Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty on Employees and Assets of Chandrila DataTech

[member="Cross Ikon"]

You know you can't touch any of them while they are on Libertalia. That station is neutral ground. If any of our people go after those with bounties while on Libertalia, you'll discredit our whole faction, and the purpose of the station itself. I'm all for going after them once off the station, but while they are on board. They are under the protection of STI and the Libertalia security forces. Just so you are forewarned brother. ;)

I'm not going after the bounties. I'm one of the possible targets of it, though. Surely, I'm allowed to fry the poor fools who come after me, even if it is neutral ground?

On Malachite's part, he's living on Naboo atm, I think. Any hits put out on him won't affect the Feds.
[member="Cross Ikon"]

Oh! My mistake! I misunderstood. Oh dang dude, all you have to do then is let us know if someone is coming after you, and you'll have the whole faction there to protect you. lol Especially on Libertalia, someone would be a fool indeed to try and go for you there. haha We protect our own. ;)
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Ice"]

Oh, no. It was a warning, not a request for support. Me and (probably) Rikki can handle ourselves just fine.
[member="Cross Ikon"]

Well according to the laws of Libertalia, if a fight breaks out. The two people are thrown into the coliseum for a death match. The victor walks away free. If you are attacked, and drop the person attacking you before security can get there. I suppose you could go free. As it would essentially be the same thing. Just don't be the one attacking, and you'll be ok. :)
Silara grumbled at the notice of the bounties, sitting back and wondering what she could do. On one hand, she owed [member="Rave Merrill"] a great deal for the merciful saving that she'd done to keep her away from some seriously deranged Jedi some months back, and on the other she knew those whom were endangered by this personally.

Deleting the message was what ended up coming to mind, though she would regret it, as neutrality would serve well to not antagonize either party.


Can't refuse aid from another hunter, but we'll have to figure out how much each of you are getting considering it's what amounts to an undefended fortress.


Inactive Character
[member="Thrax"] - I don't need many credits, just want to get Waahr's name out a bit. :p

Oh, and icly Waahr just wants ot kill people / things / anything that can be killed / some things that can't, too.

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