[member="Xander Black"]
To Whom It May Concern,
I was much dismayed when I received intelligence from the Onderon Ministry of Defense that a ranking and duly elected member of the Senate of the Galactic Republic was recently marked by a member of the Hutt Cartel for death. At least, at first, that is. However, then I thought to myself, surely His Excellency, the Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Cartel in his infinite wisdom would never condone an assault on the person of a Senator of the Galactic Republic.
I am most certain that this bounty was placed in error and I am sure the leadership of the Hutt Cartel will see this
error is swiftly rectified. I am also quite certain that a very strong statement will be issued against any subordinates who were to make such an
error in the future.
Cecily Demici
Countess of the House Demici
Senator of Onderon
FWD: Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Cartel, [member="Sempra the Hutt"]
FWD: The Office of the Senator of Commenor, [member="Lady Kay"]