Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bon Voyage

Well the time's come, people. I've had this trip coming for a long time. I am officially going on my first cruise to the Bahamas!


Now I'm not sure as of yet but there just MIGHT be wifi on the cruise itself, which means I'll still be able to check in. If not obviously you won't be seeing any of me or my character for over a week. Either way my posting and all is going to be hindered, as I'm sure some of the threads I'm involved with too. I'm hoping that if there is wifi I can try to get posts in whenever possible, which might be all over the place. From the 19th to 27th or 28th it'll just be a matter of playing it by ear.

My characters effected by this: Nimue Stormson, [member="Morgana Forceborn"] , [member="Darth Raven"] , [member="Salaza"] , and the rest I don't really care for lol.

You guys ca still tag me or PM me or whatever and, like I said, if I can I'll try to respond when possible. Until then take care of yourselves and have as great a time as I will. 'Cause I'll the while I'll be singing this lol.​
[member="Nimue Stormson"] I went on a trip back in March and there was no wifi, and cost of calls was off the charts you should check with your carrier if you plan on using your cell phone, and you should inform the credit card company that you are taking the trip.

Otherwise, it was a blast

Stephanie Swail

[member="Nimue Stormson"]

Have a truly wonderful time and don't worry about us - enjoy your cruise and make sure to dance a lot, eat a lot, drink a lot and have fun...a lot.

Bon Voyage and we'll be here with open arms on your return!

[member="Maria Natalja"] [member="Marek Starchaser"]

Thanks :)

[member="Rianna Ar'klim"]

I'm not planning to use my phone but I guess it depends on the cruise line, maybe. I mean this place as a lot of stuff on-board, not to mention two black-tie dinner nights lol. Idk, I'll check.


Thanks. And oh thank you for that pic. I'll be sure we watch out for icebergs in the tropics lol.

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