Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Break of Dawn || CIS Invasion of BOTM held Rhand


Tag: Ruus Kote Ruus Kote , Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
Ket leaned against the Heavy Assault Transport's hull as he cleaned his FL-01 Verpine Shatter Flechette Launcher. It had been a big week for him. He had been promoted to one of the Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade squads as a squad leader in preparation for this assault. He knew how much trust the Colonel must have in him to give him this position. It also showed how much Strill trusted him after the mission to support the Quartermaster's push to regain their farming world. Now all he had to do is get through this mission in peace and get home safe and sound.

Ket heard the comms traffic over the radio saying that one of the CIS transports which held Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner had gotten shot down and it was not far from his squad's current location. In fact, it seemed like their transport was the closest according to his datapad as he looked over a map of all of Strill's forces. Well, it looked like his time to earn the CIS's paycheck early. The former Deathwatch member hit the commlink button on his helmet and reported to the man in command of the Strill's mautly band "Ke'gyce 6, Wisp Squad 88 will take your mission if you need somebody. We are eager to serve and get in the fight, even if it is just picking someone up. Please advise over."

The Mandalorian Merc quickly moved to the cockpit past his colleagues who were candidly chatting or preparing for their own personal battle with whatever rituals they had developed over their years over service, drinking from flasks of Tihaar or praying to the Mandolarian gods to keep them safe over the coming struggle. Ket didn't blame for becoming a little less sober to deal with the horrors they were about to see in this engagement and for some, it would be their last drink. Maybe by getting the straggler the other units would take up more of the punishment and leave his unit the scrapes. As much as glory was fun and all, it is better to be alive celebrating than to die with honor, making others mourn your passing and recount your great deeds for your Clan. Now he just had to get to that stranded Sep and bring him back in one piece.

When he got to the cockpit, he took a minute looking out on the barren wastes of the planet, wondering just how bleak a planet could get before asking the pilot to go to the shot-down bombers location. "It is a simple get in and get out. Hopefully, we won't get a taste of their AA too. Wouldn't want your final trip before retirement to be your last." The 50-year-old pilot that had introduced himself as Archie rolled his eyes at the young gun before smirking. "As you wish Boss, let's get the VIP out of there" The Craft yet turned towards the crash site and blast away at full speed towards the crash site. Hopefully, their VIP would still be there when they arrived. Wouldn't want to make the easy work harder now than they were plowing towards Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner at full speed. It was time to show him that Mandos are made out of hard work, beskar, and dedication to saving one of the most powerful beings in this galaxy as the cry of the transport's engines got closer and closer to the rescue subject's ears.

Location: Aboard the C.N.S. Asajj Ventress
Allies: CIS
Enemies: Maw and slaver scum
Tags: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Kristyl Arenais
Objective: Heading down to the surface
Equipment: Armourweave
Everyone was jumping into the dropships, Dreidi swallowed her fears hard. She was terrified, at the moment she didn't really have anyone to really follow but she was trying to make sure that she wasn't useless or in dire need of help either. Stretching her limbs, she jumped into dropship and looked around, it was mostly just soldiers in armour, they had an aura of experience and somewhat intimidating presence, whether that was due to Dreidi unable to see their faces or if it was because they had been so battle weathered that they knew what they were heading for, she couldn't tell. Moving around them, she sat down and look around the shuttle, her leg started fidgeting, a little but the more Dreidi tried to stop it, the more obvious the fidgeting became until it was too obvious and the soldiers were all looking at her as she tried to pin her leg firmly to the ground. She looked up and tried to give a confident grin and reassure them that she was ready for this. It was clear that no one was taking orders from a 15 year old, especially one with little to no experience so why was she trying to act so brave and confident?

"First time going to war, kid?" One of the soldiers asked.

"Um... Not first. Second. Just been awhile since I have done a lot of training in between." Dreidi said. She had been in another battle before, but there she had just defended herself and followed someone who was leading a charge.

The soldiers all nodded as they looked at each other. "Well, sure you will be fine. That training gotta give you confidence over the last time." It was a clear attempt to calm Dreidi's nerves but she wasn't sure it would help, but rather make her more nervous. Was she so clearly that far out of her depth? Was this even going to work in the way that she wanted?

"Sorry to interrupt Commander, there is a transmission coming through from another dropship!" Pilot called out, the commander who had been talking to Dreidi, told them to patch it through.

"They are loading the elevator with slaves. I repeat, they are loading the elevator with slaves!" It was clear that the Lord Commander was sending a warning about the original plan of assault. Dreidi was trying to figure out if there could be another way to approach things.

The commander on the dropship placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "don't worry, we'll get those people out safe, just might be a little trickier. Sounds like the Lord Commander's dropship crashed but he is fine. Hopefully that is the last surprise for this mission." Dreidi listened and nodded her head.

"Second transmission, might want to hear this one Commander." Pilot called out again.

"This could be command giving us new attack orders, patch through." Commander called out.

As they patched through, Dreidi listened intently, curious to hear what the plan was now. "Got a Knights Obsidian with us, young girl, 13 years old, believe she is part of the Lotus Chapter. Just jumped onto the dropship last minute. Heading to surface with us at..." The commander cut the transmission before the end of message, not seeing the significance before turning around and seeing Dreidi very close and pale as a ghost next to him.

"Where are they going to land?" Dreidi asked in a quiet voice.

"Over in this sector, why?" Pilot asked as they pointed to a dot on their screen.

"I need to be dropped off there, now." Dreidi responded.

"We can't take you there, orders were to go here. If we aren't there then we can't send the soldiers to do their mission."

"Take. Me. To. That. Fething. Dropship!" Dreidi growled, trying to hold back her anger and fear, damnit Kristyl! Why didn't you stay home with Asaraa! Dreidi thought as she stared forward.

Commander looked down at the once nervous, scared Padawan at someone with cold, firm attitude and chuckled, "yeah, seems like you just need some battle experience and you'll soon be a fine leader. What's so important about that last transmission?" The commander asked curious.

"The Knights Obsidian member, that is my niece and she is very far from home and in a whole load of trouble." While Dreidi couldn't punish Kristyl, didn't mean she was going to let her niece off for coming on a mission like this when she was completely unprepared for. While everyone else were still following the plan of attack, Dreidi had a new mission.

Get Kristyl back to Naboo alive, well and in one piece!​


Allies: CIS
Enemy: Maw
Enemy Engagement Status: [ OPEN ]
Nearby Ally Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean / Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan
Location & Intent: Departing the Docking Bay in Jackal Pods (Intent on disabling the Space Elevator from the Port)

If the Exarch noticed how her fellow Confederates peered at the Sith Lord at her side none would ever know. The burnished golden orbs that signaled to the educated what he was, beyond all else, were the very same shade that she adopted when the Force swept through her ice-ridden veins like wildfire. She listened to the command staff, the droids, but paid it little mind unless it had something to do with a situational report. Little else mattered, save, for the match point that lay within the Perann Nebula.

She reached up with her free hand and pushed a shock of silken platinum hair back and over her shoulders. Silvery eyes were steady, unwavering, and if she blinked at all one had the sense that she might have found some sort of meditative repose. It left her with an imperious sense of being there and gone while at the same time managing to control the atmosphere of the bridge with a single sweep of pitiless, glacier orbs. Most people could not maintain her gaze.

The way they surreptitiously evaluated Maliphant?

It was a combination of the current political climate and the very blunt nature of his intended goals. His affiliation to the Sith Eternal was confusing, and for some, too close to the Sith Empire. The Knights Obsidian had not forgiven the acts of a certain Sith Lord during a battle on Taanab. Many could not forget the sight of one of their own, broken, beaten, and tortured on this very ship.

Burned alive.

No. They would never forget.

“I am aware. Yet, I would be remiss not to make it clear.”

They both had their reasons for taking a stance against the Brotherhood of the Maw. Srina had spent much of her formative years with Thyrsian fingers pointing at her—At all Echani—With the claim that they were oppressing their sable-skinned cousins. Her people had been besmirched so much so in the past that when she’d arrived to the Confederacy it had been expected, by some, that she was a slaveholder. An “owner” of “sentient” property.

Nothing could be further from the truth. But, it rarely mattered this far from Eshan.

The fact that slavery was permitted to exist in an enlightened galaxy infuriated her.

The first time, the very first time, she had ever spoken to Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean he had introduced himself as “The Slave” in a business meeting. Though he walked, freely, the damage had been done. Enough so that one of the few promises she’d required of the Banking mogul revolved around his word that he would never let another abuse him in that way again. Never again, would he be a slave. Never again.

The Exarch remained silent while the equally pale man at her side mused about the state of the Alliance and their Jedi Order. She had heard the rumblings, but it was another thing to hear him confirm it aloud. The galaxy, truly, seemed to be in peril. Shaken, unstable. There was no order among the chaos. No lines—Which could not be crossed for the benefit of wealth, power, and influence.

Not anymore.

Srina breathed in sharply when the voice Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan stole her existential thoughts away like a leaf on the wind. If the dropships were ready and the Fortressa had reached the proper distance—It was time. “Four minutes, Lord Mataan. Ensure that at least some of our droid complement includes Magnaguard.”

Intelligence claimed that there were veritable barbarian cannibals patrolling the Port.

They would see.

The Echani could feel the sudden well of darkness swirl into existence. Deadly silent orbs flickered to the staff that Maliphant held, curious, that the conflicting sensations that echoed through the Force. She did not fear what power poured from him. She was smart enough to respect it. But fear it? No. “And here I thought you’d left it at home…”, dulcet tones murmured, lightly, in such a way that it was very possible she might have been teasing him. That gentleness evaporated as she stepped by him with cool confidence and began to head toward the exit.

“Exarch departing—”, one of the officers announced, straightening up, while the eyes of the Fortressa seemed to snap to attention. They weren’t fool enough to stop working, but it was jarring to see their leaders, one after the other, descend into the Madness of Rhand. The Pit was hungry. For the sake of ending the slave trade, for the intent of crippling the Maw, they were feeding their people, their friends, their family—Right to it.

“Be smart, be safe, and listen to the Vicelord in my absence. Keep comms online and encrypted.”

Srina spoke calmly before gesturing for the assembled officers and droids to be at ease. Her external tranquility might not have matched what she truly, however, the serenity she displayed seemed to roll over the room in a cooling wave. If she held no fear? Why should they. “It will be over soon enough.”

One way or the other.

If they were looking for some grandiose speech? That wasn’t her. Not today. There would be no victory in this battle no matter how hard they fought because at the end of the engagement there would always be collateral damage. Supposed “acceptable” losses. It left her conflicted. Torn. As slaves, these people lived. Albeit, to be sentient, while at the same time being nothing at all. A father without authority. A mother without the ability to protect. Slaves own nothing, claim nothing, not even themselves. The hell, the torture they endured, was enough to break anyone thrice over.

It was abominable existence, but for now, they lived.

How long would it be before the Maw began to use their “property” as a shield?

A way to hide behind an innate sense of mercy that the Confederacy was guilty of expressing?


Srina led Maliphant through the ship that she knew like the back of her hand. Four minutes, as promised. They already had their gear. Silver eyes burned into that of the Obsidian Lord and her jaw set tight. The feeling of encroaching death grew stronger with every moment. She knew not of the ritual ( Dakrul Dakrul ) that claimed the lives of so many but it was almost as if the Force was beginning to shriek in the back of her mind. Wail, like a banshee. She could almost understand why.


But it was just outside her reach.

“Let’s go.”

Just leaving the Fortressa in a Drop Pod. Headed toward port.


Tagging: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | OPEN
Caustic smoke streamed from overheated electronics, filling the small cabin of the drop pod as it filled the air with a fog-like haze. Sparks tumbled from the shattered computers, their wiring hanging from the computers, casting shadows like long fingers reaching out through the fog for the hapless occupants of that nightmarish hell.

Lunara didn’t even try to restrain herself, crystal blue eyes rolling as she reached out through the force to smack the Lord Commander around the head.

“You just had to go and jinx it didn’t you?”

A thin covering of frost seemed to touch the woman’s seat, spreading slowly across the walls and the floor surrounding her as the blonde’s cold anger seeped into the force. She knew, that if she took a step back, took a breath that it was like something out of the movies. In the middle of a warzone, with artillery and missiles blocking out the sun, with the vast war machine of two interstellar nations smashing against one another theirs had been the drop pod that was hit, that was plucked out of the sky. The odds were astronomical, yet in a twisted turn of fate that was almost hilarious, they were stranded in the middle of the port far from the support of their colleagues.

Only, she didn’t want to laugh, she wanted to scream. The enemy wasn’t here, they were over there.

Lunara’s boots tapped against the floor, crunching the ice beneath her boots as she crossed to the wolf’s side, staring out at the facility that they had almost lowed through. The Lord Commander’s quick thinking had saved them from being crushed on impact, the force barrier holding up the walls of the drop pod that now creaked ominously as the metal started to settle to fold in on itself with a tortured groan. She could see the workers at the port hurrying, trying to pull their charges along with them, towards the processing facility that was the nexus of the port.

The force around them was filled with the screams of those who had been caught up in the chaotic crash landing that had left a furrow in the ground. Stained with the terror and panic of the organics whose calm existence had been shattered in the mere seconds it took for the drop pod to make its entrance. With the final impressions of those who had been unlucky enough to find themselves in the path of the runaway metal. The assault was only minutes old and the first casualties had started to mount, as always it was those without the ability to defend themselves who suffered.

The reality of the situation, of the cost of their strike, did nothing to improve Lunara’s mood, cold anger wrapping around her like a cocoon as she stepped off the metal into the dirt of the planet, She wanted to reach out, to strangle, to flay the skin from those steeped in the dark who had drawn them here in the first place, who had left a stain on the force that had required them to stop debating and to act.

But they weren’t here.

The Brotherhood were elsewhere, hiding away behind the lines of their troops, or at the forefront of the conflict where the forces of the Confederacy clashed with them.

She wanted to be there, to unleash the anger that had been building in her chest for years at them, to let them shrivel and fall apart under the onslaught of her hatred. Only…that wasn’t going to happen.

A touch on the force left Lunara feeling stained, dirty, the kind of feeling that a hundred showers wouldn’t wash of her as she pressed further, opening herself to the force, casting her senses out around the port. She could feel those slaves, the despair of them, the vague flickers of curiosity of hope as thy glanced at the metal coffin, at the figures standing by it. The faintest light of hope that was all too quickly swallowed up by the despair that seemed to be all they knew.

The woman could feel her anger collide with that feeling of despair and recoil, settling in her stomach like a stone.

No one…this was wrong. No one should feel like this, so lost, so utterly helpless.

It was wrong.

The tight aura of anger that Lunara had wrapped around herself like a cloak seemed to soften, abated for a moment as she took a breath, a soft sight slipping from her lips.

“You always take me to the most interesting places Wolf.”

She might not be able to take her anger out on the leaders of the Maw but…their workers, the men and women responsible for the plight of these slaves were right in front of them now. They’d make a worthy substitute.

The eflin blonde waited till Gerwald had finished issuing commands before taking a step forward towards the elevator.

“Let’s go do some good.”

Post: 2
Objective: Broken Dreams
Location: Port Sorrow, Rhand
Equipment: Orange Lightsaber (Fire) | Blue Lightsaber (ICE) | x8 throwing daggers | Poison Dagger | x6 thermal detonators | x8 Smoke Grenades | Brown MidNight Duster with Hood
Allies: Maestus Maestus | BoTM
Enemies: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue | Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Felix Aquila Felix Aquila
Special Tags: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

Blade looked up at the young man his orange eyes flashed a s a cocky smile crossed his face. “Kid, you are already dead. I don’t even have draw my weapons to make that true.” His voice was gruff and gravelly as he spoke to Felix and then he let out a little chuckle. He slowly stood up from his rock his full six-foot four (1.93m) frame. As he stood his coat slid apart revealing the two sabers on his belt and the bandoleer of throwing dagger across his chest. Blade wasn’t wearing his armor this day he wanted to remain light and nimble on his feet something armor kind hindered to some degree.

He looked slightly down at Felix, he almost felt bad for the kid in that moment but not for anything he might do to the boy but for the fact no matter what he was doomed. Coming to this graveyard of a world, nothing ever left this place the same as it came to it. War was breaking out all around Blade and the young man that stood before. The first lines began assaulting the city and its walls, and Felix’s men began to engage with a small contingent of Maw forces. Yet none of it phased the rebel he had seen war, fought in war, both knew victory and defeat he didn’t even flinch as a mortar flew over his head landed a little distance away.

“The Confederacy came to this world full of arrogance with out even knowing what their enemy was. Like so many outsiders you think the Maw is full of viscous savages.” Blade smirked as he slowly and conscious moved to the side of Felix though not towards him, he didn’t want to enter Felix space and make himself a complete threat yet. “I am the most savage of them all yet one of my grandchildren was a Lord Marshal on your obsidian council.” His tone went from calm to mocking as he looked away from the boy.

He noticed an oddly large man Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Interacting with some men off in the distance which drew his curiosity. He continued to watch as he continued his fairly one-sided conversation thus far with Felix. “So, before this inevitable fight between me and you breaks out. I have one question for you.” Blade pulled a pack of death sticks from one of pockets of his Jacket. With a flick of his wrist a single death stick and match popped up. He placed the death between his lips as he slipped the pack back into his jacket, he flicked the match off the leather igniting it then lighting the death stick between his lips. He took a couple puffs before turning his eyesight from the lumbering giant in the distance and returning his orange eyes gaze back to Felix.

“What does a marauding cult hell bent on snuffing out the galaxy have to lose when they don’t hold life or worlds in any form of regard?”
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Location: Port Sorrow

Engaging: Damsy Callat Damsy Callat

Loadout: Red-bladed lightsaber, Regret, beskar'gam

Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel , Dakrul Dakrul , Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus , Darth Senthral Darth Senthral , Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren ,, Blade Ice Blade Ice , BotM

Enemies: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Rann Thress Rann Thress , Corin Autem Corin Autem , Priesse Verena, Ket Cros Ket Cros , Lunara Azure Lunara Azure , CIS


Blood Eagle

The damned cried out in droves, their final screams echoing across the place of sacrifice. Khamul watched silently as each soul was snuffed out at the hands of Dakrul, never taking his eyes away from the glorious slaughter. Khamul knew not if the Avatars would hear; in truth, he knew not if the Avatars existed at all. Nevertheless, the endless culling of the weak brought joy to him. The cries of those too pathetic to save themselves soothed his ears, helping him to drown out the rage that seemed to ceaselessly flow through him.

He walked toward the holy rite of slaughter, stopping next to Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus and Darth Senthral Darth Senthral , finally breaking his gaze away from the altar of death.

"The light always finds a way to meddle in things of the darkness. It is their way. They seek to preserve the weak, thus keeping the galaxy in a state of numb stasis. They claim it's their duty to maintain life, but it is only hubris. One can not claim to be both savior and servant."

His final words rang true in the deepest parts of him. For many years, Khamul had looked at the state that his fellow Mandalorians had been left in. Their home had been reduced to rubble, and their people scattered to all corners of the galaxy. Their complacency was their own downfall, and Khamul had sought to free them from the trap put forth to them by the unworthy. Until that day, his people would never truly return to greatness.

Khamul looked toward the skies, his mind reaching out through the Force like a thousand black tendrils slinking across the empyrean. He could sense their enemies slowly encroaching, and in great number. Others may have lost hope in the wake of such a force, but not the Maw. Not Khamul. They would do as they always had... fight to the bitter end. Such potential slaughter was the only true way to live. To live for death was the only path to freedom. In the end... all would die; it was only a question of when. Should Khamul fall to the blade of another, it would only mean that he never deserved his place at the head of his people.

But today would not be that day.

He activated the commlink in his helmet, calling the rest of Death's Hand to his side. His fellow Mandalorians began descending from the skies, taking their rightful place next to their leader.

"The Confederacy has made their move. If we can prevent them from interrupting the ritual, then good. If not, it is a small matter. Whatever happens, we kill as many of them as we can. Show these interlopers the price of defying the Maw."

Death's Hand roared into action, taking positions throughout Port Sorrow. Khamul looked back to his fellow Sith as he grabbed his lightsaber from his belt.

"May death smile upon you both today, whether through victory, or failure."

With those words, his jetpack came to life, and he embarked on the never-ending quest for blood and glory.


Location: Deep inside the Gehinnom
Equipment: Staff of Dakrul, Cursed Gen'Dai Flesh Armour, Dread Blade, Conduit shackle receiver
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw
Enemies: Ruus Kote Ruus Kote Ghost "Frankie" Sterling Ghost "Frankie" Sterling Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Ket Cros Ket Cros Kyyrk Kyyrk Khora Khora Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin


In the sparse moments as the crackling plasmas erupted inside the bottom of the lightless pit Dakrul was faced with images of hell. Memories so distant they didn’t feel like his own. Yet he knew. Knew how his kin suffered in purgatory. The mountains of crawling corpses. The endless starvation, the wish to truly, truly die. The persistence of existence.

The incantations sung by the priests above grew louder, the crystalline spear that pierced his abdomen took on a crimson taint, the transfer of energy becoming apparent as Dakrul manifested his will.

The mangled dead to his feet killed by the fall began to rattle, twitch and twist. The dark ominous mist inside the chasm seemed to swallow their shape until a blue pyre erupted. Don't mistake this for light, this was hellfire, the form it took having been forced to ignite in a plane not its own. The humanoid shapes before the zealot were set ablaze and quickly morphed into something inhuman altogether.

Wretched appendages spewed forth, terrifying claws and guzzling fangs, a pungent cobalt liquid gushed onto the ground and wrangling flesh tore itself asunder. Totgeburt.


In the wake of the self-extinguished flames, now laid curled up in itself a Cha'ta'ri. Four of them, raw and naked. Even for a species of space-born cockroaches, the creatures were terribly disfigured, he could tell as his own rotten palm stroked over his sibling's hide. They were unstable. His curse was able to trade flesh for flesh, soul for soul but to indefinitely bind synthetic life he could not. Dakrul was no god.

Forgive Dakrul

A message was passed to the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . It was possible, the ritual had succeeded, the years of research and experimentation paid off. A weapon forged in darkness now ready to deploy.

The presence of the Sith caught the giant's attention, his iron veiled face turned to Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus his ambrosial apprentice Darth Senthral Darth Senthral and the warrior at arms Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze . They had come bearing gifts, more cattle to slaughter. Fuel for the engines of calamity.

He spoke without a tongue, without a mouth directly into their minds. A ghoulish shrieking voice.

“Death to the disbelievers my brothers”

More slaves were lifted into the belly of the holy city, more slaves dragged through the sheer endless maze of corridors, more slaves whipped and shackled turned to living conduits of energy, more slaves to be offered up as tributes to the Avatars. Dakrul could feel their essences, hundreds of broken spirits from across the known galaxy. All beings for themselves with experiences and stories, hopes and dreams, fears and worries.

The parasitic shackles had been feeding into his own basin of power from the moment they were put on their unfortunate wearers, a single weakened thrall was but a drop in a pond, a herd of them was but a summers rain yet Rhand held thousands, enough to turn a wave into a flood.

Slowly at first, with three-fingered talons tightly wrapped around his staff, he lifted his necromantic tool to the heavens. He would finally be reunited with his kin, finally free them from their eternal hunger, a rebirth worthy of the Avatar's gaze. A message to any and all who stood in the way of the Mawites. There was no line they would not cross, no mortal boundary to impede their crusade, no weakness, no hesitance, there was only the abyssal maw of the end and it would swallow them all.



The Gehinnom trembled under the magnitude of Dakruls prayer, as voices from all over the vessels joined his own. With one almighty pull Dakrull the Faceless Hunger snuffed out the energy of near a thousand beings.

A plan, originally set in motion from the premature warnings foretold by the warlocks of the Rhand, a terrible trap for a nation of self-proclaimed savours. If it was the lives of slaves they were willing to wagger the Maw would wagger exactly that. Like the flip of a switch, a massive collection of existences were culled, a ripple in the living force. The malicious cloud of darkness forming at the bottom of the floating palace now an orbital storm of snapping and hissing lighting. It was the epicenter of darkness on a planet known to host nothing but it. The Gehinnom, the holy city of the Maw at the forefront of an intergalactic war.

But the horrors of the zealot's ceremony hadn’t concluded yet, they had barely begun. These enslaved beings would be stripped and entirely processed, their minds broken, their essence drawn, their souls caged and their flesh sacrificed. Nothing had gone to waste, the cycle of renewal honored. Dakrul directed the flow of corruption, like an invisible current he could bear witness to the flowing liquid fire that drowned the entire chamber in sizzling life force. Empowered by this terrible offering he expanded his presence, far beyond what he had ever been capable of. The Master had asked for chaos, and chaos would be sown.

A flash erupted from the depths of the Gehinnom, a thunder strike that crashed into the blood-drenched soil of Port Sorrow. A burst of spontaneous lightning.

“Take form brothers and sister”

For a few moments, it seemed the settlement and its outlying territories was doused in a sapphire sparkle.

The lone remains of a confederate soldier shot and killed by a marauder's blaster previously affected by the cobalt glow ruptured apart in the open street. In his place, an arachnid like insectoid covered in bloated brawn and pale matte chitin birthed itself into existence. Shocked onlookers had only moments to gaze upon it in disbelief before the abominable creature hurled itself towards them. With rows upon rows of razor-sharp fangs, it would rip, gulp and swallow its prey alive. Before emitting a nightmarish shreek.

Hundreds of unstable hungering sprang to live, melded out of the casualties of war, equipment with a ferocity few things could ever match living or dead. These beasts had dwelled within the Nether for up to serval decades, their starvation older than their time in the world of the living. Reborn with the sole purpose to feed upon the enemies of the maw, directed by the terrible guidance of Dakrul.

The Apoclays had kissed the surface of Rhand.
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Elle Mors


Location: Flying a small ship towards Rhand Temple
Equipment: A lightsaber
Allies: CIS | Sylvia Virtos Sylvia Virtos
Enemies: BOTM | Open

She could have stayed out of it and she probably would have, too, if it weren't the Maw they were after. She had been at Csilla, stood on the ground just hours before the planet had been torn apart, stood on the weapon as it flew towards the planet just moments before the collision. Until Csilla there had been a strong belief in her heart that no one was beyond redemption and, while Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had caused her to question that belief, the Maw had obliterated it. It wasn't that she was missing a reason to push herself up against the sort of tyranny that the Brotherhood of the Maw was promoting, and it certainly wasn't because she was afraid; Ellie had nearly avoided any participation against the Maw because she had been dead not too long ago, and despite now being alive and, more or less, well, she had been more than willing to devote her focus for the short term on paying Sylvia Virtos Sylvia Virtos back for a fantastic role-reversal and rescue from the Netherworld.

At least, until she heard they had tried it again.

Not one for fond memories of the period of her life that had nearly set her on a path permanently towards the dark side, Elle still remembered rather well that the Sorcerers of Rhand had been a sore spot for Sith not just in the Empire but through the history of the various incarnations of the order in the last twenty-something years since their first major resurgence. If it wasn't the volatile rejection of ideological differences, it was the leadership of either side being occupied by power hungry egomaniacs unwilling to work together for any length of time longer than the knife they were planning to plunge into each other's backs. She didn't consider either one any more of a risk than the other - any suitably powerful or influential dark sider was as dangerous as any in practice - but she did consider the two groups working together to be especially concerning, especially when the familiar presence of someone she could have sworn she died burying alive lingered close enough for her to feel it.

Not that she couldn't have felt the rot in the force that Carnifex brought with him from lightyears away.

She felt her lips curl into a frown, her eyes darting from the control scheme at her fingertips to the reflection of her girlfriend in the viewport to her right. "Don't worry, we're not going after him." Elle said, though she wasn't too sure if the spacer understood the context behind her reassurance or if she was being as confusing as she felt she normally was when she voiced bits and pieces of what she was thinking without elaborating further. "Just some little stuff, see if we can ruin the big bad brotherhood's day while the Confederacy tries to do.. whatever it is they do." She added with a bit of a forced smile. It, of course, would've been far out of her control if the Sith lord had decided to pursue the two of them anyway - and a titanic inconvenience for the couple - but she wasn't actually all that worried about the prospect of facing off against him for what would be the third time in so many weeks, just the idea of what Sylv would do if such a thing ended up happening.

"Total confession, though - I have no idea what it is we are going to do with any bits of electronic thingies to sabotage their temple or whatever, or where to find any of said thingies. I'll just take care of the whole fighting part and learn as we go for the next time."

Post: 2
Objective: Death March
Location: Port Sorrow, Rhand
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives on person and in backpack | Holopad
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Blade Ice Blade Ice | Maestus Maestus | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis
Enemies: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Zlova Rue Zlova Rue | Jhira Mereel Jhira Mereel | Priesse Verena | Lunara Azure Lunara Azure | Rann Thress Rann Thress | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Felix Aquila Felix Aquila | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Srina Talon Srina Talon | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Prennis Keeoli Prennis Keeoli | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Ruus Kote Ruus Kote | Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Kristyl Arenais | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan | Lirka Ka Lirka Ka | Ket Cros Ket Cros |
Special Tags: Open

Port Sorrow

I quiet fell over the world for just a moment and all that could be heard was the march of slaves and thumping of ones heart to the coming drums of war. These where the moments before all hell broke loose and bombs began to fall. The call for blood had screamed across plains dotted with ruins. This world of Rhand hadn’t been touched by this much conflict in generations, mostly because no one dared to travel this far out into the unknown. Out here where the Dark ruled and slowly consumed all life, there was no darkside, there was no lightside, there was only the Dark and it’s will to snuff out all life.

The first shots were fired, and the silence was torn to shreds fighters screamed through the air raining down at laid out points on the ground. Yet slave footsteps marched on to the elevators and freighters lift into space taken to the great Holy city. A place that once served the most loyal of the avatar’s followers. Now it was prison for thousands no millions whom the Maw forces had captured through out Chiss space and other wayward ventures.

“Do you feel it.” Tegan asked towards one of the Sorcerer’s that stood near her. The Sorcerer just nodded there was a darkness in the air, but it was not the same darkness that cover the Maw. It was much weaker one that the Maw had defeated coming calling trying to reclaim glory that was dead. Empires rise and fall, turn to ash and are carried away by the winds of time forgotten in all but the most ancient of tomes. The dead empires of sith reared their head in service to there new masters of confederation and obsidian. The old dead sith marched along there new found love dressed in regal purple.

The Bone Temple

While they all began their marches and strikes on the city in the wayward west far from the city in valley where the temple of bone sat the confederate force were finding only the emptiness the dark leaves in the husks it devours. They were seeking to plumber the depth of in hopes of finding life there that did not exist. The treasure they thought might be buried there laid deep in the inner sanctum. The temple began to emanated a humm as the undead stirred as it sense the life around the temple. The hordes outside the temple began to lumber towards the living craving for the flesh and warm blood they all possessed. The Humm that rang out called to the living begging them to enter to make there way towards the center.

Port Sorrow

Lirka Ka Lirka Ka began her charge on the coming forces of the Confederacy. Tegan looked back at one the scarred men, men who served the Sorcerror’s of Rhand as protectors and warriors. The diminutive figure motioned for him to come forward, he did so and in his hands was Cycler rifle. Tegan pointed at the charging Lirka, and the Scarred man nodded as he drew up the weapon. He put Lirka in his sights and awaited Tegan’s command.

It was strange Tegan had never been the most loyal to any cause she had given her aid to. Even her sister in the Coven she always had a break away plan, though she never pulled that rip cord despite her many questionable actions. Yet here she was ready to take out someone she questioned their loyalty to the Maw. The Maw had stirred something in Tegan, something she had not felt in a very long time. She had turned her back on the sith and the Krath. Yet the Maw she had to wonder what would cause her to betray them, at the moment they stood for most of things she stood for and that was something she had never really felt.

Yet she didn’t make the call not, yet she just waited her soldier ready to open fire on her command. Instead, she turned to the gather Rhand sorcerers. “We Need to speed up the Process, begin filling the freighters double capacity.” A dozen or so Rhand sorcerers nodded and left to begin issuing the commands to other soldiers loading the slaves. She looked to the other's gathered. "My Web has already been cast it stretchs far and wide. Start raising and calling the Dead." They too nodded and wander a bit away from Tegans position to begin the ritual.
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Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Enemies: Blade Ice Blade Ice / Maestus Maestus

Oooh, Felix was going to have fun with this one. As the Man stood to reveal sabers and a small arsenal of equipment on his person that the Knight Obsidian and Trakata master was going to have a whirlwind of a fun time with, he couldn't help but let out a smirk as he would find his stride come to a halt as the man who seemed to interpose himself between him and his target began to flex in no uncertain terms the futility of their operations here.

"Is that so? Sounds like a neat trick." No tremor or terror filled his body, but neither did a tidal wave of righteous indignation. Felix would simply begin to feel the ever present focus of the world begin to drown out everything other than himself and the man before him. The light-sabers on his person eluded to him being a combatant, one that was worth focusing on and removing from the picture once and for all. To Felix, the mysterious humanoid before him's words began to seem louder, as the colours on his person too began to fall victim of the colour saturation that occurred all around them as the sun seemed to beam down hotter than it was before. The air would begin to seem more humid twisting the images of those in the distance into distinctly wavering blurs.

Felix was drawing upon his power in the force, setting up his area of dominance and concentrating the light of the sun into this area to irradiate it with cleansing light as the preacher continued his diatribe toward his attentive one boy audience. Finishing with a curious question that seemed to have a logical answer.

"Oh, that one's easy. But you seem like a smart guy, and you have so much in common with these savage people! So I'll let you figure that one out for yourself! But I'll give you a hint in that you might want to reflect on that question." Felix would Jeer, nothing but smiles and faux pleasantries, though he always had fun with the pre-combat banter. The more time that flew by the more forces of Felix and his people were able to reach them. It seemed that there was already another group not too far away from them, led by a colossal man... was Kyyrk Kyyrk still following him!? It was hard to tell in the haze.

"Now..." Felix Aquilas' attention drifted back to the death-stick smoking man as he would begin to make his approach at little more than a stride. "I think you're going to move... I'd suggest with all due respect you sit back down, wouldn't want an old man like you to slip a disc." As Felix would make his approach the manual trigger on his light-saber was pulled to allow its blade to be no longer than a foot and a half, barely longer than an average shoto in total, but short for a light-saber. The gleaming basket hilt of the Fencing weapon glimmered like platinum in the magnified light as the radiant golden blade shone like the midday sun.

Felix would make his approach, weapons at the ready, flourishing the weapon to his side as he would make his way towards his potential opponent, hoping that he wouldn't show sign of attack. But should he... should he draw a weapon, make an aggressive action, interpose himself further into Felix's path as he would attempt to move around him the Rylothian male would focus everything he had on that lit death-stick between his lips as the bright cinders would flicker in a wayward breeze. Felix had found his weapon...

The sparks of light would glow white at first, and with little more time than it would take to draw the eye of a normal person the reddened tip of the cigarette would explode into a magnesium flare. Like a stun grenade detonating an inch from the mans' face, burning thermal light attempting to sear his corneas followed by some of the most intense acute pain the mortal body could feel as the nerves in his eyes would likely blacken and die from the over-saturation of natural light should they be directly exposed. And Felix would lunge forward under cover of it all with a lateral attack for the mans' stomach. Even should he close his eyes the lids alone would not be thick enough to protect his delicate lenses entirely, leaving painful sunspots on his vision should it impact all while the blinding flash of light would be warded from Felix's eyes.

Otherwise, he would simply walk past him...



Dimitri Voltura





ALLIES: CIS & Allies
ENGAGING: Halketh Halketh
In Bio.

Dimitri sighed inwardly.

He knew.

He knew what lay ahead. He had known the moment the Force had shifted and the Galaxy had been plunged into war once more - orchestrated by the man he had both battled and saved more than six years ago. He could not help but wonder, however, if all of this could have been prevented if he had not thrown up that barrier that day.

If he had rather forsaken kin once again.

Rising to his feet, he then hailed Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner telepathically before the Lord Commander and his charges departed on the dropships.
"I have a different target - much more crucial if you are to succeed down on the ground. Force be with you, Lord Commander."
Whether Dimitri would succeed in this endeavour was an entirely different matter, however.

His fate strayed on the edge of a knife.

The Obsidian Lord had started to make his way to the hangar when Halketh's voice drifted into his psyche once more.
"I shall dispatch transport to your vessel to retrieve you, pray tell me your defenses will, at the very least accept it under the prospect of parley, no? I would rather not hear of my pilots being scattered amongst the stars."
Parley. That would be an interesting conversation to have with the Captain of the Ventress.
"Very well." he merely stated to Halketh.

Stopping a Lieutenant in the hallway outside the hangar, Dimitri asked to speak with his commanding officer.
"Captain, it's Voltura. There will be an enemy transport coming in to dock under parley. Please allow them. I will handle the rest." he said over the Lieutenant's comms.
The static crackled for a minute. Dimitri could almost hear the Captain making calculations.
"Very well, Lord Voltura. But there will be a battalion of marines in waiting should they try anything. Will they remain?" the Captain asked.
"No. I am to leave with them. It was cleared with the Lord Commander. It is vital to this Operation."
"All right, then, m'lord. I do not like this, however."
"You don't have to like it, Captain. It still remains vital, however. Voltura out." Dimitri handed back the Lieutenant's comm device before continuing onward to await the Mawite transport.


The Battlecruiser was oozing with Dark Power.

It spoke to Dimitri in ways few places ever did. The Dragon was straight out thrashing in its cage now as the Obsidian Lord stepped off the boarding ramp and into the vast and empty hangar bay. It was strange to see that there was no opposition waiting for him. The Vulture took a great risk in allowing such a volatile adversary onto his ship unattended - one so at war with himself.

He was an unstable charge ready to be set off.

And there was no telling which way the Hydra would strike.

The fate of his soul was about to be determined.




Libertas quae sera tamen


Dark Lord of the Sith
Aboard the RCB "PROPHET"
Dimitri Voltura

From beyond the transparisteel, the Dark Lord resided, waiting until the hum of mechanisms against the floor beneath his boots and the groan of the ship's breath spoke to him of The Dragon's arrival. And with the gentle landing of the transport within the hangar, he felt the chaos churning beneath the flesh of the familiar leeching into the very air. It was enough to urge him to rise from the seat and stroll toward the door. Downward he descended, emerging upon the stairs leading down into the hangar directly, and it was these he passed over to step out onto the durasteel platform alone.

Unmasked, unarmored, and unaccompanied, the Dark Lord clasped his hands together before his stomach, dipping his head in greeting as the crew of the transport lowered the deck and scrambled to aid Dimitri's disembarkment. It was the first time the Sith Lord had gazed upon his once adversary in anything but his suit of battle, and the surface was deceptive entirely. It was hard to believe the man had risen to the position he had or earned the title he possessed. The surface was paling olive, rich skin slowly drained of the very warmth blooming in its undertone, accentuated rather pompously by the lavish ivory and golden garments he wore. There were only two small scars upon his blindfolded visage to suggest he had ever seen the heat of battle a day in his life.

He was not strikingly tall, nor was he filled out by musculature earned in hard battle or labor.

Rather, the Dark Lord was deceptively average upon his surface.

Yet this indiscriminate average decried the unnerving strength his Presence possessed and the true grasp he wielded it with. Nearly, it felt as if the energy could burst at the seams with the drop of a hat, though the same hand spoke of the discipline his years of mastery had learned him. Where The Dragon had faced him in his suppressive state before, now, that Darkness bleed from him at its fullest, uttering insidious murmurings about his coattails and choking the courage out of the air surrounding him. But it did not feel untoward or unwelcoming toward the guest, rather its intentions were as enigmatic as the man behind them- left fully to ambiguous interpretation.

Jeweled rings rasped against one another as his scarred, tremoring hands parted a shoulder's width in welcome, and beneath the mustache shaped over his lips, pearled whites flashed in a warm smile. "Welcome to The Prophet," he hummed sincerely, "How delighted I am that you accepted my invitation, and I hope you will enjoy your visit to the fullest." His tone suggested he was greeting a brother or estranged friend far more than a Sith Lord he had dueled with in the past, "It is good to see you again."

Caelitus turned partially, beckoning a hand toward Dimitri, before he wandered back the way he had come, moving with a strange eloquence to his stride that betrayed the fact his heels even touched the floor at all. "My parlor is not far, fortunately, I'm sure you're quite exhausted from your journey here."

Where the interior of many of the Maw ships, in particular, were rather dark and crude, exposing their collective belief in function over form, The Prophet had been fully gutted and renovated; its interior screamed of the Dark Lord's ironic taste, given his nature. The well-polished surfaces gleamed in brilliant white, always trimmed with gold or silver. It was a lavish, heavenly illusion that housed him and a rather disarming one at that.​

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The disembodied astral projection of the proclaimed Sith’ari saturated the air around them in the venomous grip of the Dark Side. It was toxic, a miasma of pain, dread, and anguish that emanated from the phantom, poisoning the ground beneath him with it’s entropic touch. The Lord of the Kainate and the Lord of the Maw stood face to face for the first time since Csilla.

The Dark Lord of the Sith eyed the former Emperor with dark glee, his attention only breaking for but a moment to look upon the Twi’lek at his flank, one who reminded him of his own student Maestus Maestus in her early years of training. His terrible glare met the earth beneath them with a chuckle, the incorporeal cloud of miasma dissipated as his feet touched upon the ground. He breathed in, fingers dangling forth as he stretched out. Reaching out, he experienced through the Force the sensation of being there on the planet’s surface. It was intoxicating.

“Now now Kaine. Do you truly believe that? I find your lack of judgement and.. present company to be most.. distasteful.”

A vile smile crept across his face filled with dark grimace and purpose all the same. “I’m here because of our long honored alliance, my presence is a courtesy.” He took a step forward, beginning a pace around the Sith Lord with a sinister warmth oozing from his demeanor. “You still have purpose, I can’t abide by one such as you being laid low in the coming fire. Your friends are doomed, all will be made clear soon.”

The Dark Lord halted his movements and gestured subtly out into the prairies, “Make no mistake, if I had issue with you it would of been made known during the purge. The same purge you watched transpire before your eyes, you may not claim it.. but you are more like the New Sith than you will ever know.”

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex




"The Confederates are of no consequence," intoned the Dark Lord, "They stumble forward because of the rope tied around their neck, their justice leading them to destruction. It will not pain me to see them laid low." Carnifex watched the Twi'lek depart through the perception of His mind's eye, the omnipresent consciousness which observed everything and everyone that drew near His corporeal being. She would find her way unrestricted, as it appeared that neither Dark Lord made any effort to stymy her rush towards the temple.

He talked as He walked, passing by more and more ruin and rubble as the ominous sepulcher grew nearer and nearer. "I will not tarry for long. I have unfinished business in the cold dark, the lightless catacombs."

What He sought existed not in the temple, but far below it. The current temple that existed on the surface of the planet was only constructed over a thousand years ago, a rather recent structure in comparison to the bygone ruins it was built on top of. Before the Sorcerers of Rhand came into being, there existed three precursors that had once tread upon Rhand's surface. The Knell of Muspilli, the Kanzer Exiles, and the Warriors of Shadow. Together, they merged over thousands of years to become the Sorcerers that were more well-known today.

Their structures had faded away in the tens of thousands of years since the merger, buried beneath the sediment of new growth. In blissful slumber, they had remained undisturbed and unmolested by the chaos of the intervening centuries. It was long since past to unearth what had been buried, and He could sense that the Brotherhood had provided Him all of the tools He needed to do so.

The rotting undead lurched forward towards Him, jaws slackened as viscous ichor oozed out from grotesque wounds. The Dark Lord extended a hand and twisted His palm towards the open sky, a pillar of azure flame leaped up to form a barrier around Him that turned the decrepit flesh into ash on contact. Long had He poured over the ancient manuscripts concerning necromancy and the living dead, and long had He studied how to counteract them.

Perhaps they would learn to leave Him well enough alone, though He did not extend the same protection to the others that converged on the temple.

☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤

S O S ~ PORT SORROW (in Resplendent Dawn escape pod wreckage)
Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren +
open for tags! ~

: || Projectile incoming! || :

Mountbatten overtook the piloting systems and swerved, but it quickly became evident that his directive to protect humanoid life had trumped the one to fly safely. While the lightsaber didn't shatter its way into the corvette's cockpit and it instead nicked a starboard coaxium line, the AI's defensive maneuver sent the Resplendent Dawn careening far to the left.

Jerra leaned over, straining, to reach a lever and throw it. Then squint at a readout across the room. It was informing of that starboard leak. "We're bleeding engine power, MB!" Not to mention overall hull durability; they had lost only about 15%, but the cascade effect was far from over. "Take us down easy!" barked the officer as he undid his seatbelt and struggled to stand.

: || That will be rather relative, sir. || :

"DO IT!" he called, already halfway down the hall to the main hold, stumbling all the way on a heavily-slanted floor.

Outside, Prennis was moving in much the same manner. "What happened?" she asked.

Jerra shook his head as he moved towards his gear: rifle leaned against one of the couches, rucksack sat up on the cushions, helmet nearby. He slung the first two over his shoulder and back respectively and fit the last over his head. "We were given bad coords. Come on. Get to the cargo hold, doc." As he ushered her down the hall, hand on her back to keep her upright as the Dawn shuttered and began to right herself, they met his fireteam members. "Y'all too. Cargo. A minute ago."

They all stumbled into the makeshift recovery ward and made their collective way to the wall seats, falling over each other and themselves whenever the ship again shifted.

: || Brace. || :

Just one man had made it to the assumed safety of a sitting position by the time the ground rose up to meet their vessel. Mountbatten had just barely spared the Dawn a nosedive below the landing zone, but the crash was about as hard as it could have been regardless. The cockpit crumpled on itself as it plowed into the foundation of a neighbouring pad.
Ziare Dyarron, the little shadow-killer
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective: BYOO, try to survive (Maw side)
Location: Gehinnom, High Above Rhand
Equipment: N/A || OPBC-01m
Tag: N/A
[ Cry ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~

I woke up to a bright light shining into my room and the door was just opening. I sat up confused, hearing a crack as the plaster on my hand broke. Oops! I was in a clean room with a noble feature. A familiar person entered the door, Ariana Larec; she was my governess. The only people who treated me kindly were those close to my family or were my family members. She was only now older than when I last saw her. There was a sudden pain in my side, in my ribs as I wanted to get up.

"Careful, Baroness Kala'myr! You were only brought home from the hospital yesterday, after a serious accident. Despite his treatment, not all injuries were healed yet!" she scolded me kindly.

"Accident? I do not remember… you should be dead!" I whispered.

"Oh, dear little Keilara! They said your head was also injured, so you may have strange memories and don’t remember the accident." she came closer and stroked my face, it was a soft, pleasant and warm touch.

She swept my hair out of my face; my hair was blonde and long. I don’t even know when someone last called me by the name I was born. Baroness Keilara Kala'myr, it was a life ago. Some images flashed into my mind, darkness, reddish lights, unknown persons. I was in captivity and tortured. I was an agent. I wanted to be that as a child, but I had to take over family things, as a businesswoman, because my younger brother died. No! I killed him in the uprising when our planet was liberated from Sith rule! My head started to ache, more pictures that he died after his birth, I was the only kid, a favourite I was always taken care of.

What is the truth? I do not know. I did not know!

"What kind of accident?" I asked again.

"You were on a speeder race with your fiancé, Lord Mordaen Moldenson, someone shot your speeder and hit the wall. He… he died, I'm sorry my lady!" she said.

Lord Mordaen Moldenson? But he is… again strong pain cracked in my head.





ALLIES: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Lunara Azure Lunara Azure Ruus Kote Ruus Kote Damsy Callat Damsy Callat CIS

ENEMIES: Anja Doreva Anja Doreva The Mongrel The Mongrel Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze MAW

LOCATION: On Surface of Rhand outside Port Sorrow

The dropship rumbled as it broke through the atmosphere, with explosive AA rounds knocking it back and forth on its descent, with Rann being knocked back and forth along with it. Hewas thankful he was the only Organic on board if only because no one else could see the fear that covered his face as every shot exploded nearby his ship, sending him into a panic. He simultaneously praised and cursed the fact that there were no windows in the drop ship. On the one hand, he wanted to see outside to see what was happening, on the other, he’d never see the shot that got him.

Only a few more seconds. he thought to himself as the overhead light switched to red. He hated dropping in. Not knowing what was happening, whether he was about to be killed or shot down. When suddenly a blast rocked the ship and the overhead light switched to a bright red light that strobed as an alarm blared.

“BRACE FOR IMPACT. BRACE FOR IMPACT.” It repeated as it list to the side ever so slightly.

“No!” Rann yelled as he squeezed the arm strap keeping him upright harder and braced himself. His heartbeat was through the roof and panic filled it as the dropship crashed hard into the surface of Rhand outside Port Sorrow sending him flying inside of the hold of the Dropship, knocking him unconscious for a brief moment as the rest of the CIS assault force dropped in around him either unhampered or brought down as he was.

When he regained consciousness, he rose shakily to his feet and felt a slight rumble as his PDA signaled a message. Groggily, he wondered if the Lord Commander was checking up on him or if there was some news that affected the battle. Instead, he blinked as he saw the message was from his sister, Damsy.

[[ hi. where u at?? ]]

He started to respond, slowly, when another message popped up.

[[ u should totes blow up that building ]]

He frowned. He had blown up his own building back on Rannon to trick the population into thinking he was dead.

No, that wasn’t it. He had blown up the building because he wanted to punish his citizens for daring to rise against him. It was only after it had happened that he sat back and thought. He was better than that. It wasn’t funny, it wasn’t something he wanted to relive, but he didn’t want to forget it. He sent back a message.

[[ look ship. crash. not funny. ]] He hit send and hit ACTIVATE on his PDA, causing the ship to come alive with the whirring and buzzing of activating B-1 battle droids. Meanwhile, Rann summoned his lightsaber into the air with the Force and activated it. The crimson blade sprung to life as he began carving through the metal that held the ship together. Once a square was cut out, Rann summoned the lightsaber back to his hand and called upon the Force to deliver a mighty push, freeing the cutaway metal from the rest of the ship. As it fell away, he stepped to the side with his small contingent of B-1s moving forward, inaccurately firing en masse towards Port Sorrow as he slipped out the side behind them. B-1s had a tendency to draw fire from the adversary owing to the huge target they presented. They didn’t believe in cover, they weren’t programmed to. They were programmed for assault. Continuous assault. And that’s what they did.

“Charge!” one of them cried, holding a severed droid arm as a commander would a sword, raised high above himself pointed towards the enemy.

“Sergeant my arrrrrm!” A lingering b-1 cried as it slowly followed the B-1s.

Rann usually would enjoy the shenanigans, but he had to move. He locked on to Gerwald’s signature that was showing inside Port sorrow itself, not the landing zone they had established.

“Continue the attack, droids. Victory or defeat depends on you.” He told the droids as they advanced, turning and sprinting away from them, advancing towards Port Sorrow with his sabers drawn.

He had slaves to rescue.


Rann's ship is shot down.

He responds to Damsy's message,

He activates his B-1s and sends them towards Port Sorrow as an attempt to divert attention off of him

As he rushes Port Sorrow trying to get inside without too much resistance.

Allies: Srina Talon Srina Talon // Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan
Enemies: TBA

"Its as much a part of me as you are. When it goes, so shall I.", he mused, his steps falling in line with hers as they passed doorway after doorway.

As Srina led Maliphant through the corridors of the Fortressa, he couldn't help but let his minder wander; about the strengths of the ship, its weaknesses - if Jaeger had taken a substantial part in its creation. Their shipyards had been running hot for the last decade - ever constantly pushing out the next and best, but the Fortressa was dated by modern galactic standards. Largely in part because Jaeger had a tendency to set the bar, then break it - again and again.

Still, he could respect any ship of this caliber - regardless of their technological advancement. One couldn't expect every ship to stay cutting edge, as many ships begin to lose their status as premiere even after just a single year in service - depending on who exactly designed them. Sasori and the like was not Maliphant's own standard of excellence, and others like Republic Engineering strayed far too close to the safe and conventional to be considered anything but the tried and true of eras bygone.

Yet this thought passed as they found their way into the dropship, and the business focused acumen of Maliphant's mind wandered more closely to the issue at hand. Not the deals and development of new ships, not the business strategies of the engimatic banking magnate that his alter ego was; but the reality of rabid Sith selling slaves to be indoctrinated and used as front line fodder. Of all this moral obligations, slavery was one of the very few he had to hold himself to under all circumstances - after the abuse he suffered from his first Sith slave master and her unruly friends.

"I assume there is a plan once we're there?"


Location: Small ship, near Rhand Temple
Equipment: Lightsaber, blaster
Allies: CIS, Elle Mors
Enemies: BotM

There had been a time when Sylvia wanted little more than to be on the front lines of war. She had been a deceived and misguided child, knowing the workings of the galaxy only how Sith had taught her. Not a moment was spent questioning the tales of glory and greatness they told for the simple reason that no other perspectives existed. In those days, Sylvia would do everything she could to be the warrior she needed to be able to match her peers, even if deep down she knew it simply was not in her nature.

To this day, not a single battle had been fought by her own choice. For years, the spacer avoided war wherever she could. She was no warrior or soldier, even if her early years had forced her to learn the skills they required. Today, however, she had to try her best to be. Alongside Elle, Sylvia was willingly setting foot in a war zone in direct opposition to one side.

It was in stark contrast to the romanticized image her younger self had of it.

The idea seemed suicidal, someone like her going down into the lion's den, but she would not let her girlfriend go in alone ever again. Bringing her back from the dead should have been impossible, but they were given a second chance regardless. It would not be thrown away. She would stick by Elle's side until the end.

"This place is a karking mess..." she muttered while flying the ship towards a decent enough spot to land. Sylvia had never seen Rhand before now, but she could only imagine that the planet had seen much better days. Even if those days were likely thousands of years ago by now.

"Don't worry, we're not going after him," Elle then said, seemingly out of nowhere.

Though her girlfriend's reassuring words lack context, Sylvia had known the blonde long enough to figure out what she meant whenever she spoke like that. Elle touched on a major point of worry for Sylvia with what she said- Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had done awful things to the both of them. If she never saw his face again, it would have been long overdue.

"I just hope he doesn't go after us," she remarked, a tinge of anxiety coating her words. Still, if another encounter was fated to happen, Sylvia would not run. Carnifex had put her through the worst already. Nothing he could do on a battlefield was going to be worse. The only thing the Dark Lord could do to truly hurt her was rip Elle away from her again, and she hwas the most courageous Jedi the galaxy had ever seen as far as said Jedi's girlfriend was concerned. While Sylvia herself was no warrior, Elle was unafraid to take the fight to the Dark side. The magenta-haired girl could handle the rest.

"That's why you have me, the friendly neighbourhood tech nerd," Sylvia joked in an attempt to put some of her anxieties to rest. "I can try to explain how they work once we're out of here, because I'll actually know myself by then." Despite never having seen the devices in question herself, her talent for mechu deru would allow her to figure it out as they went, likely without too many issues.

"We're going to land now, by the way. And uh, Ellie?" Sylvia looked over her shoulder as the landing sequence began.

"Let's show 'em what we can do together."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Port Sorrow, Rhand
Objective I.: Rescue the slaves
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Corin Autem Corin Autem | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte (planned)
[ Primo Victoria ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Ingrid's figure was not visible, for it was invisible. An assassin armoured person would have been too conspicuous. The soldiers could not see her arrive, she arrived invisibly among them; no sensor, no scanner, but not even the Force could detect her. The woman was the perfect predator, quiet, imperceptible to anyone and everyone, and completely silent. She never understood why everyone wanted her to take soldiers with her or have bodyguards take care of her.

Each of them just slowed and held her back. She did not receive support even if instructed to do so by the late emperor, Tacitus always sent her alone. It was her job, she had been in the field since she was a teenager and worked that way and in this area. Twenty years; Ingrid was the best in the Eternal Empire and was probably in an upscale position at the galaxy level as well. The red-haired woman was sure they weren't sent by the Overlord, i.e. Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal . The Empress’s husband knew his wife and abilities perfectly.

<"You're not coming with me. Unless you have armour with reflec, nightshadow and shadowsilk, not to mention the shadow matrix and the Taozin amulet. Without them, they just hold me back and anyone notices you from miles away. And you can't detect me anyway. So you got a coordinate, they go there and do a distraction, this is the way how you and your men can help me, major."> she said in her usual cold and emotionless voice among the soldiers, then appeared out of nowhere.

She mentally instructed MANIAC to send the coordinates to Corin and to the woman's men, who received it moments later. It was in the middle of a warehouse district, close to where the slaves were based on the data. She nodded to the two corporals.

<"It was a direct command from STRATCOM, isn’t it?"> she asked; After losing Tacitus, they wanted to take constant care of her. She didn't really expect an answer to her question.

She looked at her men, then sighed silently. It will be a long day. Mainly because she didn't want any escort. And her soldiers were not trained to prevent this.

<"I'll be waiting for you at the coordinates in twenty minutes, major!"> she said, then became invisible again and teleported, a few seconds later she was at least a hundred metres away from her men.



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