Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Boop, hey.

Hiya, uh new guy here.


I'm just after some tips and well any info on where to start, or any factions who would help me out- or anyone who would help me out for that fact in developing a new character. I have experience with roleplay in the past, and I have a large understanding of the star wars universe just... never put the two together! Can't wait to get started.

I'm thankful for any help,

Hello! My first tip would be to work on your character and post a bio sheet. As for Factions, it will depend on your character. Quite a bit out there...Galactic Alliance, Commonwealth, Kathol Outback, First Order, Mandos, Silver Jedi....Poke around see what you might like.
Well, I don't really have a solid idea on a character but I think I may start with something either Jedi or Sith related to begin with then as exprience comes to me I might start... branching off to more interesting roles - or develop the character into an interesting role, who knows.


Well-Known Member

In addition to the Jedi/Sith angle, I find it pertinent to note that there is another option as well. If you are interested in playing a Force User, it could be worth your while to consider the Knights of Ren, who fall under the First Order. See below for a brief introduction to who we are developing the Knights of Ren into and what our goals are.

Well, the galaxy is limitless (almost), you can basically be anything or anyone (nearly). Jedi, Sith, KoR, Grey Jedi, Dark Jedi, etc. It's usually good to start out with a basic concept for your character, like what kind of person is it, are they evil, good, neutral, a criminal, what species they are, etc., and then go more into detail with their personality, quirks, what they're good at, what they're bad at, and so on.

You can definitely develop your character into many things, a great Sith Lord feared by many, a Jedi revered as a Hero, a Crime Lord ruling multiple planets, a high ranking War Hero, and so on. You can get to many places with persistence and dedication in RP.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kargs"] Welcome to the Chaos! Enjoy your time with us, and please ask any questions you have so we can help. :)
You do it by clicking the @Mention button below someone's avatar, typing @Name or writing out the code [member="Name"]. Probably good for our new guy to know also.

[member="Rach Sullen"] [member="Kargs"]

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