Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Braxus's Workshop


  • Age: 66
  • Force Sensitivity: Yes, Sith Lord (Master)
  • Species: Epicanthix
  • Appearance: ​The most that anyone will ever see of Zaddion is his dark gold colored Crownguard Armor signifying him as the Lord Commander and a black armorweave cloak. Beneath it stands a man six feet eight inches in height described simply as powerful and statuesque, the absolute pinnacle physique of one from the epicanthix species. The man's skin is pale from years of fighting and living within suits of armor. Zaddion's long white hair is kept moderately short and always pulled back and away from his chiseled face where a well kept beard sits. The most noticeable feature on his face however is the bright sulfuric yellow eyes signifying one strong in the force and the dark side specifically.

    ​Beneath armor and clothes however is where he truly stands out. Zaddion's entire body is covered in tattoos carefully wound together with Sith runes. This is due to his time in the Blackblade Guard as one of the original class and Gorebound. This is signified in the black blade tattoo on his back with the word Inamsi meaning Chosen ​in High Sith carved into the blade.

[*]Skills: In battle Zaddion Bruul was an incredibly fierce frontline combatant having been personally trained by both Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis. He is proficient in
[*]Personality: It's extremely hard for anyone to get to know or figure out Zaddion Bruul. He is an extremely calm, observant, cold, calculating, and ruthless individual. To Zaddion nothing is more important to him than his duty as Lord Commander. He has served House Zambrano his entire life and has devoted everything he has into performing his duty in keeping his masters alive and safe.

​After so many years serving the Zambrano Lords Zaddion has been heavily influenced by his masters dark ways, exhibiting heavy sociopathic tendencies carrying out his masters orders to the letter no matter how heinous they might be.


[*]Combat Function: ​Zaddion Bruul is an incredibly ferocious front line combatant even before his training in the force from his upbringing, and many years in the Blackblade Guard. He is highly proficient in using the force to augment his own attributes of strength, speed, etc. Zaddion is trained in at least three forms of lightsaber combat including the extremely aggressive juyo, the defensive soresu, and the precise makashi.
[Please include at least one paragraph on the NPC's history.]

  • Age: 54
  • Force Sensitivity: Yes - Dark Side Master
  • Species: Energy Vampire
  • Appearance:
  • Name: Lazerus, the Angel of Death
  • Loyalties: House Zambrano | Sith Empire
  • Wealth: High
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
  • Personality:
  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Combat Function:
  • Intent:
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Role:
  • Links:
  • Age:
  • Force Sensitivity: ​Yes
  • Species: Human(True Maenan Blooded)
  • Appearance:
  • Name: Cirrivas the Herald of Oblivion
  • Loyalties: House Zambrano | Sith Empire
  • Wealth:
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
  • Personality:
  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Combat Function:
  • Intent:
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Role: ​General of the Blackblade Guard
  • Links:
  • Age: ​41
  • Force Sensitivity: ​Yes
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance:
  • Name: General ​Dietrich Marr, the Hangman of Fornow
  • Loyalties: House Zambrano | Blackblade Guard
  • Wealth:
  • Notable Possessions:
    Blackblade Mark IV Combat Armor


[*]Combat Function:

  • Intent: ​To flesh out a cool, unique world that will be the center of much roleplay.
  • ​Image Credit: Click
  • Canon: ​No
  • Links:
  • Planet Name: ​Acheron, the Planet of Woe
  • Demonym: ​Acheronian
  • Region: ​Outer Rim Territories
  • System Name: ​Acheron System
  • System Features:
    Leyta - Acheron's main sequence star, whose name translates to Sovereign from Sith to Basic.
  • ​- Twin Moons
  • Rotational Period: 28 Galactic Standard Hours
  • Orbital Period: 8.0 Galactic Standard Years
  • Asteroid Belt

[*]Major Imports:
  • Technology

[*]Major Exports:
  • ​​S

  • Gravity: ​Standard
  • Climate:Mostly Hot, Wet, Semi-Arid, Cold (Some areas)
  • Primary Terrain:
  • Grasslands
  • Jungles
  • Swamps

Major Locations:

  • Adas

    The oldest city state created by the Sith in all of Acheron. Adas is the very first colony created by the Sith and the very first place that the their expedition touched down, making this city of great significance to the Sith people of Acheron. Adas is a city that's been called 'out of time' on account of much of the very original architecture still standing today with its many golden pyramids and spires.

New Abholos

  • Named after the Sith Warlord Abholos Zhakul who led the Sith people to Acheron and conquered the world in their name. The capital city of Acheron was built directly in the center of the lush grasslands and right on the site of Old Abholos, after it was devastated during the very first Crokodon Rebellions.

    New Abholos was built by the ancient King and worshipped god known as Velsharoon the Elder One as the cultural and religious center of the Sith Empire he envisioned for his people in their sector. New Abholos is considered a marvel to behold and one of the marvels of Acheron with its iconic pyramids that rival even the beauty of Adas. The city features a noble quarter that included a huge administrative center, a military sector, a sprawling religious sector, and a great trade bazaar.

The Ash Mountains

Force Nexus



[*]Immigrated Species:

[*]Population: ​Moderately Populated
  • 90% Sith Purebloods
  • ​10% Humanoid / Other

[*]Primary Languages:
  • ​​Ancient Sith (Majority)
    ​High Sith
  • Regional Dialects​

[*]Galactic Basic Standard (Majority)

  • Government: Totalitarian Thearcratic Dictatorship
  • Affiliation:
    ​​House Zhakul

[*]Freedom & Oppression:


  • Military:
  • Technology:


​Before recorded history Acheron was a world that belonged to nature, wildlife overtook its surface with lush green woods and beautiful landscapes. It's untamed wilds were dominated by both voracious and tranquil creatures, an often harsh and unforgiving landscape.


  • Intent: To update a frequently used npc and reflect his new role in the Sith Empire.
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Role: ​Admiral of the Sith Navy, Second in Command of Omarest Croscal
  • Links:
  • Age: ​50
  • Force Sensitivity: ​No
  • Species: ​Human [Serenno]
  • Appearance:
  • Name: Lord Admiral Thaddeus Krell, the Breaker of Liberty, the Headhunter.
  • Loyalties: House Zambrano | Sith Empire
  • Wealth: ​High
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
  • Personality: Thaddeus can app​ear as an extremely harsh, unforgiving, remorseless individual with a stern and highly serious attitude at all times. He is a devoted patriot and leader. Thaddeus held a strong imperialistic view stemming from his youth coming from one of the Great Houses of Serenno. He firmly believes that the Imperial way is the only way, and all forms of democracy are inefficient.

    Through his great rise up the ranks of his long career serving three different Sith Empires he was shown to be calculating, creative, and incredibly intelligent. Perhaps one of the more infamous qualities of Thaddeus Krell was the absolute ruthless approach he took to both his enemies and subordinates. He always had a set of expectations he expected those under him to follow, and if he was putting in 110% they were expected to do the exact same.

    To his enemies Krell was seen as vicious, despicable and borderline savage in his ruthless pursuit of their destruction coining him the nickname the "Breaker of Liberty" and even the "Headhunter" due to his p​reference to target command ship​s in engagements to kill the enemy commanders.

    In battle every decision Krell makes has a purpose behind it that contributes to a grand design. To this end those standing against him commonly underestimate the man or they fail to see the bigger picture of what this mission, operation, or campaign is trying to accomplish. Those same enemies fill the casualty logs of each operation Krell has been apart of, or oversaw himself.

    ​One distinct quality that Krell has is loyalty which is ironclad. He has served House Zambrano directly since their earliest days and has willingly and eagerly followed them. When [member="Darth Carnifex"] abdicated his throne and fled to Panatha alongside Darth P​razutis, Krell relocated his entire estate to the world when they seized power, becoming Grand Admiral of the Royal Navy and building it to heights it had never seen before.

    When House Zambrano made the move once more back to old waters to take their rightful place as leaders of a new Empire, all they had to do was ask and he left to serve beneath his old friend Omarest Croscal.
  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Combat Function:

Thaddeus Krell was born a native of Carannia Serenno, the eldest son in a litter of three to Eli and Diona of House Krell. In school Thaddeus was an intellectual prodigy with a tremendous drive to learn more, he often came out in the top one percent of his class. He was an avid reader and student of swordsmanship often winning tournaments based on his skill. Krell after standard education went on to study at the most prestigious university on Serenno where he double majored in Business Administration and Political Science again graduating in his classes top 1%. However due to family tradition immediately after his graduation he enlisted in the Defense Force of Serenno where he first began service as an ensign.

The young mans drive to learn followed him to the military where over time he took the time to learn each station aboard a ship from navigations and communications to weapons and engines. He believed that an officer should learn every position and be able to adapt to any situation with the knowledge and skill at his disposal, skilled in a myriad of fields instead of focusing on one area.

Krell served for several years in the military where he attained the rank of Commodore before he was invited by recruiters of the Imperial Navy of the Old Sith Empire. They recognized his superior skill and intellect as assets in the Empire and he joined after hearing what the Empire would offer him. It was here where the man truly excelled in war winning battle after battle. He became a rising star among members of the high command that both favored and despised the rising officer.

Krell eventually achieved the rank of Rear Admiral and his own command where he found himself in the employ of Kaine and Braxus Zambrano. It was during this time that Kaine Zambrano had become the anointed Grand Vizier and in war, Krell was a leading officer of his personal escort fleets. He spent quite a lot of time serving alongside the First Apprentice Braxus however.

After the empires fall Thaddeus followed the remnants to what would become the One Sith Empire proving himself to be an exceptional and successful commander, attaining the rank of Admiral and serving for a period as the personal commander of the flagship of Darth Prazutis. As the fall of the One Sith Empire was on the horizon Thaddeus was approached by the Sith Lord and Dark Councilor where he was formally invited by his superior and the man who he had come to be close colleagues with to come to the Panathan Empire and serve as the Grand Admiral of the Royal Navy. After the Zambrano Prince helped the man relocate his family and their estate to Panatha, he came and served under the God-King Darth Carnifex's regime through the fall of the One Sith and still serves to this day.

  • Intent: To finally sub Prazutis's Cult of Divinity
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Role: ​The Prazutis Shatunja is a dark side cult that worships Prazutis as a living deity, a true physical embodiment of the dark side of the force.
  • Links:

  • Group Name: The Prazutis Shatunja, Heralds of Prazutis
  • Classification: ​Religious Cult
  • Headquarters: ​While the cult doesn't have a true headquarters it can be found congregating around Zambrano holdings and locations, they also dig themselves in through various underground locations to spread their dark gospel to the downtrodden and recruit more into their ranks.
  • Loyalties: The cult both serves and worships Prazutis
  • Group Sigil: ​The symbol of the Shatunja is what's called Eye of Prazutis or the Great Eye.
  • Description:

  • Hierarchy:
    Grand Hierophant



  • Intent: ​Flesh out the interior of the Goliath.
  • Image Credit:
  • Canon:
  • Links:
  • Starship Name: Goliath
  • Starship Model: Goliath-Class Super Star Dreadnought
  • Classification: Military Command Ship
  • Homeport: Bastion / Thule
  • Travel Route: Primarily Sith Space
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire
  • Crew Complement: Manned to Capacity
  • Notable Crewmembers:
  • Accessibility: As the Shadow Hand's flagship
  • Description:

  • Many of the warship's corridors are equipped with lockdown bulkheads which work off of an automated system, but can also be manually activated. When activated the bulkheads will seal/cordon off the targeted area from intrusion, allowing other security measures to be enforced against intruders.
  • Retractable auto-blasters in the walls, bulkheads, and floors.
  • Biometric Scanners that feed back into a tracking system that monitors all personnel on board and provides a three dimensional display of known bio signatures and potential "unknowns".
  • Ray Shields that can be used to entrap entire hallways or wall off other areas of the ship, and is typically used when the lockdown bulkheads fail.
  • Magnetic ceiling traps coupled with electromagnetic field generators that can pull in and then disable electronic devices such as blasters, lightsabers, and even droids. A secondary function for the trap exists as well, and the electromagnetic field can be substituted with pure electricity that can stun, incapacitate, and possibly even kill organics caught in the arcing energy.
  • The Goliath is guarded by three full legions of Sith-Imperial soldiers and small groups of Imperial Sentinels, one of those legions comprised of the elite Blackblade Guard. The Shadow Hand's personal quarters are guarded by a company of one hundred Royal Crownguard, with his throne room protected by four Nerean Crownguard.

  • Primary Command Deck: The command deck of the Goliath resembled other Imperial model warships with a single walkway bordered by sunken datapits to denote the hierarchy of authority. Large transparisteel viewports afford the command crew a one hundred and eighty degree view of the surrounding superstructure and space around the dreadnought, with advanced sensors creating a three dimensional map of everything else.
  • Ancillary Deck: Situated several levels beneath the command deck what was commonly referred to as the targeting bridge. This secondary deck houses the primary targeting computers and sensor transceivers onboard the Goliath, and could operate independently in the event that the primary deck was rendered inoperable.
  • The Overbridge: Deep beneath the superstructure of the Goliath was a third hidden command deck, walled off from outside interference and directly linked to the Shadow Hand's throne room. Shielded from attack by the hundreds of meters of surrounding deck and armor plating, the crew could only coordinate the massive dreadnought via a pentagonal viewscreen that relied on the warship's sensor arrays to function. This bridge was left unused so long as the other two bridges remained functional.
  • Qabbrat: Hidden behind the Shadow Hand's luxurious throne room was a chamber complete with a meditation sphere and a collection of Sith artifacts and override commands for the dreadnought's controls. The chamber also contained a HoloNet transceiver projection pod with a signal powerful enough to allow the Shadow Hand to commune with his subjects across the galaxy.
  • Throne Room: The unofficial heart of the Goliath, the Shadow Hand's throne room serves as the Empire's true seat of power. Situated over a vast pit of darkness, the octagonal platform is dominated by a massive throne constructed out of polished black iron laden with runic symbols and seething with the Dark Side of the Force. From here the Lord of the Sith could coordinate every aspect of his vast Empire, meet with his subjects in person, and humble his chained enemies through intimidation and torture. A grav-lift can raise the throne up through a hidden shaft that leads right to the command bridge, allowing him easy access back and forth. When not in use, the shaft is blocked off by turadium.
  • Hypermatter Reactor Room: To conjure the energy needed to tear apart capital ships with a single blast, the Goliath's primary laser cannon draws power from a single hypermatter reactor; the beam condensed and focused by kyber crystal lenses along an internal shaft before being harnessed and unleashed at the ship's prow.
  • Hangar Bay: Capable of holding forty one starfighter squadrons, the Goliath's hangar bay is an expansive cavern of TIE racks, cargo elevators, and roaming fuel walkers. An array of power tractor beams can ensnare a ship as large as a cruiser and draw it into the Goliath's maw.
  • Firing Control: Right above the beam cannon's emitter is a series of control stations and targeting arrays that maintain control of the Behemoth's powerful weapon. Commands are directed to a single room overlooking the weapon itself, a wide transparisteel viewport allowing the technicians to visually acquire their target. Firing Control is more heavily armored and shielded than the structure around it, a precaution against all but the most dedicated of frontal assaults.
  • Conference Room: A level beneath the command deck is a conference room large enough to hold all of the Empire's Imperial High Command, the informal council the Shadow Hand looks to for guidance in matters of territorial expansion. The room itself is ray shielded and guarded by the Shadow Hand's own Crownguard at all times.
  • Brig: The prison complex within the Goliath is almost as a large as a Star Destroyer, entrenched like roots in the bowels of the dark dreadnought. Only the most important prisoners are transferred to the Goliath, including but not limited to Jedi, traitors, political opponents, and captured heads of state.
  • Tram System: A ship as massive as the Goliath had not been seen in the modern era, and in order to better facilitate movement throughout the ship's interior a system of mag-powered trams and stations were built to allow the dreadnought's multiple defense legions to properly patrol the gargantuan warship.

  • Intent: ​To create a Nightsister follower of House Zambrano
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Role:​ Servant of the Shadow Hand
  • Links:
  • Age: ​52
  • Force Sensitivity: ​Yes - Master
  • Species: Dathomirian
  • Appearance:
  • Name: ​Glasya Tinuron; the Blood Queen
  • Loyalties: House Zambrano | Sith Empire
  • Wealth: ​High
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills: Glasya has been training in the mystical arts of the dark side for many decades, including mastering the dark maic of the Nightsisters. She is one of the rare few who is able to conjure objects from spirit as well as use it for mesmerism and for totem magic.

    She was also capable of utilizing other dark powers such as telepathy, lightning, doppelganger, drain knowledge, illusions, teleportation, and darksight.
  • Personality:
  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Combat Function:
  • Intent:
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Role:
  • Links:
  • Age:
  • Force Sensitivity: ​Yes - Master
  • Species: Pau'an
  • Appearance:
  • Name: ​Mammon Kor; the Serpent
  • Loyalties: House Zambrano | Sith Empire
  • Wealth: ​High
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
  • Personality:
  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Combat Function:

  • Intent: ​To flesh out the sith fortress created on Ossus
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Canon: ​N/A
  • Links:
    Dominion of Ossus

  • Military Base Name: Malagard the Black Fortress
  • Classification: ​Sith Fortress / Seat of Power
  • Location: Ossus
  • Affiliation: Sith Empire | House Zambrano
  • Population: ​Malagard is a massive subterranean citadel that can hold tens of thousands of sith-imperial personnel at any given time. There is a huge detachment of soldiers as well as graug manning the defenses. The mountain itself is secured by a great detachment of Gelian Sentinels.
  • Accessibility:
  • Description:




  • Intent: To flesh out the elite shock troops of House Zambrano.
  • Image Credit:
    For Seal: Darth Filiae
  • ​For Sigil: Click
  • For Uniform: Click - John Burns
  • For Armor: Click - John Burns

[*]Role: ​They serve as the elite assault forces for Zambrano holdings across the galaxy.
[*]Links:​ Sigil

  • Unit Name: ​TBD
  • Affiliation: House Zambrano
  • Classification: ​Assault Force
  • Equipment:
    General Equipment:
  • Uniform: When not in combat they wear a brown uniform sharing similarities to the imperial officers uniform with distinct differences according to the rank of the individual from the various enlisted ranks to the officers that lead it.

  • Availability:
  • Deployment:
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:


  • Intent: Make a river navigable vehicle for TSE
  • Image Source: Click - Sergey Musin
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire
  • Model: Sith-Imperial Aquatic Transport
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
    Quadanium-lined Durasteel Hull
  • Titanium-reinforced Alusteel Frame
  • Ionic Insulation
  • Glasteel Viewports

  • Classification: Aquatic Troop Transport
  • Role: Aquatic Combat / Troop Movement
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Average
  • Minimum Crew: 1
  • Optimal Crew: 2
  • Propulsion: Repulsorlift, Ion Engines
  • Speed: Fast
  • Maneuverability: Average
  • Armament: Average
    ​​[2] 360° Heavy Laser Turrets

[*]Defenses: High
[*]Squadron Count: Low
[*]Passenger Capacity:
  • ​​40 Legionnaires

[*]Cargo Capacity: Small
  • Target Identification Network & Advanced Targeting Computer
  • Basic Hazard-Control Systems
  • Basic Communication Array and Navigation Systems
  • Rangefinder and Targeting Scope
  • Integrated Ionic Insulation
  • Oxygen Scrubbers
  • Troop Transport:
  • River Navigable:
  • Low Armament:
  • Only Water:

  • Intent: To sub one of the important holdings of House Zambrano in the galaxy.
  • Image Credit: How to properly source your images
  • Canon: [Is this a canon location? If yes, please link to the original location wiki here, if no simply put N/A.]
  • Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here.]
  • Base Name: Hellfire Citadel
  • Classification: Fortress Library
  • Location: Eol Sha
  • Affiliation: House Zambrano | Sith Empire
  • Population: [How large is this Military Base? How many armed units? If your military base is generic, please separate this population into Army Personnel, Navy Personnel, etc.]
  • Accessibility: [Describe logistical information on how easy it is to find/access this location. Is it hidden? Is it isolated from society or is it in the middle of civilization? Is it guarded? Open to the public or private access only?]
  • Description: [Provide a short paragraph that describes this base at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in points of interest.]
  • Outside:
    Ash Mountains: Hellfire Citadel is located within a massive valley surrounded by tall mountain chains filled with active volcanoes, caking the entire valley's skies in volcanic ash disrupting the ability to detect the fortress from orbital scans, as well as obscuring it from vision unless directly above it.
  • Worm Plains: The only available staging area for a force to land inside the valley is completely infested by fireworms inflamed by the dark side, that kill anything that moves without proper escort. They along with any other potential natural threats are kept away from the fortress due to a perimeter of state of the art sub-sonic field emitters embedded into the ground.
  • Field of Blades: For over a solid mile around the perimeter of the fortress is a massive field mixed with mines, filled with anti tank traps and armor stoppers making it impossible to move armor within attack range of the castle, the approach must be made on foot with little cover. There is a massive nest of horde mothers breeding the great swarms of sith wasps that constantly patrol the skies. The fortress itself is protected by a massive layered 25 meter high by ten meter thick reinforced quadanium wall, with a frontal death fence.
  • Sea of Lava: One major feature of Hellfire Citadel is the sea of lava that flows through it. To any attackers it provides a clear and present danger. The lava flows everywhere including around the fortress, inside, and around the citadel itself features a lava waterfall on the front.

  • Throne Room: While not as large as the likes of the palaces of Bastion and Dromund Kaas, the citadel has an immense throne room of black marble.
  • Great Hall: A massive chamber that was designed for public matters, the Great Hall was a sunken auditorium. It was very similar in design to that of the Imperial Palace of Dromund Kaas, like a crater dug into bedrock. The audience deck held flat benches arranged in long arcs where people could to hear pronouncements from the Emperor himself. The chamber's acoustics were carefully designed so that the audience could clearly hear everything the Emperor and Shadow Hand said, and to ensure that they could hear every word the audience uttered. A throne sat atop a central tower which was guarded at the base by six of the Crownguard. While rarely used it was designed so if the Emperor was forced into hiding away from his main residences he could directly address subjects and the entire empire to get his word out.
  • War Room: The citadel holds a fully functional war room, a command center designed so the Zambranos can wage galactic war from within its walls should the war come into Sith Space, it is fully operational war room that can command the entire Sith-Imperial Armed Forces.
  • Royal Quarters: A full royal quarters was installed to the exact specifications mandated by the royal family. It is designed so both the Emperor and Shadow Hand as well as their immediate families could live comfortably if necessary.
  • Sanctum of the Xendori: A series of rooms, hallways within the complex that act as the official headquarters for the Xendori Elite.
  • Clone Labs: One of the many private cloning facilities that held the Emperor and Shadow Hands clone bodies in stock, it was a private facility designed in the secret citadel should tragedy strike and all others in the empire fall. This state of the art facility was protected by Crownguard who had their tongues torn out.
  • Dungeons: The citadel held a fully functional dungeon where notable prisoners could be subjected to horrific torture and experimentation at the hands of the Zambrano's vile interrogators. There were a variety of cells but the main ones were lightless two-meter by two-meter cells, prisoners would be left in isolation for extended periods of time to wear down their resolve. These chambers were fully equipped with systems to turn them into sensory deprivation chambers to further break them down between sessions of torture and intense questioning that were always irregular to ensure the prisoner could never expect them. One feature the dungeons shared was that the floor of each cell was retractable, which lead to a molten incinerator vat for quick and easy disposal. Imperial Dungeoneers administrated the detention levels.
  • Library: The library is an immense chamber of compiled knowledge from across the galaxy especially books relating to Panatha and the Pacanth Reach. The library was vast in its complexity and subject matters and at a word the cybernetic clad librarians could easily add or remove subject matters depending on what the authorized individual was looking for.
  • Museum: This secret museum was filled with artifacts from well over five dozen different cultures this museum was a vast collection of art and relics from across the galaxy all compiled by the Zambrano Family. The Emperor himself saw fit to include many artifacts from his people's, the Epicanthix, past history. But the most important section of the Museum was the portion dedicated to Sith history, which was filled with replicas of Sith Lords and their various weapons; including the Scepter of Marka Ragnos, the Mask of Lord Momin, Palpatine's Cane, the Helm of Ieldis, and many many others.
  • Gladiatorial Arena:
  • Imperial Barracks:
  • Jen'Lazea Breeding Tunnels:
  • Sublevel Breeding Pits:
  • The Guest Quarters:
  • Zambrano Archives: A repository of dark knowledge. Through their authority as the ruling Sith Dynasty, the Zambrano family secretly backs up every scrap of data, sith and jedi lore, every scrap the Sith Empire comes in possession of including from holocrons, datacrons, scrolls, books, tomes, tablets, and any other form of recorded lore. All of the knowledge is secretly uploaded to these archives, making it one of the largest repositories of dark knowledge ever compiled. Librarians that were equipped with cybernetic appendages roamed this area cataloguing new data as it is brought in, readt to serve authorized individuals to unlock certain restricted sections or eliminating unwanted intruders.


[*]Combat Forces:

[*]5,200 Jen'Lazea Legionnaires
  • ​Divided into four legions of 1,250 soldiers each

[*]10,000 SE-K9 'Fang' Wardroid

[Please include at least one paragraph on the base's history. Detail how it came to be constructed and why. Talk about the people/factions involved in this base's creation; and what role it plays. For historical bases, if you so desire, you can include historical events such as the Gulag Plague, the 400 years of darkness, and the Netherworld event where appropriate.]

  • Intent: T
  • ​Image Credit: T
  • Role: T
  • Links: T
  • Age:
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
  • Species: Human-Technobeast Hybrid
  • Appearance:
  • Name:
  • Loyalties: Darth Prazutis
  • Wealth:
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
  • Personality:
  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Combat Function:
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]

  • Intent: To flesh out the leader of Braxus's cult of divinity
  • ​Image Credit: Click - VS Battles Wiki
  • Role: High Priest to the Butchers of Ya'zid-rah
  • Links: T
  • Age: Unknown
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Human (Maenan)
  • Appearance: Bael'Gar was born a tall, proud true maenan with strong roots going back to the progenitor race of the imposing Zsha-thu. A great broad shouldered man who stood at two-point-one meters tall. The mans appearance considered a blessing for his excellent genes, it gifted him with beautiful ivory skin marking him as one of those with a powerful force sensitivity. He has a short round pointed ears and a stub nose, while his eyes were a deep fiery orange. Bael'Gars entire body told a story, for Maenans war was in their very nature. It was commonly said that no matter what on any given day, there was always a war being fought somewhere. The man's body reflected this as every centimeter of it crawled with blistering agony, every patch of flesh was covered with layers of cracks and scars. His very skeleton was fractured in thousands of places, every bone had been splintered and reassembled time and time again. All across patches of broken flesh were covered in arcane runes that glowed in a sanguine light. Bael'Gar is clad in a wicked set of twisted black iron armor that he's rarely seen without. The armor itself is as hard as the strongest mandalorian iron and each piece is ornately crafted bearing words of power and other incantations sacred to the Butchers of Ya'zid-rah.
  • Name: Bael'Gar the Enduring. High Priest of the Temple of Yig-ar'hazhir, Keeper of the Black Pyramid of Eternity, Interpreter of Mysteries, Prophet of the Undying, Master of Pain
  • Loyalties: The Butchers of Ya'zid-rah
  • Wealth:
  • Notable Possessions:
  • Skills:
  • Personality:
  • Weapon of Choice:
  • Combat Function:
  • Pain Tolerance:
  • Peerless Combatant:
  • Weaknesses:
  • Weaknesses

  • Intent: To show some of Prazutis's alchemical skill and to create a new monstrous Sithspawn to serve the Sith
  • ​Image Credit: Click - Clinton Felker
  • Canon: Taung
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here. ]
  • Name: Mochiji Nakûra, Slaughter Demons
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Malsheem
  • Average Lifespan: 20 GSY
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Whether it was out of coincidence or through the touch of a deliberately cruel and calculating hand, the truth may never be known. The Mochiji Nakûra are a horrific beast for the eye to see. Ahborrent dread abominations, that tower upwards nearly three heads taller than the average wookie male.

  • Breathes: [ Type of atmosphere or medium it breathes. ]
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.5m
  • Average Length of Adults: 4.3m-4.9m
  • Skin color: Black
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: [ Describe the unique physical traits that define what they are and set them apart from more common species like humans. Be sure to include any differences between male and female, as well variations between differing regional groups if any, and characteristics that denote a matured or aging specimen. ]
  • Races: [ Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races). ]
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
  • Inhuman Durability: The creatures body is encased in an extremely durable hide that is as strong as the toughest beskar, ensuring that they are extremely tough to bring down even with the use of a lightsaber, although enough sustained damage can bring them down.
  • Enhanced Attributes: Every part of these creatures is engineered for killing. Their strength is such that they can easily overpower wookies but they are weaker than the average herglic. Their speed is also unnaturally fast. They can run roughly around sixty miles per hour.
  • Force Hunters: As part of their creation these abominations were rendered entirely immune to the force.
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • Diet: Carnivore
  • Communication: [ How do they communicate? A spoken language (if so, tell us which), through barks and yips, body language, telepathy, etc. ]
  • Technology level: [ Describe their societal technology level if it differs from Galactic Standard. ]
  • Religion/Beliefs: [ If this species has a prominent religion or set of beliefs, describe them here. ]
  • General behavior: [ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]
[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]

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