Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Born to be Wild(er)


Jonyna considered, and her mind of course wandered to the first place it always did. " said practice would be best on the battlefield. Up for a round two?" A smirk came across her face. "Something a little more casual? Just a spar, not a duel for my honor..."

Tag: Vulpesen Vulpesen

Vulpesen rose a brow at her challenge, then with a shrug, twisted half of his saber off from his hip, igniting it with a swirl. "I don't see why not. The force and sabers only. A strike to the body is a good hit, even if your armor might be able to shrug it off." Notably, Vulpesen was for once, clad in neither his cloak, nor his coat. Holding his ignited saber without any form of armor, did leave Vulpesen feeling a bit naked, but at least with his proposed rules, the spar would now be over skill rather than the totality of their experiences. "And if you would be so kind as to place yours on stun. I haven't imbued the entirety of my closet. Or if you need, I can toss you the other half of mine," he suggested, patting the remaining half of his weapon which still hung at his hip.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Jonyna's obvious confusion drew a chuckle form Vulpesen who deactivated his lightsaber. His fingers danced across the hilt, pressing on scales that beyond a close inspection, would look like just another decoration, rather than a button to be pushed. "Yes, stun. I like my limbs attached. Some sabers, like mine, can have their power turned down to avoid bisecting your training partner." He tossed his lightsaber to her then drew the other, fiddling with it in the same way before igniting the black and gold blade. "Lets us go all out without worrying about dealing any permanent damage." Vulpesen was never a technically savvy person. He drove an older model of ship, and focused his abilities on the bounties of nature. But when it came to the equipment he trusted with his life, it was worth learning to ring and toot a few bells and whistles.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Jonyna caught the saber, inspecting it. "Yeah uh...mine doesn't do that...unless..."

She pulled out her blade, closing her eyes. "'re in there. Make it so I'm uh...less than lethal..."

She ignited the blade, the ruby glow slightly dimmer than normal.

She tossed her other blade back, smiling. "Alright then. Let's do this, loser." She took a normal Form I stance, once more keeping her blade on the same side as her swords were sheathed on...

Tag: Vulpesen Vulpesen

Vulpesen rose a brow at her "challenge," then swirled his saber into a traditional makashi salute before dropping it into a low guard. Having caught his saber's other half, he simply clipped it back to his waist. "As you wish," he said simply, his tail flicking behind him. Lightning, howls, and all other manner of force ability were all well and good, and certainly deep into his specialty. But, war was coming. The sith would bring their sabers to bear and the force wouldn't always be practical.

Vulpesen darted forward with a quick lunge, his eyes focusing with a lethal precision as he sent the tip of his weapon lancing towards the center of Jonyna's chest. It was a simple move, more meant to test the jedi's defenses than anything else. But even in that simplicity, there was a lethal swiftness to the explosive action that could pierce through the defenses of one who wasn't fully prepared for the fight to come.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

A deft dodge to the left, Jonyna shot herself upward and over the Zoran, swinging for his head right as she came over the top of him, her style immediately switching to Ataru. She hoped for a quick victory.

Tag: Vulpesen Vulpesen

Vulpesen grunted as he kept his momentum forward, ducking into a roll to avoid the swipe at his head. Jonyna was certainly a wily one, and he remembered her constant movement when last they had fought. Still, he wasn't without his own tricks. Turning on his shoulder in the roll, Vulpesen took to his feet with his eyes once more levelled on his opponent. Keeping his saber up in a guard, he rose a hand to unleash a bolt of electric judgement at the cathar.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

As soon as she landed back on her feet, she was hit with a jolt of pain. A lot of pain. Pain was practically her Ex at this point, and she knew she had to retort. A flash of flame shot from her hand, aimed right at Vulpes's chest. Normally, this would be where she would draw Liz, but this wasn't a duel to the death. This was a spar. A chance for her to be creat...ive...

A thought.

The storm above them still raged. Just a little pressure on it and...


Tag: Vulpesen Vulpesen

Vulpesen changed the channels of the force that were rushing out from his hand, the arcs of lightning fading away in favor of a telekinetic shield on which the flames collided and spread, showing the shape of the invisible wall. Confident in his safety from the flames, Vulpesen was able to keep his senses extended to the world around him, senses which alerted him to her influence above. On one hand, he was proud that his lessons took so quickly. He had never considered himself much of a teacher. On the other hand, there was a moment of panic as he sprung out of the way of the bolt, feeling it rip through the leg of his pants. Even the slight grazing he took from the bolt left a painful jolt running through his body.

A gasp of pain left Vulpesen even before his shoulder hit the ground, sending him into a haphazard roll. His leg felt numb, but as he rose to his feet, it managed to keep his weight. "That hurt," he grunted before pointing at Jonyna with his free hand. Might as well give her a reminder of who had showed her that move. The Valde didn't so much nudge on the clouds as he more shoved them, causing a trio of bolts to crack from the sky at the cathar.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Jonyna had learned from last time. Drawing Liz faster than the eye could see, The trio of bolts sparked into the blade, only for Jonyna to stab the blade right into the ground, allowing them to discharge. She snarled, giving Vulpesen Vulpesen a wicked smirk. "You're gonna have to be more clever, dude." She pulled her blade back out, flicking it hard to loose any dirt, before wiping it with her tail, allowing it to clean itself, once more taking a Form I stance with her saber, while she raised her sword over her head, the same stance she had taken back during their first duel.
Vulpesen let out a growl of frustration s the sword absorbed the lightning for her, then shot it back at him to be caught by his golden bladed saber. "And here I thought we were going to avoid our more unusual toys." He drawled. Stomping hard on the ground Vulpesed raised a hand as a clump of stone shot up to fold around his forearm, offering a sort of bracer to the Valde while a dozen other rocks rose up to orbit his person, each one large enough to avoid piercing through Jonyna should they collide with her person at massive speeds. Still, having a massive stone thrown against ones ribs would likely cause a few broken bones if the cathar wasn't careful. His second saber remained clipped to his belt as he saluted once more and retook his own starting stance. For him, this was becoming something of a personal test, to see just what he could do without employing his full arsenal. One never knew when their options would be so limited in the real world.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"If you think a girl doesn't go anywhere without her toys, then I'm kinda surprised you have kids." Jonyna snarked, holding her position. She didn't plan on using Liz all that offensively, this was a spar after all, and yet she never went anywhere without her. She learned long ago, you never go anywhere without the ability to defend yourself...

Tag: Vulpesen Vulpesen

Vulpesen rose a brow at the innuendo, then grinned as he recovered his composure. "Alright then. Lets see just how many tricks you have." He lifted a hand once more and crooked his fingers, much the way that one would for lightning. Except this time, he focused on a different aspect of himself. Not justice, not righteousness, it was a hunger. A hunger for victory that came from one needing to prove that their age an experience had been worth something.

There wasn't the usual crackle of lightning as crimson tendrils steaked from Vulpesen's fingers. Instead there was a sucking sound, like a vacuum or a bay door being opened in space. Vulpesen had said, time and time again, that he wasn't a jedi. He'd been with the sith long enough to learn their tricks, and though he fully rejected their philosophy, he had taken some things from their order. Force drain had perhaps been among the largest prize of knowledge he had grabbed.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Jonyna could feel her energy draining. And so, she charged forward, not out of desperation, but out of strategy. IF he wanted to play dirty, then she would too. Closing the distance, she swung with Lucy. Aiming right for his neck, she waited for him to react, before slipping her cryo blaster out and firing it at his hand.

Tag: Vulpesen Vulpesen

Vulpesen's blade leaped to his defense, catching Jonyna's saber on his own. His eyes widened however as she produced the cryo-blaster, levelling the weapon at his outstretched hand. "Cheater," he growled as his grip shifted along his saber. Truth was, he knew what was coming. He hated the cold and this was gonna hurt. Still, he was used to pain. Being a professional soldier did that to a man.

Vulpesen let out a burst of force energy from his palm, doing his best to lessen the effect of the blaster as its biting cold shot out to freeze his palm. With luck, it would prevent the damage from travelling too far up the limb. It was the fingers on Vulpesen's saber hand, however, that would be doing the major work. He wasn't a blade master by any means. His dueling skills were honed after countless battles and perfected by necessity rather than a desire or passion for the arts. Still, that didn't mean that he would allow his main weapon to be bereft of any tricks.

Vulpesen angled his saber along Jonyna's pointing it towards her chest, though admittedly, there was no way for him to lunge at her. She was just out of measure and the bind on their blades would make any push meaningless. Thankfully, a thrust was unnecessary. With the push of a button, his blade shot forward, extending to twice its normal length as it lanced towards the very center of the cathar's chest at the same moment she had shot her frosty attack at his free hand.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

It felt like a punch to the chest. She frowned, knowing she should've seen it coming. Still, it was a trade of blows. No victor yet, and she still had him locked up. Normally, she would used her blade to disarm him, but now she was an interesting spot. Shifting her offhand, she ran the wrist across Vulpes blade, unleashing the retractable claws that were lined with cortosis on the blade, waiting for the reaction before she rushed forward once more.

Tag: Vulpesen Vulpesen

The sound of a saber's blade breaking against cortosis wasn't a pleasant one, but Vulpesen knew enough to start backing up when things went wrong. As he began to dance backwards, Vulpesen channeled the force into his hand, the way of the elements providing the heat to melt off the ice on his hand. "Shot to the torso. Clean hit, Jonyna," he stated, struggling to keep the frustration from his voice as he called the hit. First, she'd pulled out that infernal blaster. Then she'd used cortosis. For a duel of sabers and the force, she seemed to be taking quite a few liberties with the established rules.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"I got impaled last week by Darth Malum. One clean hit isn't gonna be enough to take me down." The truth was, Jonyna was so used to 'cheating' as he called it, she couldn't help it. Her mind just worked like that, years of fighting off Stormtroopers and Inquisitors to stay alive had made her sense of 'honor' degrade. You fight to win. You fight to keep going. One step at a time.

She held Lucy up, the ruby blade shining. Once more, she took her Form I stance, before transitioning to an Ataru stance. Now was the time to go on the offensive. She rushed forward, swinging with first Liz, then Lucy. The first blade she aimed, before spinning it in her hand so the flat side of the blade hit Vulpesen Vulpesen in the side, before Lucy flew for his face.

"That was a fight," he said, dropping his deactivated saber down to catch the blade of her sword before it could hit him. "This is a spar." He leaned back, watching the point of her lightsaber stop just inches from his nose as she hit the end of her reach. "Warrior as you are, you are still a jedi." He funneled the force through his hand and into his saber, a crackle of lightning kickstarting the deactivated weapon so that it roared back to life to swing up, patting away Jonyna's saber so he could advance with a quick strike to the crown of her head. "Learn some temperance!"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

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