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Dominion Blood on the Snow | EOTL Dominion of Rhen Vhar (Mercenaries Welcome!)


Location: Trenches Outside Citadel - Rhen Var
Objective: Assault on the Trenches
Tags: Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen DS-435-2 DS-435-2 Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Taika Yukan Taika Yukan Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih

Keep moving.

Another slug caught her shields, but by the time it struck, the foxhole with the repeating blaster nest was right in front of her. Priscilla immediately dived inside, taking a pair of hapless militia soldiers by surprise before she unflinchingly brought up her left arm and shot the soldiers with her gauntlet-mounted particle blaster, leaving behind a mess of charred viscera and flesh where their heads had been.

With a deep breath, Priscilla climbed out of the foxhole and followed after the mercenary as they leapt over the trench. In doing so, the stormtrooper quickly switched to her shotgun, before throwing herself into the trench as the mercenary engaged one of the soldiers with their vibroblade. Immediately, Priscilla found herself staring into a sea of stunned faces, some worn and elderly, while others seemed far too young to be holding a trench line, much less be anywhere near a battlefield.

Nevertheless, Priscilla didn’t hesitate. It was her or them.

She brought her shotgun up and laid on the trigger, unleashing salvo after salvo of 12 gauge slug rounds into the mass of conscripts. First, she shot a soldier in the head at point blank range, splattering her armor in blood and brain matter as she shot another soldier twice in the chest, then a third one in the neck, nearly decapitating him. From there, she fired until her magazine clicked empty, having managed to cut down three more conscripts before it did. Then, Priscilla moved forward, clambering over the dead bodies as she switched to her F-11E while scanning for more enemy soldiers.

Suddenly, a sensor warning alerted her to someone approaching from behind. She immediately spun around, raising her F-11E as her eyes narrowed in anticipation.

Her IFF indicator immediately identified a friendly snowtrooper ( Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih ). Priscilla lowered her rifle and gave a sigh of relief.

“This section looks clear.” Priscilla said to the snowtrooper, before glancing up towards the mercenary ( Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen ), who had just finished skewering a soldier with her vibroblade. “It was just a mass of conscripts, placed here to buy time.” She added, before gesturing towards the bodies.

“I’m ready to move to the second line. Are you two with me?”

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The repeating blasters were quieted on this end of the trench, making a hole for the advancing forces. That part of the job was done, if only they could sit back and enjoy it.

"Welcome to the show Trooper, you look like you got some fight in you," Tibera said, flicking their blade to remove some of the blood. "I figure it's best we stay mobile. Less chance of us getting fragged by enemy shells that way." Not that it would make too much difference. If their enemy was smart, they'd have a lot of the positions preemptively bracketed for strikes. Still, anything was better than sitting in a hole full of slush.

Tibera looked over to the two soldiers beside her. Three of them, that's all that made it to this position. What kind of battle was this? Wasn't there some better way to win a war than to just toss people into the line of fire? One would hope so, but with an enemy so dug in, it was this or nothing. Even so, it was a damned shame that it came down to this.

Putting those thoughts out of their mind, Tibera peeked over the top of the trench. They must have really trusted that helmet they wore. As Tib watched the battle unfold they saw one of the friendly tanks lumbering forward. Snow was thrown up everywhere as the vehicle slowly made it's way up the line. A huge explosion happened just under the vehicle, blowing apart its right tread and sending burning metal all over the area. Survivors of the crew bailed out and began a retreat away from their disabled vehicle.

"Blast! Guess there's mines in between us and the second line. That's not going to be fun."

Especially not for some one in a suit heavy enough to trip AT mines...
Tella jumped out of the APC and quickly found herself in the first trenchline, which soon turned into a living hell as both Empire forces and those of the Rhen Var natives found themselves engaged in close quarters combat. Tella herself faced fire from two of the enemy militiamen, who looked to have barely entered their teens, dashing from side to side, blocking the shots close to her body per the classic Soresu style. Reaching out with the Force, she froze the two in a full Force Barrier, such they could not even breathe. Soon enough both of them fell to the ground unconscious from a lack of air, and Tella released the barrier. Walking over to the two, she grabbed their weapons and threw them back towards the APC, then turned to examine them more closely. Fresh faced and young…she rifled through the jacket of one of the youngsters, pulling out his ID card. He was only 15.

Monsters, using children as cannonfodder for the first line of defense.

Pursing her lips, she used her lightsaber to cut off some fabric from the both of them and then tied them up, motioning for an Imperial Infantryman to come by and take them back to be prisoners of war. Once they were secured, she grimly proceeded to the next trench, coming under more fire. What seemed like hours passed but was surely shorter as she cleared trench, foxhole, and trench, almost mechanically using her lightsaber to block the blaster bolts, then reach out with the Force to push them back, choke them, or pull them forward into her blade. Death was all around her and she lost count of the amount of men she killed. This was going to be a long, painful day.
Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective 1: Assault on the Trenches


It didn't take long for Ami to find allies that were cooped in the enemy trench with her. The question is, were they going to be idiots and try to shoot her like those fracking tanks did? "So you made through that suicide run eh?" Ami said to the Jet Trooper. "I'm glad to see that we're cleaning up house! I'm Corporal Amiggie Luith! I think I'm the last of my unit, the rest died trying to get here."

She looked up from the trenches and saw a pile of dead Snowtroopers on the snow. The poor bastards, the should've went home when the Empire crumbled. Ami should've but right now she has to live with her choice and sadly her comrades whom she befriended didn't have a chance to live with theirs. "Mines?!" Ami said to the mercenary. "Well that's perfect! Is there any other way around?! Can we disable those AA guns, they're putting a lot of pressure on our flyguys above. I saw one get shot down in front of me!"

Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen , Priscilla, DS-435-2 DS-435-2 , Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen , Taika Yukan Taika Yukan ,


Location: Trenches Outside Citadel - Rhen Var
Objective: Assault on the Trenches
Tags: Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen DS-435-2 DS-435-2 Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Taika Yukan Taika Yukan Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih )

"I'm glad to see that we're cleaning up house! I'm Corporal Amiggie Luith! I think I'm the last of my unit, the rest died trying to get here."

“Private TK-666.” Priscilla introduced herself to the Corporal and the mercenary, while reloading her shotgun. She considered it inappropriate to use her name while on duty. “It looks like you have command of our fireteam, then. My helmet has a sensor that should help with the mines. Priming it now!” The short-statured stormtrooper said. With a mental command, she brought up the sensor readout in her HUD and committed extra power to the doppraymagno scanner. It would allow her to see into the ground, along with any mines that were buried beneath the snow. In addition, after reloading her shotgun, she took out her OmniLink and brought up a three-dimensional tactical holo display of the battlefield, along with the reconnaissance reports.

“Those AA guns are located in the second trench line. That said, reconnaissance is suggesting that we will face enemy personnel akin to Army Troopers there. The third trench line will be even harder. However, if we take out those AA emplacements, our TIEs will be able to strafe and bomb the third trench line with impunity.” She explained.

“I think the Iron Legion will help to cover our advance. We’re not the only ones who’ve pushed this far into their lines.” Priscilla finished.

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Fight and run.

Jenn huffed a breath of air as she sprinted through the snow. The black of her armor did little to help her blend in, especially as she saw more shots sent her way. As she'd expected, the rear line had already sent out patrols. Likely to search for other surviving pilots. She threw herself down behind a hill as another blast shot off. Too close. It was a weird sensation to feel the need to duck when she did, but she wasn't about to think on that.

Instead, she turned to fire back. She just needed to regroup with the others, and everything would be fine, right? Easy.


She grumbled under her breath as she felt another of those pulls to duck away just as the hill she was hiding behind was blasted with another volley of blasterfire. Things weren't going well at all for her, were they?

Vivian thretis

Objective 2
Weapons: red lightsaber
Wearing: helmetless black stormtrooper armor
Tags Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara Valerian Draak Valerian Draak

As the troop transport flew threw the air valery and her troopers remained largely silent. They knew better than to joke during and before battle around Vivian she demanded the best from those in her service and she gave them the same.

"Chief thretis 2 minutes to landing" yelled the pilot Vivian gave a reaffirming nod as she turned to speak to her men " lock and load troopers as soon as this ship lands I want boots on the ground if you find any rogue force users leave them to me or gun them down with sheer numbers their not gods just normal people they bleed and die just like you" she said. As those under her command gave a hurrah the ship landed and Vivian and her ten troopers marched out and the ship took off as her troops scouted the area. Around the temple she looked to her snow troopers " let's fan out and start our search leave no room unsearched no table unturned" she said as her and the troopers began searching room by room.
Tags: Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih Taika Yukan Taika Yukan DS-435-2 DS-435-2 Priscilla Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Tella Voland Tella Voland
Location: First Trench Line; Beginning Charge to Second
Objective: 1 - Assault on the Trenches
Equipment: In Bio
Theme: HERE

After the charge, things seemed to go smoothly, as far as a full-scale charge across a no-man's-land could go. Those that ran ahead seemed to get nearly pummeled by the routine bombardments from the tanks. With everyone dressed in Imperial armor for the snow, any regular seemed like a possible enemy from a distance if they were not charging the same direction as the Iron Legion. I certainly had my talents more oriented for naval combat than this, yet the display of strength seemed to continue well.

More tanks were coming under heavy fire. As we approached the precipice of the first trench, the Troopers hopped out from behind the cover of armor and began cleaning the trenches. Meanwhile, the artillery-fire from our lines careened over high and crashed ahead of us. It certainly kept a fair bit of the locals from charging us as they were too busy hunkering down and finding shelter from the artillery. It was just as planned.

The tanks now fired the side-blasters ahead at the next trench line in case of a countercharge. The Troopers continued cleaning the remainder of the trenches. With how many there were, it seemed just as quickly as they hopped into the trenches, I was seeing that the entire line was cleared. I hopped down myself to observe the work. It was then I stumbled upon the body of one of the locals. It was merely a young boy. The fools were using their children as cannon fodder. The Iron Legion would be sure to make them regret doing so. Every person who did not surrender in that trench were brutally slaughtered like cornered rats. The screams around me were hardly much as people were being blasted to bits by the Troopers.

I spoke on the intercom in High Imperial once more.

"Iron Legion. Be sure to have all prisoners detained. Restrain them however possible and leave them for the regulars that will come after us to secure these trenches while we charge ahead. The prisoners will be their problem from that point on."
However, seeing that the child at my feet crumpled into a frozen, bloody mess made me think there will not be many prisoners this day. Not that the Iron Legion was giving no quarter. Simply the fact that the locals seemed to want to fight to the last soldier standing no matter if it were a man, woman, or child. I would return to the back of the tank.
"Armor Commanders. Fire signal flairs. We are going beyond the range of artillery support."
With that, it seemed almost simultaneous. However, a stream of blue-colored flairs lit up the trench line from the tank crews that made it across the first no-man's-land. Like thunder dissipating, the artillery bombardment ended.

The other side of the battlefield was alight with fires and billowing with smoke from areas struck by either direct artillery fire or any of the crashed bombers. It seemed the survivors from those crashes had the locals occupied. It gladdened me that the pilots of the Empire of the Lost were hardy and strong. Now it was time for us to press onward to relieve them. If they lived long enough for the approach of the main charge, it will be interesting to hear the reports of them holding off alone on the ground.

I grabbed the intercom again.

"Mount up Iron Legion! On to the next trench line. Then the next, and the next, until these people quit. Keep up the discipline and brutality you were trained for. We will win this world, but it will only be through making these remants fear you and by exhibiting the discipline of your training."
Grim chants in High Imperial began like a somber chorus as the Iron Legion began a war-cheer from the Eternal Empire. It was a poem and a promise. An oath to grind down the enemy for the glory of the Empire, and to either fight or die well in its service. I could see a few of the regulars looking uneasy hearing it as the charge resumed, however it did well to resume the pace for a charge after the soldiers returned to formation behind the tanks. The tanks climbed over the trenches and the Troopers tucked in behind once more.

Pressing on, the snow was getting more and more slushed. However, we maintained the push. Another tank bursting into a fireball seemed to prove there were mines here as well. It mattered little. The Iron Legion would press on regardless. However, what seemed to show this will be more complicated would be the heads of more heavily armed and armored locals popping out from fox-holes ahead of us.

"Armor blast those fox-holes! Bathe them in fire! Run these resistant bastards over if you have to!"
In a few cases, my order was certainly carried out to the letter. A few tanks blasted fox-holes right in front of them, others trampled the poor occupants while the Troopers secured the kills behind the tank before continuing to follow behind. The machine-guns from these holds would certainly prove difficult. Thankfully, the ground was too soft for there to be tunnels below us. Otherwise, the tanks would certainly have sunk down into the ground rather than continue riding across.
Location: Rhen Var ruins
Allies: Vivian thretis
Objective: 2

Valerian would slowly walk among the ruins, his red blade had been ignited and slowly illuminated the surrounding darkness. He could reach out with his senses and feel that he was being watched. He could feel the dark side course through his veins, as his senses were heightened. His mission was to clear out any rogue Jedi he should find, and wouldn't hesitate to do so. His red eyes narrowed as he began getting readings that something was moving, unlike the snowtroopers who were still scouting around the ruins.

He could sense the presence of another Inquisitor within the vicinity, his focus shifted away for a moment as squads of snowtroopers were combing the upper levels. "Sir, I think I found som-" Valerian would hear a voice on his comlink before he heard the screams. Those screams were followed by the sounds of a saber humming. Valerian would grit his own teeth as he ran for the location of the trooper towards the roof. He stopped only to find the body of the trooper hanging upside down, his head was missing and what was left was a helmet that clanked against the ground. He growled as he then focused on a being covered in robes emerging with a green blade then launching a strike towards Valerian. Valerian had barely enough time to evade taking a stinging slash from the lightsaber's edge as he was kicked to the ground. "You shouldn't be here, Imp." The Jedi sounded old, tired, and not seem to be very welcoming.

Valerian would let out a slight grunt facing the Jedi before him. Inspecting him more closely it looked to be an old Zabrak. His clothes were insulated robes that shielded him from the bitter cold, while still remaining the respect of the Jedi tradition. Valerian would brush off some snow from his robes as he studied the Zabrak. "I assume asking you to come quietly is out of the question?" Valerian had asked with a slight growl as he readied his red blade. All he was given in response was a shake of the Zabrak's head. Valerian would give a slight smirk as he would make the first moves with his red blade, still in it's crescent guard mode as he started to probe the Jedi's defenses while the Jedi would swiftly block his first strikes. Oh how today was starting to look up
Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective 1: Assault on the Trenches

"So what's our plan?" Ami asked breathing through her helmet and peering at the heavily fortified 2nd trench line. "I suppose it's drown the enemy force with our blood?"

She was in no mood to trust the tanks, they nearly killed her! There was no unity with this ragtag bunch of Stormtroopers and special forces. They were just pissing in the wind at this point wasting more troopers. "I prefer air support!" Ami growled. "But as long as those AA guns are up, their lives are going to be hell!"

No trench run was worth it, especially when the benefits are no longer rolling in for Ami. But there was no choice, at this point it was either run or die. "So what are we waiting for?!" Ami said. "Who's in command?!"

Taika Yukan Taika Yukan , Priscilla, DS-435-2 DS-435-2 , Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen , Tella Voland Tella Voland , Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen
Explosions went off around the trench as Tibera was thinking about what to do next, they couldn't wait to be off this planet. Ami did raise a good question though, all of the upper command was either engaged or dead. This left their ad hoc squad with no true leadership. That was not a great thing for Tibera, as leadership was something they struggled with at the best of times. Just as the mercenary was contemplating taking charge, another mortar shell went of just a few meters from their trench. This enraged them so much that they no longer really cared who was was going to bark orders at them.
Now was the time for some one to take command, it may as well fall to the mercenary.

"Both of you stick behind me. We follow the path the tanks made through the mines. Priscilla, if you spot anything call it out. We run like hell and use what cover we can find."

It wasn't the best plan, running from cover to cover while shells and blaster bolts rained down all around them, but what else was there to do? Tibera took one last deep breath before climbing their way over the top of the trench. Time seemed to move differently as they ran, like everything was happening at half speed. There was no looking back, no checking up on the rest of the squad. No step back, only move ahead, the objective came above everything. During the sprint to the next trench, a mortar round exploded near Tibera's side, sending the steel clad fighter reeling to the ground. The heavier outer plates took most of the shrapnel, but the percussive force shook up everything inside the hazard suit. Still, Tibera worked their way to their feet, ears ringing and legs wobbling.

This day sucked, there was no getting around it.

Priscilla Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih Taika Yukan Taika Yukan Tella Voland Tella Voland DS-435-2 DS-435-2 Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen

Vivian thretis

Objective 2
Weapons: red lightsaber
Wearing: helmetless black stormtrooper armor
Tags Valerian Draak Valerian Draak

Vivian was listening into valerians group comms on top of her own through two different com links since they where both here in case he was having trouble or his men found something that she herself had to respond to. She walked with her men keeping a tight formation so they could cover each other if needed as they explored the base floor one of her men chirped up as he spotted a set of stairs going down she sensed valerians fight with the older Jedi master she sent valerian a message through a comlink "don't with your enemy it's a good way to lose a limb or worse we're here on business" she was fine with people enjoying themselves but not at the cost of the mission.

As she and her men scouted out the stairwell and whent down the stairs viv could feel her groups determination and zeal for the cause it inspired her to a degree but she kept herself humble. She could feel several force users on the level below one was stronger than the rest noticeably so that was her primary target she gathered her troopers could deal with the others. "I'll go in first distract them you all come in after and shoot them down" she said loud enough for her troopers to hear as she approached the door she kicked the door wide open as she pulled her single bladed red lightsaber towards her hand deflecting incoming blaster bolts flying towards her from four armed men who she assumed where either untrained or undertrained force sensitives. As she moved forward deflecting blaster bolts she noticed a wookie in Jedi robes trying to either unlock or lock a door she wasn't really sure as she saw blaster bolts fly past her coming from behind as her men took out the four guarding the wookie.

"Give up Jedi your outmanned and put gunned join us or die" she said coldly still holding her lightsaber in hand as the wookie growled at her and activated his own green lightsaber. She was glad for a challenge but would have preferred not to kill him she needed him to get through the door ahead of her without using her lightsaber.
Tella gritted her teeth as she waded through blood, snow, and dirt, finally punching her way through the edge of the first trench line and onto the precipice of the second. She was tired, so tired, but there was no time to stop. They had to keep the initiative up, they had to crack through this line and the third. Tumbling over the shattered remains of a bunker, she incidentally happened to quite literally roll up behind TK-666 and Amiggie. Taking a moment to rest on her knees, she stood up, wavering a little as she did so before reaching into her robes for some bread and water. She had such a headache-combat for a Force User was all about keeping one’s senses in tip-top shape, and it was draining.

She had little to say in response to the plan that was prevented-she could have taken leadership, but her mother told her it was best to leave it to the regular officers and NCOs if at all possible because they would not always have a Force Sensitive to save them. Here, that Tiberra woman seemed to be in command and she was not about to challenge her. Tella nodded and began to follow her when the first mortar round separated the corporal from the rest of the group.

“Son of a-”

Already, Tella could feel more mortar shells falling towards their position. Throwing her lightsaber to the ground, she raised a Force Barrier above the small, harried squad of infantry as they moved forward to regroup with Tiberra and move through the path the tanks had cleared.


Tella winced as she felt each of the mortar shells slam into her barrier, the shrapnel and explosives deflecting harmlessly away from the Imperial troops. She could not hold it up forever, however, each shell that deflected or exploded against her barrier felt as if she herself were getting punched in the head.

"Keep moving! We need to get close enough they won't dare to use their mortars!"

Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen Priscilla Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen DS-435-2 DS-435-2 Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih Taika Yukan Taika Yukan
Tags: Tella Voland Tella Voland Taika Yukan Taika Yukan Tibera Jessen Tibera Jessen Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih DS-435-2 DS-435-2 Priscilla
Location: Charging to Second Trench-Line
Objective: 1 - Assault the Trenches
Equipment: In Bio

The charge continued on with far more order than the first. Being perched atop the tank I was afforded a fair vantage point to the rest of the assault. More tanks pressed on running over the fox-holes infested with machine-gunners. Three collumns to my right, another tank erupted into a ball of fire after a screaming mortar landed directly on the turret from above.
"Quicken the pace Armor! They have mortars! Keep pressing the charge!"
The engines of the tanks revved with the order as a silent act of compliance from the Commanders.

A few collumns of troops nearly fell behind with some machine-gun fire cutting the heads of the line down while those behind scrambled back into cover behind the respective tank. The chanting in High Imperial continued from the soldiers of the Iron Legion. As I peered through the vizor, I could see that some of the local troops ahead of us have become slightly intimidated. Yet, I could see far more valuable targets in the trench-lines farther back.

The second trenchline was so close we could see faces of the militia ducked for cover.

"Once more Armor, open fire! Cease fire and movement when 2 meters from the edge of the trench. Leave the cleanup work for the Troopers."
As we charged closer, the charges from the blasters richocheted off of the hulls of the tanks as some futile effort to slow down the Imperial forces. While that was happening, whole sections of ramparts were being blown apart by the cannons of the tanks, while the heads of men that poke out were immediately vaporized by the blasters equipped on the tank for the crew to shoot. Nests for the machine-guns were opened like meal-kits by other blasts from the cannons. It was perfect for the Troopers to go in and finish clearing out the hostiles.

I would hop off from the tank to inspect the performance personally. My pistol drawn and ready for any of the bodies littering the floor of the trench to leep up and move once more. I then heard a shifting in the mud at my feet. A militia trooper coughing and crawling away from me. A disgraceful sight at the least. Out of pity I shot him in the back of the head for a swift, clean death. Some blood spattered onto my great coat's bottom where it joined the mud and snow that has been caked on as well since coming to this planet.

As I heard reports on the intercom with the trench being cleared out with the enemy either surrendering or dying, I began to go back to the tank. All of a sudden I saw movement in the periphery of my vizor. I would turn in time to see another militia trooper covered in mud running full speed at me vibro-knife in hand. With the startle of it I missed with my pistol. He would then tackle me pressing that knife awfully close to my chest. My cybernetic arm managed to hold back his knife well with the only sounds from the struggle being my angry breaths through the respirator and his blood-frenzied shouting. The portions of a second felt like minutes. I clamped my robotic grip down more to the point I heard his arm-bones begin to crunch. His cries for blood became cries of agony. I put the muzzle of my pistol below his mouth and pulled the trigger, where he fell limp overtop me.

Getting back up, I threw his corpse to the side where the knife thudded on the slush-covered ground.

"Mount up Iron Legion! Get the Regulars to fall in behind you. Armor cross the trenches and leave room for the Troopers to get behind. We press to the next trench in two minutes!"
I would briskly walk back to the tank where I climbed back on top behind the turret for the cannon. My breaths still ragged from the encounter. Not from fear, but from the exertion I had to put my shredded lungs through. I looked behind to where the Troopers were all ready to charge once more. Iron Legion mixed with Regular Imperial Troopers. I returned to looking forward where the blasterfire from the third trenches were already coming our way. Bolts flew overhead or pinged on the hulls of the tanks. The engines revved to move, and the next charge had begun now with all involved locked in the rhythm of a trench-blitz.

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