From the office of the crown; Naboo
Several hours after the denouncement of the Galactic Republic by Lady Pyne, a member of the Nabooian royal council, bounty boards across the galaxy would begin to see the emergence of a new bounty.
For crimes committed against the sovereign world of Naboo, her people, and assets. Due to new evidence, this bounty has been updated to reflect accordingly, with increased incentive.
The successful arrest or capture of [member="Suravi Teigra"], as well as any accomplices responsible for violent acts against the people of Naboo
Those actions to include:
Destruction of planetary assets
Laying of dangerous minefield within civilian shipping routes
Hijacking of civilian craft to commit terrorism
Abduction of Galactic Alliance civilians
Bombing the Naboo Star Port
Reliable information leading to arrest of culprits directly responsible will be compensated at 30,000c
The successful arrest and transfer of those directly responsible will be compensated at 300,000c
All other definitive information, data, recordings, and evidence regarding this situation will be compensated at 3,000c
Those accused of crimes will stand trial in a fair and humane manner.
- The peaceful peoples of Naboo