Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breakout: Hoth (OPEN)

The alarms where going off, [member="Memorial"] decide to find out what was going on. As he opened the door, she could see troops running around frantically. He made sure the door was locked behind her, she was still going no where. She figured at some point they may try and move her, either away from the combat. Then again the code said they would either execute her, or use her bargaining chip. She decided that to do nothing was a bad idea, as it make the job of freeing her harder or impossible.

To this ended she hid herself in a corner the room out of site, after making her bed to look like someone was in it. She knew the deception would not last long, but it might give a chance to run.

[member="CT-2600"] [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"][member="Darth Veles"][member="Cale Gunderson"][member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Spectre"]
Alarms were going off. Bloody. Karking. Great. Something was going on. Within a moment of the first siren's wail Ven's lightclub was ignited. And once the visitor had left the cell, she quickly took her place in front of the door. No one was getting inside that room without permission from the Gods themselves (or a Protectorate higher-up. Either would do). No one was gonna get out either. There were enough of those weird little lizard things around here to keep any forcies from using their powers. Which gave Ven (being the large, strong nerf herder she is) an advantage. Moving someone her size would be hard. If the Sith wanted to get their Darth, they were gonna have to try really, really hard.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Cale Gunderson"] [member="CT-2600"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Darth Banshee"] [member="Memorial"] [member="Spectre"] [member="Reverance"]
Two red Light Clubs, one attached to belt, other in hand
4 Anti-FU Grenades (
1 OPR-2 Blaster Rifle, Strapped to back (
1 BTI-WB Blaster Pistol, attached to belt, (
4 MK 1 HBD-300 Droids, patrolling prison, (
4 MK 2 HBD-300 Droids, patrolling prison, same link as above

No killing, serious injuries (loss of limb, multiple stabbings, severe burns, temporary blinding, etc) acceptable.

Link to Bio:

Height: 7 feet, 8 inches
Weight: 314 pounds

Choice of Music: N/A ATM

Alignment: Protectorate
"Still in her cell. Got it. I'll make sure things stay that way until orders change, sir. No one's getting to her until I ain't breathing," Ven said, keeping an eye on her surroundings. What was going on? Who exactly was trying to rescue this lass? More importantly... how important was she? Those were the questions the mad merc muttered to herself as she waited. It was quiet.

To quiet.
[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Silara Varis

Location: In orbit on Patrol
Objective: See what’s up.
Fighter class- OS-G2

Hoth was colder than the devil. Silara felt something was off. Being force sensitive had it's merit even if she did not know exactly what she felt, but there were foreign powers here, not to mention a HVT that had stored here by the Protectorate. The initial patrol briefing for this station was simple. Watch the skies for signs of enemy disturbance, intercept any hostile activities.

She'd been stationed here for months now ever since leaving the Republic. The fighters were nice, the pay was good but the hours and the locale left much to be desired.

"Delta wing reporting in."

Silara set the fighter to autopilot and rubbed her gloved hands together speaking tiredly into the headset.

"Go ahead."

"We got a report of some anomalies in orbit, also haven't heard from the prison COMCEN in some time."

This only confirmed her bad feelings.


"We have a report that alarms are going off inside the prison, Fleetcom says to do a flyby, check it out."

Silara grabbed the yoke of the fighter breaking left and setting into her new trajectory.

"Roger that, splitting forces for flyby, Alpha six through twelve, continue patrol, Two through five on me let's go!"

She punched the thrusters and the small wing of fighters burned their way through the snowy skies towards the prison.
Pulling the sword out of the stomach of a scout, The sickening sound of Storm being dislodged from the spine of the lightly armored man. Well, he was armored, just not on the back of the neck where I had stabbed him through. I had jumped up from under the snow berm dressed in all white and grey clothing that was covering my Wyvern gear. Hiding me in the snow. It was from here that I rose from the ground like the undead, only to pierce a blade into the back of the neck of a soldier. My off hand had grabbed him by the sides of his armor on his chest, and spun him around towards his friend who was raising his blaster to me. Both of them fumbled to the ground as I went for the man to my right.

I brought up my off hand, revealing a golden colored gauntlet. A blaster shot smacking into my arm as my sword came in to bite across his chest. The line of red came after with the soldier clutching his chest. Falling to his knees, he tried to speak but could not as his last breaths were wasted in the cold air. Another blaster shot came at me. Smacking into my back. I was so glad that the Glistaweb cloak I wore was blaster resistant. I would have a bruise, but nothing more as I turned around to face him.

Far enough away that a sword would not be effective without another shot going off on me, I pulled out my own pistol. The black tri-barreled gun rather scary as I pulled the trigger to send not just one, but three rounds into the man's face. All with one pull of the trigger. The three cylinders each turned around one another to prep another round for me to use.

Rubbing my blade onto the dead body, I cleaned off the gore from the honed edge, and proceeded to replace it on my back. Raising my left hand, and a sharp whistle, a group of five standard One Sith Troopers rose from the ground in white armor. Shivering off the snow as I walked forward. A hand reached into the gunbelt and produced three rounds that were reloaded into the pistol. Three clicks as I walked on with the crunching of the snow under my black boots. A signal was sent up via encrypted communications link to both [member="Darth Veles"], the Master Assassin, and [member="Reverance"], The Lord of Pain.

"Scouts cleared. Moving on to next section."

The sirens were going off. Alerting me that we had been discovered. And boy were they loud. Perfect for those who used Chaos and the Dark Side. Inspiring fear into the new recruits, and sending a shiver down the spine of those who knew us to be many. Speaking to myself, with no return of a response, I smiled darkly.

"Never frak with the Sith."

[member="Darth Banshee"], [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"], [member="Sarge Potteiger"],
(OOC: All my gear can be seen from the link in my sig, and if I have gone across the line in an form, let me know.)
Cold hands gripped the lacquered wood, dinged and dented, as an idle mind led to idle action. Foot steps shifted soundlessly against metal grates, scuffed but formerly painted a steely blue, with a texture that was as likely to trip as it was to secure. Rubber rubbed against it in a gentle caress, soon becoming old friends in an act of repetitiveness, as hands slipped cartridges into metal barrel. Gold on the end, red towards the other, they climbed in and prepared for departure, delayed voyage would later be released by the pull of a hammer and the strike of it's trigger. It would be colossal for any thing to face, such a small thing delivering such a massive hit. They were twins, nestled together, fated for this excursion as only like minded things could. The mind of the Sith Lord wandered, an old man who was anxious and found comfort in his own form of litany. He eyed the structure of the facility, the force flowed about it like water across glass. Ribbons touched and connected everything, stringing it together like puppets dancing at the will of something greater. Not him, he had long turned the strings around on the master, claiming ownership of his fate and ownership of the fate of those he touched. The force would have no dealings in his business, merely a helpless watcher and sometimes an obedient participant. But these things, this building, these pipes, these wires, these people, they were slaves and puppets to the force. Their hands found only what they were fated to find, the feet upon the path set before them, the destiny never their own. He could give them freedom, Gabriel thought, he could derail their path and give them something to look forward to: the unknown. There was a comfort in that, he nodded as he began to agree with himself, realizing that sooner or later the logic would click. There was a comfort in the idea that each step wasn't placed in a footprint already formed, that the tool you used was formerly fated to collect dust and never be used, and the life you lived would be your own.

Amidst his silent soliloquy, his eye turned towards the destination on the map, the coldness of the cell block and the cinder construction that set it apart. The force wrapped itself around it just as before, like sheets pulled over a bed. Except, it didn't. There was noise, distortion and wrinkles where it should have been flat. Warping and concave stretching where it should have been level and smooth. He wasn't an amateur and this wasn't his first rodeo, he had seen the force manipulated before. It was a small thing amidst such a large area, he thought, just the size to keep the keen from sensing that thing behind the curtain. But in their own attempts to block off the force, they had shown importance where the void existed. Otherwise, what would be the point. | It could be a trap or decoy.|

The electronic band across his forearm buzzed silently, set to quiet, and words pushed across the screen. He turned to read them, words of scouts clearing and moving on to a section from [member="Nickolas Imura"]. The screen lit his face, revealing a smirk in the darkness of the utility area, as he felt the presence of another Sith moving into or towards the complex, a sith unknown to him by the name of [member="Darth Veles"]. He would meet the presence soon enough, he assured himself, as fingers danced across screen to shut off the backlight. Despite having honed in on to what only could be assumed as some sort of field distorting or blocking the connection to the force, he wasn't sure of it's nature. He would wait for the opportune time, he would need to wait for support. One thing, he was sure of however, was that the prison cells and specifically, that location, was where they would need to focus their efforts.

[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] [member="Sarge Potteiger"] [member="Darth Banshee"]
Something was wrong. Others were here. The Sith had come for their own, if he had to guess. It seemed they had no agents who could pull this kind of thing quietly. The alarms had gone off, and although they wanted to learn what the issue was, they weren't stupid. He could see them, standing on their post, high alert. "Karking Force Users" he muttered to himself, barely audible over the winds.

[member="Silara Varis"]'s ships would be here soon enough. He could hear them. He would wait for the Sith inside to either break on the Protectorate Forces, or open up the way to get to her. Those guards would need to go. But the fly-over would be tricky. Depending on the visibility, this could be the end of the mission.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Hoth Plains
[member="Cale Gunderson"]
People thought that the Protectorate weren't that smart. But would a government that wasn't smart put tunnels leading out from the prison to ambush a attacking force? The answer to that question is a no. Noah sighed as he and three platoons, each consisting of three Pyre rifle squads, each soldier was garbed in Sniper/Scout Armor, effectively cloaking themselves from the OS soldiers. Noah chuckled, they thought they were elite just because they had conquered two planets and even then they had the Sith and the Vong backing them, while the Pyre had basically pacified the entirety of the region that currently held. Noah sighed as he switched on his armors thermals and began to survey the suroundings.
"Stay on your toes." Cale ordered, the robed Sith reached for his saber. Thanks to their position now being revealed it was only a matter of time until the Pyre was on top of them, and the blizzard wasn't helping. The boys with him weren't so much elite as experienced, hardened, they didn't boast, they simply followed orders. One of these men was Corporal Thaddeus Lyle, who the writer was going to NPC for a bit out of boredom.

Lyle had been serving since Cardia in this unit, they had become family, and the family could sense an end coming. Something was off and they all knew it, their white armored figures lying in the pristine slow midst the blizzard, Gunderson had tried to get them thermals, but the request had been denied, they wouldn't need them as cover was going to be maintained, then some Sith Lord decided to fly in with a group of twelve and storm a Protectorate stronghold. They were fucked now and were well aware of it.

[member="Noah Corek"]

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