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Approved Tech Breshig War Forge Consolidated RP-01/01S 'Sur'ulur' Recon Probe

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Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


  • Intent: To create a decoy probe for use by Breshig War Forge Consolidated, Strill Securities and select others.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Primary Source: N/A.
  • Self-destruct: The probes can be set to self-destruct, which when done in close proximity to enemy craft is capable of causing significant damage to starfighter sized targets.
  • Hyperspace Phasing (RP-01S model): The RP-01S variant can be set to drop out of hyperspace for twenty seconds to take a snapshot every hour on the hour. This time period is configurable down to a minute, though that can only be kept up for a short period of time due to risk of overheating the hyperdrive.
  • Low-observability (RP-01 model): The RP-01 is small and coated in reflec, which when combined with it's electronic countermeasure suite, makes for a very hard to detect platform.
  • Small, Stealthy (RP-01S model): The RP-01's size, combined with its reflec model and it's powerful stealth suite make it extremely difficult to detect.
  • EWAR: The Electronic Countermeasure suite allows the probe to act as a mobile electronic warfare platform.
  • Secure, Jam Resistant Comms: The probe's comms suite allows for a secure, jam resistant connection to it at almost all times. This also allows it to be remote operated virtually without any interruptions or disruptions.
  • Stealth Detection (RP-01S model): The RP-01S features several stealth detecting sensor systems, allowing it to potentially locate stealth craft.
  • Powerful Sensor Suite: Both the RP-01 and RP-01S model have powerful sensor suites, enabling them to gather high resolution, high detail
  • Not Stealth (RP-01 model): Low-observability is not true stealth, at closer ranges and with powerful, military-grade sensors the RP-01 model Sur'ulur probe will be located rather easily.
  • The Force (RP-01 model): The RP-01 model is completely unprotected against the force unlike the RP-01S model.
  • (Almost) Defenceless: Aside from the Spy Ray, the Sur'ulur is entirely unarmed. The Spy Ray isn't intended to be used as a weapon, and the probe furthermore lacks the targeting system to be able to effectively use the makeshift weapon effectively, rendering it essentially defenceless in a fight.
  • EMP/Ion: EMP and Ion weapons, provided they can cause enough damage to bypass the probe's defenses, are likely to cause irreparable damage.
  • Remote Control: Remote controlling the droid is a dangerous proposition. Communications signals could be detected and eventually triangulated, giving the probe's position away.
  • Slicers: The comms traffic between probe and the craft that launched it is a perfect in for slicers provided that they're able to intercept the communications and decrypt the packets.
The Sur'ulur is an extremely advanced low-observability, reusable reconnaissance probe developed by Breshig War Forge Consolidated. The Sur'ulur's purpose is to allow starship commanders to perform reconnaissance on targets without risking more valuable assets on the task. It was on Strill Securities' request, however, that the company developed the RP-01S variant of the Sur'ulur to aid in the task of hunting stealth craft, or performing reconnaissance deep behind hostile lines where the enemy had powerful, stealth detecting sensors of their own. Both probes are far from economically priced, however, the company argues that a skilled pilot is far more of a loss than an expensive probe.
The Sur'ulur is based on the same chassis as the Jahaatir. The chassis' small size and reflec coating allows the probe to go unnoticed except at closer ranges and where notably powerful sensor suites are concerned. The RP-01 model takes this a step further, featuring the company's stealth ablative coating and stealth suite in addition. This is augmented by that particular model's ability to be set to drop out of hyperspace for twenty seconds to take a snapshot every hour on the hour. This time period is configurable down to a minute, though that can only be kept up for a short period of time due to risk of overheating the hyperdrive.
Even with it's sturdy frame, however, the Sur'ulur is still a probe droid and as such any EMP/Ion damage that manages to get through the defenses is likely to cause irreparable damage. Like the Jahaatir, the Sur'ulur is entirely unarmed, save for its Spy Ray. The Spy Ray isn't intended to be used as a weapon however, and the probe furthermore lacks the targeting system to be able to effectively use the makeshift weapon effectively, rendering it essentially defenceless in a fight.
The Sur'ulur shares the same powerful, frequency hopping, auto-negotiating communications suite as the Jahaatir, and retains that model's remote control capabilities. This allows it to be remote operated virtually without any interruptions or disruptions. However, remote controlling the droid is a dangerous proposition. Communications signals could be detected and eventually triangulated, giving the probe's position away. Additionally, comms traffic between probe and the craft that launched it is a perfect in for slicers provided that they're able to intercept the communications and decrypt the packets. The probe however, does feature an emergency self-destruct charge to prevent it from falling into enemy hands, potentially alleviating the above issue.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol

As usual a very cool submission! However, the reflec is perfect stealth technology, it means this is a restricted material. If you want to use it to the minor-scale droids too, please indicate in the weaknesses this is imperfect technology in the submission.

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated
MANIAC MANIAC Just double checked with the boss on reflec, it's not considered perfect on Chaos, since it doesn't hide gravity signatures, heat signatures, drive signatures to name a few. That said, I have actually mentioned that it is imperfect in the weaknesses.
Not Stealth (RP-01 model): Low-observability is not true stealth, at closer ranges and with powerful, military-grade sensors the RP-01 model Sur'ulur probe will be located rather easily.
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