Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Udrusa"], I dont like being part of the crowd, so it looks like I will do First person then.

And I thought the Sith were all but gone? (purebloods) or was there a hand waved and "spacemagic" that allows people to play what they want?
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

True... but, so far, we have been winning. With how much power the Sith have, it'll take more than a single Faction to take us down!

All hail Lady Revan!​
This is my new account on here. I have been trying to find some old files on this character from other RPs I have done with her. But I didn't find any. SO I will be resorting to Google and some online photoeditor.

Regardless, I will be responding with this account from now on.

Sibar Laval

[member="DeusAkame"] [member="Teresa Shan"] [member="Ayessa Valen"]

You are all wrong, the First Order is the new empire. Come join us, maybe you might become a psychotic pyromaniac like me and join the 11th Incinerator squad?


Hail to the Supreme Leader!
[member="Sibar Laval"]

Leave the poor girl alone, let her establish herself. *Cartoonishly shoves him away*

-_-' Damned Flametroopers... they all crazy, [member="Shawn Withers"], I'm tellin' ya!
Well brownies are all chocolatey goodness, soft, moist, chewy. Cookies are....

Oh you mean the FO

We are trying to bring an Imperial faction back into action on Chaos. While the OS has (according to the list) 500 some members, the FO is new, and you would have the chance to help build a faction from the ground up. We aren't major yet so the map game isn't a concern to a degree, and we get focus on the story and building lore for the group. All these are important if we're going to do this right.

So if you like story driven RP rather than being a cog in the larger machine that is the OS then the FO and their Knights of Ren are for you.

[member="Shawn Withers"]

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