Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Blood in the Storm [GHW Side-story - DM First Please]

A Frightening Reality


The people of Pamarthe were hardy and had fought off the initial waves of these beasts where they came together. Storm Wardens and citizen alike they pushed back the tide but just as suddenly as it had come the wave of black receded. Mere hours before the sun returned, dim as it was hidden behind the gloom of the Weeping. Some theorized it was because of the sun, it was known through old Pamarthen tales that the Thresher couldn't stand the light. Regardless it gave the survivors crucial time to prepare and regroup...There are still a few hours until true day begins. Collect yourselves, rest, and prepare.

Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame
Jakk Parthas
Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery Noble Valery Noble

It’s just tequila and the beach
She had to move, they all had to move. There were too many Threshers here. Granted, any number of Threshers was too many. She swung her lightsaber, more in a threatening way, the light was a similar blue to that of her Force/Magick that was being used to keep the Threshers at bay.

As she heard Leith shout at her, she turned, her blonde hair wet with the wind and moving limply, not at all gracefully. Her blade was humming, popping in the rain. "I'm no Jedi." Well, not any more. She shook her head. That was a story for another day.

Watching the Thresher come up for a bite then look, and dive away, Brooke's eyes went wider as she kept the lightsaber ignited. "I think we need to get ready…"

Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame
Iris Arani Iris Arani
Jakk Parthas
Valery Noble Valery Noble
Tris Tris

"That the Addrennia?"

She swallowed a lump and nodded, tracking her gaze toward the glass-splattered deck of the Addrennia. A shout stole her attention from the vessel's untouched gangway. A woman, bathed in a sapphire glow, came leaping across the pier.

"Got flares? Or torches?"

"There'll be some in the cargo hold." The words left Qellene's mouth near-lifelessly, petrified in a lingering air of fear while the pilot watched distant beastly shapes retreating into the sea. So they were scared of the light... Her hand tensed beside her imaginary blaster as another creature crept forward along the pier, then dove and disappeared into the blue.

Blinking eyes scanned to the deck beneath her feet. To the spot where that first Thresher had once been before it careened into the water.

Qellene's shadow turned darker, more defined as the sun rose behind her. Her dark outline began to hide the blood on the wooden deck; then it began to wobble, molding and shaking as a shiver shot up the pilot's spine, turning to shrapnel when it reached her hands, her brain, her feet. For a passing second, the woman's face turned pale, numbed by the rush of fear and panic that had come to haunt Pamarthe.

Her breath slowed. Qellene's eyes closed tight as her head began to shake back and forth. Why now? Why now?

"I think we need to get ready…"
The familiar hum of a lightsaber briefly snapped her out of the trance. Qellene's gaze forced itself upward, nodding to the other four survivors, unphased by the jedi's arrival. "Come on," she said simply, then began to walk forward, tapping delicately at the wood of the pier as she approached the docked Addrennia. After stopping briefly to catch the gaze of the others, she ascended the gangplank.

A sniffle echoed into the dark compartment as a pang of nostalgia washed across her eyes. "Secure Storage's two decks down. I should be able to disable the locks if they haven't changed the codes..."
"I'm no Jedi."
Brooke Waters Brooke Waters
Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery Noble Valery Noble

Who else had lightsabers that weren't red? Oh well, it wasn't important right now. What was important was, like Brooke had said, that they got ready. If sunlight was their bane then they wouldn't have much of it. Days were short during the Winter, shorter during the weeping and a storm was coming in the afternoon that would likely block out the sun anyways.

Following the two he jogged up and put a calming hand on Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame 's shoulder.

"Hey, you doing alright? I'm Leith by the way."
It’s just tequila and the beach
The blonde looked back. Cargo hold… Well, she had her own light, between the lightsaber and her own spell work. The Blue Coral Diver was ready to fight these beasts, not that she wanted to. But the one that was near her dove away, and in order to not bring too much attention to herself just yet, she extinguished her own blade, letting the rain come back down. Following the woman Brooke was curious as to what caused these beings to reveal themselves now.

"We are going to need to set ourselves up for when the sun goes back down. Bacta or kolto patches… batteries for flares and torches… Those who can fight well, we'll need to earn our keep I think." Brooke was not tactician, she was a healer. A teacher.

But today, she'd have to be a huntress.

Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame Tris Tris

"Hey, you doing alright? I'm Leith by the way."

"Qellene," she replied, turning her head toward Tris Tris only slightly and briefly. "I'm fine. It's just been a while since..." she continued, and left it at that. With a smile just bordering on collapsing into a frown, Qellene picked up the pace slightly. Her eyes began to narrow, piercing through the cloud of shadows to read a set of digits engraved on the bulkhead. 4-60-2-S. They were close.

This time, one of the other survivors spoke: the blond woman, the... not-jedi.

"We are going to need to set ourselves up for when the sun goes back down. Bacta or kolto patches… batteries for flares and torches… Those who can fight well, we'll need to earn our keep I think."

"Bacta's locked in the med bay. I'll take you there after this." She pivoted on her left foot, turning at another intersection and pausing again. Qellene now stood a matter of yards from a heavy watertight door, boasting a frame covered head-to-toe in rivets. Located toward the left-most edge of the door was a tiny keypad, bathed in the glow of a grid of multicolored buttons. The pilot stepped forward, brushing a loose cluster of hair from the edge of her eye as she examined the locking unit. They'd changed the keypad since she was gone. They'd... changed a lot. She suddenly noticed how streamlined the Addrenia's bulkheads and corridors had become. Once familiar signs of wear and tear were lost to the years...

It was haunting, in some way...

She wondered if her father's old command codes would even work. Had they updated the codes after he died?

Qellene tapped in a few digits, slowly, carefully as she searched her mind. A tense few seconds passed by as the lock seemed to process the string she'd entered. The LEDs on each of the keys turned a lifeless grey, then lit up again in white, warping to a bright shade of green. A thundering hiss emanated from behind the bulkhead as steam left a set of valves, then stopped. The pilot's hands finally fell on a large wheel dead center of the door, wrenching it counterclockwise until it eventually released the locks. Afterward, the security door slid open with little resistance.

She beckoned the others inside as she entered the vault.


The saber she had flashed, it's blue blade cutting through the air towards the creature as it leapt her way. Only, it stopped before she could cut it down. They were that sentient? Did they know to fear her saber? .. No. Her eyes narrowed as the creatures started to run away. Leave, reluctantly at that. She kept her blade up, ready for them to suddenly swarm back, but they were leaving.

Her grip tightened as she watched Thalia Senn Thalia Senn step forward. Out of the barn. Anger flashed in her mind. And for a moment, the Padawan was tempted to just cut her down. Everything she'd done, not just to Iris herself but Kai, Domxite. She would be justified, right?

Cold washed over her as she just.. Stared. Her blade extinguished as she looked down to her shaking hands. Was that.. Why? For a moment she didn't recognize herself. Her grip tightened as she pushed those thoughts back. Away. She still needed to help Domxite.

"Did you summon them? Why are they here? Why are you here?" There were so many more questions Iris wanted to ask, demand Tempest to answer, but she needed to stay calm. Before she'd do anything else she'd regret.

Location: Pamarthe
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
After creating a bit of distance, the horde of Sithspawn moved towards her from all directions, intent on shredding her to pieces with their claws and teeth. But what they didn't know was that Valery had been preparing an attack, and the second they all jumped at her together, she unleashed the powerful wave of Force energy in all directions, killing some while others were just knocked around violently.
But while she expected them to attack again after the explosion, they suddenly all vanished very quickly, leaving Valery alone and surrounded by the bodies of those she struck down.
"What the..." she muttered before she focused on steadying her breathing.
"Iris?! Where did-" They had not gone back to the ship, and the second Valery realized that, she drew in a deep breath and followed her senses to find her Padawan.

She walked without speaking for a while, ignoring the insistent chatter of the Jedi. Iris' voice was like a swarm of Wasp-Worms buzzing and buzzing and buzzing. She could barely think straight with that stupid song playing again and again in her head and the organ...She had almost entirely forgotten about the Jedi until she could smell the sour stench of the Threshers' blood. Tempest whirled on Iris, her golden eyes flashing in anger.

"Will you shut up? I'm trying to think!" She snapped. A flash of guilt. She turned quickly away and called on the Force to jump to the ceiling where...His hand had been. She swallowed hard and looked down and sighed in relief. It was just her father's prosthetic. There was still a lot of blood, definitely his from when the Threshers ripped it out of its socket. The thought nearly made her vomit. Picking up the arm she closed her eyes and tried to see into the item's past, a trick she'd picked up from her Master. Something was blocking her.

"They're called Threshers," she called over the din of the rain. Tempest grunted as she slid down the roof and landed with a squish in the blood and rain-soaked mud. "I thought they were just a story to keep naughty kids off the waves come nightfall. I never-" No, the time for lies was done. "I had hoped they weren't real. But I had a pretty good idea." A half-answer. She would not, could not answer the first question. "I'm here because I felt something was wrong and I needed to make sure my idiot parents were alright." She tossed the prosthetic arm to the muck. It hurt, but she needed to keep that wall up. "Seems like my old man might have gotten away at least. I didn't find any real remains." Without waiting for an answer she began walking towards the long winding wooden staircase that led from the homestead to the docks below.


Iris actually shut up. Not because she feared Thalia Senn Thalia Senn or even respected the girl. It was the colors that exuded from Thalia the moment she jumped away. They weren't anything she'd seen from Tempest in their few meetings. Concern. Worry. Fear, but born from a feeling of family. Family? The discarded prosthetic and everything else the fallen said had it all click into place. She said nothing, instead reaching down to the discarded limb.

Colors flashed through her mind. Panic, fear, determination, pain. The object was quickly dropped shortly after, Iris cradled her hands to her chest, willing the shaking to stop.

".. He's alive, at least."

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