She of Many Names

- Image Source: Here.
- Canon Link: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Corporation Name: Blood Robotics and Shipbuilding Corporation.
- Headquarters: JanFathal
- Locations:
- Scipio – Laboratories | Engineering Factory | Bioengineering facilities
- Balmorra – Laboratories | Bioengineering facilities | Production Factory
- JanFathal – Laboratories | Production Factory | Shipyard facilities
- Khomm – Laboratories | Research facilities
- Nar Shaddaa - Laboratories | Production Factory | Shipyard facilities
- Operations:
- Public:
- Android Research and Development
- Robotic Research and Development
- Cloning Research and Development
- Virology Research and Development
- Molecular Biology Research and Development
- Engineering Research and Development
- Bioengineering Research and Development
- Pharmaceutical Research and Production
- Secret: (known only to its board of directors)
- Sith Alchemy – Research and Development
- Sith Sorcery – Research and Development
- Biological Weapon Research and Production
- Mass-Cloning Research and Development
- Entechment Research and Experimentation
- Sithspawns – Design and Production
- Public:
- Parent Corporation: Solidor Trust
- Subsidiaries: N/A
Started two hundred years ago, Blood Robotics began with the late Jaeger Cariveau, the most brilliant mind of his time. A genious of genectics, engineering, robotics, architecture and more, he used the money he earned with his research and started his own company. A enterprise that soon gained much prestige and became one of the most prized companies of her time on her areas. Expanding to many branches due to the time that passed expanding its researches and works. But unfortunately the company broke in the major galactic stock broke of thirty years ago, forcing its shares to go public, just around the time the Solidor Trust acquired most of their shares. Changing the company into researching and reaplicating its knowledge on bioengineering, focused on cloning, the company became famous for inventing medication suited for the common and private creatures for the wealthy. A secretive company, Psychasec is a recurring choice for those with enough money that want privacy in their affairs.
Company started as a family business that went bankrupt twenty years ago as they were bought by the Solidor Trust. During those decades, the company expanded immensely and grew to other areas. Now, under the thumb of princess Lunafreya, Blood Robotics was taken in charge by her and now does her bidding.