kept their attention to their surroundings. Metallic steps tap on the concrete structure as the Mandalorians begin to perform a sweep over the complex. Each under the impression that there would be somebody in the complex with them.

”There’s nobody here. It looks like they ran once the fighting started.” One of the warriors spoke through their communication device built within their helmets as they nearly completed their sweep. Just as he responded, something, a dark blur of movement later the Mandalorian was swept off his feet into a dark alleyway. He attempted to cry out to alert the team, but it was cut short by a sickening bone crunch. The Alor and the rest of the team quickly investigated only to find their man in pieces. Not so much as in he was cut open by a weapon, but rather something tore his body apart. It happened to be one of the explosive team members too.

Low chatter spoke amongst them as the infantry team stepped further down the alleyway, and it was then that Alor realized slightly too late what was happening.

”Find cover!” He issued as he quickly turned and they tried to get out of that alleyway before a large, fiery explosive erupted that knocked them down. Two infantry were unfortunately caught in the explosive radius and had beskar shrapnel amongst other things dug deep into their bodies. They weren’t given much time to recover before one of their Purity rifles hovered around the corner of a nearby building and unleashed a volley of prothium gas upon the remaining teams. Of course, the Mandalorians trusted their armor as the bolts deflected off their armor, but even so they sought cover from the scattered crates of raw materials. Alor’ad and another warrior dragged the wounded to cover as well before relaying the situation back to whoever commanded them.

Rath however, purposefully delayed the inevitable so that they could relay information and perhaps even request for backup. If Rath could get the Mandalorians to stretch their forces thinner then they’d be easier to take care of. The Force was stronger within Rath than he predicted, for he only meant to choke the Mandalorian into submission, but instead the Force ripped the man into pieces. That was an error on his part, and it was an error he took into consideration while animating one of the blasters to provide suppressive fire while Rath relocated elsewhere. Never once revealing his location as he used a mixture of buildings and his armor’s natural blending with the shadows.

Once the information was completed, Rath dropped on the saboteur team from above as a short, compressed blade of black plasma accompanied with a shower of white sparks in hand. In a flurry of rapid movements, Rath drove the shoto into the first Mandalorian between the shoulder and neck. Ignoring any notion of contesting the beskar, Rath targeted areas that didn’t have such protection, and the beauty part of the shoto he held was that it was originally designed for these precise cuts and stabs. Not a heartbeat later he moved onto the next Mando who swung the butt of his rifle at the aggressor. Rath however, feinted the movement and instead stopped as the rifle stock whistled past his masked face. In that same moment the bladesman thrust his compressed shoto in the man’s exposed armpit as it pierced through the softer tissue.

By the second, Rath’s headache honestly felt like it grew more intense as time went on. Before it was a dull headache, but now it was something else. Rath violently threw the Mando that he just pierced with the Force at the rest of the team, or at least that was the original intention. Instead a powerful kinetic wave pushed everyone and everything violently against the wall. Even the wall itself cracked under the pressure as it essentially felt like something large had struck them hard.

What is going on…? Rath questioned himself as his head truly felt like someone or something was trying to split his head open. There was a moment where Rath instinctively reached up with his free hand to place against his masked face. One of the two Mandalorians that Rath had stabbed made one final motion to pull a frag grenade from his belt, and as he was just about to push the button. Something dark, semi-solid tendril lashed out from Rath’s body and before the Mandalorian could blink the tendril violently grabbed him by wrapping around his body with a grip as tight as a vice. It wasn’t just the pressure though as the warrior grimaced under his helmet. He didn’t realize it at the time, and with the armor it was difficult to tell what was happening either. The very essence of life and the force that tied to it was being consumed as the rest of the Mandalorians recovered and briefly watched the spectacle.

”What the hell are you? The Alor’ad questioned before the husk of a warrior was violently thrown at the team. This time they ducked, but the body went through the cracked wall as small debris fell upon the opening. By this time the remaining squad unleashed a myriad of blaster fire and even explosives. Rath fought through the growing trauma within his head as he fought on and slew the elite warriors one by one. He was like a graceful dancer, moving from one warrior to the next, utilizing their own fallen as cover and even projectiles. Giving them no quarter of morality as Rath mercilessly used any of their own resources against them. In the end, only the Alor’ad remained alive, but with his rifle sliced in half he resorted to whistling birds. To which Rath responded with a raised hand and produced a barrier of kinetic force that prevented the birds from touching him. They bounced off the invisible barrier as a result.

”You vermin will never leave this planet alive. Our brethren will avenge us tenfold even if you kill me! No one will escape their judgment!” The warrior spat at the lone Warden who responded with a casual gesture to approach. Not that the Alor had any choice as an unseen force lifted the man off his feet and was forced to float closer.

”If judgment comes at my door, then so be it. But if judgment sends death and destruction upon my nation. Then it wouldn’t matter if they were a man, an army, a king, or a god. I’ll cut down anyone who threatens the Eternal Empire.” A sharp pain resonated in his head, and once again the shadowy dark tendril lashed out to the man’s head. Thankfully it was protected by the beskar helmet, the pressure was intense before a muffled sound of bone snapping could be heard. Causing the man’s body to go limp before Rath dropped the body.

At that moment, Rath felt sick to his stomach like he just ate something he really shouldn’t have. He placed a hand over where his mouth would’ve been and noticed that even his hand was slightly shaking. Killing someone was never an issue for Rath as it was something he was vigorously trained to do. Both in the military, Spear, and as a Warden. Truthfully the last time his hands shook was in bootcamp when he had his first kill. That was years ago though, and although the sharp pain had subsided for now it still felt like Rath couldn’t control the Force as well as he could before. It was either too much or something odd with the dark tendrils. It felt abnormal, twisted even, and yet he felt rejuvenated at the same time.

Curious, Rath removed the Alor’s helmet, and aside from the broken neck. The Alor’s skin was hollowed and grey like he’s been dead and decaying for months without rot. There were no eyes, and the teeth were black with decay. Not a trace of hair either, but Rath wasn’t sure if he had hair to begin with. Still, it was most unusual since Rath only saw a similar case back in Cularin where Rath slew his master and the others that followed the rogue Warden. It was then that the young Warden understood what caused the victims to appear like they had the life sucked out of them. Technically Rath knew of the ability as well and could perform it, but he could only do it by touch. Whatever the power was, it was something new and incredibly tainted with the darkside. Granted he couldn’t smell his own alignment, but from what he knew of the Force it certainly wasn’t the Light.

Gathering his wits after finishing his assessment of his own outcome, Rath took the weapons and armor off from the men that were still operable and usable. Where he proceeded to keep a Purity rifle on him with an additional clip, but the other weapons and ammunition he actually left scattered throughout the complex in strategic points. Even piling the bodies in the center and rigging a couple of mines underneath said bodies. Leaving a surprise for anyone that tries to move the bodies. Additionally he left mines at the exposed flanks to the east and the west. Leaving the north which led into the mines, and the south was the only other cleared entrance. Rath continued to watch from the shadows as he hoped that by keeping himself busy before any more Mandalorians to appear would work through the nausea. In other words, whatever was going on with the Force within his body was making him feel ill.

The beskar armor, which could’ve been recovered at any rate, was loaded up in specific crates near the storage warehouse. Rath had an idea of his future project, and frankly there was no better metal than beskar. However he wasn’t going to risk destroying it more than he already has.


Engaging: Shai Maji Shai Maji Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt Siv Krayt Siv Krayt Alora Vizsla Alora Vizsla
Kit: FS-18 Omega Phase Assault Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Nelvaanian Longsword, Sk-RS MK. IV Armour, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid Control Unit
Forces: A company of Ultranauts - Forty or so facing Shai's force

Her words were lost to her as the Ultranauts, true to their word, opened up on the advancing Mandalorians. Adding her fire to their own, Cor saw a handful of the enemy go down as the corridor came alive to the sound of blasterfire and shouting. Return fire soon forced her back into cover, and when she chanced to look again, the enemy had begun to form a shieldwall in front of their fallen brethren.

Not letting up on the trigger, Cor saw those shields put to the task as bolt after bolt slammed into them, a handful ricocheting off to darken the walls and floor of the tunnel. As if the space between the two sides wasn't chaotic enough already. The Major kept shooting.

"Pour it on!" Someone shouted over the din of battle.

"Keep their heads down!" Another trooper called, likely one of those in the firing line.

Letting off on the trigger, Corin yielded her space at the front to one of her men. Gesturing to three of her squad leaders, the Major took the time to slow her breathing as the noise in the corridor approached the point of becoming deafening. Huddling close, Corin said to the men, "Cato, Marx, Prylig. Take your teams and flank 'round. We need to limit their ability to move. Otherwise they'll be getting up to all kinds of mischief."

"Probably are already." Marx commented, always the optimist.

"Not yet they aren't." Lifting a finger, Corin tapped it against one of her red, red eyes. As it so happened, she still had access to the camera feeds. For now. "Now, quit your griping and get to it." Watching the three move off with their squads, Cor retook her place at the front. The firefight had grown vicious in her absence. Already one of her men had been hit. Someone had managed to grab the back of his rig and pull him to safety before he had fallen face-first into the corridor. Another had been struck on the pauldron, a third on the greaves protecting his upper thigh.

Given how many bolts were in the air, it was a miracle none of them were dead.

"They're pulling back, sir!" Corporal Lugo shouted to her from across the corridor. Chancing a quick look, Cor realized that they were indeed pulling back. A lapse in enemy fire signaled that the bulk of the enemy force had turned the corner, breaking their line of sight. "Move up. Quickly now!" The Ultranaut commanded, wary that this might be some kind of ploy. After the raging firefight that had just happened, the corridor was eerily quiet as they gave chase, save for the sounds of boots striking duracrete and hushed breathing.

In the top left of her HUD, the camera feeds still ran, mute and colorless. With her attention split between that small box and the squads in front of her, she very nearly missed the moment one of her checkpoints got hit. It was sudden and brutal, the fight lasting what could have only been seconds. How the enemy had managed to get the drop on the Ultranauts positioned there was beyond her. Frankly, she didn't want to know.

Watching in silent horror, the Major kept her emotions in check as the Mandos finished off the last of the fireteam, one even going so far as to take a helmet from her fallen foe. It seemed bizarre at first, but when Cor thought about it, she got a good idea of what the woman was up to. A flash of white light and the feed was cut. Triggering her comlink, Cor said, "Trespasser Actual to all Trespasser call signs, our comms have been compromised. Change over to the pre-arranged frequency now. How copy?"

A wave of acknowledgements came back to her. She may have been jumping at shadows with that decision, but it was better to make the wrong choice than to do nothing at all. Or so her instructors had said a long, long time ago. Finishing off the fallen mandos as they went, Cor continued. "Tresspasser two-one, you have enemies to your six. Advise adjustment, over."

"Copy that, Trespasser Actual. Adjusting now."

Sending another team to support Cato and his comrades as they raced to cut off the the Mandalorians and stop them from hitting any more of her checkpoints, Corin joined her troops as they hurried down the corridor after the enemy. A live camera feed displayed their movements in the top corner of her HUD. That was until someone had the bright idea to cut them as they went.

"Cheeky fethers."

Four fireteams sent to cut off the Mando advance, next checkpoint has turned to address Siv Krayt Siv Krayt 's crew, and Cor's teams are moving to trap/keep Shai's rearguard engaged



QEMD-15 Echo

Sirens wail, I might as well be dead.
Location: Canthar, Panatha
Objective: 2, Eliminate the Invading Forces, protect the generators
Allies:EE, Alessandra Io Alessandra Io , Lyssa Io Lyssa Io , Kuben Woods Kuben Woods , QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo , Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström
Enemies: ME, Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen , Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla , Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal , Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida , Domina Prime Domina Prime

“Echo, we need you in the courtyard. Let’s try and trap these roaches inside.”

Echo brought his foot down on another Mandalorian, hearing the loud CRUSH under his foot as the Mandalorian was crumpled beneath the massive amount of force. He turned his head to face the Generator Complex. He could see the Mandalorians charging inside, rushing into the complex.

"Understood, establishing quarantine around generator complex." He replied. Then, he rushed forward towards the generator complex, moving quickly towards the Mandalorians charging inside. His footsteps shook the ground, creating a loud THUD, THUD, THUD, as he sprinted towards the hostile forces rushing in.

Once he was close enough, Echo leaped forward. He grabbed two Mandalorians in his hands, and crushed them quickly within his hands, before letting their crumpled and broken corpses fall to the ground. He moved his right leg, and brought it down on another trying to run inside, a loud CRUNCH echoing out. He was taking some blaster fire, but it was no matter, his armor was far too strong for blasters. The rest of the Mandalorians rushed inside of the complex, and Echo reached for them. His arm would shove inside of the complex, grabbing around for anything he could. He managed to grab another Mandalorian, and drag him out.

Echo stood up straight, bringing the Mandalorian to his face. He examined the Mandalorian, watching as he fought and struggled to escape Echo's grip. Echo watched as he squirmed and shifted, fighting with all of his might to escape. Try as he may, he was unable to escape the grip Echo had on him. Then, quickly and suddenly, Echo crushed him. The Mandalorian screamed out in pain, before silencing to a gurgle. Echo dropped his body, falling like a crushed ant to the ground.

Echo then gave out a massive roar from his speakers, once again covering the battlefield in the sound, echoing all across the landscape, before returning back to normal sounds of battle.

Now, time for the waiting game...

TLDR: Killed a couple of NPCs, not much else.
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Morgan Keldau



ALLIES: Enclave | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Domina Prime Domina Prime
ENEMIES: Eternal Empire | Sith | Confederates | Let’s just kill everybody
ENGAGING: Alessandra Io Alessandra Io | Lyssa Io Lyssa Io | Kuben Woods Kuben Woods | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo | Whoever else tryna clap the complex
GEAR: In bio | Standard loadout​

  • Morgan and a squad regroups with Kranak’s squad
  • Taking half of Kranak’s 16’s, him and his squad take up defensive positions
  • They let loose with mortar fire, blaster fire and strafing runs on Echo, Damian’s troopers, and Reinhardt’s tanks
  • They are quite frankly crapping bricks rn


Moving with a squad of 12 through the streets, Morgan’s biggest focus was to link up with the unit assaulting the power complex. What him and the rest of 16th company was doing was likely very much going to get them in trouble… but that wasn’t going to stop him and his company from helping their people. The Enclave was at war, and leaving them to fend for themselves was simply not fair.

Hopefully the Empire didn’t think too much about why an entire company took shore leave…

Shuffling through the streets, it was absolute chaos. In the distance was an enormous droid that completely drowned out everything else in the city as it let loose a wailing siren… before sprinting off like something that wasn’t supposed to be so quick. ”You see, this is why I left Thyrsus, man!” He shouted to a nearby trooper as they fired and flew towards the unit.

:: A’den, this is Rancor. Second squad approachin’ from behind. Don’t fire. :: He alerted Kranak and his group as they dodged strafing runs and infiltrated the complex. :: We’ve been instructed to back you up and cover your asses, sir! :: He called out to him as him and his unit followed closely behind Kranak’s group.

Immediately they formed a perimeter as the others headed for the inside of the building. What was rather awkward was the fact that he technically outranked the Alor’ad when it came to the soldiers of Sixteenth Company… something he was going to have to exploit for what was to come. :: Aight, Sixteens! Half of y’all, regroup with me. We’re gonna hold this complex no matter what! :: He quickly barked over comms as his unit went for the front gate.

They didn’t waste any time in setting up as quick a defensive perimeter as they could along the chain link fence surrounding the facility. The main group of the 40 troopers under Morgan’s command were located at the front, while a bunch of others were dotted around to keep an eye on their flanks.


Rifles, repeaters and other weaponry were at the ready when the counterattack arrived.

:: Here they come! :: One soldier shouted as they got ready to engage.

:: All units, get ready! We’re gonna have Nirauan all over again! :: Morgan barked over the comms. The memories of the battle were still fresh with the surviving troops. Morgan included. The only difference was they were not fighting against rabble flinging sonic bombs around. It was both a relief as well as a factor of tension for the Sixteens, to be fighting against the revered Ultranauts of the Eternal Empire.

They might have kept to themselves over the past few years for the most part… but that didn’t mean the soldiers were unfamiliar with the ‘Masters of Artillery’ as they got ready to fight. Luckily the Sixteens had a reputation of their own.

A confidence that lasted well until they saw an armoured column pushing up with the platoon of Ultranauts that deployed down the street. :: Nah, dawg, this ain’t right, man! ::

The Sixteens took up defensive positions as best they could in the courtyard. Things were stacked against them. They were outnumbered badly against the platoons and tanks of the Eternal Empire, not to mention the enormous droid approaching very quickly.

They were, quite frankly, surrounded.

:: Sixteens! We make the rules! :: He shouted as they waited for the opportune moment.


The voice of the platoon was unanimous as they waited. Morgan opened his comms to not only his platoon of 40 soldiers, but their backup as well.

:: Second squad, broken arrow! I repeat, broken arrow! Target the designated points! If you miss them, you blind as a bat! ::

The enormous droid was targeted, as well as the tank column and platoons. The howl of the Basilisks were quickly growing louder, deployed from the Enclave ships hanging over the mountains. :: All units, mortar mode! Target the column and infantry! ::

The troopers didn’t waste a second to slot in fresh magazines and deploy their rifles on the ground with their bipods unfolded. Their enclosing targets were closing in as blaster bolts sailed around them, getting closer with each second.

:: FIRE! ::


All hell broke loose on the soldiers of the Eternal Empire. Plasma blobs, from their rifles, rained down on the infantry approaching ( Kuben Woods Kuben Woods ) while others let loose with anti-tank missiles on the column ( Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström ). The squadron of Basilisks stuck low to the ground, their launchers and laser cannons, as well as their rotary particle cannons, let loose in devastating strafing runs to keep the pressure on the escalating numbers, as well as the enormous droid( QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo ) trying to get into the courtyard. Hopefully the combined attacks would hold them back.

As soon as the first salvo was over, they all reloaded and opened fire. Particle repeaters targeted the infantry alongside their rifles, while missile launchers and Basilisks continued to hurl hellfire at their armour and oversized airhorn. Their objective was to hold the line and keep their enemy at bay, let the platoon inside the complex get their job done.

The howling Basilisks continued to fly low and fast, targeting anything that wasn’t Enclave. Buildings were torn up around the enemy soldiers while half of the squadron circled the droid to try and bring it down.

:: Hold the line! ::

Magazines upon magazines went through the rifles and repeaters as the soldiers of Sixteenth company returned fire with everything they had. Wrist rockets and jetpack missiles occasionally sailed through the air towards the enemy troopers while other Sixteens were either pinned behind cover, or completely knocked around by the shots impacting them.

Some didn’t get up at all.

Morgan’s rifle continued to spit golden particle bolts alongside his men as he targeted any opposition. :: Come on, y’all! You wanted steel, come and get some! :: He roared over an open channel, letting the Ultranauts hear him loud and clear as they fought to have their enemy work for every inch of ground they advanced.

Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces



OBJECTIVE: II - Not one step back
TAG: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla Thonn Rokkal Thonn Rokkal Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Voices of The Deep Voices of The Deep Alessandra Io Alessandra Io Lyssa Io Lyssa Io QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo Kuben Woods Kuben Woods Morgan Keldau Domina Prime Domina Prime

As the rain continued to fall throughout the beleaguered, battered city, the sounds of distant gunfire around the power center would soon be overwhelmed by a cacophony of sounds blended together in such a way that can only be experienced in person. The engines of a dozen vehicles forming a mixed company of Imperial Main Battle Tanks & Lykos AUV’s derived from the 82nd Armored Garrison thundered through the ruined streets surrounding the complex, with columns of hundreds of veteran, battle-hardened ultranauts from the Sondheim 1st Korps marching behind them, crouched so as to take cover behind their armored paneling.

It was the first wave sent by Baron Ström himself, tasked with defending the power center from being overtaken by the Mandalorian invaders besieging the planet. While en-route, reports came in from HQ that the garrison stationed at the power center had been overwhelmed, resulting in the first wave rushing through the streets as fast as possible to get there. When reports came that Spartan squad was on-site to contain the situation, the company commander of the armored column raised him on the comm:
”Spartan Actual this is Strike Force Omicron, we’re in route to your position in force, copy.”

Hardly three minutes had passed before the first row of tanks breached through the debris surrounding the center, and not a moment too soon as mortar rounds began crashing down around them. The tanks did not stop, however, instead fanning out across the complex’s field of vision to allow for the remainder of the column to push forward, forming a pincer on either side of the complex. 2 Tanks and 4 AUVs opened fire upon the Mandalorian defenders currently besieging their advance; the Lykos raking their position with anti-personnel rounds and both MBT’s unleashing a salvo of high-explosive ordnance onto the walls to disrupt their formation.

Several mortar rounds gained purchase, causing 2 of the forward-deployed lykos to erupt in balls of fire. The heavier armor of the MBTs weathered the storm however, continuing to batter the defenses before them.

The first few platoons of Ultanauts scrambled for the cover of craters or burned out speeders as the mortar rounds fell around them. Despite being under fire, their extreme discipline pushed them to open fire to match the sheer volume being applied by the Enclave’s 16th Company. Nearly a minute would pass as the two sides exchanged fire before an unexpected move occurred to the Mandalorian’s right flank:


One battle tank surged forth, barreling up and over a shattered remnant of the outer complex wall. It’s forward heavy repeater emplacement barked out, peppering the flank of the Mandalorian defenders. Dozens of ultranaughts scrambled through the breach behind the tank, volley-firing as they advanced toward the complex while the tank moved forward to allow for a pair of Lykos to pull up alongside it.

As if on cue, a loud and resonating voice issued forth from the loudspeakers surrounding the complex and throughout the city speaking in high Nelvaanian - espousing what would almost unequivocally be propaganda meant to motivate citizens caught in the warzone to oppose the Mandalorians, or otherwise to demoralize the city’s attackers outright.

All of this underscored the simple fact that - if the Empire had its way, the power center would fall back to being fully under their control - whether that meant it would be destroyed itself by the full might descending upon it, or if the workers within set about pushing out the incursion team themselves.



Saram Kote

Strill Securities Al'verde



Ally Tag(s): Kyyrk Kyyrk | Diana Sophistica Diana Sophistica | CIS | EE
Enemy Tag(s): Enclave | NIO
CNS Litany of Peace, Hangar
"It'd be like if the galaxy went after every Mandalorian for the osik [1] that Australis and Cadera pulled," said Ran Netra, her second in command. "it's not like every darjetii [2] in the galaxy got together and decided to invade. I wonder which di'kut [3] came up with this dini'la plan [4]." Everyone in Davaab agreed with Ran, he was just giving voice to what they were all thinking. Saram would be lying if she said she was friendly with anyone who was in the Enclave, other than Omen maybe, but no one else. Still, after the whole Australis/Cadera issue, she'd hoped that those left, those that didn't follow the SuperCommando codex would stay away from making any rash decisions. So much for hoping.
Aenarr had said something, that he'd wished this was personal. That they had a good reason to be spilling each other's blood. When it came to Cadera and Australis' ilk, she felt nothing about putting them down. Even though what they were doing here reeked of the Crusading mentality that had resulted in the invasions that allowed the Sith Empire to invade the Mandalore sector, it still felt somewhat wrong to her, especially given how few of them were left. She'd have thought that after seeing what Crusading around the galaxy'd done, the Enclave would've chosen to differently, even if she knew that they'd never embrace the codex. Given how they felt about anyone who stood against them, she was sure that she wouldn't feel this way for long.
"They're not thinking straight." she said at last, tiredly. "They've got numbers, material, know how this lot gets when that happens," she added, giving Ran a knowing look from behind her helmet. The constant struggle between the two interpretations of the Canons of Honor had been reason for Mandalorians to wage bitter war against one another ever since that Vizsla shabuir [5] and Mereel, there was no reason for that to change now. In some ways, it was inevitable. "Just think about it this way, at least we're getting paid to shoot them this time," she attempted half-cheerfully, but ended up deadpanning. This elicited intermittent dark chuckles from the rest of Davaab.
"Akalenedat [6]," whispered Rusana. It only took her a moment to see what it was her vod was talking about as a Knights Obsidian entered the bay. Akalenedat was their word for them, because every time one of them showed up, it meant that things were liable to get complicated. When the man asked about the situation, she glanced at Ran to see if he was inclined to take his turn to deal with the client, but on meeting his blank helmeted glare, she gave him one of her own before walking over.
"We're stuck on board this ship until someone does something about that blockade. We're fish in a barrel otherwise," she replied to Kyyrk Kyyrk informally, as if they were having a conversation about something...normal. She had no shabla clue what aruetii normally talked about, and they didn't pay her enough to care, but she'd picked up enough Basic turn of phrases and curse words to carry a conversation.
[1] Osik - Dung
[2] Darjetii - No longer Jedi. Sith.
[3] Di'kut - Idiot, useless individual, waste of space (lit. someone who forgets to put their pants on).
[4] Dini'la - Insane.
[5] Shab/shabuir/shabla - Extreme insult - jerk, but much stronger.
Edit: Edited to add the translations because I forgot.
Last edited:


Ida Saxon|Enclave|Panatha
Tags: Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze , open to opposition or other allies.

"Well, you clearly never served in the Imperial armoured core then," she replied coyly at Sasha's remark about running people over, turning her gaze to the controls in front as the screen and tank roared to life and moved forward. She'd spent half her time either sitting on an armoured tank maintaing the beast or and occasionally hosing down the bits of gore and mud from prior firefights; it had become almost ritualistic in how often she had to do it in the army.

Ida turned her attention toward the consoles in front of her, tapping a few combinations that brought both the fuel and weapons systems on her screen. Armour piercing rounds check, explosive ordnance check, anti personnel rounds check, everything seemed to be there almost as if the locals were readying for something big. She pulled herself out of her seat and clambered down into the back of the tank, positioning herself in the cramped confines to check the unmarked boxes. Ida yanked the handles of the first open to reveal a box full of mortar rounds.

"Someone didn't move these; that'd of been a reprimand if I did it in the armoured cor-."

The tank abruptly stopped, throwing the Saxon girl over and into the box. Ida picked herself back up, clutching her forehead and cursing several obscenities and curses in basic, Mando, Huttese and all manners of languages she picked up in the army and while travelling.

"Are you trying to kill me, Kryze?"

The tank picked up speed, hitting several bumps, the only clues as to what they were the muffled screams Ida heard outside the tin can they'd called home as she moved back to her seat. She quickly and calmly smashed a number combination before placing her hand on the trigger, unleashing an explosive ordnance round that ripped through the door and caused a massive explosion.


For so long, they had been biding their time. Their target pickings had been slim. Yet, lately, the fight against those that had stripped so much from them, had slowly been intensifying. Especially after the capture of one notable target - Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean .

It was not the loss of the planets that had hit hardest.

Houses could be rebuilt. Planets terraformed.

But families torn apart and slaughtered, a people corralled and kept like livestock to do the Sith and their ilk's bidding, could not. Faces of those lost in the purge haunted them all daily, pushing them all forward.

Not to reclaim a tombed world. A dead world so full of spectres of the past that were crying in torture over and over again that you could never close your eyes without reliving it with them.


It was to collect the Blood Debt owed to the Mando'ade.

And the ones that aided the Sith in their atrocities had just arrived into the system. And not alone.

The Karjr sat up straight as comms crackled back and forth. While the Governor of Hefi spoke, Vren was typing addresses on his compact to be able to send texts to two individuals.
://: Dragr, we aren't just facing Eternals out here, but Confederates as well. We'll be engaging. If you're still alive at the end of this and uh...I'm not there to back you anymore or to throw pebbles at your helmet, promise me one thing - don't forget. Don't forgive. Keep making them pay. For us. For the Enclave. Darasuum Kote. Manda be with you, my Brother.://: went straight to Siv Dragr Siv Dragr , whom he hoped would survive the night.

As orders were given and Nag took flight of her own accord, hovering over the great Siege Battlecruiser which she had been resting on, Vren took a heavy breath before sending the last one.

://: Tee. There's so much we haven't said yet. I don't know what will be the outcome of this battle, but I wanted you to know, can move into my home indefinitely. Screw it, damnit. My feelings for you never faded, Tee, despite everythin'. I'm just glad you decided to come back. Don't disappear again, Tee. Stay and give Dragr all his days for me. And don't sell your ship. Again. ://: Tawnita Wren Tawnita Wren - the one he had the most difficulty saying what he wanted to say. The one he wished he had more time with.

The one who held his heart.

His hand absentmindedly found the patched area in his beskar just below the Iron Heart. The spot where a Vong abomination had pierced the hardened and ancient metal. Had nearly killed him. Had nearly stripped him from ever seeing her again.

And here he was once more. In the heart of conflict, where he might never see her again.

So much left unsaid.

The Karjr drew a deep breath.

"What do you say we make some damage, Girl? Get us to that Confederate flag. We got some drilling to do." he said, the heavy weight on his heart easing at the prospect of battle.
://: You got it. ://: she answered before gunning her ions and zipping in a zigzag pattern toward the CNS Litany of Peace.
Golly, and I thought Enclave ship names dubbed by Romul Saxon Romul Saxon were bad." he said as Nag started to take evasive action while her turbolasers and particle cannon picked off starfighters that strayed into their way while her armour and shields tanked some stray shots.
"You got that jammer thing on, right?" Vren asked.
://: Do you mean the Ordnance Jammer? ://:
://: Yes, it's activated. I'm not a B1, you know? ://:
"Well you definitely have more sass." he said, checking the ship scans. "Watch the PD." he added.
://: Obviously. Hold on ://:
She didn't give him much chance before she executed a rolling maneuver to dodge some flak shot in her direction.

As they loomed on their target, the Point-Defence fire got heavier, causing Nag to take more drastic evasive actions, making Vren's stomach churn with all the spinning, dipping and backflips she was doing.

He had to admit, however, that it was a crying shame that her howl could not be heard in the void of space. With their target right in front of them now, it would have been quite something to hear as she bore down toward an opening to attempt to set down where the ship's ordnance would not be able to reach.

There was no turning back now. Anyone protecting the Sith had to their dues.


No exceptions.

  • Emotional babble
  • Vren and Nag head towards the CNS Litany of Peace's bridge while taking highly evasive actions
  • Preparing to land on a specific spot around the bridge area.



Objective II: Defeat Foes
Location: Iron Mountains, Panatha
Equipment: Si'kahya Beskar'gam | Rekr Variant, Beskar Spear, ENCL-14 Patronage Precision Rifle, ENCL-12 Repentance Blaster Pistol
Writing With: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Allies: Open
Enemies: Open

The man felt his spear begin to heat up, his gloves slowly growing warmer as the woman heated up his spear with the ability of her sword. He managed to release his spear from the grasp of the Valkyrja's swords, the sound of sizzling being heard as the Beskar had eaten through his glove and melted his hand, Tyr showed no pain as the metal burned into his hand.

His eyes seared into the woman, all he could do was listen as she talked about her being part of the light fighting the darkness, the words sounded too good to be true, he knew this must've been a ploy to trip him up or to make him slip, but then she did something even he couldn't expect, she opened herself up to him, this caught him off guard, could this be a ploy too?

"What is your plan here? I can not be deceived by your lies. The Mandalorians have been looked down upon for generations, we will take this no longer, the sith and their darkness plague the galaxy, especially we few Mandalorians have been underneath their heel for too long, we will destroy the Sith once and for all."

Tyr looked down at the woman and with a grunt, he shoved the tip of his spear into the ground, the metal began to sizzle as it warmed up the snow. All the man could do was look upon the woman as he stood before her, he opened his arms wide as he looked upon the Angelic creature, "If you have nothing to lose then prove it to me, prove that you wish to dispel the darkness from the Galaxy, but do not take me for an easy target, I have plenty of tricks up my sleeves yet."

Tyr did not know if this was the smartest idea, but he had no other move to make, any use of his spear for the immediate moment was stopped by the fact that it was almost molten hot, and she would be on the offensive foot if he couldn't use his spear, whatever she had to say whether true or nigh may just prove to buy him enough time to finish this battle once and for all.

He Would Listen.​




Tiri Brass (Alor'ad) | Kal (Blade) | Naast (Destroyer) | Bavar (Calvary) | Senaar (Missile)
ALLIES: Enclave | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Siv Krayt Siv Krayt | Open
ENEMIES: Eternal Empire | Sith | Confederates | Let's just kill everybody | Rath Nihro Rath Nihro
GEAR: In bio


:: Brass, you're gonna wanna look at this. ::

It'd only been a couple moments since Missile ended up on the terminal, but even behind the helmet everyone could tell something had upset her. Brass stepped over, leaning down to get a view on the screen.

:: Alright. New plan. There's some karkin' Sith running through our Vod with some creepy tentacle shit. Bavar, Naast. You're with me. Senaar, Kal, Evaar, take the long way around. We'll push em into a trap, kill em. Nice and easy. We don't know what these.. Tentacles are, so we're not gonna risk anything. Senaar, send the clip. Naast, see if you can figure out what the hell he might be doing. ::

Eliz glanced to the feed being fed to his HUD, frowning. Karking Sith and their dark magic.


With the objective in mind, the trio alongside Eliz kept to the shadows. Ducking around corners and such to avoid a firefight as best they could. The miners, Sith, or Eternal troops the main group could deal with. The dark sider that seemed to be able to take down multiple Vod at once? Eliz grimaced as he watched Rath Nihro Rath Nihro pull off the helmet of another Vod to reveal the damage done.

Worse, this was supposed to be an Eternal? A Warden, at least, that's what he assumed. Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla 's brief stint as one at least taught him what to look out for. So the eternals really were meddling with the Dark?

No Sith. No exception.

Eliz reloaded his heavy blaster, glancing over the corpse of an Ultranaught.

:: Let's keep moving. ::

:: Right. ::


:: You sure this is a good idea, Brass? ::

The other trio of Supercommandos took the more direct route to their quarry. A more direct, violent route. The three cleaved through anything foolish enough to stand in their way. No time wasted. No movement wasted. That's what it meant to be Si'Kahya.

:: Can't be lettin our boys and girls gettin' wrapped up by some tentacle thing like it's the dark side of the holonet. :: Brass chuckled a little. Grimly, though. Their armor protected them against much, but the Force? Whatever that thing was that reached through mandalorian steel to drain life and time? That frightened her. Any sane person would be frightened. And run. But they weren't sane people.

:: It's definitely something of the Dark. Not sure if it's a spell or not, but it reminds me of some shit a Sith pulled on Mandalore during the purge. There was way more of a build up though, so this ain't the normal spells the darjetii used. Just keep your distance, is my suggestion. ::

:: In these tight quarters? ::

:: Try, at least. ::

:: Eye's up, we're approaching the last known location. :: They immediately fell silent as they rounded the corner. Blasters up, flamethrowers and rockets primed. Ready to deal with whatever this thing was that served the Eternals.
Location: The Mine, Panatha

As the group poured in, Alora slipped in among the number. With a flick of her eyes the HUD shifted to display some of the readings taken by the sensors. No neurotoxins in the air. Some wireless signals in the area though, so the place wasn't as abandoned as the entryway appeared. Just meant they should be extra careful not knowing what was in store for them.

The violet visor pivoted to regard Shai as the squad's commander said to stick close. With a nod, Alora turned back to checking out the readings. It wasn't long afterward Siv returned with their haul, and the compliment paid. As for the young Mandalorian, she gave Shiv a big ol' thumbs up. Like, of course Alora was happy Siv got the goods. Didn't mean Alora was going to sit back and let Siv dominate the tech arena though!

A little further in and blaster fire had the group draw up short. Alora tensed, ready to spring when Shai gave the word for the Sixteenth to form up with a shield wall. Good group tactics to screen incoming fire. Not that there was any time to admire it with the order given to head left.

"Copy," Alora responded as Shai dropped the orders to take to the fore.

Siv seemed inclined to have vod shoot a few cameras, and then angled to knock some of the enemy out to have a good at their comm. Alora, on the other hand, pulled out her portable slicing console as she moved forward. Mindful it was a battlefield, the full-metal Tech carefully checked her corners until another camera was found. "Alright... Isolated access. Remote management. Huh, no hardcoded passwords in the firmware; someone wasn't half-asleep designing this. Latest ciphersuite. But you know what they say about encryption..." A girl could spent a thousand lifetimes trying to brute force it, or they could beat someone with a wrench until they gave up the password. Well, fortunately for the mine personnel Alora didn't need to physically batter anyone -- just a poor electronic surveillence system. Garbage in, garbage... well, no, just in.

With a vulnerability found, Alora flooded the camera channel with noise to keep the enemy from knowing their exact number and disposition. It'd be easier to take down others as they came upon them.

Alora looked back at Siv, and Shai and gave them both another thumbs up. "If they want us, they'll have to come get us." Or drop some fire doors or something to corral the intruders somewhere. Eh, Alora was up to slicing into their control system if it came down to that! Red Team, Blue Team, slicing, sleeping.

Speaking of which, Alora leaned back and to the side at the sound of weapons fire at the rear. Guess their mining pals hadn't been left behind after all. Time to go then. She got to her feet and started moving again. "Shai, what's our target?" Like they could keep moving deeper, but what was their lead's choice in target on the map? Last thing she needed was a Wardog pissed at ending up in the wrong place.

POYO! Shai's Mischief Makers :: Shai Maji Shai Maji , Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt , Siv Krayt Siv Krayt
HIYA! Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt
ORO? Corin Autem Corin Autem , Eternals & co.​

Aurelian Sigismund
High Imperator, Princeps and Shield of Vandemar, Grandmaster of the Legions

Post II

✠ Objective: III. Helsreach

✠ Location: Orbit of Panatha

✠ Gear: Mantle, Urizen, Lancer-blaster

✠ Assets:
Legion Fleet
Ship Class and Name
Weapons | Shields | Hull in %
Bucephelus-class 'Omnia Vincit'
100 | 100 | 100​
10x TIE/vn, 8x Stormeagle, 2x TIE/HB
12x Boarding/Drop Pod​
Vindictus-class 'Morbus Sire'
Vindictus-class 'Lachrimae'
100 | 100 | 100
100 | 100 | 100​
2x Stormeagle, 1x Boarding/Drop Pod
2x Stormeagle, 1x Boarding/Drop Pod​

Battlefleet Vandemar
Aresus-class 'Viribus Unitis'
Aresus-class 'Lord Hiperias'
100 | 100 | 100
100 | 100 | 100​
Olympia-class 'Dawnbreaker'
Olympia-class 'Stormbringer'
Olympia-class 'Sword of Light'
Olympia-class 'Red Eclipse'
100 | 100 | 100
100 | 100 | 100
100 | 100 | 100
100 | 100 | 100​
2x TIE/BV, 1x TIE/ba
2x TIE/BV, 1x TIE/ba
2x TIE/BV, 1x TIE/ba
2x TIE/BV, 1x TIE/ba
3x Velites-class'Ardent Raiders'
2x Velites-class'Ultima Squadron'
100 | 100 | 100
100 | 100 | 100​
2x Ala-class 'Parma Primus'
2x Ala-class 'Parma Secundus'
100 | 100 | 100
100 | 100 | 100​
  • On Omnia Vincit:
    • 1x Century Agema (80)
    • 4x Legions (12.000)
  • On Morbus Sire:
    • 1x Legion (3.000)
  • On Lachrimae:
    • 1x Legion (3.000)

✠ Tag(s):


Panatha System, Orbit over Panatha
The seconds leading up to the arrival of enemy naval forces
With silence the Vandemarian command observed the 3D projection of the Panatha system. About two dozen individuals, more than half armored in golden power armor, stood there, their eyes or lenses on the map as the alarm of the sensors started ringing. They watched as more and more ships of various sizes entered the system, then as more battlegroups entered.

They were professionals and there was no immediate reaction, stress, haste or panic. It was totally silent as the High Imperator assessed the situation, as well as the Imperators and Battlefleet commanders. The first voice rising though did not came from a Vandemarian born, but some uptight prick of the Enclave forces.

"Lord Sigismund, we are glad you could accompany us this day. I would ask you the same as I did of our Auxillary fleet. No enemy reinforcements are to reach the ground if we can help it. We are expecting heavy naval reinforcements. Have all weaponry charged and ready to support Enclave naval forces' flanks during engagement. Warmaster Romul Saxon's fleet would need our collective support if he is to maintain superiority in atmosphere. Kindly confirm reception and may the Force be with you, Your Excellency."

"Lord Sigismund, you have full leave to take evasive action upon engagement of the contingent bearing upon you. My the skies be with you."

"The Force has nothing to do with the outcome of this battle, Minister Vemric Keldra . Your orders are clear and understood. Ad Victoriam."

The two last words would be repeated by all the present soldiers, both their fists crossed across their chest and their heads looking up. To Victory. Defeat in battle is rarely an option and the Mandalorians will hopefully support this sentiment, even though that Minister origins from their opponents, a deserter of the Confederacy. Good. Opportunities should not go unchecked if decadence and decay are omnipresent.

"The Raiders will form a vanguard on the flank and delay any enemy approach. They shall make noise and look important. The Ultimas and Parmas will accompany the main line to form up behind the Raiders. Be aware of our flank position. The Legions ships will stay near the orbit and keep behind the Raider-Enclave line. On my command the Battlefleet will execute a repositioning, be ready to put all energy into your engines. Any questions?"

The channel was open to all bridges of the Vandemarian forces as well as the Enclave flagships, all captains and commanders could hear it, their subordinates as well. The tactic was clear, even though it wasn´t without great risk. But it would best suit the strengths of the Vandemarians and not submit to a standing defense as the Enclave intended. Attacking the attackers where they did not want to fight was much more feasible than sitting like ducks and waiting for them to use all the space they need.

The forces of enlightenment and progress move into battle against those of stagnation and past time.


Panatha System, Orbit over Panatha
Minutes after the orders were given

Nearly simultaneously the ships of the Vandemarian fleet activated its shields and weapon systems, engaging their engines and starting to move, some slower, some faster. It was a well drilled force and the ships were in perfect condition. The hangars opened and the fighter screens came out, the masses of fighters still remaining on stand-by in the hangars.

The three ships of the Ardent Raiders sped up to move into a vanguard formation, their captains known to be calm but bold commanders, Commodore Silas only accepting certain personalities in his squadron. She knew what the High Imperator had in mind and was aware that the first minutes of the engagement were crucial to make it work. She ordered her ships to offer a maximum output of the prow shields and screen the fleet, observing and holding position once the portion of Eternal Fleet ships approached.

The rest of the Battlefleet followed behind, the two Parma squadrons with each of the three-cruiser teams, two Olympia-classes and one Aresus formed a strike team. The main Battlefleet was commanded by Admiral Erynien and slowly moving into a spread line which pointed away from the planet and main fleet of the Enclave. The ships in an echelon with an anchoring point in front of the Legions ships. Their task was difficult and they would not have a lot of options in the battle to come.

At the anchoring point of the battlefleet line sat the trio of heavy warships of the Legion, the three blue-golden vessels were just sitting and doing nothing else. It seemed lazy, arrogant and menacing. At least as much as hundreds of thousands of impervium and alusteel could seem like that. High Imperator Aurelian Sigismund was personally commanding this force and overseeing the entire battle from the Strategium of the Omnia Vincit, a command center directly behind the bridge.

  • All weapons and shields are activated and charged, the fighter screens are launched.
  • Ardent Raiders speed up to perform vanguard duties to protect the deployment of the main fleet, supporting shield energy and remaining passive.
  • Main Battlefleet starts moving into position, spreading out in a line pointing away from the planet and angled towards the enemy, the ships in oblique order.
  • Legion ships stay stationary at and shortly behind intersection of Enclave line.


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