Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Boots Stop Workin' | (SO Dominion of Ogem and Loovria)


Objective: Drink and debate

Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Kimora Min Kimora Min | Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris | Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron | Diodoros Diodoros | Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Well shit. Now Taeli had gone and told everyone who he was. Whether or not that was necessary was up for debate but it was done. Thankfully, his data trail at present led back to the Commonwealth. Of course there was more finding it was the challenge for most without more than his name to go off of so overall he was still in the clear, but this was now decidedly less fun. Oh well.

Or maybe not. After his spiel came someone who sounded like they may be even more of a lunatic than he was drunk if that were even possible. The gesticulating and ranting about money is what made him think that may be the case, though he would outwardly nod while listening to Drazen speak his bit about the planet as it was certainly one of the opinions someone could hold. This man was followed shortly by a former gladiator who seemed to mostly agree with the stance that a regime change needed to happen in some form or another. While Kurayami wasn't averse to such a thing, it needed to be done quietly/ and with as little pomp and circumstance as possible. If it could be done without the populace at large knowing that would of course be best. Or the current leaders needed to be brought to heel and given incentive to stay there.

Taeli had helped him though as well, she had given him the backing of a Council member. When Strosius next spoke he listened intently between the exchange it sparked with FIolette. He remained standing where he had been and still sipped from the flask, watching and listening as the scene unfolded. Once things had played out as they would, he directed his helmeted gaze at Strosius alone, no malice or challenge in his tone, simply speaking to what he had come to see as the facts.

"So, Lady Raaf reveals my name, I wondered if it would happen, but nothin' too serious really. Just ask the Empress if you doubt my credentials as given by my two esteemed colleagues here in this meeting. Now as for this meeting and why we are here. We want a mostly bloodless takeover. So we quell this little uprising, and give the rich here arenas, hotels, and casinos to surpass their wildest dreams. Entertainment venues that would make the Uscru District jealous, install a governor to oversee it all who is amenable to our demands.

Allow the gladiators to do what they always have, and not have to risk their lives in the games for fortune and glory. Let only the most famous stay, lose your fame then get sent to the meat grinder. Physically they would be in fine shape and need little in the way of training. Any skills that needed refining could easily be within a few weeks of live fire with PEP and stun weaponry before sending them out into the field. During this time, every waking moment is filled with heavy indoctrination of the honor that has been bestowed upon them, and reminders of how they survive 'x' number of deployments and they get to go home. By then most will have been so heavily indoctrinated and used to the lifestyle they would continue on anyways. You are wrong in that any man can become a soldier. I have seen many break in far less circumstances than a simple grunt would face, not all have the mental fortitude for it.

If we claim a world and do little damage to the economy then is there not less to fix and simply more room for growth? That is what I proposed had you listened, not dismantling anything outside the absolute necessities, if any. Build new places to cater to any vice imaginable, and mix the idea of pleasure with the brutality of the bloodsport. Why fix what isn't broken? Any changes that need to be made to fit with Empire policies are beyond my purview, but that is the overarching idea. Meld what is here into the cogs of the Empire as seamlessly as possible. I promise you any investments you make you will see a return on many times in both manpower and of course economic growth."

Quinn had arrived slightly earlier than Iuuna and her apprentice. Gathering a lay of the people would only allow the Echani Princess a better understanding. The Sith were garnering to obtain the Ogem and their trade flotilla; she assumed it would be by force. The thought bothered her, knowing how her parents handled takeovers while in the Empire. Ashin had chosen different ways to attack. Her birth mother had risen to power in her own ways, showing kindness to those who needed it while in the same breath showing power. Quinn had several examples to pull from on how to deal with the trader society.

The market bustled with life, and Quinn was reminded briefly of the places her parents took her when she and her sibling were younger. Life flourished, which meant good things for the Empire.

Still, she wanted to know the method of gaining the people. Her thoughts were interrupted by the brush of a small being against her leg. A thin tail flicked back and forth, brushing against her knee. "Tenebris," she cooed gently at the feline at her feet. "Tell me what you saw?" the black shadow moved gently, scouring her body and resting around her neck like a shawl. Its tail brushed side to side as their link as creator and creation allowed her to see what he had wanted to tell her. "Ah, Iuuna has arrived. Perfect." Her cousin, not by blood but enough for them to bear loyalties. Particularly their connection with Srina Talon. Quinn was the Empress' goddaughter, while Iuuna bore a blood relation to the woman.

If there was one she wouldn't betray within the Empire besides the Empress, Iuuna would be her forever ally. "We should make ourselves known to my cousin." Quinn walked gracefully as she weaved through the crowds, until she stood near the other Echani. Nodding to her fellow, Quinn smiled. "Good to see you, Iuuna. Who is this?" Amber eyes glanced towards the Sith who stood near her cousin. Quinn assumed apprentice but didn't want to say it without confirmation.

She could have teased Iuuna, asking if this woman was a fleeting paramour, but it wasn't the time or place. Potentially later, when they were in a more relaxed setting.

"We have our work cut out for us. Are we meeting anyone else, or do we get to handle this our way?"

"We shall handle this our way," began Iuuna, and without missing a beat, she continued, "This, dear cousin, is my apprentice, Eira." She gestured towards her acolyte. "Eira, this is my cousin, Quinn. Now that formalities are out of the way, we indeed have a lot of work cut out for us." Iuuna knew it was better to win the hearts and minds of those who would soon realize their fate, but time was not on their side. Decisions needed to be made, and they would be difficult.

Addressing Quinn and Eira quietly, she said, "We should make our way to the docking clamps. Once they're disabled, we will have a captive audience. From there, we need to proceed to the command center, take control, and broadcast the choices to those who call Ogem and the station home." She took a deep breath and exhaled, casting a glance at the passersby. Motioning for the two to follow her, she continued, "our goal is to convince the masses to embrace the Empire. Bend them to our will with our words. Today, we are poets. There will be a day to be soldiers and queens, but today is not that day." She referenced an old, rather antiquated song from Eshan, which spoke of a soldier, a poet, and a king, detailing how each would either tear down a city, make people bow, or slay them with words. Today, they would slay with words and convince the good citizens to embrace their new masters.

Reassuringly, she added towards Eira, "Do not fret so much, dear one. There are many ways for us to go about our mission. If they cannot see reason, then we resort to fire and brimstone." A pause, and then her voice softened and for a moment, Iuuna's tone mirrored Srina Talon Srina Talon 's own rather patient and graceful voice. "You will do quite well, I imagine," she added, offering another set of reassuring words towards her acolyte. Iuuna anticipated that Quinn would tease her for sounding so patient. Known for her disdain towards humans and non-Echani within their private familial circle, Iuuna must have been quite humbled to have taken on Eira. In fact, she almost sounded like Srina, a thought that quickly perished.



"Lord Strosius." she replied, followed by a nod of her head to the Sith Lord. She simply spectated as the rest continued the conversation at hand. Lord Strosius was correct in that the strategy of the Sith and most of the Empires before it. Subjugate a world then put an Imperial in charge of it and they will take it from there. Differing opinions are to be expected, but that is one constant within the Empire. It was only a matter of deciding to conscript a world of fighters or a world of luxury. Which did the Sith Order value most?

Either way, Kimora was itching for action. The more time she spent here in the boardroom, the longer the fires on the planet below would burn. Though, she was already well aware that such things would take some lengthy deliberation. So, she simply waited.

They spoke. Kimora listened.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn | Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris | Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron | Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Diodoros Diodoros


Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro spoke up in turn, and so Drazen acquiesced to their design. It was the least he could do for Taeli's support in his soon to be rulership of Terminus. He beamed, nodded, then turned back to the others;​
"We already pay off the Cartels, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . A few heists, some drug trade to offset our natural issues with the population, and what's the problem? They assist in our control of the planet, and they help build the economy. Besides...", he mused with a narrowing of his eye.​
"They're already on Terminus. I'd prefer they expand their territory all the same."​
He didn't mention of course, that by expanding the Cartels influence he would get kickback himself. Kickback for him would be funneled back into the Shipyards, and he would no doubt be able to leverage his way to more influence regardless. They'd simply have to deal. If the Cartels won, he would win. It was only natural.​
"I suppose the choice is, we upset the existing structure of the planet for a 'few good men', or we leave it intact and get a strong and stable world in our back line. It seems the choice is obvious, no? We don't go with the stupid idea here? Sure, let the Gladiators lose their status as slaves, whatever. Even still, we upset the leaders of this world, we lose a lot more than we gain."​

Seeing Quinn approach, Eira was struck by how she did not seem much older than herself but the aura and the way that the Sith Lord held herself, Eira would feel the difference in power and experience. It was a vast canyon between them. Eira bowed deeply to Quinn, showing a deep sign of respect and honour that it was to work with someone of her skill and to meet someone that her mentor held in such high esteem. Eira was sure that there were few that Iuuna would like her to meet. Outside Srina whom Iuuna spoke frequently of in very high regard.

"Greetings Lady Quinn," Eira hoping she got the title correct there. Was it Lord Quinn, was there another title she should be using? It was still very new to her and she wasn't truly sure she understood the hierarchy and titles of the Sith Order yet. However, she focused on the task at hand and pocketed the need to understand how the Sith Order worked and the hierarchy as well as the titles appropriate.

She appreciated the patience and words from Iuuna, knowing that there was a time and place for the action she was craving deep down, it was annoying that she could not break them down. See the weak fall to their knees in fear and submission. But that would have to wait. It would come in time and Eira was far from strong enough to enact such dominance and power. She listened to the plan and nodded her head, "I will follow your lead Master."
Prophet of Bogan

Objective: Instill Rule of the Strong
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Kimora Min Kimora Min / Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron / Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn / Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris / Diodoros Diodoros / Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf / Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro

The masked man clicked his tongue as the other, although perhaps not 'better' as one might typically ascribe to a spouse, half of Dark Councilor Raaf came into view on the hologram. "You are indeed correct that such affairs are the matters of Dark Councilors, Lady Yvarro, but then I must wonder why you speak of them then? As you are neither a Sith, nor a member of the Assembly, and certainly no Dark Councilor. You aren't even a commander with a modern military record to be spoken of, so do please resign yourself to seeing how war is conducted these days will you?"

The venom and malice that had so carefully articulated at the Lord Inquisitor was spat right back with no façade of cordiality or courtesy. He had not come here to argue and be lectured, he had come here to slay every obstacle that sat between the Sith and the Core. If said obstacles just so happened to be others in the Order itself then so be it. "And no, this discussion is not over."

At least the Bloodborn fellow was able to lay out a properly coherent plan for how they would proceed if they indeed wound up supporting the rich and powerful of the world. Any friend of the Raafs and especially of the Empress was an enemy of his though, even if he weren't opposing him in this particular instance. "I still rebuke the need for an entertainment world on a war front. This is not a world of factories and armaments we're speaking of, but simple blood sport and tourism. Whatever economic benefits preserving it might have pales in comparison to the addition of an entire planet's worth of warriors to our armies in one fell swoop."

And of course the Emperor's kin was only out for his own interests, needlessly expanding the reach of organized criminals was dangerous enough as it was but it would be even more so out in the Mid-Rim where Sith control was more tenuous and recent. "Perhaps I should pay a visit to Terminus one of these days Lord Drazen. Just to make sure that these cartels of yours are falling in line properly." The threat was evident as his masked gaze shifted to Drazen and his tone soured once more into a spiteful remark. "If the leaders of this world had anything worth offering, that offer went up in flames when their gladiators rebelled. I remain firm in my position that we execute the failed and pompous windbags and gather the strong to our side."



A deep chuckle filled the room, Nefaron had taken to silence to hear the opinions of those present and found many to be... unworkable. Most seemed to think that the Sith Empire was merely a commercial endeavor or that they were to provide some kind of charity work. He could not help but laugh, but at the very least some still understood what the Empire's goals were.

"As always, well put Lord Strosious. Have we not always abided by the principle of strength? While that comes in many forms, it seems some of you have forgotten what exactly we are here to do-"

Nefaron stood then, his broken body slow to rise but rise it did, hands planted on the table as he leaned forward ever so slightly, dead eyes scanning the room and all those present.

"This is no simple war of conquest. The galaxy is to be remade, every act of defiance is to be snuffed out. No more hope, no more heroes, no more rebellion. Do not think my heart bleeds for the oppressed masses simply because I choose to support these gladiators. In truth this world is little more than a nuisance, an example is to be made here and I believe most of you fail to see what needs to be done."

Nefaron moves, slowly walking until he stands next to Darth Strosiu, clearly having chosen his side in this little debate.

"This is not a campaign of liberation, but more of an exchange, a world of bloodthirsty killers will grasp at freedom when in reality they have simply exchanged masters. We will let them loose on the Alliance and watch as they carve a bloody path through the core. Perhaps some will live, but the reality of this war is that millions, perhaps billions will die. But in the end, we will once again hold this galaxy in our hands, free to shape it as we will."

The Corpse Lord glanced around the room once again, perhaps gauging the other's reactions, before he decided to make his position clear one final time, perhaps it would be strong enough to end this debate and allow them to get back to the task at hand; preparations for the long push into the galactic core. His plans could not move forward unless the Sith and Jedi once again battled as they have done for thousands of years.

"Let this world burn. Let the slaves slaughter their masters, then they will be ready to serve us. No more pleasure worlds, no more credit ventures, we need meat for the grinder and these gladiators are prepared to jump in willingly. Let them."


The hologram flickered as Fiolette Yvarro appeared, her posture exuding an air of unshakable confidence. She listened to Strosius's venomous words with a calm, calculating demeanor, her eyes narrowing only slightly as he spat his malice.

"Lord Strosius," she began, her voice smooth and unyielding, "your dedication to the Sith Empire's cause is commendable, but your approach lacks the strategic finesse that our current situation demands. Allow me to clarify why my voice in this matter is not only appropriate but essential."

She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing, "You see, while I may not hold a title within the Assembly or bear the mantle of a Sith, my experience in military strategy and logistics is unparalleled. My history, though you dismiss it as outdated, is precisely why I can see the broader picture that eludes you."

Fiolette's gaze remained steady, her tone unwavering, "You suggest that burning Loovria to the ground and rebuilding it is the only path forward. However, this notion is not only shortsighted but wasteful. The resources required to rebuild an entire world from ashes are immense. Resources we do not have in abundance. Instead, I propose that we harness the existing infrastructure and improve it. This will not only maintain the flow of economic benefits but also bolster our military capabilities with minimal expenditure."

Her voice took on a sharper edge, "By maintaining and enhancing Loovria, we ensure a steady influx of revenue to support our war efforts. The people of Loovria, trained and seasoned in their blood sports, can be conscripted into our military forces. These warriors, accustomed to combat, will be far more effective than raw recruits."

Fiolette leaned slightly forward, her eyes piercing through the hologram, "You speak of slaying obstacles, yet fail to recognize that burning Loovria would create more obstacles than it removes. Your plan would leave us vulnerable, scrambling to rebuild and stabilize a region that could otherwise be an asset. Instead of executing the leaders and turning potential allies into enemies, we should be demonstrating the might and benevolence of the Sith Empire by incorporating them into our grand design."

A faint, knowing smile played on her lips as she continued, "Your desire to visit Terminus is noted, but perhaps your time would be better spent understanding the intricate web of our Empire's needs and resources. Drazen's interests, while self-serving, align with the greater good of the Empire if managed correctly. Expanding our control through organized channels, even those as unsavory as cartels, can provide the stability and reach we require in the Mid-Rim."

Fiolette's tone grew more pointed, "In conclusion, Lord Strosius, executing those who could serve us and dismantling a world that could fill our coffers and ranks is not the path of a wise leader. It is the path of one who fails to see beyond immediate gratification. We must think strategically, act decisively, and utilize every resource at our disposal. Loovria can and should be an asset, not a casualty of shortsighted ambition."

With that, she straightened, her expression a mask of composed determination, "I trust you will consider my counsel with the gravity it deserves. The future of our Empire depends on it."

"Mr. Bloodborn, if you would be so kind as to educate Darth Strosius," but the Galidraani was not finished, she had heard this so-called Lord Nefaron.

Fiolette Yvarro listened to Nefaron's chilling words, her expression unchanging as he spoke. The silence that followed his pronouncement was thick, but she cut through it with a voice as sharp as a vibroblade.

"Lord Nefaron," she began, her tone measured and icy, "your zeal for conquest is palpable, yet it betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of what it truly means to wield power. You speak of strength, but strength is not simply the capacity to destroy. It is the ability to control, to govern, and to utilize every resource to its fullest potential. You propose turning Loovria into a wasteland, filled with nothing but corpses and rubble. That, Lord Nefaron, is the epitome of wastefulness."

She stood taller, eyes narrowing as she continued, "Letting the world burn may satisfy your immediate desire for bloodshed, but it will leave us with ashes and corpses. We need living, breathing soldiers, not the fleeting satisfaction of a momentary massacre. These gladiators, as fierce as they are, represent more than just 'meat for the grinder.' They are potential assets—if properly managed, they could be formidable warriors in our ranks. To dismiss them as mere tools of destruction is to ignore their true potential."

Her gaze swept the room, ensuring all present were listening. "You envision a galaxy remade in our image, but to do so, we must build, not just destroy. The economic benefits of maintaining Loovria's infrastructure far outweigh the brief thrill of annihilation. By harnessing the existing resources and improving them, we strengthen our position exponentially. This is not charity—it is strategy. It is ensuring that our war machine is fed not just by blood, but by the wealth and resources that fuel sustained conflict."

Fiolette's voice grew firmer, more authoritative, "You claim we are not here to provide charity, yet your plan to burn Loovria to the ground is the most charitable act you could offer our enemies. You would hand them a propaganda victory on a silver platter, showing them that we are nothing more than mindless destroyers. Instead, we should be showing our strength through calculated, intelligent governance—transforming Loovria into a fortress world that supplies our armies and demonstrates our capability to rule, not just to raze."

She stepped closer to the hologram, eyes locked onto Nefaron's lifeless gaze. "Your vision, while grandiose, is fundamentally flawed. The Sith Empire must be more than a force of destruction; it must be an empire that commands respect and fear through its ability to conquer and govern. Letting Loovria burn is not an act of strength. It is an act of desperation, of shortsightedness, and ultimately, of weakness."

Her final words were like a hammer striking an anvil, "We will shape this galaxy, yes. But we will do so with intelligence, with strategy, and with the full might of an empire that knows how to wield its power effectively. Anything less is a disservice to the very principles we claim to uphold."

With that, she stepped back, her posture once again serene and composed, leaving her words to echo in the silence that followed.

Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Drazen Lutris Drazen Lutris | Kimora Min Kimora Min | Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn

Quinn smiled and nodded to Eria. The girl seemed gifted, which she must have been because Iuuna isn't the type to take pity on someone. The woman was very proud of who she was and knew what she wanted. Sometimes, Quinn envied her and her confidence. "I'm glad we're going to try and avoid too much conflict. I don't see any reason to force these people into submission." The thought was uncomfortable, but she knew the two women she was with would do what was necessary. Quinn's role was clear-she would follow the plan, not out of personal conviction, but to avoid embarrassing her godparents. When the Empire grew, it only fueled her godparents' influence. At the end of the day, that was her end goal.

"So we're shutting down anyway for them to escape?" She was trying to understand the point of their first course of action. Looking to the apprentice, "I'm assuming we're having her do it? You seem to trust her enough," Quinn figured it would be pointless for the three of them to head to the docking bay, but she would understand Iuuna wanting to monitor the apprentice.

"She seems capable enough," Quinn smirked and raised one eyebrow before her attention moved from the girl back to Iuuna. "I'm sure you have a riveting speech prepared. Force knows you inherited your aunt and my godmother's way with words."


"Yes," Iuuna confirmed with a confident nod. "We'll be blocking the exits. It's for their own benefit; who knows what others of our order might do beyond these gates." Her voice was smooth, carrying an air of authority and assurance. She glanced at Eira, offering a subtle smile. "And you're right, Eira is quite capable."

The station above Ogem hummed with the low thrum of its machinery, a silent witness to their covert operation. Iuuna could have left Eira to handle the task on her own, but she knew the nerves that came with such missions. It was best to stay close, to provide guidance and ensure the plan proceeded without a hitch. They couldn't afford a civilian stumbling upon their efforts and raising an alarm.

"We can act quickly enough to incapacitate them," she continued, sharing a knowing look with Quinn. "I have a rather charming little speech prepared to bring the masses to our side. It will be far better for everyone if we can take the world without shedding a single drop of blood." Her tone was decisive. "Planets are easier to control without the chaos of violence, and there's less room for radicalization. We're too close to the Galactic Alliance to afford a single misstep in this process."

Her eyes sparkled with a touch of amusement. "Thank you, Quinn. I know you've got quite the silver tongue yourself." She complimented her cousin with a smirk. "This will be quick."

With a well-placed jolt, Iuuna disabled the cameras monitoring their path. "This will buy us enough time and keep the command center blind," she explained, her voice steady and reassuring. "They'll likely come out to inspect it, which will give us..." She looked over at Quinn, a glint of excitement in her eyes, "time to go around them."

They moved swiftly and silently, each step measured and purposeful. The station's corridors stretched ahead, a labyrinth of opportunity and danger. Iuuna led the trio with the ease of a seasoned commander, her presence radiating confidence.

"I'll leave you to distract anyone who gets too close, cousin," Iuuna instructed, her tone unwavering. "An illusion, a conversation—anything will work as long as we can get it all done quickly and quietly."

With that, they pressed on, each of them focused on their roles. Iuuna's mind was sharp, her senses attuned to the environment around them. They were close, so close to achieving their goal.

She had fallen back into a listening position as the debate continued, observing the others and how they were digging into their positions. Strosius doing so was not surprising in the slightest, and his venom directed towards those that disagreed with him was palpable. When she came for him, and she would be coming, she would enjoy bringing him down a peg or two or three. But those plans were still in the early phases, and she didn't want to tip much of her hand now.

Still, watching her wife cook as she took apart the positions of Strosius and Nefaron was exciting to watch. She loved to see the Admiral side of her wife come back into play, and if she knew she hated playing second fiddle to anyone, she would be putting her name forward for the forming Second Legion. Fiolette didn't like being second, plus she would be busy commanding their own campaign, but Force seeing her in command...

"You are right, Lord Strosius, the Admiral does not speak as a Dark Councilor... but I do," she would say, her presence reasserting itself into the discussion. "What she does speak with is decades upon decades of experience in successful campaigns, some of which were against the enemies you and Lord Nefaron are quite gung-ho these gladiators would be so useful towards."

It had not been for nothing that strategists from the first Alliance had always been wary whenever her wife took the field as it were.

"I have no doubt that both of you hope to unleash a tide of blood, chaos, and destruction towards Fondor, starting with this world. That is shortsighted. This region of space, the Senex and Juvex sectors, will not be cowed in this way. It will merely breed further dissent in a forward position that we can ill afford for the coming war, but..."

Her attention would turn away from the discussion for a moment, her eyes closed.

"It would appear Kainite forces are already making the decision for us on the surface. I have a report that says they have already engaged with the slave forces and are already pushing into the capital city under the command of Xeykard Xeykard . Take what gladiators you want for your own forces, Lord Strosius, Lord Nefaron, but it is the decision of this Dark Councilor that the nobles will be supported in putting down the revolt."

She would turn to Drazen and Kurayami.

"I am charging you two with putting this world back together to be a proper addition to the Sith Order once the fighting is done and to act as our beachhead into the Senex-Juvex. Do inform the nobles that, per the decree of the Emperor, that slavery is prohibited within this Empire and that a new system will be needed to continue their arenas. I would suggest a sponsorship system not unlike that in use by the academy. The rest of you, dispatch the rest of the ground forces to bring this revolution to an end."

Amber eyes would once again turn towards Strosius and Nefaron.

"As you both so poignantly stated, the strong take. The Kainites decided not to wait around in a meeting to do so and thus took the decision away from you. As I am doing now as well."

Her expression brooked no further argument, and it still held the promise for Strosius that other consequences were coming for his actions. He still held something of hers... and she would be coming soon. Her image would disappear from the meeting.

Tag: @Iunna Talon | Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin
Eira listened to them silently, watching and observing the skilled Masters in action. Hearing Quinn comment about Eira looking capable, and Iuuna agreeing, she felt like she was cloud nine. Being praised by those who were much more skilled than herself, she could not dream of a better outcome from a first meeting. She only hoped to demonstrate not only was she capable but that she was determined to exceed expectations. Going beyond what others thought she was capable of and becoming truly legendary.

Moving forward, she watched Iuuna disable the cameras and made a mental note to learn how to do that. How to be stealthy without being aggressive or dependent on the Force. Hearing that Quinn was someone with a silver tongue had Eira curious, she always felt a natural charisma though it had never gotten the chance to bloom while she was growing up. Since leaving Dantooine, she had felt a level of confidence and given chances to develop her charm and manipulative skills.

If Quinn was a master in such arts, Eira might have to learn from her sometime.

Something to ask Iuuna after the mission to see if she would approve of Eira learning from Quinn in those skills.

For now she had to focus on being stealthy and moving forward. Breathing in and out slowly as she was making sure her steps were done carefully and precisely. Eira then paused with Iuuna and she whispered breathlessly, "where should I place the bombs, Master?" She was unsure where best to place the explosives to deal maximum damage to the structures but minimise harm to civilians around them.

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