Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking the chages

" i knowe you are " he siad whit a smile, seeing the info on his visor he directed the soldiers, They moved into a defencif formation around They slaves wel gearboxe removed there colars, They were led bak to the ship behind the rows of soldiers wel They moved up slowly eradicating al slavers on the ship " looks like thad were the last of them" he siad standing over the coreps of the death slaver captain. [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Finding herself listening to where all battles was taken place. It was only after hearing the last of the slavers was gone. Looking at him, as she lend the way back only finding it harder walk, even she had to take a few shoots that didn't want to. It only left her to the fact now her left leg was going numb. Taking a couple more step before falling down. This now the full damage that the bomb that was place, did to her protecting all around her. Knowing that her AKK dog took most of the damage but there was scrape of twisted element from the door. Embed into her upper thigh under her skirt where her AKK armor didn't protect. Looking back the way she came there was a droplet of her blood. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
Shaking her head, she was trying to stay strong, weakness was something that couldn't be had, then one would think she to weak. Before she could even speak feeling someone pulling her up. Now feeling the gush from her inside though before one of the medics came up to her in so doing. Looking at [member="Regor Laxvan"] shaking his head, Sir, Regor its bad. Maya trying to wave her hand she would deal with how not knowing. As he poke on her more finding two broken ribs, and a very brused back, with a whole in her leg with the piece was still in there. Before the medic could stop her, reach down pull it out which cause a rush. I don't think that was good miss.
I beee...ooooOOOOooOO
If it wasn't for who every was holding her she would fell again. Before feeling everything blacking out her body going limp.
Regor supporter her carying her to the infermary speaking to the medics " do wat you have to but heal here" he liad her down on a cot and sat down in a chiar next to her [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Medics went to work on her. First removing her armor piece by piece this seeing all the tattoos keep hidden, not the only thing was scars from other battles. This using a scanner to see just how much damage she took, as they both looked at each other first bring the blood flow to a stop. Gluing the deep whole in her thigh shut. Coming to the next step, as doctor came and put a mask on her to prep her for the tank. Getting the suit to just cover up what need. In she went for a time there she stay until she came to which wouldn't be for a while to help her regain all she lost in blood.

Stepping over to [member="Regor Laxvan"] was the doctor, speaking in low tones, pointing to her tank. Patting his shoulder. There Maya dream what was it about this was that her mother was there in person. Telling her to go seek those that would help her learn the skills she couldn't teach. In that moment her arms started to reach out to nothing. Wanting to speak, but couldn't this went on for hours.
Keeping a vital cheek as doctor came back with two helpers. The tank started to drain. After which time taking her back washing off while she slip in and out from the drugs given to her. Afterwards she taken back to the cot laid covered. Coming to everything out of fouces. "Who, why, where am I... Doing here....
Maya just lay there stiff for a while thinking. Oh, my dog where is Hunter is he okay. Feeling a rush flood from her as she just thought about it. Had he been there the whole time. did we get the slaves away ? [member="Regor Laxvan"]
Trying to once again set up, with help this time. Oh I guess I might have over judge my abilities What was done next was a part of her that was reaching out to touch [member="Regor Laxvan"] lightly on the armor, to send through him a peaceful feeling how much appreciated for what he had done for her.
efor calmed downe a bid feeling relaxed al of a suden fore some reason, he removed his helmet and placed it on a table before looking at her "only a little, you should be kicking around in a few days" regore enjoyed this calmes "stranes I fell more relaxed as I should" [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Regore sat downe next to her, in a chiar "whit a bit of luk you wil be abel to later this day, they say it increases the healing process" [member="Maya Whitelight"]
This bring a big smile to her lips. Liking this idea more then anything, as the medic came in with a tray, it only had lite meal on. Please eat this, see how you do.

Taking a few bites, before trying to open up her purple liquid trying to bring to her lips, recovering feeling it make it to her lips, taking a couple of drinks taking it from her hands. Feeling some of the cold liquids run down the side of her mouth. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regore wiped the spild liquid away, "easy there, there is anof, you do seem a lot stronger nowe than you dit a few hours ago" [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Giving him one of her looks, I"m toughie, what kind I say I bounce back. Chuckling only to cause her to crunch up in pain in her ribs, it was just dull pain. Smoothing her sheet out, to show another kindness of hers. You know you didn't have to stick around. [member="Regor Laxvan"]

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