Thorald Magnusson

Intent: To create a race for Lord Boros and other writers.
Image Credit: Here
Canon: N/A
Links: Lord Boros
Name: Boroans
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Boroa
Language: Galactic basic
Average Lifespan: 400-1000
Estimated Population: Planetary
Description: Glancing at them you would see large and muscular people with a single aye and wild hair styles that can be very different from any other alien race. Accustomed to wear tattoos around their body.
Breathes: Type 1
Average height of adults:
Male: 200cm
Female: 150cm
Average length of adults: N/A
Skin color: Pink, Blue, Purple, Magenta, Red, Yellow, Grey, White, Black, Aqua, Teal.
Hair color: Grey, Pink, Purple, Blue, Green, White, Black, Yellow, Red, Magenta, Aqua, Teal.
Single Eye
Races: Like Human Races
Strengths: [2 minimum]
Weaknesses: [2 minimum]
Focused on personal gain
Limited Eye-Sight
Extreme blood-lust, causing errors in combat
Limited Energy Pool, when depleted causes them to shrivel up

Image Source
Meat (Such as Ham, Pork, and Tauntaun)
Poisonous: Marshmallows
Communication: Speech
Technology level: Advanced, with replication and holo-emmiters and other such technologies. With a emphasis on luxury a lot of pleasuring plat-forms have arisen to suit more and more needs to the people bringing in the production of total body prognostics.
Religion/Beliefs: Religious Monarchy (King is God) They believe that their King is God and he is all powerful and all knowing and what he says is law. He is said to have divine powers such as creating earthquakes and providing for their resources. They get off two days off a year, the Birth of their King, (Kings Day) and All Peace Day which signifies the end of their great war. Their belief in their King causes massive devotion and unity in most of the population.
General behavior: The Boroans raise their kids to be killers and great fighters. They live day to day "normal" but when put into combat for prolonged period a state of blood-lust comes over then causing them to make silly mistakes. They are able to bathe in luxury goods to the automated nature of their world. They enjoy fighting and use gladiatorial rings to their advantages. They religiously worship their King and they pray every Sunday for their King to continue to provide for the following week. Their King can be overthrown by only powerful nobles, or by death without an heir, this is why the nobles are watched closely and reproduction is greatly emphasis in the King's household.
They became a almost technological species after the Boroans polluted and ruined the planet to near destruction before King Borans' great-grandfather introduced new technology which stabilized the planet and united them into the technological empire they rule today. They have been around for millennia and are said to be developed by a fish-ape creature native to their planet.
They are very warlike due to centuries of civil infighting bringing the planet to near destruction. They now live in peace but keep their evolutionary changes with them and have a very militaristic society. They enjoy the luxuries of life along with hard work, their favorite pass time is watching gladiatorial fights.
Not Much is known on how the technology was first made but it was made bu the Kings Great-Grandfather after war had ravaged their world to near extinction with it become a shell of its former glory. Bringing in this new technology he beat the other tribes into submission and unified the world under one banner, the Boroans. They continued to spread the belief that war and training to fight is essential but also focused on creating more advanced and useful technologies.
One great gladiatorial hall is held within the center of every city with thousands that fight in each of these Colosseums. They have many different events that span throughout the week. Monday is standard fighting, free-for-all match, Tuesday is Calvary, Wednesday is Naval where they flood the Colosseum to use naval ships, Thursday is Capture the Flag where two castles are built and teams attempt to fight towards the others flag, Friday is Gladiator vs. Animals having the most exotic species appear, Saturday and Sunday are the mix of all but Wednesday. Although they fight they use non-lethal weapons to keep their race alive. Although there is death it is much less then it would be without the use of the non-lethal weapons.