Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty: Faith Balor-Organa

Filius Stellarum

I can provide protection or contract resolution services to anyone involved here, however I don't do "alive". You send me in, its gonna get loud. Think hard on that.

You wanna do a thread, I could do with getting on the authorities good side so they ignore my smuggling?

[member="Filius Stellarum"]

Come in with me bro, but please don't kill him, I need him.

[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]
[member="Alyesa Organa"]
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
- [member="Sabine Kurtass"] - [member="Kei Garnik"] -
Do I sense a slap fight incoming? Lovely. Perhaps I can collect While you two are busy with each other...

- [member="Maximo-925"] -
Sorry, little man, but that is a tempting bounty. There's blood in the water, and the Shark is coming.
[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
Well considering I just punched the kark out of Kei in an other thread, and we're both trying to strangle one another, looks like I'll be going my own way for this bounty

I wouldn't mind doing a thread all of us, just that I won't be siding with Kei. Some good ol' competition

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