Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Excidium"] [member="Olrunn Darr"] [member="Xevek Rakama"]
Vanessa continued to proceed deeper into the monument, her absorption of the blaster bolts only furthering the power of the lightning emitting from her fingertips. a smile crossed her with each entity that fell, with each rebellious corpse that turned from life-filled to lifeless sending a shudder of joy down her spine. How wonderful it was to watch death after death come to those who chose to defy the natural order of Imperial rule. Soon the ways were clear and the sanctum at the heart of the monument was empty of life.
Within the burial chamber lay a sarcophagus, not at all unlike the ones found on worlds inhabited by the Sith. Of course, they were not Sith - merely a means of easily preserving the relics of Ulic Qel-Droma after his passing. His spirit was gone and his bones lay there for the taking. The power of the Force was used by the female Sith to start the process of unsealing the sarcophagus.
Within the contained space of the sarcophagus was a casket, a simple box made of wood that had long since been petrified or otherwise altered from its natural state. Within it were bones, dust, and a lightsaber. She reached out with the Force to find whether these were the items she sought, only to find that not even the slightest trace of the light side had been within them.
It had been all for nothing.
Grasping the lightsaber, enraged as she was, she activated the weapon and began to slice through first the casket, then the sarcophagus itself before booting the side of it and sending the top of the sarcophagus to the ground with a crack.
There was nothing here. But these bones would still serve her as the basis for the prototype of a new breed of abominations, creations of Sith art that would be a weapon of terror beyond anything ever seen before.
Vanessa continued to proceed deeper into the monument, her absorption of the blaster bolts only furthering the power of the lightning emitting from her fingertips. a smile crossed her with each entity that fell, with each rebellious corpse that turned from life-filled to lifeless sending a shudder of joy down her spine. How wonderful it was to watch death after death come to those who chose to defy the natural order of Imperial rule. Soon the ways were clear and the sanctum at the heart of the monument was empty of life.
Within the burial chamber lay a sarcophagus, not at all unlike the ones found on worlds inhabited by the Sith. Of course, they were not Sith - merely a means of easily preserving the relics of Ulic Qel-Droma after his passing. His spirit was gone and his bones lay there for the taking. The power of the Force was used by the female Sith to start the process of unsealing the sarcophagus.
Within the contained space of the sarcophagus was a casket, a simple box made of wood that had long since been petrified or otherwise altered from its natural state. Within it were bones, dust, and a lightsaber. She reached out with the Force to find whether these were the items she sought, only to find that not even the slightest trace of the light side had been within them.
It had been all for nothing.
Grasping the lightsaber, enraged as she was, she activated the weapon and began to slice through first the casket, then the sarcophagus itself before booting the side of it and sending the top of the sarcophagus to the ground with a crack.
There was nothing here. But these bones would still serve her as the basis for the prototype of a new breed of abominations, creations of Sith art that would be a weapon of terror beyond anything ever seen before.