Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Bonding by the Bonfire

TAGS: Loomi Loomi

He blushed right to the tips of his nose and ears. Braze moved to snuggle in to her side and hugged her. "Of course..." Braze leaned closer, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he teased gently, "You're slow to admit your feelings, and you leave little trails of love all over my life... So I guess that makes you my favorite little Garden Slug after all doesn't it?" He asked giving her a wry cheeky grin.

Tags: Braze Braze


"Shut it."

Loomi faux-pouted, puffing up her cheeks to try and appear as upset as she could. It wasnt very convincing, of course. She gave his arm a light swat, a gentle retaliation.

"You're a jerk," she huffed. "Teasing me while my brain is all scattered..."

A soft, more playful smile would come to her face.

"Not that... my brain is never not scattered," she admitted with a chuckle.


TAGS: Loomi Loomi


"What fun would I be if I were Mr. Perfect all the time?" Braze teased, tilting his head, neither confirming nor denying the accusation. "We've got tons of snacks and fireworks to light up the night—if you're up for a little heat or some sweetness."

He leaned forward slightly, his voice soft and inviting. "Oh, and I even picked up some paper lanterns. Thought it might be fun to try those too."

Pausing, his usual confidence gave way to a rare touch of uncertainty. "So… does this make us official now?" he asked tentatively, searching for reassurance. "Or is there something we're forgetting?"

Tags: Braze Braze


Loomi shuddered as Braze's voice softened. The lingering chills of finally getting everything off of her chest weren't going to be departing anytime soon.

"I... like the sound of paper lanterns," she admitted. "I don't think I've seen any since the Winter Solstice on Eshan..."

And that was a while ago now.

"So… does this make us official now?" he asked tentatively, searching for reassurance. "Or is there something we're forgetting?"

"Is... there something else you're supposed to do?" the Godoan asked, tilting her head as her antennae flitted inquisitively. "I-I'm not the most experienced with... making things official, admittedly. But I'm open to learn, if there's like... any sort of tradition or social ritual attached to it?"


TAGS: Loomi Loomi

"Well... realistically speaking, it's probably a little uncomfortable to admit, but we should ideally express our interests and needs in a partner before committing to a relationship like that," Braze began, his tone thoughtful. "Sounds boring and totally unromantic, right? But if you really want to make a relationship work, it takes communication, honesty, and openness."

He paused, his expression softening as he continued. "Sometimes people can love each other, but their needs just... don't line up."

Braze shifted slightly, as though aware of how heavy his words might feel. "But hey, that's really getting into the weeds, isn't it? We can always talk about it later if you want. No need to make big decisions right this very moment." His voice lightened with encouragement, offering a gentle smile.

"We can just enjoy the evening and save that conversation for another time," Braze offered, his voice warm and reassuring.


Tags: Braze Braze


"Yeah... let's just enjoy the evening..."

Loomi sighed, sinking back down into the blanket below her. The fireworks were good. She could just relax and turn her brain off for a while. There was probably more to come, and she didn't expect things to get any easier, but this was a good start.

"I've done enough thinking for one day," she decided.


TAGS: Loomi Loomi


Braze moved to his small stash of treasures, as he retrieved a delicate paper lantern for the evening. The lantern, its surface decorated with faint, hand-painted patterns, felt almost weightless in his hands. With slow, deliberate care, he unfolded the fragile paper, smoothing out its creases and propping it open. The gentle rustling of the material was nearly drowned out by the soft hum of the night's fireworks, where other lanterns already danced like tiny stars in the darkened sky.

Once the lantern was set and ready to take flight, Braze angled it slightly so Loomi could see the faint outline of its frame. He reached into his pocket and produced a lighter—long-stemmed and unadorned, a simple yet practical tool that carried the faint sheen of wear. Offering it to her with an outstretched hand, he tilted his head slightly, his tone light yet inviting.

"Would you like to do the honors, Loomi?"


Tags: Braze Braze


"Would you like to do the honors, Loomi?"

Loomi took the lantern into her hands with a soft smile. She loved lanterns. Something about seeing little flames take flight was magical. They were like little souls, achieving the dream of flight that so many held within them. To see the little dancing lights free from gravity was a sight she savored whenever she got the chance. The night sky was already lighting up with lanterns.

It was time to add hers.

"Yeah," Loomi nodded. "I'd love to."


TAGS: Loomi Loomi

Braze held it out for her to light up so she could use her hands a little more easily. "You have to make a wish~" Braze supplied with a gleeful little smirk. He wanted to know what Loomi would wish for but he didn't say or ask what she might wish for,

Tags: Braze Braze


"I... wish for... for something better," Loomi decided. "That more people won't have to grow up like us."

She knew it was an impossible wish. But if she could even achieve a fraction of that goal in her lifetime, maybe she could set off the chain of events that could see this achieved one day. It would never happen in her lifetime, but she could always hope that it could be one day...

Hope was everything.

Loomi reached out and lit her lantern, using a small bit of tinder she fulled over to her hand through the Force. Then she took the lantern into her own hands. A gentle smile came to her face.

"What are you wishing for?"


TAGS: Loomi Loomi


"Oh, nothing special… just that you and I could grow old together." Braze offered her a wry smirk. "Kind of a lame wish, huh?" he added, suppressing a chuckle.

He exhaled, considering her words, turning them over in his mind before speaking again. "I dunno… all things considered, I think I grew up pretty well off."

Still, he could see it—the hardships she'd endured, the trials etched into her very being. His chest tightened with an unspoken sorrow for her, not just for what she had lost, but for all she had been forced to survive.

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