Shuklaar Kyrdol
CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated
- Image(s)
(Extreme-range variant)(Long-range variant)(Medium-range variant)(Short-range variant)
- Image Source: Here.
- Manufacturer: Breshig War Forge Consolidated.
- Affiliation: Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities.
- Material: Molecularly bonded Duranium frame, Molecularly bonded Duranium-reinforced Duraplast composite plating, Condensed-matter composite reinforcements, Agrinium lining, Thermal gel lining, blast-tinted Glasteel, non-reflective paints, Anti-corr coating, Combat de-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.
- Data-sharing:
- Feed Sharing: The composite fused sensor feed can be shared either via battlenet or local area network. When synced to a HUD it can be viewed as either a replacement of the user's view, or as a size configurable picture-in-picture view. Still images and video of scope feed can be stored or shared as well.
- Targeting: Targeting data can be synced with armor targeting systems to allow the optic system to be used as an external targeting aid either as a redundant backup or an addon to existing systems.
- Fire-support: Targeting, positional and other relevant data can be passed on for the purposes of calling artillery or close air support strikes and the like can be shared to any compatible system.
- Two-way Link: The system links with HUD systems to highlight friendly (targets with a friendly IFF), neutral and hostile (targets with a hostile IFF) contacts with a colored outline for better battlefield awareness. The system defaults are yellow outlines for neutral contacts, green outlines for friendly contacts and red for hostile contacts.
- Fold-down Advanced Rangefinder with HUD projected size and position configurable picture-in-picture feed.
- Wide-angle Electro Photo Receptor with Electrobinocular (variable magnification dependent on model form factor) functions: The Electro Photo Receptors used here have been modified with a number of additional sensor, scanner and imaging systems listed below. They are all built with the same magnification level as the listed Electrobinocular zoom. The view displayed is a composite image created from all the connected systems parsed and processed by advanced data processing algorithms and a secondary advanced Droid Brain with Gabonna memory crystal.
- Variable Magnification:
- 1-4x Short Range
- 1-12x Medium Range
- 1-100x Long Range
- 1-250x Extreme Range
- Image stabilization for all magnification levels.
- Automatic Anti-Flash functions.
- Feed Recording: The composite sensor feed can be recorded to data cards or other storage mediums connected either wired or wirelessly.
- Infrared Motion Sensor with supplemental Motion Sensors and Heat Detector
- Light Amplification functions.
- Ultrasonic Imaging System: A number of ultrasonic beam emitters are used to create a composite sonic image which allows the user to see through most kinds of cover and concealment.
- Wallscope
- Built-in Targeting and Tracking Computer: The system's built-in targeting computer performs the functions of targeting visors, adjusting for range, target and user elevation and speed, projectile drop, atmospherics and the like.
- Lifeform Detection (Cannot Bypass Stealth Systems):
- Variable Magnification:
- Composite View: The HUD feed is made up of a composite sensor and scanner feed. This gives the advantage of allowing the system to detect something that one sensor or scanner may not have picked up on its own. This also allows accurate tracking, target identification and for clear vision through thick cloud cover, storms and heavy rain, fog, as well as other conditions that might otherwise impair targeting, tracking and vision to a severe degree.
- Laser Lens Cleaner: A series of laser emitters along the outside edge of the lens automatically activate to remove any obstructions but can also be manually activated by the user.
- Security:
- Socketguard
- Echo Pulse
- Pyrowall
- Holotrace with Connection Trace functionality
- Power:
- Backup Rylith Power Cell (provides approximately 1 month of use on a full charge)
- Composite View: The 'view' in the main HUD is a composite view of all the various integrated systems built into the optic. This enables the user to see a more 'complete' view of the battlefield without having to switch between the input from various scanners, optics and visors. Though it is possible to switch off any of the integrated systems for whatever reason.
- Comprehensive Sensor and Combined Optic Suite: The suite of sensors, optics allow the user to see through most kinds of cover and concealment, provides targeting information and adjusts for light level and various other visual impairments.
- See-through: The scope's integrated wall-scope allows the user to see through even mirrored magnetic shields and walls, allowing them to take advantage of weapon systems capable of penetrating heavy cover.
- EMP/Ion: Should the system actually sustain EMP/Ion damage that bypasses it's defenses, then it can cause all manner of havoc, such as sensor damage, forced reboots and even total system failure.
- Skill: No amount of technology will make up for a lack of skill. The Kyrayc Sur'haai can make a good marksman great, but it can't make a poor marksman good.
"Three behind the barricade."
"Poor shabuire, don't they know they can't hide?"
-Two Strill Securities Shocktrooper Scouts about to deal with an insurgent ambush.
With advances in the company's optic production process, Breshig War Forge decided to update their already state of the art 'Kyrayc Sur'haai' optic. Like it's predecessor, the 'Kyrayc Sur'haai-M' has four variants, each with different variable zoom settings from 1-4, 1-12, 1-100 and 1-250. All the various magnification levels have image stabilization. Like's predecessor, the optic features a number of features to allow the user to operate the weapon in all manner of lighting and atmospheric conditions and engage targets behind hard and soft cover as well as concealment.
Like the previous version, the optic has the ability to sync with a HUD system, displaying as either a replacement of the user's view, or as a size configurable picture-in-picture view. Still images and video of scope feed can be stored or shared as well. Targeting data can also be synced with armor targeting systems to allow the optic system to be used as an external targeting aid either as a redundant backup or an addon to existing systems.
Unfortunately, this blessing of a variety of sensors and electronic optics also meant that should the system actually sustain EMP/Ion damage that bypasses it's defenses, then it can cause all manner of havoc, such as sensor damage, forced reboots and even total system failure. Additionally, no amount of technology will make up for a lack of skill. The Kyrayc Sur'haai can make a good marksman great, but it can't make a poor marksman good.
Out Of Character Info
To create an updated version of the 'Kyrayc Sur'haai' Optics System for use and sale by Breshig War Forge consolidated and use by Strill Securities.
Canon Link:
Primary Source(s):
Technical Information
Breshig War Forge Consolidated and Strill Securities
'Kyrayc Sur'haai-M' Optics System
Molecularly bonded Duranium frame, Molecularly bonded Duranium-reinforced Duraplast composite plating, Condensed-matter composite reinforcements, Agrinium lining, Thermal gel lining, blast-tinted Glasteel, non-reflective paints, Anti-corr coating, Combat de-ionizer and Ultrachrome wiring, circuitry and electronics.