Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion BLOOD GULCH | Bryn'adûl Invasion of SJC held Chalacta, Alee, Sarka & Roche

Objective: Agoraphobia
Post: 6
Allies: The Bryn'adul
Enemies: Laertia Io Laertia Io / Val Drutin
Location: Northern Tunnels
Equipment: Warlock's Armour / Battle Staff


A small victory that sent a spike of adrenaline through Hrajlmak's veins. The boy recoiled, ablaze and in pain. Pain that extended far deeper than the epidermis. Pain of the flesh, and of the mind. Hrajlmak wrapped his free hand around his staff and roared in arrogance at the young human, and took a step forward, mere moments from unleashing his violent fury on the teen. But it was not to be. Hidden explosives nestled deep in the tunnel walls exploded, burying friend and foe alike under mountains of dirt and stone. The heat of the explosives, seen by Hrajlmak as pure light, sent shock waves to his brain, forcing him to disengage and recuperate. But he wasted no time in cowardice and immediately brought himself to stance. The blasts seemed to sober the Warlock, and the true reality of the situation came to bear. Eyes beheld a dark tunnel filled with anguish and chaos. Drones clawed their way from their dirt prisons, only to be decapitated as they emerged. Droids, tearing savages limb from limb, only to be shredded to scrap by a gang of the animal Sraelvun soon after. There was no discernible sound, only noise. Hrajlmak saw without his eyes the map of the battle in his mind, fed to him by the countless eyes connected to the telepathic network. The sky burst and fell. Massive chunks of Salyrini's ceiling came crashing down, rocking the bones of every being fighting for their lives and for their principles. Time seemed to slow as all pieces of reality came together. Hrajlmak blinked, his mind a gushing stream of information. Like the voice of God, Seer Kalanthir transcended the violence, the chaos. Above the ocean of annihilation his words dragged the minds of the Draelvasier kicking and screaming into one. Far away in this mental landscape, the deep voice of the M'gaelek cried out in pain, and faded into silence. The battle was no longer clear cut, but an amalgamation of events and possible outcomes. It was nightmare manifest and there seemed no concrete sense to be made. And yet in the midst of this oblivion, where logic and certainty seemed a laughable thing, that voice prevailed. The Draelvasier were one, the Jedi mind games crumpling under the weight of purest strength, purest nature. Searing pain of melted flesh in Hrajlmak's arm faded into nothing. His mind free of fatigue, his limbs rejuvenated. He reciprocated the efforts of the Seer as best he could, lending a hand to the unity of the army.

He blinked, and things fell into place. Towards the end of the tunnel, one of Xerx'ma's Excavators came crashing through the walls. Its massive body leaving behind it a fresh path. And like Valkyries on the shimmering clouds, the troops of a nearby burrower came pouring in. The plan to connect and unify had finally come to fruition. This stalemate was finally to be broken as thousands of drones, and hundreds more Rhivaks came to demolish enemy forces. Barely five seconds had passed since the charges had detonated, and Hrajlmak was back in place. His eyes converged on a young human still trailing wisps of smoke as he danced between Bryn'adul troops, cutting them down like a scythe to the crop. Hrajlmak dashed forward, using the force to propel himself across the ground, closing the gap between them almost immediately. With both hands on his staff and renewed vigor made far greater by the Seers, he made violent swings at the tenacious youth.

In the back of his mind, buried behind thousands of voices, behind his own judgement, Hrajlmak knew this battle needed to be won. This was not a planet, nor a strike against the arbiters of justice and peace. This was the web of fate spun across infinite paths, meeting here in this pivotal bottleneck. His own fate, the determinant of his existence. His faith in his culture and his leader had seen no end of challenges since he emerged from a vat on his homeworld of Draemidus. Shame stalked his every thought, externalised as anger. Anger against his fellow man, and against the Chieftain. The Tenebrak incursion brought this anger to the forefront and screamed its presence to Hrajlmak's face. His devotions were solid, but they were founded on unstable ground. And this battle would be the sledgehammer, or it would be the pillar. Hrajlmak fought with a need to win. A fevered, desperate need.

Post: 7
Objective: Coagulation
Allies: Bryn, @Tathra
Foes: Ala Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Laertia Io Laertia Io Romi Jade Romi Jade
Inventory: 1x Barad Kukri X Theron Armor X
Location: Northern Quadrant

The Sky Was Falling
The enemy hadn't lost their air superiority yet, and it showed. Ships bombarded the battlefield, some places more than others, but every corner had been scorched by laserfire. Beyond the aerial assault, artillery fire grew worse and worse as Sethrak grew closer to the shield. He knew where Tathra was, roughly, due to The Force. But the chaos was clouding his vision again, he couldn't focus enough to find The Chieftain. Instead he would need to remember what he had seen through The Force. One thing that stuck out was the massive Siege tower deployed by The Bryn. Tathra had not been far from it. The tower stood over the battlefield, a bulwark of The Bryn'adul forces, but it was under heavy bombardment. Sethrak would use it as a guide to find Tathra.

He had a direction but it was far from an easy task. Before him there were hundreds of yards of combatants on both sides, with artillery and aerial bombardment blanketing the ground. The terrain itself was uneven, be it foxholes from explosions to countless corpses piled on top of each other forming makeshift piles, some large enough to be used for cover by some shorter combatants. If he were to get closer to the shield he would need to navigate heavier bombardment and more rubble as the center of the city was more dense. The Warlock couldn't take the time to get away from the fighting, even if the terrain was more navigable.

His only option was to run through the fray.

He took a moment to catch his breath and was quickly reminded not to stop as a blast struck the ground near him, a few bodies had been there but now were reduced to particles in the thick, smoky air. The blast itself had knocked Sethrak into the air though he was able to land on his feet. He began running again...breathing could wait. Sure enough another blast landed about thirty feet away from the previous one. This time Sethrak was far enough away to avoid the blast, though the heat it produced hit him like a tidal wave. He wondered how anyone, Bryn or Jedi, could survive this madness.

It hadn't been thirty seconds since the explosion and Sethrak ran into another Obstacle: A skirmish between Jedi forces and Drael. He recognized The Drael as his own Lothal Guard, distinguished by their Lothwolf skulls on their shoulders. He couldn't stay to fight, a hard choice that he regretted, but he knew that his troops would be stronger for it. Either they would lose, or they would win and leave with tougher, wiser, and stronger. This was the belief of all Drael. The strongest ruled. The strongest lived. The weak were cleansed, and the strong grew stronger. This was their religion.

There was no "light" and "dark", there was only Strong, and weak, and there was no balance. If you weren't strong, you were dead. Sethrak had struggled, and still struggled with this belief. He knew Drael that he could easily defeat in combat. Did they truly deserve to die? What of those that fought valiantly, those that sacrificed all but their life, and nearly succeeded? They would be stronger from their failure, surely they did not deserve death. It was thoughts like these that had caused the heretic crisis. Thoughts like these that challenged Sethrak's devotion to Tathra Khaeus, his devotion to The Bryn as a whole. It was thoughts like these that he needed to kill.

So it was with only a moment of guilt and consideration before The Warlock made his decision to leave The Lothal Guard troops to their fate. He needed to find Tathra Khaeus before it was too late.

It was then that his heart dropped and time froze.

The massive M'gaelak siege tower, the six-legged, 1640-foot tall rendition of the might of The Bryn'adul......was beaten. With one last sound of its' horn, the beasts' legs trembled as debris rained upon its' battered back. If there were any Drael on the beast, they would surely be crushed with the beast. Sethraked hoped there weren't but given the nearly unstoppable power of a M'gaelak, and the ability to hold up to 2,000 Drael on its' back, Sethrak knew that some were on it, expecting an easy ride into the city.

Sethrak stopped for a moment as the beast slowly fell, finally landing with a thunderous crash heard all across the field of battle.

Its' death was demoralizing. It was to the Bryn as a flag bearer was to a division. It was inspiring, a sign of all they had accomplished, and a reminder of their seven tenants.

Apathy. To control the beasts they must be broken. The process of fitting the beast for war is a painful one, torturous even. The Drael had to overlook this terrible deed, their devotion to their beliefs overpowering their guilt.

Balance. The beast had six legs. If just one were to be removed, the beast would be slow, and if another were lost, it would fall under its' own weight.

Consequence. This beast was broken, forced to serve The Bryn'adul. It had resisted. The consequence of its' resistance was its' enslavement.

Weakness. The Beast was mighty, stronger than any one Drael. Yet even it could be controlled, beaten, killed. It was a reminder that everyone had weakness.

Strength: The Bryn controlled the beast. Not the Jedi, not wookies, trandoshans, or any other species know to them. It was a symbol of their strength.

Battle. The M'gaelak was conquered in battle, and now it served The Bryn in battle. In transported Drael to battle. It fought alongside them, in battle. Every stage of the M'gaelak's adult life was battle. Just like The Drael.

Unity: Drael worked together to conquer the beast. Once conquered, the beast worked with The Bryn. It fought with them, it carried them, it protected them. The shaman that controlled the beast were united with it. One mind. One goal. Unity was the key to such a creature. Unity was victory.

And so with its' defeat Sethrak was blasted with a wave of fear, defeat. Everything the Bryn believed just fell with it. This surely meant they were losing. The tower was always well guarded. The Jedi had gotten past its' defenses long enough and well enough to take it down.

Sethrak buried his fear. If the Bryn were losing, this was not the time to halt the attack and contemplate. It was the time to fight harder, run faster, and redouble their efforts. He resumed his dash through the chaos, Tathra had to be near now. Then the Warlock saw something else he remembered from The Force, roughly 50 yards away: A cloud with endless lightning inside of it struck the ground again and again.

In the center of this storm stood a Titan.

Around Tathra several bodies lay, some dead, some beaten and hanging on to their lives by a thread. The Titan was not idle, it was clear that he was engaged with multiple foes.

Sethrak needed to get to him....


Objective: Coagulation
Location: Shield Generator Tower Exterior
Bryn'Bois: Keldothera Keldothera | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus |
Adversary: Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna | Laertia Io Laertia Io |
Equipment: Triad | Armour | Shredder | Bryn Shot |

The General darted around one of the expeditionary soldiers, slicing him up the middle with the back of the Bryn Shot as he fired off another blast at his feet - knocking away another into the crowds of infantry almost on top of each other. It was hellish, chaotic. Shield Generators split up groups of forces into secluded dogpiles. Those stuck inside, ravaged by tank fire from the enemy vehicular regiments, for those outside of the kill-radius, their
Quilxyn Protectors defended them for the radiation, straining the creatures shielding systems.

"Brumaks, Excavators! Concentrated fire on those tanks NOW!"

Galak was in one such bubble of combat. The soldiers on their side were droids hidden as humans, it became more and more apparent as Galak's syphons focused their vampirism on the shields, also draining some of the expeditionary infantry of their power cells. The massive Juggernauts, nearly twenty times stronger than man used the inert droids as battering rams as they attacked the slowly weakening shields - tearing apart everything in their path; locked in melee combat. They were faster, stronger than humans by several times over and it showed as droid limbs were torn apart - others simply trampled over by the eight foot tall goliaths, their Heavies closer to nine or ten foot ramming their way through, cleaving with Axes.

Ionising waves poured out from the Syphons, disrupting the technology of the tanks and droids intermixed. This was no doubt compounded on by Keldothera's Syphons as well. Many sheilds not entirely falling but blinking in and out as the Savage Drones ravenously clawed at them, pushing through like a gush of water on top of the unsuspecting infantry.

Hundreds of Brumaks took up positions on the edges of the battlefield in groups, firing compounding waves of targeted strikes against the Gahazr and Katarn tanks as the Syphons targeted the defences of the Sarlacc's and Faamba Shield's. Their Reavers, dropping in numbers quickly from the tank fire moved to focus firing on the enemy shields toward the tower.

Excavators would take the earth out from under the battle tanks in an attempt to drop them into newly formed ditches to break their lines of sight. Their infantry needed room to breath, without it they'd be destroyed.

Galak's eyes went wide as he leapt to the side, particle cannon fire annihilating the ground under his feet, the Drones and Rhivaks at his side evaporated in an instant as the particle artillery cut through them for the Debaucher.

Galak reached for his mindstone; "Kelda! Look out!"

Objective: Coagulation
Location: Shield Generator Tower Exterior
Bryn'Bois: Galak Galak | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Udomek Seker Udomek Seker |
Enemy: Laertia Io Laertia Io | Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna |
Equipment: Armour | Splitter | Crippler | Carbine | Dual

The Debaucher moved fast, crossing over the shields with its tendrils almost as if walking across them. It didn't need to touch them, it could've floated past them. Instead, it used its tendrils to powerfully drain everything it touched, its tendrils writhing across the exterior of the shields beneath it - pulling at them with enough force to drain a Cruiser of its power in minutes. The creatures shield strengthened as it greedily ate away at the extreme amount of energy at its proverbial finger-tips. Its shield hardened further to the most extreme degree, droids within the vicinity of its tendrils collapsing as it moved unrelentingly toward the Tower.

Keldothera kept firing from the Gunboat, opening fire on the infantry even time they were exposed. Her syphons working from the Gunboats to drain the mobile shield generators as they targeted the droids and tanks below with ionising waves; compounding with Galak's to render the enemy vehicles below defunct.

"Strikers! Diving strikes on the enemy vehicles!"

From the edge of the shield interior, the Strikers she had released from her crashing Burrower turned in the sky with incredibly agility - aiming down into the crowds of enemy vehicles; firing with their forward facing cannons as they used their ship blades to kamikaze into the tanks at the rear of their defensive formations. The massive strikers, passing through the shields with their radesh oil as ripples of explosions would come from the vehicles split in half that they'd struck.

If any.

Keldothera couldn't tell from where she was if the explosions were their own ships or the enemy tanks. She imagined both, hoped at least she hadn't just sacrificed her own. Galak's message came a moment too late as a hale of particle artillery came crashing down on the Gunboats surrounding the Debaucher, they should've parted and allowed its shield to take the brunt. Her heart jumped in her chest, fight or flick kicking in as Kelda fell from the turret; hands raised as the cannon fire came crashing down around them.

The Debaucher could've taken it, some moved out of the way. Others did not, the particle fire cut down two of their Gunboats; damaging two more. They were sitting ducks like this. Keldother dipped her head down as sparks of cannon fire beat against the hull of the Gunboat. She'd been lucky. The Debaucher and its convoy didn't stop, they couldn't stop. No matter what happened, they had to take down the shield. It was crucial to Tathra's plan. He would see the city destroyed, and his devoted Warriors would have it be done.

"Galak! We're getting close! Take OUT those tanks."

The Debaucher drew closer and closer, its front most tendrils beginning to reach out to the Tower as it drew closer.
He caught it, though the blade damaged the carapace on his shoulder. It confirmed her suspicions about his armor, and his strength. She yanked the spear out of his grip as he repositioned himself. The forces of Gir Quee Gir Quee reigned horrors all around him, but at least that fething Siege Tower was dead. She stiffened, feeling her friend die, making it infinitely more personal now. She would kill this race. Every last one of them would be consigned to the flame.

The Nuetralizers, greatly reduced in the area, picked up on the loss to moral, learning to recognize emotions on the faces of their mercilessly brutal enemy. They transmitted the data to the rest of their brothers, who pressed in on the masses, many now heavily damaged but still fighting and killing as many as they could. A human like instinct for sensing weakness led many into a vicious charge against the ranks in the Battlefield away from where Tathra, the Organic defenders surging with a curious mix of both hope and hatred as they started fighting back even harder. The Bryn'adul's advance was suddenly, violently halted across a good deal, Organic defenders and Nuetralizers alike throwing all they had against the might of such fierce, implacable foes. Organics stopped trying to retreat all together, Nuetralizers leading deadly Bonsai Charges in mass. The Nuetralizers remaining dealing and slaughtering the Larger units, taking great care to cruelly, sadistically rip apart the clear veterans in their ranks in front of their comrades. Humans massed on those much stronger and faster than they were, losing often ten to twenty at a time, but slaughtering forty to fifty in turn. The humans all across the battle field often exploded from the friendly fire, but the slaughtering of the Bryn'adul grew worse across the whole field of battle, the defenders having shred their last modicum of restraint and fear for their life. Even as their tanks were downed and collapsed by Excavators, Concord soldiers with still working jet packs landed on some of the excavators starting to do damage when they managed to spot them, making vast sinkholes. They clamped, firing Disruptors taken from dead Nuetralizers on the field of battle to break through their heads even as they were devoured, tossing thermal detonators into the wounds or in their mouths as they emerged, exploding some from within, but still killing too few. A few tanks deliberately sacrificed themselves by detonating their payloads themselves when their sensors detected the seismic activity, blasting one or two apart with every weapon still working, some tanks and excavators dying in mutual kills now, somewhat reducing the advantage of the enemy as the defenders fought with suicidal abandon, refusing to retreat or flee, no matter how many of the Bryn'adul's abominations rampaged and killed their friends, even as their brains were smashed in and their limbs torn apart, if they could fight even a little in their dying moments they fought tooth and nail. Many died being ripped open and still firing into the faces of Juggernauts.

Thermal detonator explosions ripped horribly through Bryn'adul ranks, Dying humans triggering every explosive they had on them. And still the Bryn'adul pressed on, like an inexorable tidal wave, albeit one that was slowly, surely getting reduced in strength.

No chance for honor. No need for it. All that mattered was the Warlord dying.

Not-Yet-Xiphos felt the invasive attempt as Sethrak Sethrak tried to mentally dampen her.

You're not sending me to the cooler, Crabface The budding Light Side Sith sneered mentally in contempt, the cold will that composed what Laertia had become zealously forcing Sethrak out of her head, before hissing something unnatural under her breath that Darth Themis taught.

A type of telepathic poison spread from her to the fraying link he had made, leaping to his end of it before it was severed.

He would hopefully feel it as a cold chill in his brain, then pain, Icy Pain, that would hopefully spread to not just him, but anybody else he tried to link to or was linked to already, unless he managed to contain and fight the extremely pernicious magical spell she had just used...

You. Target the damage to his shoulder with lightning. Not-Yet-Xiphos told Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor curtly with telepathy.

Her hand raised, clenched, and frozen solid bodies and large, frozen pieces of Tathra's children raised from the field of battle all around them. Not just his warriors, but the bodies of Concord defenders.

(Slow Imperial March Theme Plays)

The makeshift projectiles raced at Tathra from all directions, front, side and center at high speed, some still alight with the cold blue flames that had killed them.


Hadrian's photoreceptors glared at the reports that an asset had been killed

"Sitrep." He asked in his scary James Spader voice.

"Mass KIA on our side. Their living drills chew up and swallow everything that gets close. One of their commanders is still heavily defended but has sustained heavy injuries. We have, however, obtained sample of their shield defeating oils, Sir."

"We won't have time to develop a countermeasure. Send the chemical analysis to SJC command." Hadrian ordered, coordinating defense above and below starting to become very taxing to his processors. "Anything else?"

"Their living drills are currently burrowing under the area around the tower. Massive worms everywhere swallow whatever gets near. We've obtained one of their little shield pearl thingies though..." it added, showing one in a stasis cannister.

"Run it over to the Wizards. Those things have been giving us trouble all for these worms and drills. They chew up anything, right?"

"Yes. Scans indicate the insides are near molten. They got their own ecosystem."


Hadrian got an idea.

"How many Void-007's we got left?"

"Five, sir. We also have a number of heavily modified Sonic Imploder Grenades. Our brothers also report fault lines."

"Rally every SJC Organic you can. We're going after those fething worms. They CANNOT be allowed to remain in play." Hadrian ordered.

"We're losing brothers by the minute. Many of our defenses in the tunnels are close to collapsing. The explosions would almost certainly destroy vast numbers of civilians, likely up to a third of them."

"The people here are dead anyway." Hadrian asserted. "We either lose part of the tunnels and a third of civilians, or we lose ALL of the tunnels and ALL of the Civilians. Pick."

The Nuetralizer stared at his older brother before transmitting the Data to the others desperately holding back the onslaught.

"Get the void charges ready. Were they modified to my specifications?" The Golden, Skeletal Firstborn of the Woman who had once been Laertia Io asked.

"Triple damage and range, as requested."

"Hopefully those things are vulnerable to sonics." Hadrian bemoaned. "Signal to all friendly Organic personnel near the worms to keep up enemy fire. Then send two of these modified Seismic Charges you can spare for the giant worms. Strap the voids to the injured organics. The ones who can still fight long enough to buy time.

"Right away, Sir! What about the civilians?"

"Whoever you can evac, do so. I don't want it said The Nuetralizers never tried to save anyone at Sarka. But the Worms and their living drills are the main priority."

"Themis will not be pleased by the Loss of her student."

"Themis already knows..." Hadrian replied grimly, watching the holograohic displays of the underground battle, the Bryn'adul threatening to overrun every position in spite of the heavy casualties they had sustained. The Nuetralizers refused to give in, barely holding, inflicting horrific death tolls on the enemy, though their numbers were being steadily chipped away at. Whatever else happened, the Nuetralizers were recognizing fear in their enemy, better targeting their vital organs, transmitting all weakness discovered to their other brothers above and below, the skeletal warriors adjusting their tactics accordinly, more acurately targeting instant kill areas, blasting through armored weakpoints to kill...

Hadrian signaled to Val Drutin to pull back, as his brothers started shooting at the tunnels the enemy advanced through, having determined a weakpoint with Stouker rifles. Nuetralizers fired on Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok to try and give him breathing room, Lyssa carrying Alyosha's lifeless body away after a Nuetralizer brought it to her, after painfully killing every Bryn around his body.

The monsters worms unleashed by Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma and Ostak Cl'mana devoured everything, horrible molten insides and the creatures within subjecting all organics swallowed to an excessively painful death. Organic forces desperately fired artillery at them, looking for some way, any way of slowing the beasts down, only to be devoured themselves.

Gangs of heavily injured soldiers marched determinedly to their doom in the the fast collapsing underground after having been given two of the charges, and sonic imploders. They ran to the gaping, hungry maw of the guardians, many of them died trying to reach the worms tgrough the nearly overwhelmed and collapsing system, but the chunk that remained made it with their payloads intact.

"FOR THE CONCORD! DEATH TO ALL BRYN'ADUL!" one yelled as he charged, packs of his friends around him getting crushed by collapsing debris, bursting apart like overstuffed garbage bags.

"Feth you fething worms." He called out before triggering his charge as he died.

The Void 007's went off, the ball of injured soldiers having bought just enough time to keep them from being destroyed.

The enhanced sonic shockwaves violently ripped across the underground towards the fast approaching worms, while more Void 007's went off at key sections in the network, burrying and killing dozens upon dozens of Bryn'adul, and killing multiple friendlies, stunning and injuring some of the excavators

Organic forces, even as they were killed, charged Drekma and Ostak en masse, firing every rocket and heavy weapon, calling in Particle cannon strikes on the Burrower to try and damage it, even as they subjected themselves to heavy fire. One could only hope the sonic waves would have some sort of effect.


At the tower, Syd Celsius Syd Celsius grimaced, feeling Keldothera Keldothera and her forces along with Galak's forces get closer.

She drew more of the Force to herself, screaming in pain.

The great Tornado of flames she had conjured sucked the flames of half the city into itself...and changed...

It became a Very Large, terrible flaming Dragon with great large fangs looming over the tower, having been summoned outside the shield roaring its defiance with a terrible scream that shook both attacker and defender present near the tower.

With a swipe of its mighty flaming tail, the flaming Dragon smashed into the advancing forces that were very close to the tower, large and bright enough that Galak and Udomek Seker Udomek Seker could probably see it trying to kill every enemy by the dozens, breathing deadly flames on vast swaths of the Bryn'adul trying to destroy the Generator, the flames so intense they creeped underground through sinkholes and cracks made, roasting alive multiple excavators. Dozens of Phedrak Fighters were swatted from the sky with a swipe of its mighty claws as they tried to assault the shield. Siphons were destroyed by the terrible flames that set hundreds of Bryn'adul ablaze, giving the defenders precious time to fire every particle cannon they had on their lines.

As the Debaucher neared the Tower, Syd's Dragon flew towards it, breathing massive, scorching flames at it to try and damage its soft underbelly.

Syd shrieked in agony from the power she generated but refused to give up the Tower, tapping something powerful and terrible in her that she always tried to ignore for the sake of others. She fought past the pain, the Nuetralizers helping defend the Tower targeting Keldothera's gunboat with homing missiles and concentrated Laser Cannon fire, particle cannon shots started to hit around the area of her Burrower.

Syd screamed in agony, drawing from deep focus and a desire to avenge the innocent...

Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Caedyn Arenais

Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion

Auteme Auteme
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Ostak Cl'mana

DRAEL ALLIES ON OBJECTIVE: Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma (in close proximity) | Osam Osam | Galak Galak
HOSTILES: SJC | Laertia Io Laertia Io 's NPCs | Open to engaging up to 2 more Jedi opponents
EQUIPMENT: Traditional Shaman robes
BEASTS: 1x 3x Servitors (2 supporting Guardians in city destruction, 1 hunting/defending), 4x Sirracus Wyrms (hunting/defending)

"Ostak... the First Warlock.. the tunnels are weakened. We must destroy them, trap the Sarkans inside this wretched city..."

Ostak was startled by the swiftness of the Primarch's physical recovery, nearly jumping back into him as he spoke.
Upon absorbing that the Primarch was indeed in improved health and fit to command, Ostak turned to him and absorbed his words. With the shields diminished and tunnels in ruin, the Sakran capital was indeed close to its inevitable demise. They would finally put to rest the wretched underground city, a mockery of the great towers of Dramedius Prime. But most importantly, they would bring down the city together.

The Shaman-Overseer felt a new wave of energy course out of the Primarch, awakening great beasts that dwarfed even his Servitors. The Guardians possessed immeasurable strength, but also took a great toll on their masters, said to only be capable of being wielded by the Primarch and his most distinguished commanders. While the Primarch's energy flow was much more stable than it had been mere minutes prior thanks to the work of the healers, Ostak still feared that his mental limit was near. Consequently, Ostak stepped back to be parallel with the Primarch and gripped his right shoulder with his right arm. This gesture served two purposes - it gave the Primarch another physical support that was larger and just as reliable as his staff while also providing a flow of the Shaman-Overseer's own energy to resupply the Primarch's.

Ostak carefully monitored his energy flow, releasing into the Primarch more than a mere trickle but less than a rushing rapid that would drain him in minutes. Instead, a small stream flowed between the two Shamen, working to achieve equilibrium of energy stored within its two containers.

With the Primarch's energy sufficiently reinforced, Ostak returned his attention to his own operations. With a nudge in the inner chambers of their brain, Ostak had the two attacking Servitors dive down underneath Warlord Galak's unit and enter the softened rock left in the wake of the Guardians, using the weaker material to accelerate until the Servitors were only half a kilometer behind the Guardians. While the Guardians inflicted massive damage on the crumbling city's foundational pillars, the Servitors swept behind as a cleanup crew, knocking down any smaller supports the bulky Guardians could not efficiently maneuver to reach. If left unopposed, the rampage of the worms would surely result in another great triumph achieved through teamwork.

Further up, the third Servitor launched itself at a new wave of foes, betraying no exhaustion or injuries. It sated itself on the corpses of the few humans amidst the mechanical hordes, taking in their nutrients to fuel its own power. The Sirracus quartet performed a similar role to the Servitors supporting the Primarch's Guardians, eagerly picking off any lone units that evaded the Servitor's maw. Ostak's barrier held firm, even as the unstable rock walls became nearly as much of a threat as the external foes.

Ultimately, he reassured himself that the sweat coating his body and his rising soreness was nothing compared to the Primarch's current state. After all, this exercise was little more than an intense mental workout, of which he typically performed at least once a month.

Objective: Coagulation
Location: Salyrini City
Allies: Udomek Seker Udomek Seker | Kad Kad | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Ostak Cl'mana | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Sethrak Sethrak | Osam Osam | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari |
Enemies: Romi Jade Romi Jade | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna |

His influence took hold, the Bryn'adul warriors had that thought shared among them. Through their untiy and their devotion to the will of the Titan their strength prevailed. Across the battlefield, the prestigious set aside their differences. They all knew the ultimate goal was to succeed. It didn't matter how many losses they incurred or how much pain they endured. If the Bryn did not accept each other as brethren none of it would matter.

The Seer continued to draw on the powers at play, the fire demon too became a source of energy. So many apparitions at play, the toys of children who thought they were powerful. Kalanthir drew in that power, drunk deep from the well of the force blossoming in the depths of Sarka. The planet called out, it yearned for an end to the destruction. It yearned for peace, they would give it. Not only to this plaent, but the Galaxy. They would have peace, when the Sarkan natives who had misused the gift of such a beautiful planet lay dead in the billions. They would have peace.

The Seer continued to strength the resolve of their warriors, collectively further fortifying them through the Mind Stones.


The force swirled around the Seer as he drew on the power of the stone-singers and the Ashaka around him. Tendrils of red viral energy streaming out from their chests into encircling rings of energy forming around his torso.

The Seer's hand reached out, searching for the force user casting the fire demon.
Location: Sarkan Defense Force Command Center, Southeast Quadrant, Salyrini, Sarka
Objective: The Siege of Salyrini
Allies: Syd Celsius Syd Celsius
Enemies: Galak Galak Keldothera Keldothera

The Jedi watched in horror as some of the enemy Bryn craft plunged into the outermost shields in fanatical attempts to overwhelm the Concordian defenders. Some succeeded, wiping out tanks and other light vehicles in flames. Others were less successful - it was a suicidal charge into a field fortified fighting position already manned by heavily armed enemies. Closer to the front lines, Varactyl-class Light Walkers scampered around the Concordian infantry, sweeping out grunts with sustained starfighter-grade autocannon mag pellets or long streams of searing flamethrowers. Outmatched in hand to hand combat, the droid soldiers sought to pick off their enemies at range with blasters and other weapons from behind the protection of barriers or fired from the overhead windows in nearby windows. If forced into hand to hand combat, many of the droids simply embraced their foes and exploded their grenades and other explosive charges on their bodies - hoping to take down or at least injure their unusually powerful foes. All according to plan, supposedly.

Yet the Jedi was not sure that even such preparations would be enough

Admiral Quee's voice crackled through the comm, "Dav already called the cavalry in. We've had a surprise waiting for them too. Some Aerial Cruisers are en route to help deal with their gunboats...and that thing."

"Understood sir."

He cut the line and quietly swore. Does he really know what's going on in here? As if to answer him, a trio of aerial cruisers zoomed in from the horizon at high speed. Their ungainly hulls lit up with weapons fire - three streams of hypervelocity cannon and explosive plasma energy torpedo fire began to rip into the group defending the Debaucher even as dozens of Tidefall-class Brilliant Torpedoes surged forward to burrow into the Debaucher and release corrosive plank gas which would dissolve the creature from the inside out. Without a clear shot into the front ranks, the rearmost Gharzr-class Battle Crawlers and Katarn-class Battle Tanks turned their weapons upwards to rip into the vulnerable underside of the debaucher. Is that really going to be enough? The tentacles of the beastly fought back, trying to drain tanks and other droids of their power - Travot watched as at least two of the heavy battle crawlers fell to the impressive power of the debaucher, yet he wondered how well the creature really was working against the starlight scutum shields - they weren't conventional energy shields at all - they actually acted as disintegration fields to anything that touched them, whether it was organic or inorganic matter. The aerial cruisers circled around the Debaucher from range, staying out of reach of the beast's tentacles even as they poured their withering fire into the beast.

A beautiful, horrible dance. He closed his eyes and dipped his thoughts into the currents of the Force. His soul weaved in and out of the life energies, skimming the surface of the various beings and their thoughts. It is coming...we should not be here...What is the Force trying to tell me? He felt troubled, yet he knew it was best to act on it, even if he didn't understand it. The susevfian turned to his synthetic soldier counterpart.

"I sense we are needed somewhere else. Signal the rest of your platoon and tell them to follow me. We need to get higher up in this tower immediately."

"Yes sir."

Just as he was about to leave the room, the Bryn'adul excavators found a waiting surprise: massive torrents of water slammed into the creatures. The tunnels from which the water flowed had been made by the comparatively smaller Clodhoppers, which led to a significant pressure difference. Even as some of the Silver Concord tanks plunged into the depths of the earth, water seeped out and slammed into the attacking Bryn'adul formations as the full brunt of the redirected Yras and Urdo Rivers. Many Concordian forces were also caught in its grips - tanks and groups of synthetic soldiers floated forward chaotically into the bryn'adul horde. Yet the Concord forces fought on amid this catastrophe- that which did not live could not drown, and most of the Concord tanks were actually rated for underwater operations. The synthetic soldier turned his helmed visage on the Jedi Knight as the pair left the room.

"That's why we're leaving, isn't it?"

Travot frowned yet again, "I do not know, the Force is calling me elsewhere."

"Is it now?" said a new voice.

The Knight scowled at the old con man, "I see your machinations have played a part in all of this...working hard for that reward, aren't you?"

The old man briefly paused, "I do my part. I hope it works with this Force of yours."

Such destruction in line with the ways of the Force? Ignorant fool....

OOC NOTES: Where did this random Crazy Flooding come from?
From this post

"There are no more reserves now," stated the smuggler, "have them immediately start digging in and prepare for the inevitable assault. Those clodhoppers need to make two different networks of tunnels...through here....and one linking this section of the Northwest Quadrant to right here by the command center. You can detach the Clodhoppers for those jobs immediately and keep the Sarlaccs and Kybucks here...this is what they do..."

From this Post

"Mister Hannser," said a red-scaled lizard, "you told me to tell you when the first of the tunnels from the Northwest Quadrant to the Southeast."

"Excellent. Ready the diversion," said the man, "but let's not execute it yet. It'll work better with more tunnels...and at just the right time. Which, excuse me Elders, I have to make a quick call to an old acquintance.""

From Salyrini's Codex Sub
"Northwest Quadrant: This is the primarily residential area, home to towering skyscrapers, hatchling nurseries, and many common day businesses. This area is centered around a confluence of the Yras and Urdo rivers, which also serves as a popular recreational area."

OBJECTIVE: Coagulation Bloodsport
LOCATION: Burrower > Southwest Quadrant
EQUIPMENT: Verikast Juggernaut Platform 12A | Assault Carbine | Glaive
ENEMIES: SJC | Caedyn Arenais

Udomek ate total chit as he missed the jedi completely his forward moment plus angle of attack caused him to fall to the ground on his side his back to Gredak. His glaive went flying away from him as he hit the ground. He slid causing dirt and turf bellow him to be upturned just due to the heavy impact he left a small crater. As the Jedi leapt over him a few shards from the shredder imbed themselves in in his armor back plate as other flew past him embed themselves in other fallen Draelvasier and Rangers alike. The old Bastard that was Kad Kad did not seem to care who or what he hit.

What seemed like forever only lasted a few seconds the shredder needles exploded causing explosion to go off all around the area. The few that had embedded themselves in Udomeks armor went off the back plate of his armor got blown into small bits of metal that went in every direction making even more shrapnel than they normally had. Small bits of metal dug deep into the milk white skin of Udomeks back from lower neck to where lower back met tail bone.

The pain was unimaginable as the white skin on his back near instantly became crimson. Caedyn Arenais who had landed behind had no way to truly avoid at least getting hit by some of the shrapnel as he came plunging for the very back that had just exploded with the impact of the shredders. Udomek though survived his back shredded and bleeding his yellow eyes turned red as rage and anger filled him. His right hand swung back, and his gauntleted fist grabbed the blade of the sword before it could strike him almost like he could sense it coming. A sixth sense of sorts had tingled in Udomeks mind it told him to move his arm and he had done so.

Holding the blade in his gauntleted hand the giant spun around to his feet as and incredible rate for his size. Hold the blade there his back just dripping crimson he looked down at the Jedi his yellow eyes having become blood shot red through his helmeted face. Steam from his breath could be seen come from his helmet and again what seemed like a lifetime was only mere seconds. He stared down the Jedi and growled from the armor helm that had been stained by his allies’ blood earlier.

“AGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!The howl was loud and earth shattering both showing Udomeks pain and rage across. He yanked at the sword in an attempt to rip it free from the Jedi hands and throw the blade far from the battlefield to leave the Jedi unarmed. As he attempted this, he stepped to the side as he saw Gredak charging glaive out. Udomek moved at the last second so he could avoid having Gredak hit him but would keep the Jedi distracted just long enough hopefully.

As Udomek side stepped away he stumbled a few steps away his rage still heavy in him. He looked up and off in the distance he saw something large. If he didn’t think he was bleeding to death he would have sworn it was a damn dragon. He stumbled to one of his fallen squad mates grabbing their glaive and firearm.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.



Location: Salyrini Obj. 1
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Caedyn Arenais Laertia Io Laertia Io
Opponents: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Sethrak Sethrak Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir Keldothera Keldothera


As he slowly walked towards the Draelvasier, Caltin did not care about his history, he did not care about the loyalty that he was commanding. Caltin did not care about any of it, all he cared about was the target in front of him.

I am so tired of foes looking on the Jedi as “weak”.

With a sudden, violent reach, Caltin “grabbed” the exposed elbow between Tathra’s gauntlet and armor through the Force. His directive, while completely true and a sign of what will be to come served another purpose. It allowed him to study the armor, the ax, and the gauntlet of the foe in front of him. No, the big guy did not know everything about what he was seeing, but Caltin figured some things out. The angling of the armor meant that it was almost “ablative” in design, prudent, the thickness of it meant that there was more to it than that, it could be Force resistant in some senses.

The ax? Well, the massive Jedi Master had seen the weapon in action and knew well enough to see that if it was strong enough with one hand, it would be devastating with two. The gauntlet was his something else entirely, the way he wore it, the closed fist. It was no doubt similar to the armor, so Caltin did not make the attempt to do anything to it yet. What he would do was “grasp” all of the veins, and the arteries in and around that elbow and crush them. Would this effect be permanent? Maybe, maybe not, but if the big guy focused well enough, and if his hunch was right, that was at least one less weapon(don’t forget the two-handed use of the ax)...

… at least for a little while.

Going back to the storm, his slow steps, and the new interruption of this other. Was she the “Jedi” everyone seemed to be mad at? Doesn’t matter at the moment, she was providing him a distraction long enough to call more energy to it. More and more, the wind would kick up to almost tempest flare, it was powerful but controlled in a manner of speaking. Caltin could sense his fellow Jedi out in the field, and while he could not do this forever, the big guy managed to, at least for now, direct the wind, rain, and lightning away from them. The lightning was getting stronger by the strike, more and more Bryn footsoldiers would fall by the energy and whoever else was not Salyrini associated. Sure, they wore the armor of the same type of material as this one in front of him, but metal is metal, it conducts electricity and no amount of design will stop it.

~” Watch yourselves, I’m about to leave this storm to its own devices.”~

Caltin had to let it go, but not before one controlled, a centered blast at the Draelvasier in front of him, right on his exposed head. That of course would be followed up with the trusted old “go-to” of his, centering the Force into his closed fist and slamming it into the ground in a huge “punch”, the resulting Force wave rolled forward and unless the foes jumped (right into his “compatriot” and her spear), they would be knocked over and bowled backward. This wasn’t energy-based direction at them, but below them, they would be affected by proxy.

Parlor trick? Yeah, just keep thinking that.

Using the Force further to alter the environment, Caltin recalled back to the days of he and Ala on Yavin VIII, that kriffing iceball. The temperature dropped and it became cold enough that you would wonder why there was no snow on the ground.

There was that storm though. The ice-cold rain, the lightning.

The chunks of debris that he could reach? They would be “grabbed” and either crushed or thrown on top of Bryn soldiers and other assorted beasts. He could not get every one of them, but he could throw disarray and at least give the 412th some cover fire.

Caltin spent years in this specific weather, it affected him, yes, but he was more than capable of dealing with it. The freezing temperatures were what the big guy trained in, trained his Padawans in back in his time. This was just another day and he would make the most of it. The big guy, for all of his anger and controlled rage, was still a Jedi though, this use of the Force was one thing, but he would still not hit first. That is not saying at all that he would let Tathra do so. Caltin was a tactician after all. His move was straightforward, a sprint right at the Draelvasier…

… and if you think he was going for a straightforward move… you really don’t know him…

The move was double-edged, the first was to get Tathra to commit to something. Caltin’s lightsaber hand was in a “drag” position, this was a swordsman’s move to go for a cutting strike to the head. The massive Jedi Master wanted the target in front of him to commit… to anything… that would count as “the first hit” and would get it out of the way. The second edge was once Tathra committed, Caltin would duck and roll to the Bryn’s side and use a powerful Lightning kick (Teras Kasi) to the back joint of the knee. Armor or not, the muscles would cramp. He wanted more, but it would be far too easy to do that, to take Conservator and jam it into Tathra’s skull right now. That would be an option that would be saved for later though. He had a point to make and a plan to play out, regardless of what happened today, the Bryan’dull, or Bry’un’doll, or Bryan’s doll or however you spell it…

Even they deserve better than that.

The point is, they would remember what it was like to truly face the Jedi and truly see what they were more than capable of.

Regardless of what else was going on, Caltin’s target was again that gauntlet, the exposed skin… a lightsaber cut would sever the glove and a one-handed Bryn would have to face him and Laertia. Either way, whether a hand was lost or not, that gauntlet was on its way to becoming little more than a fancy glove.


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Objective: 2
Location: Remote surface entryway
Equipment: 2x WESTAR-35 blaster pistols | Vambraces (Right: Grappling line, flamethrower, repulsor) (Left: Dart launcher with poison darts, shield emitter, whipcord thrower, concealed blade | Z-6 Jetpack | Shock grenade | Flash grenade | Medpac | Vibroknife | Commlink | Stimulant
Allies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion & the SJC
Enemies: Osam Osam

Seeing as he was more greatly protected than some of the allies who accompanied him, Ki'an took it upon himself to adopt a more frontline role, though he was not usually reckless enough to get in the way of projectiles unless a life was at risk and with the current projectiles they faced, even if his armour did hold up then he imagined there would be enough kinetic energy behind the attack to have the potential to cause some serious damage but it still put him in a better position than most of his allies. The Jedi similarly had an extra level of protection through the Force, though it was unclear how beneficial a lightsaber would be at deflecting the type of bullets they faced.

The Mandalorian began to fall back in line with the other troops while the Jedi performed one of his Force tricks. The chain of command was unclear because even though the Jedi commanded the troops that accompanied them, he seemed young, maybe only a Padawan. In any case, Ki'an trusted the Jedi was acting on orders from higher up the chain of command but he would not act in complete subservience to his ally, rather seeing them as equals, though he respected that given commands had everyone's best interests at heart.

The defence had not been entirely successful and left a few of the closest troops more vulnerable to the oncoming grenades, one of which headed towards the feet of the man beside him. He could have easily escaped the blast himself but instinctively wrapped his arms around the waist of the man beside him and shot up into the air, clear of the blast, before returning to the ground. The solider was a little taken aback by what had just happened but offered his thanks before falling back in with his allies.

"I can certainly try." He replied to Mathieu before altering the function of his HUD to allow for better visibility into the dark tunnel and breaking formation to get a better position, though it was proving difficult with the debris. "Umm... I guess it's the guy who's shouting." He looked over his shoulder at Mathieu before his gaze returned to the tunnel and he froze, realising the content of what he had heard. "Wait." He realised a moment before the next attack began and a slew of projectiles headed in their direction.

The suppressive fire was an effective irritant and didn't leave much opportunity for return fire, at least not for the sensible among them, so Ki'an quickly moved out of the range of the attack, standing rather helplessly to the side of the entrance. Most of the men had started to move away but one of the men on the ground began to stir, having been previously still. It was dangerous and nobody was keen to walk back into the line of fire, though many would be willing to do so for an ally, they were hesitant.

Of the less hesitant among them, Ki'an quickly moved across the impromptu battlefield and grabbed the man by the legs, pulling him backwards to safety with the sound of bullets sailing past his head. Once aside, he knelt beside the injured man and his hands moved quickly as he made an effort to save his life before he died from blood loss. "Er... you." He pointed to one of the soldiers standing nearby. "I need a second pair of hands." He told him and the other soon complied.

"Hold your hands to his side." He told the man who placed his weapon on the ground and did as told. Time was not on their side, not least because the man was bleeding out but also because their enemy could liberate themselves from their captivity at any moment. Still, it was an environment and pressure he was used to working in. With steady hands, he injected the man with a chemical mixture of bacta and a blood clot promoting agent before cleaning the wound with antiseptic, causing the man noticeable discomfort, and placing a thick layer of synthflesh over the wound until he could get proper treatment. It would not be the extent of his needed treatment but it would hopefully save his life.

They were far enough removed from the immediate battle to have a small peace of mind but it was far from over yet judging by the shouts from their own men and the never ending sound of weapons discharging. Ki'an thanked the man who assisted him and between them, they helped the injured man to his feet to move him further away from the area before sitting him down against a tree.

Val Drutin

Objective: Agraphobia
Location: Tunnels
Gear: Armor | Lightsaber
Tags: Laertia Io Laertia Io | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok

There had been a time when Val had found battle fun. A Force User against soldiers armed with blasters, the flash of the glowing blade deflecting the bolts almost faster than the eye could see. Falling happily into a duel with a young Knight, competing to see which was the better swordsman. Fighting an enemy for whom the moniker of “villain” was well-earned, and not having to think about justifying the slaughter.

If that was all that war was, then Val would have delighted in it until someone bested him. He’d be satisfied, knowing he’d had his time to shine, and that it was all in good fun.

But that wasn’t all there was to war.

Hrajlmak lunged at him in a last ditch effort to win, screaming like a beast out for blood. Neutralizers turned their fire upon the Drael, while Hadrian, their golden leader, gestured for Val to pull back. They were leaving. Val was angry, but he wasn’t suicidal. Not yet. The boy cut down a final Drone before following the Machine Man’s signal, running toward the relative "safety" beyond the firing line. That was where he crossed paths with Lyssa.

Alyosha’s lifeless body in her arms was gray with dust. Mixed with his blood, it created a brown mud that streaked his armor and neck and clumped in his sandy hair. Val stared at his brother’s corpse, feeling the hollow in himself where their bond had been. He reached out tentatively to touch Alyosha’s face, only to snatch his hand away, forced to keep moving. There would be more bombs. The tunnels would be deliberately collapsed in an effort to stop the Burrowers, heedless of the loss of life. A sacrifice deemed necessary by the logical processors of the Neutralizers, who weighed the lives of the many over the few. Or the one.

“Take me away from all this death,” he whispered, his voice lost in the deafening uproar as hundreds were killed around him—devoured, burned, slain, crushed beneath rubble, blown to gory bits. “Take me away…”

But he knew that it would be an uphill battle just to get out of here alive. Violet light slashed as he removed another obstacle from his path. And another. And another.
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force


Objective: Agoraphobia
Location: Burrower > Shield Exterior
Bryn'Bois: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Ostak Cl'mana | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Sethrak Sethrak | Galak Galak | Keldothera Keldothera | Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari |
Enemy: Laertia Io Laertia Io | Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna |
Equipment: Staff | Cuirass |

It was like listening from beyond a wall, sealed off yet intimately close. The dirt and rock shaking as the hide of the Guardian moved through the earth. All around him, the dim light through hundreds of cracks allowed him to make out the silhouette of the impossibly large serpent as it moved at high speeds through the tunnels; the Guardians had came to a halt deep beneath the surface of the city. Their primitive minds occupied space in his, nausea and fatigue gnawing. It was alright to sleep, tempting even. But he couldn't, as much as his body told him to simply shut his eyes and lay back down he knew their was work to be done. The work of the gifted, those who fell into the abyss at their hands would become children of Khaeus. He wished he could of delivered a sermon to them, but the welcoming warmth of the Guardians below would have to suffice.

They had no interest in infantry, diving deep below any systems of tunnels that the humans had devised. Deep in the earth were no one could find them. So deep below, the air was so thin. It took discipline to feel like you weren't drowning alone, staggered and slow breaths leaving the Primarch as he tried to balance himself. But he didn't have to.

He made no physical acknowledgment of Ostak's touch. The river ran into the sea, easing its burdens as he focused all his power into the two Guardians as the Beast Masters Servitors and Sirracus darted around the two massive weapons of mass destruction, curving brilliantly through the earth. Though their objective was not aimed for pillars nor human constructs.

They had a grander goal that worked in conjunction with the Titan's plan. The two Guardians tensed repeatedly almost vibrating as a crack ripped deep through the city centre - deep underground dozens of tiny cracks and quakes began to form a line through the middle of the city. Slow, small and subtle as to show no real damage on the surface as of yet. But those with a mind to it, would feel the deep heavy rumbling beneath their feet as the ground they stood on became sheets of earth under rumbling rock and metal.

Drek'ma grunted in exertion, his entire body tensing. Black blood trickled from his nose and mouth, his lower lip trembling. Even with the added power of the Shaman at his side, the task before him was immense. The power required, it strained his mind beyond what could by any means be considered safe or survivable.

It was only a matter of time until their intentions were revealed. But for now, it would remain secret.

Stop for nothing, Ostak. If I die... you must complete this task.

The telepath privately directed the thought to Ostak, focusing on the task at hand entirely.
Objective: Agoraphobia
Post: 7
Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma / Ostak Cl'mana
Gone Home
Northern Tunnels - Relocating to the Primarch's vicinity, city outskirts
Equipment: Warlock's Armour
/ Battle Staff

The Warlock moved with arrogant certainty. He lunged, staff moments from connecting with this infuriating youth. And yet, like a microcosm of all he felt was wrong with his own culture, his moment was snatched. Pried from his fingers, never to be returned. Droids in the area abruptly stopped their murder of his fellow men, turned and opened fire on Hrajlmak. Bolts from every direction, in numbers he couldn't dare attempt to register beat against his armour and his flesh. He roared in pain and anger, throwing up a cloud of fire like a furious dragon. He ducked under his own flames, bent his legs, and leaped through the inferno, just barely missing the ceiling of the tunnel. The Warlock came crashing down upon Concordian flesh-troops, his body littered in smoky potholes. His enemy had faded into the carnage. Strategic retreat or cowardice? He would not know. All he knew now was what lay ahead. The stalemate had been broken upon the arrival of reinforcements. Now disengaged, Hrajlmak could focus. Savages that had been running amok now came under the iron boot of the Warlock's mental grip. Like robots being flicked to life, their composure took on a new form. Vaguely in formation, and with coordinated psychology, they brought their full weight to bear on the tunnel rats. What was left of Hrajlmak's Burrower complement were now grizzled and worn, the relief of reinforcement lost on none of their faces (bar the savages, never looking much different). Hrajlmak's telepathic control extended to every Drael in the tunnel, plus a Servitor located nearby. He spoke voicelessly to Kelkollar, Forvar and the others, intent on gathering us much intel as he had lost out on during the duel. Indeed, the battle had seen many a turn. The critical path for Hrajlmak now was simple. Clean out the tunnels.

Or, it would have been.

Explosions rocked the walls and floors. And not the monotonous rumble of the surface goings-on. No, previously undetonated charges now filled what was left of the original tunnels with blazing death. The thoughts of countless Draelvasier troops across these tunnels fed into the telepathic network, and the events quickly became apparent. Draelvasier confusion was the dominant emotion as this new strategy unfolded. Tunnels all across the subterranean map were being collapsed. This alone was not cause for confusion. What was, was the indiscriminate nature of the move. Tunnels that hadn''t even been reached by the Bryn'adul advanced were being caved in. Tunnels whose only occupants were the refugees of the battle. The defenders had become desperate, their actions focused purely on the destruction of the Bryn'adul's army, regardless of cost. Hrajlmak couldn't figure it out. But the plan was no longer.

Amidst the duel, the commanders of the army had seen their fair share of ordeal. But it was the Primarch whose woes now stood out to the Aeravalin present. A brief discussion of minds settled on the decision. Aid the Primarch. The tunnels laid by Xerx'ma's excavators now stretched to every other Burrower that had fallen on the native tunnel system, with a few exit points located around the outskirts of the capital. This was the objective, and Hrajlmak would waste no time. The final dregs of Hrajlmak's tunnel were put to death, the army rounded up into formation under the command of Hrajlmak and another Warlock from the reinforcing Burrower unit. With time an enemy and no intention of being buried under the erratic demolition strategy, the army moved with haste to the Primarch's position.
Objective: Two-ish
Location: Remote surface entryway
Equipment: Ashlas wristguard | Espresso Revolver | 10 L'Escargots with Cryoban charges | Stun baton | Two Lightsabres | Brion Substance Regulator | Electromagnetic pulse emitter | Covert Jedi Robes on top of Gundark II-class Power Armor | 5 LPD-39 Coldblast Cryoban Grenade | LPD-40 Icejet Miniaturized Cryoban Projector | Commlink
Enemy Tag: Osam Osam
Allied Tag: Ki'an Vizsla Ki'an Vizsla

Things seemed to be going well as the concave directed at the entrance gave the Concord forces a good position. While the Bryn might be able to fire out from the tunnel, the defenders could fire in to the tunnels from many different angles and with the point defence drones there to defend against massive projectiles, they were relatively safe. Even then, the quality of their angle on the Bryn was limited, especially since the invaders had found cover behind some rubble.

Mathieu looked to his fellow warrior 'the guy who's shouting' was a disappointing answer indeed - for it really didn't give Mathieu much information to go on more than the obvious. "Thank you, Ki'-..." his voice trailed off as his gaze rose from the tunnel to the skies above it. In a silent mumble, Mathieu completed the sentence "..-an." but the sarcastic tone was lost as he looked upon the three Concord ships that seemed to be firing down at what he assumed was the city. By the time his full attention returned to the field of battle, the Mandalorian had already departed to save lives.

Soon after, a heavier barrage came from inside the cave, causing numerous defenders to take cover while the point defence drones worked at almost full capacity. Even with all those measures in place, some of the Bryn's deadly projectiles slipped passed and hit a couple defenders who were violently flung from their positions - one to a quick death, pinned through the chest against a tree, the other a longer and more painful one as his arm and large part of his shoulder was ripped from his torso.

But the real attack came soon after - a big explosion went off by the cave entrance. Fortunately, the concave directed to it was far away enough for most of the Concord troops to stay safe. However, a more eager soldier had been just behind the corner to get a good position to fire off her launcher and a medic, moments slower than Ki'an, had just arrived to pull away an injured solider with grenade fragments littering his legs. All three of them perished and the opening of the tunnel widened while the wall that had been there before was largely scattered across the field with a significant part falling back down towards the entrance area. While it did make for relatively good cover, it also opened the Bryn up to be attacked by a larger portion of the Concord forces.

The defending troops kept raining down firepower onto the Bryn in the tunnels. Traditional blaster bolts mixed with a healthy amount of Sundae shells came down upon the aggressors. Behind them, the sound of a shuttle taking off could be heard as the speedy vessel departed with evacuees. A second shuttle came in right as the first one departed, indicating that more people were yet to be evacuated by the landing pad. However, people had stopped streaming in from behind the Bryn position, suggesting that most, if not all, had already left the tunnels. What remained was for the invaders to push past the Concord ranks and on towards the landing pads where people were still being loaded onto the the transports.

Mathieu, still standing with his sabre drawn, wondered if their foes would be making a move to truly push against them soon. Activating his comms, the Padawan spoke to his ally "You are doing some good work out there, Mandalorian" he said, looking over to the side for a few moments to observe the work that the medic was doing. "You have a name to live up to though. Think you'll do more in this battle than running around healing people and blasting rocks?" he said, trying to suppress his joking tone whilst allowing a mischievous grin to spread across his lips "Those Starweirds still has you running scared?" he asked - the man had a Jetpack and was well armed - what Mathieu hoped to see what that his skill and gear would come into more active use. Besides, putting the Mandalorian on his toes was probably for the best - the Bryn had yet to launch a real attack in the same way as on Nar Kreeta - but it was bound to come sooner or later.


Objective: Coagulation
Location: Shield Generator Tower Exterior
Bryn'Bois: Keldothera Keldothera | Kelmor Kelmor | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir |
Adversary: Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna | Laertia Io Laertia Io |
Equipment: Triad | Armour | Shredder | Bryn Shot |

"Kelda!" Strained worry filled his voice as Galak rose from the trench he'd been thrust into, climbing out with his hands.

Grains of dirt clinbing to the blood matted gloves as he pulled himself up to a knee, Bryn shot surveying the battlefield. Dark shadows were replaced with light as the Jedi somehow conjured.. something. Galak slowly turned, cutting down a droid with the strike of the Bryn's underside maul. He almost couldn't believe his eyes as he looked up at it, a massive demon of fire. Lucky for the Juggernauts, it'd do little more than sting. But for everything else? His heart sank. He could see the forces outside the shield being swiped away in a sea of fire, scorching their Drones to death. He knew their Juggernauts would be fine, those that survived the orbital strikes that was.

Galak had no idea how many of his regiment were alive. But, he couldn't. He couldn't think about that right now. Its flames, tearing through the ground and burning alive their Excavators and hundreds of their own. But it gave them some time, very little but some.

"Shamans, we need a barrier against that apparition! Commander! We need your Burrowers here now!"

The ground shook beneath their feet, but Galak couldn't tell between the rumbles of reinforcements or the Servitors tearing up the city. As soon as the shield was down, the Titan's plan could commence. It seemed as though, it was already underway. But they still needed to do their duty. All that mattered now, was getting the shield down.

As the dragon flew towards the Debaucher, it would find its approach blunted by the Shamans force barrier - stopping it from attacking the vessel and Keldothera's gunboats. They boxed it in, if they successfully contained it they'd start to crush it with the barriers around it. The syphons continued to drain the shielding of the enemy tanks, compounding with that of the Debaucher to likely create a nigh-technological dead-zone. Their walkers cutting done the Savage Drones throwing themselves against the enemy as the Rhivaks focus fired some of their beams on the closest walkers, intended to take their legs out from under them.

The water below was a saving grace in truth but equally a horrible curse for the Servitors attacking the tanks, allowing some of the Excavators to survive the flames, the water of the river draining down into the depths of the immense tunnels created by the Servitor Excavators and Burrowers leading all the way back to the edge of the city, pulling several of them down into the depths alongside tanks and other infantry falling into the depths. But the worse was et to come as through the cracks the water gushed out in a massive wave among the battling forces - where maybe hundreds of Warriors stood suddenly only water remained, either pushed back into the grounds by the sheer force of the water or pulled down into the depths.

Galak used his shield to block the blast of water, knocking him from his feet, cries for help all around him. The weight of the Juggernauts would surely mean their doom as they were drowned in their suits and body weight. The Warlord pushed himself to his feet, staggering up the now wet mud-drenched trench he'd been throw to now twice over. He was knee deep in receding water as the mobile shields ahead of him dropped, and then the next. This was their opportunity.

"With me!" Galak called to the forces at his side, pushing into the gap as they fought tooth and nail against the infantry. The Walkers, crashing into Galak as he tore one of the legs off as it knocked into him - pulling it to the ground behind him.

He hoped Kelda would survive the ordeal, they were throwing a lot at the Debaucher.
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Harbinger of Your Destruction
Objective: Coagulation
Location: Burrower>Shield Generator Tower
Allies: Galak Galak | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Brynadul
Enemies: Silver Jedi
Equipment: See bio

Kelmor had been gone for far too long. But now, here, he would remind everyone of his ability. The call from Galak came as soon as the shield dropped, and Kelmor's forces would soon be there to reinforce the assault, and corner the Jedi scum.

"This is Kelmor," He spoke into the comm with gruff indifference, "Beginning deployment".

The ground around the command centre tower erupted in violent sprays of dirt as a pair of Burrowers broke through. When they opened, Kelmor exited, flanked by squads of Ra'maks and Gunboats, with Phredraks pulling up the rear. The sight would be almost mesmerising, if it wasn't so terrifying. Raising one of his maces into the air, Kelmor gave a primal roar. And then they charged.

The horde of fresh units clashed against already tired Jedi defences. This was what his brothers and sisters had been waiting for.

"Crush them all!"
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Objective: Coagulation
Location: Shield Generator Tower Exterior
Bryn'Bois: Galak Galak | Kelmor Kelmor | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Ostak Cl'mana |
Enemy: Laertia Io Laertia Io | Travot Ravenna Travot Ravenna |
Equipment: Armour | Splitter | Crippler | Carbine | Dual

The speed of the Debaucher allowed it to pass by the blasts of the hypervelocity cannons, crashing down into the enemy tanks below as the plasma torpedoes hit the Gunboats on the right side, tearing apart the ships as dozens of Warriors died, caught between the tank fire and torpedoes the boats had nowhere to go. Kelda couldn't help but think of the fact she was trapped here too, there was nothing Galak or she could do. The fire demon on the horizon was like nothing she'd ever seen, cutting a swath through the back rows of their forces outside and even within the shield, she was glad the Shamans were trying to contain it.

The missiles crashed against the Debauchers exterior shield, as it weakened its tendrils drew more and more on the tanks to power its exterior defence, the creature cried out as some of the missiles managed to penetrate its shield, not entirely but just enough to deploy their gasses, tearing into the side of the Debauchers thick exterior hull, slowly working its way into the Debauchers interior. Yet there was so much energy for it to feed on, but the golden prize was just ahead. They just had to reach it. The turret on her Gunboat was destroyed in a hail of tank fire as the Debaucher's weaker underside was bombarded by the tanks that survived the hypervelocity cannon fire. Quicker and quicker more Gunboats were taken down, fire and smoke coming from one of the turbines on the left side of her own. One more hit and she'd been down.

"General, we have to pull off. We're barely holding together!" The Artificer pilot spoke over the Boats built in communication system.

She was tempted. But she knew they couldn't, not yet.

"No! We have to stay the course, hold on just a little longer pilot." Keldothera's Gunboat shook violently, nearly throwing her from the exposed deployment bay as she grabbed hold of one of the ceiling bracing handles; pulling herself in - eyes saring at the burning hell below.

She almost felt like they wouldn't make it. Below them, water seemed to flood through the edge of the battlefield, pulling the Excavators down into the water depths of their own making. But equally as they lost forces, the Warlord finally played his hand. Two Burrowers cut through the surface of the battlefield on flanking angles of the enemy defences; blunting the course of the river splashing out toward the Bryn'adul forces. Two new forces of fresh
Gunboats poured out from the Burrowers, thirty squadrons in total as fifteen moved from either Burrower - delivering a new swell over nearly fifteen-thousand infantry to the ground. Fresh roves of Rhivaks and Brumaks, specialised anti-vehicular beasts now relaying overlapping lines of fire on the enemy tank positions and shield generators. The combined forces of the Brumaks creating a vaporising haze of immense power across the enemy lines and annihilating large portions of water.

Alongside that,
Ra'mak squadrons moved in to face the Cruisers; opening fire from below in collected powerful tri-beams of intense ionising energy.

Quilxyn moved in, providing powerful shielding for the overall force of the Bryn'adul - reinforcing with personal shielding and further intensifying the barrier around the fire demon. The warriors on the ground below cheered, fatigue settling in as the fresh warriors and beasts moved in to support them. The cavalry was here.

"Bring it down!"

The Debaucher reached the fourth floor, its tendrils slashing into the building as it greedily latched onto the Generator; immediately draining its energy with incredibly fierce greed. The creature roared a deafening cry as its exterior shield burned a hot gold.

Keldothera cheered, but it didn't stop the tank blast from tearing her Gunboat apart. The vessel went spiralling down, crashing through the gaps as she was thrown about the interior like a ragdoll. Bones broken, fingers crushed as she was thrown from its interior as it dropped down on the broken ground. Below her, the water draining Excavators into the deep and possibly tanks as well. With one working arm, Kelda tried to pull herself up - hand lost in the dirt as she fell the water tugging at her body.

In that moment she felt like a child, carried briskly through the air with no control as her dazed point of view shifted in dozens of angles in a swirl of water. Wide eyes drew across a blank expressional face as flashes of life passed her by, her home on Edemar, the dune sands and the spiralling walls of the Shaman temple.

The female Drael's screams were cut off as gargles replaced them.
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Objective: Coagulation
Location: Salyrini City
Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Sethrak Sethrak | Ostak Cl'mana | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Osam Osam |
Enemies: Laertia Io Laertia Io | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor |

The Seer continued to draw on the powerful storm building across from him and his landed Burrower uninhibited. Compared to the chaotic battle in the city his position was one of relative peace and quiet. However, even so he could feel the chaos in his mind - his focus fixated on strengthening the bond of all the Bryn'adul on the battlefield. But that did not mean he would allow opportunity to pass him by.

As the chaos continued he could feel the storm grow cold and wild as it struck out as the Bryn forces, but with it let lose he was able to manipulate it; twist it. The storm was his to feed on, drawing in the power from the sky as he turned the rods of lightning striking down on their warriors against the enemy. Civilians were scorched alive as well as their own. Chaos had to be granted before complete control truly was.

It was an unwieldy thing, one he could not grasp so easily.

He drew deeper into the well of the force, draining the living energies of his dutiful subjects as red energies encircled him in rapidly increasing speeds. Dark seeded yet vibrant powers pouring out from his psyche in a painfully exhausting manner. It had been all made up for him, no effort but his own to claim it with ironclad mental strength.


The Seer smiled as the stone-singers and Ashaka drew their energies into him, empowering him as the storm's powers were seemingly inverted. The mental power of the Mind Stone enhancing his telepathic abilities and control of the force as he contorted the storm further, slowly making it his own. But to completely control it, to wipe away the entirety of its influence would take time.

Time, was not on the side of the Silver Jedi.

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