Soliael stared at Dissero for a minute or two, not sure if he believed the younger man. Eventually however the man who would become a god simply nodded to his uncle, turning around and beginning his walk down the path. He felt small here on Myrkyr. Soliael was not a person that was easily intimidated, the stature of both his Mother and Great Grandmother had seen to that. This planet however was different, he felt squished by the bubbles of no force, and he felt as though he were being watched whenever he did anything.
The Vornskr were dangerous, even to someone like him.
Quickly Soliael began to walk up the path, the worn vines and tree's overlaying it almost completely. He wondered how long it had been since anyone had even walked down this way, how much time had passed since the ancient Sith Lords that were his great grandparents went through this very path. It had to have been hundreds of years.
As he began to walk faster and faster, cutting his way through the overgrown path with a small blade time began to to meld together. Minutes became seconds, seconds became hours, and time itself seemed to disappear. Soliael quickly lost himself in the jungle, his mind wandering as his quest lay out before him.
Without his notice the force began to wrap around him, the Ysalamiri staying clear of him and the Vornskr watching him from the tree's.
His head began to swim as he traced back his ancestor's path, the force binding him and tying him to the walk of his ancestors. Without him even realizing it the thoughts in his mind turned to his grandmother and grandfather and their own journey onto Myrkyr. Their paths began to blend, and it was as if his journey matched their own.
Soliael moved through the forests until the air began to thicken and the jungle began to get more and more damp. The hard ground of the forest turned to muck, and the root's of the tree's began to reveal themselves more and more. The ground began soft and marshy, and tiny plants began to pop up everywhere. The sound of hissing Vornskr could be heard from just behind eyeshot, and Soliael began to frown. He was entering the swamps or Myrkyr now, so dangerous, so very dangerous.
He moved quickly, picking up his pace. As he walked he found himself shedding clothing as the heat god to him, first his robes, then his overcoat, until he walked in simple pants and a tight bodywrap.
As he fully entered the swamps Soliael completely lost himself. He did not follow the path anymore, but instead uses his connection with the force. He could feel where he was going, whether it was the force itself guiding him or some sense of his Great Grandparents he did not know. The Sith simply walked on, following an old and overgrown trail. As the day wore own and turned to dusk the force seemed to pick up around him, it became imbued in Soliaels very bones.
His mind began to fold together, and as he came to a fork something odd occurred to him.
The Sith stood for a long while, watching and staring at the two paths. Both were equally unused, both were overgrown and almost gone, he was at a loss. He let out a whispered sigh, unsure of his next step. Then a voice broke into his mind.
“It's this way.”
Soliael snapped his head towards the source of the voice, and found only an apparition for the briefest second on the left path. By the time he fully turned his head the ghost was gone, yet he had clearly seen it. The Sith frowned, and lightly began to step towards the path. It was the best lead he had.
Cautiously Soliael began to walk down the path, and as the sun slowly set he became increasingly aware of the Vornskr watching him, their faded yellow eyes popping up within the darkness of the tree's. The Sith kept on moving however, not wanting to risk stopping for the night. Every so often as he walked he began to hear voices. Snippets of conversations long past, cutscenes of talks between his grandparents.
After nearly four more hours of walking Soliael suddenly came to a stop. Before him within the darkness he could see two figures clearly standing in place, both of them moving, both of them speaking. Wearily the Sith stepped forward, his eyes focusing on the slimmer of the two forms.
“We should rest. We don't know what we will find.”
“No, lets keep moving. The Vornskr hunt at night.”
Soliael reached the two ghosts just in time to watch them disappear into the nothingness. He shook his head slightly, as if trying to dissipate the strange entities. He turned, as if to keep walking down the path when finally the Vornskr struck. One of the massive canines bounded at Soliael, biting scratching hissing and roaring. It bit and tore at his flesh, clawing into his arms and chest.
He screamed in a rage, drawing on the force in pure and absolute panic. He released a wash force lightning through the creature, not caring about the rebounding sparks singing his won flesh. The Vornskr howled in pain and despair then slumped, falling dead at Soliaels side. The Sith lay on the ground for a few seconds, recovering and relaxing when suddenly a growl piqued through the quiet of the night. Soliael opened his eyes and looked about himself, three more Vornskr encircled him, marking him as their prey. He frowned slightly, and tensed his muscles.
Another one of the canines pounced with open jaw. Soliael grabbed the creatures bottom mouth, grasping and then using a massive amount of force to tear the creatures face in two killing it almost instantly. The second of the creature was on Soliael before the first was dead, slicing its thick claws deep into his back and spilling blood. He let out a yelp of pain as he whirled around and kicked the creature in the face. Then he rushed at it, jumping onto the Vornskr and grappling its throat. He jerked his arm to the side and a loud snap could be heard as the creatures neck broke. Quickly Soliael stood over the third dead Vornskr, blood dripping from his body and his breaths coming out in cold panting.
The final Vornskr stared and growled at Soliael, at then suddenly began to whimper. It ran from him, and the Sith breathed a sigh of relief
Slowly the Sith surveyed the corpses of the beasts, taking them in and then simply nodding to himself. There would be many more. Quickly Soliael moved on from the battleground, walking once again on the path. As he moved he once again heard a voice.
“I don't need protecting.”
If Soliael had to guess, it was His grandmothers voice.
After another three hours of walking Soliael came upon something else. He found a massive pit of what he assumed had once contained a creature. Tired and nearly dead the Sith Looked upon it, his eyes wavering slightly as he surveyed the ground before him. Suddenly another one of the ghostly apparitions appeared. He watched as the ghost fought with some sort of beast, tentacles grasping and lunging about. Soliael covered his eyes slightly as a massive flash of light appeared form the apparition, and in a ghostly whaling voice Soliael heard a howl of death. He blinked a few times, and then another voice broke through the haze.
“There, behind the creature. The tomb.”
Soliael turned his head, and surveyed the pit once more. Sure enough he found the rocky entrance of a man made structure, and slowly with effort he made his way towards its entrance.
The Sith Walked into the tomb, decrepit and nearly torn down as it was. He wandered throughout it for a time, not a sign of life. No Vornskr or other creatures made their home here anymore, no life could be sustained within the darkness. A few times he heard the voices of his grandparents again. He heard the sounds of battle and the flashes of lightsabers. The tomb was large, and he could sense the presence of darkness. The memories of his grandparents guided him however, and before long Soliael found himself within the central chamber.
“So? Now what do I do?” Soliael asked no one in particular as he walked into the center of the room. For a time he simply stood there, unsure of himself. Slowly as he approached the central pedestal however he felt something. The force began to tear at him, eat at him. As if a storm was brewing within the room.
Ghostly apparitions appeared once again, his grandfather and grandmother. The room began to shake with power, a storm raging and at the center of it Immortus. Soliaels eyes opened wide in shock and near horror as he watched the spectral image of the darkside. Power brewed everywhere and an untold strength ravaged through the room. Like a ragdoll Soliael was thrown against the far wall, pinned against the rock as the ghostly scene played itself out. The Sith did nothing but watch as he saw his grandfather pick up the artifact, and the storm come to completion. He saw Cerusia get flung about as he did, and as she slammed against a wall everything suddenly stopped.
The ghosts faded, the storm came to a halt, and Soliael fell back to the floor with a thud.
For a time he simply lay there, on his back. He contemplated what he had seen, thought about his grandparets, the ghosts in his life. For nearly a day Soliael lay still within the tomb.
Three days after having left his Uncle Soliael returned to Merovign. His clothes were ruined, his face was nearly black with grime, and half of the wounds that covered his body were infected. Yet Soliael returned like a warrior from a hunt. He came down the path back to base like a champion returning from a victorious battle. His stride was confident, and he stepped back into the base without any hesitation. A look of stern pride was on his face, and quickly the Sith found his way back to where Merovign had landed the ship.
“Merovign!” Soliael called out, not in anger but simply in search. He wwas ready to leave this world.
TL;DR:Indiana Jones but with Force Ghosts.