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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated Getnayark'a-class Guided Air-to-Ground Plasma Missile

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Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

Note, the missile here is colorized for marketing purposes, production missiles are coated in reflec laced fiberplast and hence appear far darker.​
  • Intent: To create brilliant incendiary plasma missile with an additional warhead for dealing with medium armor/fortifications.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Primary Source: SK-44 Plasma Missile.
  • Classification: Brilliant Missile.
  • Size: Large.
  • Weight: Very Heavy.
  • Explosive Type:
    • Getnayark'a: Detonite triggered incendiary plasma charge.
    • Getnayark'a-YK: High-yield Baradium Charge w/ Detonite triggered incendiary plasma charge.
  • Delivery Method: Self-Propelled.
  • Effective Range: Battlefield.
  • Area Of Effect: Large.
  • Damage Output: High.
  • Targeting Mode(s):
    • Air-to-ground: Air-to-ground targeting mode covers engaging of targets on the ground by airborne launch platforms.
  • Guidance Mode(s):
    • Active Homing:
      • Pre-launch: The missile downloads sensor data, targeting and tracking information of the target as well as the IFF codes of all friendly assets in the area from the launch platform before launching.
      • Launch: The missile acquires a sensor lock on target and begins accelerating toward the target.
      • Midcourse: Using active sensor and scanner data from its own sensors, the missile determines whether to pursue the target and detonate on impact or in proximity of the target or to attempt to intercept the target's path of motion. At this stage, the missile can switch to Home on Jam mode if the amount of interference is too high such that it loses its original target. If there is no interference yet the missile has lost track of its target, the missile will revert to Inertial Guidance. The presence of hostile point-defense is also checked for, determining what if any terminal phase maneuvering the missile carries out.
      • Terminal: The missile expends the remainder of its fuel in a sustained high energy acceleration toward the target, detonating either on impact or in proximity depending on what approach and if any terminal maneuvering was selected by the missile during the midcourse phase.
    • Control Guidance:
      • Pre-launch: The missile downloads sensor data, targeting and tracking information of the target as well as the IFF codes of all friendly assets in the area from the launch platform before launching.
      • Midcourse: The missile receives updated targeting and tracking information from the launching platform via an encrypted frequency hopping comm link. The missile determines whether to pursue the target and detonate on impact or in proximity of the target or to attempt to intercept the target's path of motion. Detonation mode and exact flight path can still be programmed by the launching platform, however. The presence of hostile point-defense is also checked for by the missile's sensors, determining what if any terminal phase maneuvering the missile carries out, though the launch platform can change this at any point during the midcourse phase. If at any point in the midcourse phase the missile loses communications with the launch platform, it reverts to home on jam guidance
      • Terminal: The missile expends the remainder of its fuel in a sustained high energy acceleration toward the target, detonating either on impact or in proximity depending on what approach and if any terminal maneuvering was selected during the midcourse phase.
    • Home on Jam:
      • Midcourse: If the missile switches to home on jam targeting during the midcourse phase, it will identify the strongest source of electronic interference that does not bare a friendly IFF signature and lock onto it.
    • Waypoint:
      • Pre-launch: The missile downloads the waypoints, detonation location and mode as well as a sensor map of the area of the flight path charted out by the set of waypoints.
      • Midcourse: The missile follows the waypoints using its own sensors to path find.
      • Terminal: On reaching the final waypoint the missile expends the remainder of its fuel in a sustained high energy acceleration toward the detonation location, detonating on impact, in proximity or in the air depending on what detonation mode was set by the launch platform.
      • Waypoint Search and Destroy: Functions precisely the same as the waypoint mode with the exception that once it has reached the final waypoint the missile attempts to locate a hostile target. Following acquisition of said target, the missile will enter the terminal phase
    • Inertial Guidance: Utilizing a laser gyroscope system to calculate distance travelled, the missile checks it against the previously computed distance to target and then initiates detonation (based on what detonation mode was selected at launch) once the missile has reached that distance.
    • Salvo Mode: When fired in Active Homing or Waypoint mode or if the missile switches to home on jam and salvo mode is enabled, a 'predesignated' missile will network with the other missiles launched to share data for a better sensor picture and will additionally assess the targets in the area and assign targeting including of subcomponents such as individual batteries or exposed communications equipment on capital ships and stations. Alternatively, this missile can relay this information back to the launch platform if in range, and can receive targeting priority from it.
  • Launch Mode(s):
    • Standard Launch: If not loaded into a mass-driver missile launcher, the missile can still be launched normally.
      • Hot: The container's gasses are vented and the missile's engines are activated straight away following the pre-launch sequence.
      • Cold: The missile is cold launched from it's container out of the tube using gas expansion before the missile's engines are activated.
    • Magnetically Accelerated Launch:
      • Hot: The missile is magnetically accelerated out of the launch tube and then immediately activates its engines.
      • Cold: The missile relies on initial launch velocity from the magnetic launch system to close the distance during the launch and mid course phase before activating its engines on full burn in the terminal phase.
  • Detonation Mode(s):
    • Airburst (standard model only): The missile detonates above the target for a more even effect on target whilst also being theoretically less impeded by obstacles.
    • Proximity (standard model only): The missile detonates while the target is in the missile's blast radius.
    • Impact: The missile detonates on impact.
  • Sensor, Scanner and Tracking Suite: The Getnayark'a creates a composite sensor picture by cross checking data from all of its sensors when in guidance modes where it actively uses the to acquire/track targets.
  • Propulsion and Maneuvering:
  • Security:
    • Tamper Detection: Any attempt to reprogram the missile including through the use of Mechu Deru and similar abilities will result in the missile either triggering a micro-ion charge to fry its own circuits.
  • Defenses:
  • Communications Suite:
  • Jammer/Countermeasure Resistant: The missile uses a composite sensor picture generated by cross checking data from its array of advanced sensors, scanners and tracking systems. This, combined with the countermeasures compensation computer drastically reduces the missiles vulnerability to jammers and countermeasures.
  • Missile Deactivation Transmitter Immune: Once armed and active, there is no way to shut off the missile. Missile deactivation transmitters therefore cannot shut off the missile once it has been launched.
  • Home on Jam: While certainly highly resistant to jamming, these missiles certainly are not immune to jamming. They possess a home on jam function that locks onto the strongest source of electronic interference that does not bare a friendly IFF signature.
  • Low Profile: With a reflec laced fiberplast exterior, etheric rudders and an IR suppressed thrust trace dampened vectral-equipped ion-atmospheric hybrid drive burning TibannaX, the missile has a very low sensor signature, especially when performing a magnetically accelerated cold launch.
  • Excellent Sensors, Scanners and Tracking: The missile possesses a wide variety of sensors, scanners and tracking systems, giving it a fantastic ability to detect and track targets.
  • Modular Warhead: The missile can be fitted with a standard incendiary plasma charge or a bunker busting charge with a primary shaped high-yield baradium charge and a secondary incendiary plasma charge. This operation is simple enough to be carried out by hangar deck crews or by sufficiently equipped personnel at more makeshift locations.
  • Resilient: The missile's frame allows it to weather light point-defense fire and direct-attack countermeasures.
  • Fast and Nimble: Designed to engage ground targets, the Getnayark'a is easily able to keep up with combat speeders and even speeder bikes.
  • Not Stealth: Though possessing an extraordinarily small sensor profile for something of its size, the missile is in fact entirely detectable by particularly advanced military grade sensor suites, especially those that cross check data from different sensor and scanner systems such as the missile's own.
  • Size Limitations: The missile's size and weight limit how many can be carried, especially by smaller launch platforms such as air speeders and starfighters.
  • Big Target: While difficult to detect and target, the Getnayark'a is a large missile making it that much easier to neutralize with AoE weapons such as flak batteries.
  • Home on Jam: While the missiles home on jam capability does give it the capability to not be rendered useless by such systems, it can cause the missile to potentially lose track of its original target, such as in the case that the source of that jamming stems from another target entirely.
  • Volatile (Baradium Warhead): If it takes enough damage to sympathetically detonate the warhead inside the launch tube the missile is likely not only detonate spectacularly, but likely set off other ordnance as well.
  • Sensor Range (Control Guidance mode): The missile's range is very much affected by the range and resolution of the sensor suite of the launch platform.
  • Heavy Armor (standard variant): The Getnayark'a isn't effective against heavy armor, given that the incendiary plasma lacks the ability to melt through the vehicle. Any vehicles with sufficient temperature control systems or droid crews are usually not affected directly by the weapon. Though there are psychological factors to consider with organic crews.
  • Reactive Armor (Getnayark'a-YK): Reactive armor has the potential to detonate the primary baradium charge, negating the missile's armor-penetrating effect, resulting in the same lack of effectiveness against heavily armored vehicles and structures as the base model.
"I love the smell of incendiary plasma in the morning."
- Unidentified Strill Securities soldier.
Breshig War Forge Consolidated's lethal incendiary plasma missile got an update like the rest of the company's missile arsenal. The missile is still very much intended for use against large groups of infantry and light vehicles, however, the updated design brings a new warhead with an armor-penetrating baradium primary charge to break holes in armor or fortifications to create an egress for the incendiary plasma from the secondary incendiary plasma charge. The Mando'a designation for this new warhead is the Yam'sol'ika Kyr'am which roughly translates to anti-bunker in basic.
The sensor, scanner and tracking suite of the missile has been dramatically updated to be in line with the new missile framework. These updates include a number of advanced systems including but not limited to a gravity wave anomaly tracker, silhouette signature tracker and a countermeasures compensation computer. The missile's frame is made from Duranium and features reinforced Duraplast reinforcements and a combat de-ionizer, making it notably resistant for a missile to incoming damage from point-defense weapons and direct-attack countermeasures.
The new framework included an updated hull and engines as well. The entire frame is covered in reflec laced fiberplast. This combined with the missile's TibannaX burning IR suppressed thrust trace dampened vectral equipped ion-atmospheric hybrid drive and etheric rudders gives the missile a very small sensor signature. Though possessing an extraordinarily small sensor profile for something of its size, the missile is in fact entirely detectable by particularly advanced military grade sensor suites, especially those that cross check data from different sensor and scanner systems such as the missile's own.
This stealthy powerplant gives the missile the speed and maneuverability to effectively engage even small sub-capital vessels such as gunships, freighters and transports. Though indeed a very fast and nimble missile for its size, the Tra'kal lacks the speed and maneuverability to effectively keep up with starfighter and airspeed sized targets with even slightly above average maneuverability and speed. That said, it is still entirely possible to catch a formation of aforementioned craft in the missile's blast radius.
Though more expensive than the original version, the updated Getnayark'a is considerably more capable than its predecessor and is considered by Strill Securities pilots to be a welcome and worthwhile upgrade from the original.
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Factory Judge
Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol

Since you are specifically using reinforced Duraplast, and I know that to be resistant to EMP based weaponry, you will either have to mention that ability as a strength, or have it as your standard durabplast with no ability to resist EMP weaponry.

Also, I recommend adding one more weakness to the list of what you have.
Submission Name: Juryam-class Brilliant Seismic Missile
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Update to new standard. Change Image.

Submission Name: Getna-class Anti-Armor Brilliant Missile
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Update to new standard. Change image.

Submission Name: Getnayark'a-class Guided Air-to-Ground Plasma Missile
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Update to new standard. Change image.
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