Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounties on Chevu Visz and Coren Starchaser

Name of Bounty: [member="Chevu Visz"] and [member="Coren Starchaser"]

Name of Contractor: Tmoxin Temi on behalf of The Techno Union

Reason: These two individuals, rumored to be Jedi and leaders of the Galactic Alliance, raided a Hypori facility, stole valuable and classified information, caused extensive damage to the property and the deaths of employees and civilians.

Bounty Price: $150,000 for each, or $300,000 for the pair

Condition: Alive if possible. I have an interrogation chamber waiting. Dead if you must.

Additional Info: Strong Force Users. Approach with caution.


[member="Tmoxin Temi"]

even though Bounty hunting isnt much of rapax's thing. but for these 2 he will hunt for free ill personally enjoy this bounty :3

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