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Spoiler Boba Fett Episode 3 | Some more spoilers

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
So, another episode down, another continuation of the series.

That said:

Black Krrsantan still rocking it. Really liked his involvement, enjoyed the fighting and his stun-dusters were pretty darn cool.

What wasn't as cool? A vespa street kid gang. Yikes. I just couldn't take them seriously on their bright colored and chromed vespas, like some hipster cybernetic groupies 'just bored and no work available, man'.

And the chase through Mos Espa. Oof. Again, vespa speeders not withstanding, it was interesting... until they layered comedic instance after comedic instance after comedic instance. By the fourth or fifth 'haha, funny' moment, I was kind of over it.

Also vespas.

Also, also, the Tuskens. :(

Though, potential bright side, I don't believe I saw the female warrior (who trained Boba), or the kid Tusken (from the centaur outing)... so.

Oh, and the rancor was pretty cool. But it's totally a con play, and now Boba's the target, because the thing has been trained to attack the first thing it sees after the blinders are removed. Danny Trejo is definitely 100% a mercenary/hunter/assassin working with a rancor.

Also, Danny Trejo, heyyyy! Nice!

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I really want to love this show, and there are some sections of it that I adore. That said, latest episode was... bad, and there's not much else to it because there's so little that can redeem the weirdness of it layered on amidst all the out of character moments that make me 'huh' at the screen.

I'll admit that the scene with the Tuskens had been nice, and Temuera sold that scene and offered it all that it deserved. Sad to see them die off-screen, odd to have that as a choice after their earlier importance to our titular character. Glad that we've not seen the badass trainer one dead to have that be confirmed, but I'm sure the child is dead considering his stick had been thrown onto the pyre too. Just what I deduced from that, may be wrong there.

It felt like a rushed episode, and it almost felt like it had the Rise of Skywalker treatment of The Last Jedi in that it undid the things that were actually interesting in the earlier episode. If the Twins and Krssantan are removed from the plot now... why? Just felt like a waste to me. Scooter Patrol also sucks lol, their aesthetic is so non-Star Wars and I wish we got some more alien henchmen instead. Also that chase scene was so bad lmao, it was so slow and felt like there was no danger at all.

I'm a Boba Fett fanboy, so I obviously want him to be cool, but he feels so useless in this show. He's effective alongside the Tusken Raiders, but everywhere else he's so useless. Feels like he's played for laughs and isn't kept true to his character at all, and whilst I understand he is meant to have changed in the Dune Sea, it makes no sense. I also get the arguments of "that's EU, not canon now" but even by the canon comic standard set now, this portrayal of Boba is weird.

Rancor was cool.

Hope for the return of Krssantan or whatever his name is and better episodes moving forwards.
I am hoping so far that the build will all be paid off as it was in the Mando show. I take the points about the show being slow (not as slow as that chase) but, i dont think we've seen the last of the Twins or the Wook.

I also don't think we've seen the last of the Tuskens....

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Koda Fett Koda Fett I get what you mean. I'm a pretty big fan of Boba, too.

But I have to say, this version feels very incapable. I'm not getting that dangerous, silently intimidating, don't mess with the guy because he was (is) the greatest bounty hunter vibe. It's basically that they're changing him to be more centric to one liners and awkward interactions, while being combat inept unless he's using a gaffi stick from the Tuskens.

Everyone makes fun of him, or dismisses him - even freaking Jawas.

Yeah, I dunno. This Boba just feels... useless. And even when he 'activates beast mode', like at that random bar against the Nikto gang, his whole manner while fighting was uncontrolled and messy - whereas I expected Boba to be like a scalpel, with precise and cold combat tactics, like the hardened hunter he's meant to be?

At this point I'm just watching it because it's the only thing on that mildly interests me, Star Wars wise.
Koda Fett Koda Fett I get what you mean. I'm a pretty big fan of Boba, too.

But I have to say, this version feels very incapable. I'm not getting that dangerous, silently intimidating, don't mess with the guy because he was (is) the greatest bounty hunter vibe. It's basically that they're changing him to be more centric to one liners and awkward interactions, while being combat inept unless he's using a gaffi stick from the Tuskens.

Everyone makes fun of him, or dismisses him - even freaking Jawas.

Yeah, I dunno. This Boba just feels... useless. And even when he 'activates beast mode', like at that random bar against the Nikto gang, his whole manner while fighting was uncontrolled and messy - whereas I expected Boba to be like a scalpel, with precise and cold combat tactics, like the hardened hunter he's meant to be?

At this point I'm just watching it because it's the only thing on that mildly interests me, Star Wars wise.
It's that exact feeling, yeah. He's meant to be a lot of stuff that isn't on screen, ruthless and lethal come to mind but vanish once I see him consistently offer the non-violent route to all the situations that come across. I think Fennec is cool, but the fact she's the one that has the cool moments of Boba Fett in his own show is ridiculous to me.

I understand the more conversational side to Fett because there's not much to the show if he's unable to say much whatsoever, but this version has fallen flat and it's a shame to see because Temuera is able to portray the version that we want to see.

I feel it also cheapens the 'beast mode' moments because it isn't earned.

I do hate that he's talked down to a lot by everyone around him, more so that he does nothing to rectify that. If this were the comics, either older Legends or even current canon comic Boba, there'd be a lot more deaths per episode. But of it all, it bothers me that know one cares who he is. He's a big deal and should be treated as such.

Takumi Tikotzki

best looking bounty hunter at your service
I'm really disappointed, that we don't get consistent 50minutes episodes. It's a live-action show, not some CGI animated show with many seasons and 20minute episodes to be honest. Also since we only got (as far as I know) 8 episodes, I really think the episodes should be 50 minutes long.

The black krrasantant fight was cool, but I kind of hoped to see an armored boba having an epic fight with him :/

The newly introduced gang was kinda weird. For me they didn't really seem to fit the whole Tatooine vibe, they looked like clowns in a massive crowd, to be honest.

Now, next week we are at the half of the season, and I think that right now we still have no real progress, Boba just gets called everywhere being told to go there and then there, with no progress whatsoever. Also the fact, that the Hutt thing is already over is kind of disapponting. Yet again boba gets told to go somewhere else because it was someone else. It's a back and forward kind of situation.

I still have high hopes for the series, but right now, only the second episode was really cool for me. The third one was good. Better than the first(first one really disappointed) and slightly worse than the second episode.
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I really enjoyed the new episode! Also I like the swoop gang. They're defo Elite Battle Angel inspired, cyborgs and all. And they're surprisingly skilled for street brats. They definitely proved their worth helping fight Black Krrsantan.
I really enjoyed the new episode! Also I like the swoop gang. They're defo Elite Battle Angel inspired, cyborgs and all. And they're surprisingly skilled for street brats. They definitely proved their worth helping fight Black Krrsantan.

That fight scene alone puts them above both the Knights of Ren and Snoke's Guards for skill, interesting weapons, and cool scenes.

I would say i felt i was too easy on the first episode because of the nostalgia of waiting forever and a day to see Boba Fett get out of the Sarlacc. I would also say I am trying to moderate my expectations of Book of Boba Fett because, Mandalorian for me knocked it out of the park, and set a very very high standard with almost no 'filler' episodes.
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Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
That fight scene alone puts them above both the Knights of Ren and Snoke's Guards for skill, interesting weapons, and cool scenes.

I would say i felt i was too easy on the first episode because of the nostalgia of waiting forever and a day to see Boba Fett get out of the Sarlacc. I would also say I am trying to moderate my expectations of Book of Boba Fett because, Mandalorian for me knocked it out of the park, and set a very very high standard with almost no 'filler' episodes.

Mandalorian was amazing, and I enjoyed every second of it.

And want to know the ironic part? I honestly think the Mandalorian - in how he acts, thinks, fights and generally presents himself - is exactly how I expected Boba Fett to be. And yet, I suspect the showrunners are trying to split that divide between the two, in order for both Mandos to be 'different', and unfortunately Mandalorian stole Boba's schtick before he could... so now we're left with a weird, disrespected and dismissed, half-assed comedic take on what should have been a stone cold killer.

Koda Fett Koda Fett

I really enjoyed the new episode! Also I like the swoop gang. They're defo Elite Battle Angel inspired, cyborgs and all. And they're surprisingly skilled for street brats. They definitely proved their worth helping fight Black Krrsantan.

Vespa scooter squad, goooooo!

And while they did have some interesting elements, like the cybernetics, I still think they're oddly placed on a backwater like Tatooine. Just the general technology level and advancement (or lack thereof) of the ports just makes them seem off? I could see the group existing and thriving on Denon, for example. But hey, you're right, at least they can use basic swarm and stab tactics, unlike those '''elite trained warriors guarding an Emperor Snoke''' coughcough :D Those other guard/knight groups were jokes.

I still think episode 2 has been the standout for me... but, that's not saying much, since Boba episode 2 at its best is still worse than a Mandalorian episode at its worst.
Mandalorian was amazing, and I enjoyed every second of it.

And want to know the ironic part? I honestly think the Mandalorian - in how he acts, thinks, fights and generally presents himself - is exactly how I expected Boba Fett to be. And yet, I suspect the showrunners are trying to split that divide between the two, in order for both Mandos to be 'different', and unfortunately Mandalorian stole Boba's schtick before he could... so now we're left with a weird, disrespected and dismissed, half-assed comedic take on what should have been a stone cold killer.

I think that some of what we've expected to see of Boba Fett comes from the legends portrayal of him. If you take whats Canon, they have a very open book to create this version. He's a different fellow, but he's lived a different life. Legends Boba got out the Sarlacc and got right back into bounty hunting.

Right from the start this Boba is portayed as a man stripped of everything (Literally) and then the Sand People were the ones to 'save' him. (Instead of another Bounty Hunter (dengar)) He's already on a completely different path. I'm ok with it so far, though the time jumps get a little jarring.
Well-Known Member
I am over meh about this episode. It had more weird elements than it did things that were interesting.

  • Fight with black wookiee was interesting
  • Cybernetics were cool, but should have been offworlders
  • Rancor with trainer was cool

What was weird:
  • Vespas
  • Why the fuck does Boba not understand the Pykes if he's been dealing with their bullshit since the Tuskens
  • Multi-colored Vespas
  • Not having any bad ass Boba moments
  • Multi-colored Vespas and slow speed chase
  • Boba continues to be clueless and disrespected, and he has completely lost his lethal reputation, which feels very weird after a very harsh experience in the desert, especially witnessing the lows that low-lifes will go to on Tattooine to harm him.

Is this the same guy Vader told not to disintegrate Han Solo? Right now I'm feeling like scene for scene the Mandalorian is just Boba Fett, Baby Yoda included. Lord Fett is Boba Fett without any teeth in the armor (but is formerly a bad ass Tusken).

I wish the storylines had been reversed. The Mandalorian telling the tale of a Tusken Raider adopted into a Mandalorian Enclave, ascending to Daiymo and working through his personal naivety of outsiders.

Not sure how I would adapt the start of Mandalorian with Boba Fett in the lead role, but I feel like that story would match better with Boba.

Idk, I'm just babbling right now. I was super impressed with Episode 2 and lukewarm for Episode 1, so I'm disappointed with this one right now :(
The fight with Black Krrsantan really does a good job of showing how terrifying and badass Wookiees really are in a fight. While there are a lot of things on Chaos that are far scarier than Wookiees, that scene does a good job of putting it all into perspective for me.

The vespa-speeder bike chase was...dreadfully slow and just...bad production quality in general. They're not even beating dirt bikes on those things. On that note, those bikes are just...not it, tbh. They're not fast, badass-looking, or have big, mean-looking guns in the nose. Unless maybe Boba's criminal empire is at level 1 and we might get bigger, badder bikes later? Just give them 74-Zs, those bikes are 10 times better than those crappy Vespas.

Also, Boba is supposed to be building a criminal faction but like...what is he a criminal of? How is he even making money that would allow him to keep a rancor (which is probably like 50 times more expensive than keeping a horse IRL) and pay 10 dudes, half of who aren't worth anything in a fight, while also eating like a king? He has no respect from anyone so like...why would people keep paying tributes to him? He can't protect them and he can barely go after them if they don't pay.

All in all, my feelings on this episode and by extension this series, are mixed. I might get more down later. Might not.
To be honest, it really feels like this series is dragging. The only things I liked in the episode was Danny Trejo and the Rancor scenes with Boba also Boba vs the Black Chewbacca. ;) Other than that the chase scene at the end of the episode was atrocious, the biker gangs swoop vehicles look absolutely ridiculous. It was if some out of touch artist who never watched Star Wars thought what could be "hip" for the new generation? All in all, Book of Boba really needs to pick up steam soon. I don't know how many episodes I can stomach seeing Boba walk around or get his butt handed to him.
Big wookie go grr and errybody panic. Rancors are just big lap dogs. RIP tuskens. Pikes gonna get it.

Why Vespas?

The show feels really.. Kidified. I get the whole Boba doesn't want to rule through fear bit, but if he can't handle himself in a fight he's not gonna get any respect. Watching the Wookie beatdown part was pure fire though. Krrsantan is a new character to me, and I'm already in love with the fur ball. And I don't mind the cyborgs, honestly. They give me serious "We live here because we have no choice, but we ain't gonna adapt to how other people look" vibes, and I can respect that.

Chase seen was just, too slow though. Hope things pick up next week for sure.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Absolutely loved the Tusken stuff in ep2, really disappointed in the laziness of how ep3 chucks all that as a random plot point. Gotta kill off the only interesting characters to give Boba a little motivation. Morrison does sell the scene but it's a crappier executive decision than making everyone on Tatooine clean, tidy, well groomed, dust free, and otherwise suitable for a soundstage.
And want to know the ironic part? I honestly think the Mandalorian - in how he acts, thinks, fights and generally presents himself - is exactly how I expected Boba Fett to be. And yet, I suspect the showrunners are trying to split that divide between the two, in order for both Mandos to be 'different', and unfortunately Mandalorian stole Boba's schtick before he could... so now we're left with a weird, disrespected and dismissed, half-assed comedic take on what should have been a stone cold killer.
I honestly thought the same. It's the man-with-no-name of a silent adventurer that Boba Fett had that first allowed the interest in him. It had been some new character on the side that had mysterious albeit lethal reputation to them; latest incarnation of Boba in BOBF has decidedly not to follow on that, nor the recent admissions to the Disney Star Wars in the latest comics, spoilers for War of the Bounty Hunters below.

In War of the Bounty Hunters, the beloved side of Boba is on display. Is it years earlier, yes, but I'm doubtful some time in the Dune Sea is realistically able to ensure a complete overhaul. Especially someone that had been raised since infancy to be a ruthless bounty hunter.

Here's some screenshots of the type of Boba I had expected, and sadly missed out on: 1, 2, 3, 4

I think that some of what we've expected to see of Boba Fett comes from the legends portrayal of him. If you take whats Canon, they have a very open book to create this version. He's a different fellow, but he's lived a different life. Legends Boba got out the Sarlacc and got right back into bounty hunting.

Right from the start this Boba is portayed as a man stripped of everything (Literally) and then the Sand People were the ones to 'save' him. (Instead of another Bounty Hunter (dengar)) He's already on a completely different path. I'm ok with it so far, though the time jumps get a little jarring.
I understand the idea that the Legends portrayal of the character is something we're more acustomed to, but even the new-canon Disney material in comics and such are accurate to his Legends counterpart. It really seems identical in characterisation, and instead elected to scrub the events rather than the actual character himself, bar the more dated ideas that came with the times: X (TG to some, I think?).

He's ruthless, lethal, cold and (most of all) cunning. Book of Boba Fett offers a kind-hearted and naive Boba that seems to bumble around so unsure of himself and all that is around him, even when he should be familiar with the underworld beyond the intracies of leadership.

It’s very possible that Boba is suffering from degenerative side effects of being in the Sarlacc. In Legends he lost his leg and developed cancer because of it, so maybe they’re going down a similar route with why he needs almost constant bacta treatment.
If it were the case, I wish it was made clear so the idea that Boba is inept for no reason isn't something that we're able to believe is the route Disney has taken. It's a shame, really, because the second episode delivered whilst the third is step backwards. One step fowards and two backwards, it seems. But it was a neat storyline in the novels, although I think it'd be a waste to latch onto it before we could see a more capable version of him and that slow (or rapid) decline in prowess.
I am over meh about this episode. It had more weird elements than it did things that were interesting.

  • Fight with black wookiee was interesting
  • Cybernetics were cool, but should have been offworlders
  • Rancor with trainer was cool

What was weird:
  • Vespas
  • Why the fuck does Boba not understand the Pykes if he's been dealing with their bullshit since the Tuskens
  • Multi-colored Vespas
  • Not having any bad ass Boba moments
  • Multi-colored Vespas and slow speed chase
  • Boba continues to be clueless and disrespected, and he has completely lost his lethal reputation, which feels very weird after a very harsh experience in the desert, especially witnessing the lows that low-lifes will go to on Tattooine to harm him.

Is this the same guy Vader told not to disintegrate Han Solo? Right now I'm feeling like scene for scene the Mandalorian is just Boba Fett, Baby Yoda included. Lord Fett is Boba Fett without any teeth in the armor (but is formerly a bad ass Tusken).

I wish the storylines had been reversed. The Mandalorian telling the tale of a Tusken Raider adopted into a Mandalorian Enclave, ascending to Daiymo and working through his personal naivety of outsiders.

Not sure how I would adapt the start of Mandalorian with Boba Fett in the lead role, but I feel like that story would match better with Boba.

Idk, I'm just babbling right now. I was super impressed with Episode 2 and lukewarm for Episode 1, so I'm disappointed with this one right now :(
I pretty much entirely agree here. I'm especially disappointed in the Scooter Patrol that seems more like something torn from Altered Carbon or Blade Runner before Star Wars.

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
Well, the truth of the series right now, is that we're halfway.

Episode 4 coming, of 8.

And in that time, in a mere three episodes, they've:

  • Started an interesting and unique take on Boba with Tuskens
  • Ended that same take with Tuskens
  • Started a rivalry with Hutts
  • Ended that same rivalry with Hutts
  • Brought in a badass Wookiee bounty hunter/mercenary, who was gifted to Boba by the Hutts
  • Ended that connection with the badass Wookiee bounty hunter/mercenary, by Boba immediately letting him go
  • Brought in a sleepy boy rancor, with a very not at all suspicious or bound to try and betray Boba next episode or the one after that, at all Danny Trejo
  • I expect, given this pattern, Danny Trejo dies next episode

Also... who's left? A Pike Syndicate showdown with fish people, with 'at least a dozen' of the fish baddies? Or a firm talking to an Ithorian mayor, who's been acting like a Scooby Doo villain and pulling disappearing acts?


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