Petrovska Crystall
Petrovska the Great
[member="Kham Nakgul"]
During an illegal attack on Christophsis' sovereignty Kham Nakgul, following orders from the arrested CIS commander [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] committed genocide of Christophsisian troops and citizens without legal decleration of war. He was last seen routing from Christophsis orbit on his own vessel the Renegade.
If caught, he must be brought ALIVE to the planet of Christophsis where he will be turned over to the local government, the Crystall Dynasty and be placed on trial for war crimes. The Bounty Hunter who collects this will be paid 60,000,000 Galactic Credits, by the Crystall Dynasty, and the Imperial Remnant ([member="Tanomas Graf"]).
This bounty is effective immediately.
Name of Bounty: [member="Kham Nakgul"]
Name of Contractor: Crystall Dynasty, Imperial Remnant ([member="Tanomas Graf"])
Bounty Price: 60,000,000 Credits (30,000,000 provided by IR, and another 30,000,000 provided by the CD respectively)
Condition: Alive to stand war trials.
Additional Info: Last seen leaving Christophsis' orbit on his vessel the Renegade
Name of Contractor: Crystall Dynasty, Imperial Remnant ([member="Tanomas Graf"])
Bounty Price: 60,000,000 Credits (30,000,000 provided by IR, and another 30,000,000 provided by the CD respectively)
Condition: Alive to stand war trials.
Additional Info: Last seen leaving Christophsis' orbit on his vessel the Renegade