Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Blue Milk Run

Dash Farstar

Level 15, Capital City

The Empress Teta leisurely drifted towards the lower levels of the ecumenopolis, unbothered and unfazed. Customs had been done and dusted already at the Port Authority station in orbit. Cash and cantinas were the smuggler's next station.

"See, I told ya -- I don't get why he had to shove you in this run." Dash murmured for the nth time to his unwanted companion, some mercenary lady with guns and a trigger-happy look going by the name of Tamna Fox. Company usually wasn't bad on a long haul from the Hutt Worlds to the Core, but her payment was coming out off his cut. "It's a blue milk run. Probably one of the smoothest I've ever been to."

"Hey, where'd you say you were from again?" the Corellian asked for the nth time, trying to strike up a conversation.

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TAG: Dash Farstar




Jas was really starting to push it with all these solo assignments.

Tamna was ready to deck the damn Pureblood when she saw him again. He'd already thrown her a curveball with the Oba Diah op a few weeks back, now she was stuck babysitting an annoying smuggler.

"See, I told ya -- I don't get why he had to shove you in this run."
She rolled her eyes at the repetitive phrase.
"Look man, I don't like this any more than you do, but stop mewling and deal with it." she said, sounding almost bored while she ran a cloth over one of her blasters. He made Shaddix look mature with all his complaining, and that's saying something. This guy really didn't seem like the brightest crayon in the packet. He gave Corellians a bad name.

Especially when he pushed even further.

Alarm bells went off in her head when he asked, once again, were she was from. How many times did she have to skirt that damn question? Thank goodness she had lost her Serennian accent by now. Spending time with the dirtbags of the Galaxy had its perks.
She raised an eyebrow at him. "I didn't. You make a habit of it to ask every personal detail about a girl you just met?" she deadpanned. After all this time, she was finally getting tired of deflecting to be able to hide who she was. Especially now that her grandfather was making waves again as some big bad. She really wanted to make contact with her father about it, but couldn't do so safely.

Instead, she was stuck listening to a low IQ Corellian.

Was he even good at flying? She hadn't really seen anything amazing on their way here.


Dash Farstar

"Only if the girl's pret--" the rizz deployment never finished. The whole ship shook wildly and alarms began to blare, red lights flashing from a dozen of consoles. Was he even good at flying? She hadn't really seen anything amazing on their way here. He was, but she wasn't about to see anything amazing either.
"Holy kriff--we're hit!" Dash barked the obvious and yanked the helm with all the strength he could muster. The Teta strained and shuddered as he pulled up, its thrusters roaring in protest, alas to no avail.

They were going down.

"Hold... on... to something!" he shouted, his eyes locked on the rapidly approaching cityscape. Towers and megabuildings loomed large in the viewport as they hurtled downward. Dash steered away from the skyscrapers, aiming for the narrower streets in the lower levels of the capital city. The freighter's nose dipped, and the streets rushed up to meet them. The ship tore through the duracrete, sending debris and streetlights flying. Windows shattered, and the few pedestrians scattered as the freighter gouged a deep trench in the road, skidding to a grinding halt.

When the panic subsides, the two would quickly come to understand they had become the target of spice-jackers.​

Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan
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