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Unreviewed Breshig War Forge Consolidated Gar'mirshe'ika Maintenance and Repair Memory Module

Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

  • Tools Database: A comprehensive database of tools used in construction, how to make use of them effectively, how to substitute one tool for another when appropriate and the optimal tool for varying scenarios.
  • Materials Database: A comprehensive database of materials, both those commonly used in construction of starships, stations, vehicles, machinery, weapons, tools, other droids and the like and those not. The database also includes information on what materials are useful for salvage for sale or use later.
  • Blueprint Database: A comprehensive database of everything the droid is expected to service, including but not limited to starships, stations, vehicles, machinery, weapons, tools and other droids. New blueprints can be installed by interfacing with the droid.
    • Failsafe: If an attempt is made to access the blueprint database without the appropriate access credentials, the module will automatically delete itself.
  • Heuristic Learning Compatible: The module is designed to work with the Gar'mirshe'ika which is a heuristically learning droid brain, as such the module allows the addition of information to these databases by the droid as it learns from its experiences.
  • Comprehensive: Just about any scenario that a repair or maintenance droid might run into in the course of its duties is covered by the information stored within the databases in this module.
  • Repair and Maintenance: The module is made for one purpose, and one purpose only; repair and maintenance. It contains no information or supplemental program functions that could aid a droid in any other matters.
  • Gar'mirshe'ika Only: The module is designed to work specifically with the Gar'mirshe'ika droid brain. Similar enough droid brains could likely be modified to make use of this module if required, but 'out of the box', 'plug and play' compatibility is impossible.
The repair and maintenance module for the Gar'mirshe'ika was developed specifically for the modernized version of the Vhe'viin and the Gat'gotabor droids. The module was designed to be able to provide the droid with all the information it would require to be able to repair and maintain a wide assortment of constructs, including but not limited to starships, stations, vehicles, machinery, weapons, tools and other droids.
Being designed as a memory module for the Gar'mirshe'ika, the module is fully compatible with the Gar'mirshe'ika's heuristic learning capabilities. The module allows the droid to add additional information to be added to any of its databases as the droid leans from its experiences in the field. This allows the droids to not have to rely on constant updates to remain able to operate any number of various different equipment, vehicles and the like, and also in turn gives Breshig War Forge additional data to improve future software updates to the module.
Though not designed for use with other dorid brains, similar enough droid brains could likely be modified to make use of this module if so desired, however 'out of the box', 'plug and play' compatibility is impossible.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a memory module for the Gar'mirshe'ika droid brain with the supplemental programming a maintenance or repair droid might require.
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
Model: Gar'mirshe'ika Maintenance and Repair Memory Module
Modular: Yes
Material: Duranium frame, Ultrachrome circuitry, wiring and electronics.

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