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Bounty On The Galactic Republic & Associates

From the office of the crown; Naboo

Several hours after the denouncement of the Galactic Republic by Lady Pyne, a member of the Nabooian royal council, bounty boards across the galaxy would begin to see the emergence of a new bounty.​

For crimes committed against the sovereign world of Naboo, her people, and assets. Due to new evidence, this bounty has been updated to reflect accordingly, with increased incentive.
The successful arrest or capture of [member="Suravi Teigra"], as well as any accomplices responsible for violent acts against the people of Naboo
Those actions to include:
Destruction of planetary assets
Laying of dangerous minefield within civilian shipping routes
Hijacking of civilian craft to commit terrorism
Abduction of Galactic Alliance civilians
Bombing the Naboo Star Port
Reliable information leading to arrest of culprits directly responsible will be compensated at 30,000c
The successful arrest and transfer of those directly responsible will be compensated at 300,000c
All other definitive information, data, recordings, and evidence regarding this situation will be compensated at 3,000c
Those accused of crimes will stand trial in a fair and humane manner.
- The peaceful peoples of Naboo

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Theed Hangar supports and endorses the Palace's decision to sanction the Republic. Successful arrest of the individuals in question may earn technological rewards or services.

Sometime after the initial broadcast of the bounty, a single YT-1300 would drop into the Naboo system. The pilot would go through all the check-in procedures without any qualms, then land at the Theed spaceport to have his cargo checked by local customs before disembarking. Just as the inspection would begin, his cargo of Empion mines - the very same model deployed in the Cuvacia system - were remotely triggered to emit a series of powerful electromagnetic pulses that would cover the whole area of the spaceport. Who knew what would happen at the spaceport then, but there was sure to be a commotion.

If the pilot of that freighter was apprehended, then he would be sure to swear up and down that he had no idea that his cargo was actually mines - he thought he had been delivering cabbages the whole time. Indeed, the mines were covered by up several cases of them. Closer inspection may reveal that he had been the victim of hypnosis, an innocent citizen of the Alliance plucked right off from the streets of Sullust.

About the same time as the freighter had made planetfall, an anonymous tip would be forwarded to the Naboo authorities. It was
file containing a single image and a small line of text:


Closer than you think.​

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Suravi Teigra"] [member="Jamie Pyne"]

Due to recently enhanced security measures, the Naboo system was heavily protected. Scanning probes and sensors of all kinds were basically everywhere of significance. A ship might have a cargo manifest of vegetable matter, but since such scans detected that at least part of the cargo was electronic, the freighter was rerouted to a high-security pad at the edge of the spaceport. In most cases, it would have been scanned and inspected in orbit; for one reason or another, that hadn't happened this time around. The EMP effect was still enough to cover a good chunk of the port, of course, though it didn't reach the city at the top of the cliff in any serious way. Some of the port's civilian ships suffered major systems failures, seeing as they weren't shielded while in dock. A neutral-flagged AA-9 freighter, the Star of Ranroon, was Coruscanti by build and stayed hovering while docked, rather than landing. Its repulsors and inertial dampeners failed; the tall, slim, four-hundred-metre ship fell seventy metres to a surface of permacrete over bedrock. Its crew and passengers were killed on impact. Another ship, a medical search-and-rescue cutter, lost power on final approach. Though its crew made a brilliant dead-stick landing, one transport case lost his pacemaker and another lost the protection of a stasis bubble. Two drops in the bucket, compared to the dead on the Star of Ranroon, but what was the old line? One raindrop raises the sea.

Re-analysis of sensor data would determine the model of empion mine involved in the terrorist assault with a reasonable degree of accuracy. An urgent briefing note would be drafted for His Majesty's Office.

Sal Katarn

A man in a fur coat and a t-visor helmet walked into the local guild office on Naboo, glanced at the bounty wall, ripped off the newest one, stared at it, then walked out.


A man sat in a cantina. Nothing special about that, except this cantina was in Keldabe. Now that made things a little more interesting still. His faces was lean, almost gaunt, and rested on two cybernetic hands. Servomotors buzzed softly as he watched the display. Even more interesting was, that beneath his jacket, he wore an old shirt that belonged to a uniform. One with no insignia anymore, but rank bars of colonel and emblems for now forgotten units. Havoc Squad. Rogue Regiment. Units from long ago in the early days of the One Sith-Republic War. Special forces.

Colonel Kiyron had defected to the Alliance after Balmorra and been adopted into clan Tal'verda not long after. But he had floated around , doing odd jobs and fighting the Sith. Then he had retired, forgotten by the galaxy. But this? This would bring him out. He had fought and bled and burned for the ideals of this Galactic Republic. Nearly died in a duel against two of the strongest Sith Lords alive. And now those claiming to carry that mantle had spat upon that legacy and mocked what this long obsolete uniform once stood for.

That was something that would not be tolerated. He rose, paid for the drink, and strode out, slipping like water between the others. He paged a simple message to Naboo.

Kiyron of Kelchase was on the hunt.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Jamie Pyne"],

A message from the Abregado government channels would be sent to the Naboo royal council through secured GA frequencies,

"Abregado and Naboo faced the horrors of Atrisia together in the void and on that scorched soil, we stand by you still. I will track this bounty down personally."

The messaged wasn't signed in any way but they could probably tell who it was from.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],

Up for a hunt just like the good old days?

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[media] [/media]​

Long Arm of the Syndicate

Blonde was in no way shape or form a good person. But from time to time she did enjoy doing the right thing. And while yes, she was a bigger threat to anything that Survi could ever be. It was an opportunity to up the ante and motivate people in finding a person who had been trying to put the dots together on operations the syndicate had performed in the past.

"Do we take the bounty? It'd be mildly ironic if we did." Mister Orange asked his employer who conveniently sat offscreen.

"No. Reintroduce the old bounty. make it flashy. We want her dead, not caught up in the legal process of Naboo and their peace loving ways. The Galactic Alliance are just as bad as the Silvers when it comes to prosecution of criminals." The distorted robotic voice said to the hunched over thug.

"What's the price? Not going to lie, while we made a pretty penny from the Voss job a lot of that capital is going into covering hush money and insurances from the loss of Kessel and getting us back in the drug trade with Tazi. We're stretched a little thin." The man retorted back.

The off camera voice made a "hmmm" noise before letting out a small sigh. Sometimes sacrifices needed to be made.

"Cut the top two point five mil from the Voss profits, redirect that into the bounty. Throw some custom made gear in as well, and we'll use the incoming iron empire contract money to recover our operational costs for Tazi and Kessel. And call [member="Keira Ticon"] and Lusk, let them know the hunt is on for Suravi." The voice gave its strict orders to its henchman to which he nodded in compliance.

"What about the missing money for the Iron contract? Shareholders will ask questions when their portfolios are a little light." a good question.

"Pull money from Better Future Society and Little Cabana. Get it done." And that was that.

"Yes, ma'am. We'll have the bounty up shortly."


Well-Known Member
Valashu, through means only known to him and a few others, felt a certain connection to Naboo. Thus when this bounty showed, he sent a message, "MSI would love to endorse this. Triple all bounties, and add an additional one hundred kay to the bounty on Suravi."

[member="Jamie Pyne"]

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