On the ground, Fabula waited for her team to disembark the ship, then spared one last glance up into the ship to check on the pilots. They were both moving (at least a bit), which was good enough for Fabs' conscience. When she turned back to the Jedi and soldiers milling about around her, she indicated to the door. "Please make sure to lock it behind us. We can cut our way through to get them after the landing platform is cleaned off." One of the commandos nodded to her, hanging back after the group left and slicing into the door's security console to seal it shut.
Outside, Fabula looked around, beyond the soldiers and their whole "secure perimeter" nonsense. Several rooms, and the haze of panicked need was too thick in the air for her to properly single out exactly where the pirates were. She sighed to herself and, keeping her eyes downrange, pulled her lightsabers out of Alna D'Lessio's toolbelt. "As a large group, we're vulnerable. Small corridors mean lots of chokepoints. Until you get to your objectives, please have someone around to watch your back. Otherwise, we'll need to split up to cover ground." The commandos nodded, and though Fabula couldn't see it, she could guess that they were rolling their eyes behind their helmets' visors.
Of course, there were an odd number of people on the shuttle, and Fabula wasn't going to be moving with a partner anyway. Walking forward without anything vaguely resembling fear, Fabula checked one of the doors that led from the room, then another. A couple of the pirates had managed to come check on what the huge crash was, and were screaming something that Fabs either couldn't hear or didn't care to decipher. She indicated for the rest of the group to take the other door, with no immediate hostiles. "I'll clear this direction. Please keep in contact, as previously discussed. Our first objective is and always will be keeping each other alive."
As the first blaster bolts came flying towards her, Fabs ducked around the doorway she was standing at and activated her lightsabers with the tiniest little twitch of telekinesis. "Secondary objective is to take as many prisoners as possible. Keep the death to a minimum." Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Fabula cleared her mind. This was not the time for Rage. Her Darkness would not touch her spirit today. Rather, she found herself in that little island of peace, the ponds and streams and forests of Dathomir. Perfect peace.
Her eyes opened again after only a brief moment, still the color of burnt ash. No Rage. "Move on. Clear the building."
Five little words, and Fabula broke into motion. Faster than any human eye could track, she'd whipped her body around the door frame and charged into a room full of pirates, starting a spinning Ataru maneuver shortly after she passed beyond the door, cutting a man's rifle and the door controls at the same time. She was cut off...but more importantly, so were they.