Derisive Umbaran
- Name of Bounty: The Forceless Future Society
- Name of Contractor: Anonymous
- Bounty Price:
cr1.500 - Low ranking members, dead only. - cr2.500 - Middle ranking members, dead only.
- cr5.000 - High ranking members, dead only.
- cr15.000 - Leadership, dead only.
- cr55.000 - Bonus round: for every twenty confirmed agents of the Forceless Future Society executed or captured in one go.
- cr1.000+ - Pertinent and accurate information on the Forceless Future Society. Details on members, armaments, assets, headquarters, and outposts preferred. Minimum reward cr1.000.
- cr17.000 - Per hostage rescued.
[*]Additional Information:
- Operations against the Forceless Future Society that result in civilian casualties or catastrophic damage to unaffiliated parties will not be rewarded.
- The planet of Ession has been indicated as a potential area to start searching.