Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Brand new guy!


Insert Hilarious Title Here
[member="Chaos is Chaos"]
Hi, welcome!
I hope you enjoy your time here at Chaos. If you have questions or want a thread, don't be afraid to ask! We're a pretty friendly lot.
Welcome to Chaos, let us know if you need any help getting started. If you have a certain character in mind, but no faction let us know that too and we will point you to the right person. For example, I lead the Sith Empire if that ever interests you.

#ShamelssPlug #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain #Hashtag

Connor Harrison

[member="Chaos is Chaos"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun with us, and just shout if you need help with anything along the way.

[member="Chaos is Chaos"]

Welcome to Chaos, Chaos. :D As has been said by everyone and their nerf so far, I hope you have a good time here. Don't be afraid to ask questions, we have so many answers to give.

#OneSithIsBestSith #HowDoYouHashtag? #WhatEvenIsThis

Chaos is Chaos

Blood for the Blood God, 'n' stuff.
[member="Darth Vaildra"]


[member="Darth Erebos"]


[member="Darth Ophidia"]

Oh, a Dathomiran... Dathomiri? Dathomirian? A witch girl! (Please correct me!)

[member="Connor Harrison"]

...I need your soul *COUGH*


[member="Darth Vaildra"]

I plan on creating a Sith... I even have a theme song for him ouo
[member="Chaos is Chaos"]

Welcome to Chaos, Chaos! I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask!

Chaos is Chaos said:
Lawl, many thanks! How common are Sith Purebloods?
I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I'll give an answer anyway. :) Sith Pureblood are not extinct on the boards, but I would consider them very rare. You'll see a few people writing them here and there, but they're not really a force of their own.
[member="Chaos is Chaos"]

Rattataki, actually. The species Ventress vas originally designed to be before they changed her background.

As for the noun, I think it goes 'a Dathomiri, the Dathomiri witch, many Dathomiri witches.'

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